-- syncplayintf.lua -- An interface for communication between mpv and Syncplay -- Author: Etoh, utilising repl.lua code by James Ross-Gowan (see below) -- Thanks: RiCON, James Ross-Gowan, Argon-, wm4, uau -- Includes code copied/adapted from repl.lua -- A graphical REPL for mpv input commands -- -- c 2016, James Ross-Gowan -- -- Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any -- purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above -- copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. -- -- THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF -- MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY -- SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES -- WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION -- OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN -- CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. -- See https://github.com/rossy/mpv-repl for a copy of repl.lua local CANVAS_WIDTH = 1920 local CANVAS_HEIGHT = 1080 local ROW_HEIGHT = 100 local chat_format = "{\\fs50}{\an1}" local max_scrolling_rows = 100 local MOVEMENT_PER_SECOND = 200 local TICK_INTERVAL = 0.01 local CHAT_MODE_CHATROOM = "Chatroom" local CHAT_MODE_SUBTITLE = "Subtitle" local CHAT_MODE_SCROLLING = "Scrolling" local last_chat_time = 0 local use_alpha_rows_for_chat = true local MOOD_NEUTRAL = 0 local MOOD_BAD = 1 local MOOD_GOOD = 2 local WORDWRAPIFY_MAGICWORD = "{\\\\fscx0} {\\\\fscx100}" local SCROLLING_ADDITIONAL_BOTTOM_MARGIN = 75 local default_oscvisibility_state = "never" local ALPHA_WARNING_TEXT_COLOUR = "FF00FF" -- RBG local HINT_TEXT_COLOUR = "AAAAAA" -- RBG local NEUTRAL_ALERT_TEXT_COLOUR = "FFFFFF" -- RBG local BAD_ALERT_TEXT_COLOUR = "0000FF" -- RBG local GOOD_ALERT_TEXT_COLOUR = "00FF00" -- RBG local NOTIFICATION_TEXT_COLOUR = "FFFF00" -- RBG local FONT_SIZE_MULTIPLIER = 2 local chat_log = {} local assdraw = require "mp.assdraw" local opt = require 'mp.options' local repl_active = false local insert_mode = false local line = '' local cursor = 1 local key_hints_enabled = false function format_scrolling(xpos, ypos, text) local chat_message = "\n"..chat_format .. "{\\pos("..xpos..","..ypos..")\\q2}"..text.."\\N\\n" return string.format(chat_message) end function format_chatroom(text) local chat_message = chat_format .. text .."\\N\\n" return string.format(chat_message) end function clear_chat() chat_log = {} end local alert_osd = "" local last_alert_osd_time = nil local alert_osd_mood = MOOD_NEUTRAL local notification_osd = "" local last_notification_osd_time = nil local notification_osd_mood = MOOD_NEUTRAL function set_alert_osd(osd_message, mood) alert_osd = osd_message last_alert_osd_time = mp.get_time() alert_osd_mood = mood end function set_notification_osd(osd_message, mood) notification_osd = osd_message last_notification_osd_time = mp.get_time() notification_osd_mood = mood end function add_chat(chat_message, mood) last_chat_time = mp.get_time() local entry = #chat_log+1 for i = 1, #chat_log do if chat_log[i].text == '' then entry = i break end end local row = ((entry-1) % max_scrolling_rows)+1 if opts['chatOutputMode'] == CHAT_MODE_CHATROOM then if entry > opts['chatMaxLines'] then table.remove(chat_log, 1) entry = entry - 1 end end chat_log[entry] = { xpos=CANVAS_WIDTH, timecreated=mp.get_time(), text=tostring(chat_message), row=row } end function chat_update() local ass = assdraw.ass_new() local chat_ass = '' local rowsAdded = 0 local to_add = '' local incrementRow = 0 if opts['chatOutputMode'] == CHAT_MODE_CHATROOM and chat_log ~= {} then local timedelta = mp.get_time() - last_chat_time if timedelta >= opts['chatTimeout'] then clear_chat() end end rowsAdded,to_add = process_alert_osd() if to_add ~= nil and to_add ~= "" then chat_ass = to_add end incrementRow,to_add = process_notification_osd(rowsAdded) rowsAdded = rowsAdded + incrementRow if to_add ~= nil and to_add ~= "" then chat_ass = chat_ass .. to_add end if #chat_log > 0 then for i = 1, #chat_log do local to_add = process_chat_item(i,rowsAdded) if to_add ~= nil and to_add ~= "" then chat_ass = chat_ass .. to_add end end end local xpos = opts['chatLeftMargin'] local ypos = opts['chatTopMargin'] chat_ass = "\n".."