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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#pragma once
#include "private/qfontengine_p.h"
#include "core/click_handler.h"
#include "ui/text/text_entity.h"
2017-08-31 16:28:58 +00:00
#include "base/flags.h"
static const QChar TextCommand(0x0010);
enum TextCommands {
TextCommandBold = 0x01,
TextCommandNoBold = 0x02,
TextCommandItalic = 0x03,
TextCommandNoItalic = 0x04,
TextCommandUnderline = 0x05,
TextCommandNoUnderline = 0x06,
2016-03-04 22:04:15 +00:00
TextCommandSemibold = 0x07,
TextCommandNoSemibold = 0x08,
TextCommandLinkIndex = 0x09, // 0 - NoLink
TextCommandLinkText = 0x0A,
TextCommandSkipBlock = 0x0D,
TextCommandLangTag = 0x20,
struct TextParseOptions {
int32 flags;
int32 maxw;
int32 maxh;
Qt::LayoutDirection dir;
extern const TextParseOptions _defaultOptions, _textPlainOptions;
enum class TextSelectType {
Letters = 0x01,
Words = 0x02,
Paragraphs = 0x03,
struct TextSelection {
constexpr TextSelection() : from(0), to(0) {
constexpr TextSelection(uint16 from, uint16 to) : from(from), to(to) {
constexpr bool empty() const {
return from == to;
uint16 from;
uint16 to;
inline bool operator==(TextSelection a, TextSelection b) {
return a.from == b.from && ==;
inline bool operator!=(TextSelection a, TextSelection b) {
return !(a == b);
static constexpr TextSelection AllTextSelection = { 0, 0xFFFF };
typedef QPair<QString, QString> TextCustomTag; // open str and close str
typedef QMap<QChar, TextCustomTag> TextCustomTagsMap;
class ITextBlock;
class Text {
Text(int32 minResizeWidth = QFIXED_MAX);
Text(const style::TextStyle &st, const QString &text, const TextParseOptions &options = _defaultOptions, int32 minResizeWidth = QFIXED_MAX, bool richText = false);
2015-04-04 20:01:34 +00:00
Text(const Text &other);
Text(Text &&other);
Text &operator=(const Text &other);
Text &operator=(Text &&other);
int countWidth(int width) const;
int countHeight(int width) const;
void countLineWidths(int width, QVector<int> *lineWidths) const;
void setText(const style::TextStyle &st, const QString &text, const TextParseOptions &options = _defaultOptions);
void setRichText(const style::TextStyle &st, const QString &text, TextParseOptions options = _defaultOptions, const TextCustomTagsMap &custom = TextCustomTagsMap());
void setMarkedText(const style::TextStyle &st, const TextWithEntities &textWithEntities, const TextParseOptions &options = _defaultOptions);
void setLink(uint16 lnkIndex, const ClickHandlerPtr &lnk);
bool hasLinks() const;
bool hasSkipBlock() const;
bool updateSkipBlock(int width, int height);
bool removeSkipBlock();
int32 maxWidth() const {
2014-06-14 19:32:11 +00:00
return _maxWidth.ceil().toInt();
int32 minHeight() const {
return _minHeight;
void draw(Painter &p, int32 left, int32 top, int32 width, style::align align = style::al_left, int32 yFrom = 0, int32 yTo = -1, TextSelection selection = { 0, 0 }, bool fullWidthSelection = true) const;
void drawElided(Painter &p, int32 left, int32 top, int32 width, int32 lines = 1, style::align align = style::al_left, int32 yFrom = 0, int32 yTo = -1, int32 removeFromEnd = 0, bool breakEverywhere = false, TextSelection selection = { 0, 0 }) const;
void drawLeft(Painter &p, int32 left, int32 top, int32 width, int32 outerw, style::align align = style::al_left, int32 yFrom = 0, int32 yTo = -1, TextSelection selection = { 0, 0 }) const {
draw(p, rtl() ? (outerw - left - width) : left, top, width, align, yFrom, yTo, selection);
2015-10-14 11:51:37 +00:00
void drawLeftElided(Painter &p, int32 left, int32 top, int32 width, int32 outerw, int32 lines = 1, style::align align = style::al_left, int32 yFrom = 0, int32 yTo = -1, int32 removeFromEnd = 0, bool breakEverywhere = false, TextSelection selection = { 0, 0 }) const {
drawElided(p, rtl() ? (outerw - left - width) : left, top, width, lines, align, yFrom, yTo, removeFromEnd, breakEverywhere, selection);
2015-10-14 11:51:37 +00:00
void drawRight(Painter &p, int32 right, int32 top, int32 width, int32 outerw, style::align align = style::al_left, int32 yFrom = 0, int32 yTo = -1, TextSelection selection = { 0, 0 }) const {