{\\pos("..xpos..","..ypos..")}".. chat_ass if use_alpha_rows_for_chat == false and opts['chatDirectInput'] == true then local alphawarning_ass = assdraw.ass_new() alphawarning_ass = "{\\a6}{\\1c&H"..ALPHA_WARNING_TEXT_COLOUR.."}"..opts['alphakey-mode-warning-first-line'].."\n{\\a6}{\\1c&H"..ALPHA_WARNING_TEXT_COLOUR.."}"..opts['alphakey-mode-warning-second-line'] ass:append(alphawarning_ass) elseif opts['chatOutputMode'] == CHAT_MODE_CHATROOM and opts['chatInputPosition'] == "Top" then ass:append(chat_ass) ass:append(input_ass()) else ass:append(input_ass()) ass:append(chat_ass) end mp.set_osd_ass(CANVAS_WIDTH,CANVAS_HEIGHT, ass.text) end function process_alert_osd() local rowsCreated = 0 local stringToAdd = "" if alert_osd ~= "" and mp.get_time() - last_alert_osd_time < opts['alertTimeout'] and last_alert_osd_time ~= nil then local messageColour if alert_osd_mood == MOOD_NEUTRAL then messageColour = "{\\1c&H"..NEUTRAL_ALERT_TEXT_COLOUR.."}" elseif alert_osd_mood == MOOD_BAD then messageColour = "{\\1c&H"..BAD_ALERT_TEXT_COLOUR.."}" elseif alert_osd_mood == MOOD_GOOD then messageColour = "{\\1c&H"..GOOD_ALERT_TEXT_COLOUR.."}" end local messageString = wordwrapify_string(alert_osd) local startRow = 0 if messageString ~= '' and messageString ~= nil then local toDisplay rowsCreated = rowsCreated + 1 messageString = messageColour..messageString if stringToAdd ~= "" then stringToAdd = stringToAdd .. format_chatroom(messageString) else stringToAdd = format_chatroom(messageString) end end end return rowsCreated, stringToAdd end function process_notification_osd(startRow) local rowsCreated = 0 local startRow = startRow local stringToAdd = "" if notification_osd ~= "" and mp.get_time() - last_notification_osd_time < opts['alertTimeout'] and last_notification_osd_time ~= nil then local messageColour messageColour = "{\\1c&H"..NOTIFICATION_TEXT_COLOUR.."}" local messageString messageString = wordwrapify_string(notification_osd) messageString = messageColour..messageString messageString = format_chatroom(messageString) stringToAdd = messageString rowsCreated = 1 end return rowsCreated, stringToAdd end function process_chat_item(i, rowsAdded) if opts['chatOutputMode'] == CHAT_MODE_CHATROOM then return process_chat_item_chatroom(i, rowsAdded) elseif opts['chatOutputMode'] == CHAT_MODE_SCROLLING then return process_chat_item_scrolling(i) end end function process_chat_item_scrolling(i) local timecreated = chat_log[i].timecreated local timedelta = mp.get_time() - timecreated local xpos = CANVAS_WIDTH - (timedelta*MOVEMENT_PER_SECOND) local text = chat_log[i].text if text ~= '' then local roughlen = string.len(text) * (opts['chatOutputRelativeFontSize']*FONT_SIZE_MULTIPLIER) * 1.5 if xpos > (-1*roughlen) then local row = chat_log[i].row-1+opts['scrollingFirstRowOffset'] local ypos = opts['chatTopMargin']+(row * (opts['chatOutputRelativeFontSize']*FONT_SIZE_MULTIPLIER)) return format_scrolling(xpos,ypos,text) else chat_log[i].text = '' end end end function process_chat_item_chatroom(i, startRow) local text = chat_log[i].text if text ~= '' then local text = wordwrapify_string(text) local rowNumber = i+startRow-1 return(format_chatroom(text)) end end function process_chat_item_subtitle(i) local timecreated = chat_log[i].timecreated local timedelta = mp.get_time() - timecreated local xpos = CANVAS_WIDTH - (timedelta*MOVEMENT_PER_SECOND) local text = chat_log[i].text if text ~= '' then local roughlen = string.len(text) * (opts['chatOutputRelativeFontSize']*FONT_SIZE_MULTIPLIER) if xpos > (-1*roughlen) then local row = chat_log[i].row local ypos = row * (opts['chatOutputRelativeFontSize']*FONT_SIZE_MULTIPLIER) return(format_scrolling(xpos,ypos,text)) else chat_log[i].text = '' end end end chat_timer=mp.add_periodic_timer(TICK_INTERVAL, chat_update) mp.register_script_message('chat', function(e) add_chat(e) end) -- Chat OSD mp.register_script_message('chat-osd-neutral', function(e) add_chat(e,MOOD_NEUTRAL) end) mp.register_script_message('chat-osd-bad', function(e) add_chat(e,MOOD_BAD) end) mp.register_script_message('chat-osd-good', function(e) add_chat(e,MOOD_GOOD) end) -- Alert OSD mp.register_script_message('alert-osd-neutral', function(e) set_alert_osd(e,MOOD_NEUTRAL) end) mp.register_script_message('alert-osd-bad', function(e) set_alert_osd(e,MOOD_BAD) end) mp.register_script_message('alert-osd-good', function(e) set_alert_osd(e,MOOD_GOOD) end) -- Notification OSD mp.register_script_message('notification-osd-neutral', function(e) set_notification_osd(e,MOOD_NEUTRAL) end) mp.register_script_message('notification-osd-bad', function(e) set_notification_osd(e,MOOD_BAD) end) mp.register_script_message('notification-osd-good', function(e) set_notification_osd(e,MOOD_GOOD) end) -- mp.register_script_message('set_syncplayintf_options', function(e) set_syncplayintf_options(e) end) -- Default options local utils = require 'mp.utils' local options = require 'mp.options' opts = { -- All drawing is scaled by this value, including the text borders and the -- cursor. Change it if you have a high-DPI display. scale = 1, -- Set the font used for the REPL and the console. This probably doesn't -- have to be a monospaced font. ['chatInputFontFamily'] = 'monospace', -- Enable/Disable ['chatInputEnabled'] = true, ['chatOutputEnabled'] = true, ['OscVisibilityChangeCompatible'] = false, -- Set the font size used for the REPL and the console. This will be -- multiplied by "scale." ['chatInputRelativeFontSize'] = 14, ['chatInputFontWeight'] = 1, ['chatInputFontUnderline'] = false, ['chatInputFontColor'] = "#000000", ['chatInputPosition'] = "Top", ['MaxChatMessageLength'] = 500, ['chatOutputFontFamily'] = "sans serif", ['chatOutputFontSize'] = 50, ['chatOutputFontWeight'] = 1, ['chatOutputFontUnderline'] = false, ['chatOutputFontColor'] = "#FFFFFF", ['chatOutputMode'] = "Chatroom", ['scrollingFirstRowOffset'] = 2, -- Can be "Chatroom", "Subtitle" or "Scrolling" style ['chatMaxLines'] = 7, ['chatTopMargin'] = 25, ['chatLeftMargin'] = 20, ['chatDirectInput'] = true, -- ['notificationTimeout'] = 3, ['alertTimeout'] = 5, ['chatTimeout'] = 7, -- ['inputPromptStartCharacter'] = ">", ['inputPromptEndCharacter'] = "<", ['backslashSubstituteCharacter'] = "|", --Lang: ['mpv-key-tab-hint'] = "[TAB] to toggle access to alphabet row key shortcuts.", ['mpv-key-hint'] = "[ENTER] to send message. [ESC] to escape chat mode.", ['alphakey-mode-warning-first-line'] = "You can temporarily use old mpv bindings with a-z keys.", ['alphakey-mode-warning-second-line'] = "Press [TAB] to return to Syncplay chat mode.", } function detect_platform() local o = {} -- Kind of a dumb way of detecting the platform but whatever if mp.get_property_native('options/vo-mmcss-profile', o) ~= o then return 'windows' elseif mp.get_property_native('options/input-app-events', o) ~= o then return 