draw(p, rtl() ? right : (outerw - right - width), top, width, align, yFrom, yTo, selection);
2015-10-14 11:51:37 +00:00
void drawRightElided(Painter &p, int32 right, int32 top, int32 width, int32 outerw, int32 lines = 1, style::align align = style::al_left, int32 yFrom = 0, int32 yTo = -1, int32 removeFromEnd = 0, bool breakEverywhere = false, TextSelection selection = { 0, 0 }) const {
drawElided(p, rtl() ? right : (outerw - right - width), top, width, lines, align, yFrom, yTo, removeFromEnd, breakEverywhere, selection);
2015-10-14 11:51:37 +00:00
struct StateRequest {
enum class Flag {
BreakEverywhere = (1 << 0),
LookupSymbol = (1 << 1),
LookupLink = (1 << 2),
LookupCustomTooltip = (1 << 3),
2017-08-31 16:28:58 +00:00
using Flags = base::flags<Flag>;
friend inline constexpr auto is_flag_type(Flag) { return true; };
StateRequest() {
style::align align = style::al_left;
Flags flags = Flag::LookupLink;
struct StateResult {
ClickHandlerPtr link;
bool uponSymbol = false;
bool afterSymbol = false;
uint16 symbol = 0;
2017-06-21 21:38:31 +00:00
StateResult getState(QPoint point, int width, StateRequest request = StateRequest()) const;
StateResult getStateLeft(QPoint point, int width, int outerw, StateRequest request = StateRequest()) const {
return getState(rtlpoint(point, outerw), width, request);
2015-10-14 11:51:37 +00:00
struct StateRequestElided : public StateRequest {
StateRequestElided() {
2016-04-14 19:24:42 +00:00
StateRequestElided(const StateRequest &other) : StateRequest(other) {
int lines = 1;
int removeFromEnd = 0;
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2017-06-21 21:38:31 +00:00
StateResult getStateElided(QPoint point, int width, StateRequestElided request = StateRequestElided()) const;
StateResult getStateElidedLeft(QPoint point, int width, int outerw, StateRequestElided request = StateRequestElided()) const {
return getStateElided(rtlpoint(point, outerw), width, request);
2015-10-14 11:51:37 +00:00
2017-10-13 19:07:04 +00:00
[[nodiscard]] TextSelection adjustSelection(TextSelection selection, TextSelectType selectType) const;
bool isFullSelection(TextSelection selection) const {
return (selection.from == 0) && ( >= _text.size());
bool isEmpty() const;
bool isNull() const {
return !_st;
int length() const {
return _text.size();
TextWithEntities originalTextWithEntities(TextSelection selection = AllTextSelection, ExpandLinksMode mode = ExpandLinksShortened) const;
QString originalText(TextSelection selection = AllTextSelection, ExpandLinksMode mode = ExpandLinksShortened) const;
bool lastDots(int32 dots, int32 maxdots = 3) { // hack for typing animation
if (_text.size() < maxdots) return false;
int32 nowDots = 0, from = _text.size() - maxdots, to = _text.size();
for (int32 i = from; i < to; ++i) {
if ( == QChar('.')) {
if (nowDots == dots) return false;
for (int32 j = from; j < from + dots; ++j) {
_text[j] = QChar('.');
for (int32 j = from + dots; j < to; ++j) {
_text[j] = QChar(' ');
return true;
const style::TextStyle *style() const {
return _st;
void clear();
2017-07-06 15:58:05 +00:00
2017-07-06 15:58:05 +00:00
using TextBlocks = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ITextBlock>>;
using TextLinks = QVector<ClickHandlerPtr>;
uint16 countBlockEnd(const TextBlocks::const_iterator &i, const TextBlocks::const_iterator &e) const;
uint16 countBlockLength(const Text::TextBlocks::const_iterator &i, const Text::TextBlocks::const_iterator &e) const;
// Template method for originalText(), originalTextWithEntities().
template <typename AppendPartCallback, typename ClickHandlerStartCallback, typename ClickHandlerFinishCallback, typename FlagsChangeCallback>
void enumerateText(TextSelection selection, AppendPartCallback appendPartCallback, ClickHandlerStartCallback clickHandlerStartCallback, ClickHandlerFinishCallback clickHandlerFinishCallback, FlagsChangeCallback flagsChangeCallback) const;
// Template method for countWidth(), countHeight(), countLineWidths().