'macos' end return 'linux' end -- Pick a better default font for Windows and macOS local platform = detect_platform() if platform == 'windows' then opts.font = 'Consolas' elseif platform == 'macos' then opts.font = 'Menlo' end -- Apply user-set options options.read_options(opts) -- Escape a string for verbatim display on the OSD function ass_escape(str) -- There is no escape for '\' in ASS (I think?) but '\' is used verbatim if -- it isn't followed by a recognised character, so add a zero-width -- non-breaking space str = str:gsub('\\', '\\\239\187\191') str = str:gsub('{', '\\{') str = str:gsub('}', '\\}') -- Precede newlines with a ZWNBSP to prevent ASS's weird collapsing of -- consecutive newlines str = str:gsub('\n', '\239\187\191\n') return str end function update() return end function input_ass() if not repl_active then return "" end last_chat_time = mp.get_time() -- to keep chat messages showing while entering input local bold if opts['chatInputFontWeight'] < 75 then bold = 0 else bold = 1 end local underline = opts['chatInputFontUnderline'] and 1 or 0 local red = string.sub(opts['chatInputFontColor'],2,3) local green = string.sub(opts['chatInputFontColor'],4,5) local blue = string.sub(opts['chatInputFontColor'],6,7) local fontColor = blue .. green .. red local style = '{\\r' .. '\\1a&H00&\\3a&H00&\\4a&H99&' .. '\\1c&H'..fontColor..'&\\3c&H111111&\\4c&H000000&' .. '\\fn' .. opts['chatInputFontFamily'] .. '\\fs' .. (opts['chatInputRelativeFontSize']*FONT_SIZE_MULTIPLIER) .. '\\b' .. bold .. '\\bord2\\xshad0\\yshad1\\fsp0\\q1}' local after_style = '{\\u' .. underline .. '}' local cheight = opts['chatInputRelativeFontSize'] * FONT_SIZE_MULTIPLIER * 8 local cglyph = '_' local before_cur = wordwrapify_string(ass_escape(line:sub(1, cursor - 1))) local after_cur = wordwrapify_string(ass_escape(line:sub(cursor))) local secondary_pos = "10,"..tostring(10+(opts['chatInputRelativeFontSize']*FONT_SIZE_MULTIPLIER)) local alignment = 7 local position = "5,5" local start_marker = opts['inputPromptStartCharacter'] local end_marker = "" if opts['chatInputPosition'] == "Middle" then alignment = 5 position = tostring(CANVAS_WIDTH/2)..","..tostring(CANVAS_HEIGHT/2) secondary_pos = tostring(CANVAS_WIDTH/2)..","..tostring((CANVAS_HEIGHT/2)+20+(opts['chatInputRelativeFontSize']*FONT_SIZE_MULTIPLIER)) end_marker = "{\\u0}"..opts['inputPromptEndCharacter'] elseif opts['chatInputPosition'] == "Bottom" then alignment = 1 position = tostring(5)..","..tostring(CANVAS_HEIGHT-5) secondary_pos = "10,"..tostring(CANVAS_HEIGHT-(20+(opts['chatInputRelativeFontSize']*FONT_SIZE_MULTIPLIER))) end local osd_help_message = opts['mpv-key-hint'] if opts['chatDirectInput'] then osd_help_message = opts['mpv-key-tab-hint'] .. " " .. osd_help_message end local help_prompt = '\\N\\n{\\an'..alignment..'\\pos('..secondary_pos..')\\fn' .. opts['chatOutputFontFamily'] .. '\\fs' .. ((opts['chatInputRelativeFontSize']*FONT_SIZE_MULTIPLIER)/1.25) .. '\\1c&H'..HINT_TEXT_COLOUR..'}' .. osd_help_message local firststyle = "{\\an"..alignment.."}{\\pos("..position..")}" if opts['chatOutputEnabled'] and opts['chatOutputMode'] == CHAT_MODE_CHATROOM and opts['chatInputPosition'] == "Top" then firststyle = get_output_style().."{'\\1c&H'"..fontColor.."}" before_cur = before_cur .. firststyle after_cur = after_cur .. firststyle help_prompt = '\\N\\n'..firststyle..'{\\1c&H'..HINT_TEXT_COLOUR..'}' .. osd_help_message .. '\\N\\n' end if key_hints_enabled == false then help_prompt = "" end return firststyle..style..start_marker.." "..after_style..before_cur..style..cglyph..style..after_style..after_cur..end_marker..help_prompt end function get_output_style() local bold if opts['chatOutputFontWeight'] < 75 then bold = 0 else bold = 1 end local underline = opts['chatOutputFontUnderline'] and 1 or 0 local red = string.sub(opts['chatOutputFontColor'],2,3) local green = string.sub(opts['chatOutputFontColor'],4,5) local blue = string.sub(opts['chatOutputFontColor'],6,7) local fontColor = blue .. green .. red local style = '{\\r' .. '\\1a&H00&\\3a&H00&\\4a&H99&' .. '\\1c&H'..fontColor..'&\\3c&H111111&\\4c&H000000&' .. '\\fn' .. opts['chatOutputFontFamily'] .. '\\fs' .. (opts['chatOutputRelativeFontSize']*FONT_SIZE_MULTIPLIER) .. '\\b' .. bold .. '\\u' .. underline .. '\\a5\\MarginV=500' .. '}' --mp.osd_message("",0) return style end function escape() set_active(false) clear() end -- Set the REPL visibility (`, Esc) function set_active(active) if use_alpha_rows_for_chat == false then active = false end if active == repl_active then return end if active then repl_active = true insert_mode = false mp.enable_key_bindings('repl-input', 'allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging') else repl_active = false mp.disable_key_bindings('repl-input') end if default_oscvisibility_state ~= "never" and opts['OscVisibilityChangeCompatible'] == true then if active then mp.commandv("script-message", "osc-visibility","never", "no-osd") else mp.commandv("script-message", "osc-visibility",default_oscvisibility_state, "no-osd") end end end -- Show the repl if hidden and replace its contents with 'text' -- (script-message-to repl type) function show_and_type(text) text = text or '' line = text cursor = line:len() + 1 insert_mode = false if repl_active then update() else set_active(true) end end -- Naive helper function to find the next UTF-8 character in 'str' after 'pos' -- by skipping continuation bytes. Assumes 'str' contains valid UTF-8. function next_utf8(str, pos) if pos > str:len() then return pos end repeat pos = pos + 1 until pos > str:len() or str:byte(pos) < 0x80 or str:byte(pos) > 0xbf return pos end -- Naive helper function to find the next UTF-8 character in 'str' after 'pos' -- by skipping continuation bytes. Assumes 'str' contains valid UTF-8. -- As above, but finds the previous UTF-8 charcter in 'str' before 'pos' function prev_utf8(str, pos) if pos <= 1 then return pos end repeat pos = pos - 1 until pos <= 1 or str:byte(pos) < 0x80 or str:byte(pos) > 0xbf return pos end function trim_string(line,maxCharacters) -- Naive helper function to find the next UTF-8 character in 'str' after 'pos' -- by skipping continuation bytes. Assumes 'str' contains valid UTF-8. local str = line if str == nil or str == "" or str:len() <= maxCharacters then return str, "" end local pos = 0 local oldPos = -1 local chars = 0 repeat oldPos = pos pos = next_utf8(str, pos) chars = chars + 1 until pos == oldPos or chars > maxCharacters return str:sub(1,pos-1), str:sub(pos) end function wordwrapify_string(line) -- Used to ensure characters wrap on a per-character rather than per-word basis -- to avoid issues with long filenames, etc. local str = line if str == nil or str == "" then return "" end local newstr = "" local currentChar = 0 local nextChar = 0 local chars = 0 local maxChars = str:len() repeat nextChar = next_utf8(str, currentChar) if nextChar == currentChar then return newstr end local charToTest = str:sub(currentChar,nextChar-1) if charToTest ~= "\\" and charToTest ~= "{" and charToTest ~= "}" and charToTest ~= "%" then newstr = newstr .. WORDWRAPIFY_MAGICWORD .. str:sub(currentChar,nextChar-1) else newstr = newstr .. str:sub(currentChar,nextChar-1) end currentChar = nextChar until currentChar > maxChars newstr = string.gsub(newstr,opts['backslashSubstituteCharacter'], '\\\239\187\191') -- Workaround