// callback(lineWidth, lineHeight) will be called for all lines with:
// QFixed lineWidth, int lineHeight
template <typename Callback>
void enumerateLines(int w, Callback callback) const;
2015-08-21 11:23:44 +00:00
void recountNaturalSize(bool initial, Qt::LayoutDirection optionsDir = Qt::LayoutDirectionAuto);
// clear() deletes all blocks and calls this method
// it is also called from move constructor / assignment operator
void clearFields();
QFixed _minResizeWidth;
QFixed _maxWidth = 0;
int32 _minHeight = 0;
QString _text;
const style::TextStyle *_st = nullptr;
TextBlocks _blocks;
TextLinks _links;
Qt::LayoutDirection _startDir = Qt::LayoutDirectionAuto;
friend class TextParser;
friend class TextPainter;
inline TextSelection snapSelection(int from, int to) {
return { static_cast<uint16>(snap(from, 0, 0xFFFF)), static_cast<uint16>(snap(to, 0, 0xFFFF)) };
inline TextSelection shiftSelection(TextSelection selection, uint16 byLength) {
return snapSelection(int(selection.from) + byLength, int( + byLength);
inline TextSelection unshiftSelection(TextSelection selection, uint16 byLength) {
return snapSelection(int(selection.from) - int(byLength), int( - int(byLength));
inline TextSelection shiftSelection(TextSelection selection, const Text &byText) {
return shiftSelection(selection, byText.length());
inline TextSelection unshiftSelection(TextSelection selection, const Text &byText) {
return unshiftSelection(selection, byText.length());
// textcmd
QString textcmdSkipBlock(ushort w, ushort h);
QString textcmdStartLink(ushort lnkIndex);
QString textcmdStartLink(const QString &url);
QString textcmdStopLink();
QString textcmdLink(ushort lnkIndex, const QString &text);
QString textcmdLink(const QString &url, const QString &text);
2016-03-04 22:04:15 +00:00
QString textcmdStartSemibold();
QString textcmdStopSemibold();
const QChar *textSkipCommand(const QChar *from, const QChar *end, bool canLink = true);
2015-04-06 22:15:29 +00:00
inline bool chIsSpace(QChar ch, bool rich = false) {
return ch.isSpace() || (ch < 32 && !(rich && ch == TextCommand)) || (ch == QChar::ParagraphSeparator) || (ch == QChar::LineSeparator) || (ch == QChar::ObjectReplacementCharacter) || (ch == QChar::CarriageReturn) || (ch == QChar::Tabulation) || (ch == QChar(8203)/*Zero width space.*/);
2015-04-06 22:15:29 +00:00
inline bool chIsDiac(QChar ch) { // diac and variation selectors
return (ch.category() == QChar::Mark_NonSpacing) || (ch == 1652) || (ch >= 64606 && ch <= 64611);
bool chIsBad(QChar ch);
2015-04-06 22:15:29 +00:00
inline bool chIsTrimmed(QChar ch, bool rich = false) {
return (!rich || ch != TextCommand) && (chIsSpace(ch) || chIsBad(ch));
inline bool chReplacedBySpace(QChar ch) {
// \xe2\x80[\xa8 - \xac\xad] // 8232 - 8237
// QString from1 = QString::fromUtf8("\xe2\x80\xa8"), to1 = QString::fromUtf8("\xe2\x80\xad");
// \xcc[\xb3\xbf\x8a] // 819, 831, 778
// QString bad1 = QString::fromUtf8("\xcc\xb3"), bad2 = QString::fromUtf8("\xcc\xbf"), bad3 = QString::fromUtf8("\xcc\x8a");
// [\x00\x01\x02\x07\x08\x0b-\x1f] // '\t' = 0x09
return (/*code >= 0x00 && */ch <= 0x02) || (ch >= 0x07 && ch <= 0x09) || (ch >= 0x0b && ch <= 0x1f) ||
(ch == 819) || (ch == 831) || (ch == 778) || (ch >= 8232 && ch <= 8237);
2015-04-06 22:15:29 +00:00
inline int32 chMaxDiacAfterSymbol() {
return 2;
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inline bool chIsNewline(QChar ch) {
return (ch == QChar::LineFeed || ch == 156);
inline bool chIsLinkEnd(QChar ch) {
return ch == TextCommand || chIsBad(ch) || chIsSpace(ch) || chIsNewline(ch) || ch.isLowSurrogate() || ch.isHighSurrogate();
inline bool chIsAlmostLinkEnd(QChar ch) {
switch (ch.unicode()) {
case '?':
case ',':
case '.':
case '"':
case ':':
case '!':
case '\'':
return true;
return false;
inline bool chIsWordSeparator(QChar ch) {
switch (ch.unicode()) {
case QChar::Space:
case QChar::LineFeed:
case '.':
case ',':
case '?':
case '!':
case '@':
case '#':
case '$':
case ':':
case ';':
case '-':
case '<':
case '>':
case '[':
case ']':
case '(':
case ')':
case '{':
case '}':
case '=':
case '/':
case '+':
case '%':
case '&':
case '^':
case '*':
case '\'':
case '"':
case '`':
case '~':
case '|':
return true;
return false;
inline bool chIsSentenceEnd(QChar ch) {
switch (ch.unicode()) {
case '.':
case '?':
case '!':
return true;
return false;
inline bool chIsSentencePartEnd(QChar ch) {
switch (ch.unicode()) {
case ',':
case ':':
case ';':
return true;
return false;
inline bool chIsParagraphSeparator(QChar ch) {
switch (ch.unicode()) {
case QChar::LineFeed:
return true;
return false;