for \ escape issues return newstr end function trim_input() -- Naive helper function to find the next UTF-8 character in 'str' after 'pos' -- by skipping continuation bytes. Assumes 'str' contains valid UTF-8. local str = line if str == nil or str == "" or str:len() <= opts['MaxChatMessageLength'] then return end local pos = 0 local oldPos = -1 local chars = 0 repeat oldPos = pos pos = next_utf8(str, pos) chars = chars + 1 until pos == oldPos or chars > opts['MaxChatMessageLength'] line = line:sub(1,pos-1) if cursor > pos then cursor = pos end return end -- Insert a character at the current cursor position (' '-'~', Shift+Enter) function handle_char_input(c) if c == nil then return end if c == "\\" then c = opts['backslashSubstituteCharacter'] end if key_hints_enabled and (string.len(line) > 0 or opts['chatDirectInput'] == false) then key_hints_enabled = false end set_active(true) if insert_mode then line = line:sub(1, cursor - 1) .. c .. line:sub(next_utf8(line, cursor)) else line = line:sub(1, cursor - 1) .. c .. line:sub(cursor) end cursor = cursor + c:len() trim_input() update() end -- Remove the character behind the cursor (Backspace) function handle_backspace() if cursor <= 1 then return end local prev = prev_utf8(line, cursor) line = line:sub(1, prev - 1) .. line:sub(cursor) cursor = prev update() end -- Remove the character in front of the cursor (Del) function handle_del() if cursor > line:len() then return end line = line:sub(1, cursor - 1) .. line:sub(next_utf8(line, cursor)) update() end -- Toggle insert mode (Ins) function handle_ins() insert_mode = not insert_mode end --local was_active_before_tab = false function handle_tab() use_alpha_rows_for_chat = not use_alpha_rows_for_chat if use_alpha_rows_for_chat then mp.enable_key_bindings('repl-alpha-input') --set_active(was_active_before_tab) else mp.disable_key_bindings('repl-alpha-input') --was_active_before_tab = repl_active --set_active(false) escape() end end -- Move the cursor to the next character (Right) function next_char(amount) cursor = next_utf8(line, cursor) update() end -- Move the cursor to the previous character (Left) function prev_char(amount) cursor = prev_utf8(line, cursor) update() end -- Clear the current line (Ctrl+C) function clear() line = '' cursor = 1 insert_mode = false update() end -- Close the REPL if the current line is empty, otherwise do nothing (Ctrl+D) function maybe_exit() if line == '' then set_active(false) end end -- Run the current command and clear the line (Enter) function handle_enter() if not repl_active then set_active(true) return end set_active(false) if line == '' then return end key_hints_enabled = false line = string.gsub(line,"\\", "\\\\") line = string.gsub(line,"\"", "\\\"") mp.command('print-text "'..line..'"') clear() end -- Move the cursor to the beginning of the line (HOME) function go_home() cursor = 1 update() end -- Move the cursor to the end of the line (END) function go_end() cursor = line:len() + 1 update() end -- Delete from the cursor to the end of the line (Ctrl+K) function del_to_eol() line = line:sub(1, cursor - 1) update() end -- Delete from the cursor back to the start of the line (Ctrl+U) function del_to_start() line = line:sub(cursor) cursor = 1 update() end -- Returns a string of UTF-8 text from the clipboard (or the primary selection) function get_clipboard(clip) if platform == 'linux' then local res = utils.subprocess({ args = { 'xclip', '-selection', clip and 'clipboard' or 'primary', '-out' } }) if not res.error then return res.stdout end elseif platform == 'windows' then local res = utils.subprocess({ args = { 'powershell', '-NoProfile', '-Command', [[& { Trap { Write-Error -ErrorRecord $_ Exit 1 } $clip = "" if (Get-Command "Get-Clipboard" -errorAction SilentlyContinue) { $clip = Get-Clipboard -Raw -Format Text -TextFormatType UnicodeText } else { Add-Type -AssemblyName PresentationCore $clip = [Windows.Clipboard]::GetText() } $clip = $clip -Replace "`r","" $u8clip = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($clip) [Console]::OpenStandardOutput().Write($u8clip, 0, $u8clip.Length) }]] } }) if not res.error then return res.stdout end elseif platform == 'macos' then local res = utils.subprocess({ args = { 'pbpaste' } }) if not res.error then return res.stdout end end return '' end -- Paste text from the window-system's clipboard. 'clip' determines whether the -- clipboard or the primary selection buffer is used (on X11 only.) function paste(clip) local text = get_clipboard(clip) local before_cur = line:sub(1, cursor - 1) local after_cur = line:sub(cursor) line = before_cur .. text .. after_cur cursor = cursor + text:len() trim_input() update() end -- The REPL has pretty specific requirements for key bindings that aren't -- really satisified by any of mpv's helper methods, since they must be in -- their own input section, but they must also raise events on key-repeat. -- Hence, this function manually creates an input section and puts a list of -- bindings in it. function add_repl_bindings(bindings) local cfg = '' for i, binding in ipairs(bindings) do local key = binding[1] local fn = binding[2] local name = '__repl_binding_' .. i mp.add_forced_key_binding(nil, name, fn, 'repeatable') cfg = cfg .. key .. ' script-binding ' .. mp.script_name .. '/' .. name .. '\n' end mp.commandv('define-section', 'repl-input', cfg, 'force') end function add_repl_alpharow_bindings(bindings) local cfg = '' for i, binding in ipairs(bindings) do local key = binding[1] local fn = binding[2] local name = '__repl_alpha_binding_' .. i mp.add_forced_key_binding(nil, name, fn, 'repeatable') cfg = cfg .. key .. ' script-binding ' .. mp.script_name .. '/' .. name .. '\n' end mp.commandv('define-section', 'repl-alpha-input', cfg, 'force') mp.enable_key_bindings('repl-alpha-input') end -- Mapping from characters to mpv key names local binding_name_map = { [' '] = 'SPACE', ['#'] = 'SHARP', } -- List of input bindings. This is a weird mashup between common GUI text-input -- bindings and readline bindings. local bindings = { { 'esc', function() escape() end }, { 'bs', handle_backspace }, { 'shift+bs', handle_backspace }, { 'del', handle_del }, { 'shift+del', handle_del }, { 'ins', handle_ins }, { 'left', function() prev_char() end }, { 'right', function() next_char() end }, { 'up', function() clear() end }, { 'home', go_home }, { 'end', go_end }, { 'ctrl+c', clear }, { 'ctrl+d', maybe_exit }, { 'ctrl+k', del_to_eol }, { 'ctrl+l', clear_log_buffer }, { 'ctrl+u', del_to_start }, { 'ctrl+v', function() paste(true) end }, { 'meta+v', function() paste(true) end }, } local alpharowbindings = {} -- Add bindings for all the printable US-ASCII characters from ' ' to '~' -- inclusive. Note, this is a pretty hacky way to do text input. mpv's input -- system was designed for single-key key bindings rather than text input, so -- things like dead-keys and non-ASCII input won't work. This is probably okay -- though, since all mpv's commands and properties can be represented in ASCII. for b = (' '):byte(), ('~'):byte() do local c = string.char(b) local binding = binding_name_map[c] or c bindings[#bindings + 1] = {binding, function() handle_char_input(c) end} end function add_alpharowbinding(firstchar,lastchar) for b = (firstchar):byte(), (lastchar):byte() do local c = string.char(b) local alphabinding = binding_name_map[c] or c alpharowbindings[#alpharowbindings + 1] = {alphabinding, function() handle_char_input(c) end} end end function add_specialalphabindings(charinput) local alphabindingarray = charinput for i, alphabinding in ipairs(alphabindingarray) do alpharowbindings[#alpharowbindings + 1] = {alphabinding, function() handle_char_input(alphabinding) end } end end add_alpharowbinding('a','z') add_alpharowbinding('A','Z') add_alpharowbinding('/','/') add_alpharowbinding(':',':') add_alpharowbinding('(',')') add_alpharowbinding('{','}') add_alpharowbinding(':',';') add_alpharowbinding('<','>') add_alpharowbinding(',','.') add_alpharowbinding('|','|') add_alpharowbinding('\\','\\') add_alpharowbinding('?','?') add_alpharowbinding('[',']') add_alpharowbinding('#','#') add_alpharowbinding('~','~') add_alpharowbinding('\'','\'') add_alpharowbinding('@','@') add_specialalphabindings({'à','è','ì','ò','ù','À','È','Ì','Ò','Ù'}) add_specialalphabindings({'á', 'é', 'í', 'ó', 'ú', 'ý', 'Á', 'É', 'Í', 'Ó', 'Ú', 'Ý'}) add_specialalphabindings({'â', 'ê', 'î', 'ô', 'û', 'Â', 'Ê', 'Î', 'Ô', 'Û'}) add_specialalphabindings({'ã', 'ñ', 'õ', 'Ã', 'Ñ', 'Õ'}) add_specialalphabindings({'ä', 'ë', 'ï', 'ö', 'ü', 'ÿ', 'Ä', 'Ë', 'Ï', 'Ö', 'Ü', 'Ÿ'}) add_specialalphabindings({'å', 'Å','æ','Æ','œ','Œ','ç','Ç','ð','Ð','ø','Ø','¿','¡','ß'}) add_specialalphabindings({'¤','†','×','÷','‡','±','—','–','¶','§','ˆ','˜','«','»','¦','‰','©','®','™'}) add_specialalphabindings({'ž','Ž'}) add_specialalphabindings({'ª','Þ','þ','ƒ','µ','°','º','•','„','“','…','¬','¥','£','€','¢','¹','²','³','½','¼','¾'}) add_specialalphabindings({'·','Ĉ','ĉ','Ĝ','ĝ','Ĥ','ĥ','Ĵ','ĵ','Ŝ','ŝ','Ŭ','ŭ'}) add_specialalphabindings({'Б','б','В','в','Г','г','Д','д','Е','е','Ё','ё','Ж','ж','З','з'}) add_specialalphabindings({'И','и','Й','й','К','к','Л','л','М','м','Н','н','О','о','П','п'}) add_specialalphabindings({'Р','р','С','с','Т','т','У','у','Ф','ф','Х','х','Ц','ц','Ч','ч'}) add_specialalphabindings({'Ш','ш','Щ','щ','Ъ','ъ','Ы','ы','Ь','ь','Э','э','Ю','ю','Я','я'}) add_specialalphabindings({'≥','≠'}) add_repl_bindings(bindings) -- Add a script-message to show the REPL and fill it with the provided text mp.register_script_message('type', function(text) show_and_type(text) end) local syncplayintfSet = false mp.command('print-text ""') function readyMpvAfterSettingsKnown() if syncplayintfSet == false then local vertical_output_area = CANVAS_HEIGHT-(opts['chatTopMargin']+opts['chatBottomMargin']+((opts['chatOutputRelativeFontSize']*FONT_SIZE_MULTIPLIER)*opts['scrollingFirstRowOffset'])+SCROLLING_ADDITIONAL_BOTTOM_MARGIN) max_scrolling_rows = math.floor(vertical_output_area/(opts['chatOutputRelativeFontSize']*FONT_SIZE_MULTIPLIER)) local user_opts = { visibility = "auto", } opt.read_options(user_opts, "osc") default_oscvisibility_state = user_opts.visibility if opts['chatInputEnabled'] == true then key_hints_enabled = true mp.add_forced_key_binding('enter', handle_enter) mp.add_forced_key_binding('kp_enter', handle_enter) if opts['chatDirectInput'] == true then add_repl_alpharow_bindings(alpharowbindings) mp.add_forced_key_binding('tab', handle_tab) end end syncplayintfSet = true end end function set_syncplayintf_options(input) --mp.command('print-text "...'..input..'"') for option, value in string.gmatch(input, "([^ ,=]+)=([^,]+)") do local valueType = type(opts[option]) if valueType == "number" then value = tonumber(value) elseif valueType == "boolean" then if value == "True" then value = true else value = false end end opts[option] = value --mp.command('print-text "'..option.."="..tostring(value).." - "..valueType..'"') end chat_format = get_output_style() readyMpvAfterSettingsKnown() end