--[==========================================================================[ syncplay.lua: Syncplay interface module for VLC --[==========================================================================[ Principal author: Etoh Other contributors: DerGenaue, jb Project: http://syncplay.pl/ Version: 0.2.2 Note: * This interface module is intended to be used in conjunction with Syncplay. * Syncplay provides synchronized video playback across multiple media player instances over the net. * Syncplay allows group of people who all have the same videos to watch them together wherever they are. * Syncplay is available to download for free from http://syncplay.pl/ --[==========================================================================[ === Installation instructions === Place the syncplay.lua file in the main (all user) VLC /lua/intf/ sub-directory: * Window: %ProgramFiles%\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\intf\ * Linux: /usr/lib/vlc/lua/intf/ * Mac OS X: /Applications/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/share/lua/intf/ You may also need to re-copy the syncplay.lua file when you update VLC. === Commands and responses === = Note: ? denotes optional responses; * denotes mandatory response; uses \n terminator. . ? >> inputstate-change: [] ? >> filepath-change-notification * >> playstate: [] * >> position: [] get-interface-version * >> interface-version: [syncplay connector version] get-duration * >> duration: [] get-filepath * >> filepath: [] get-filename * >> filepath: [] get-title * >> title: [] set-position: [decimal seconds] ? >> play-error: no-input seek-within-title: [decimal seconds] ? >> seek-within-title-error: no-input set-playstate: [<playing/paused>] ? >> set-playstate-error: no-input set-rate: [decimal rate] ? >> set-rate-error: no-input set-title ? >> set-title-error: no-input display-osd: [placement on screen <center/left/right/top/bottom/top-left/top-right/bottom-left/bottom-right>], [duration in seconds], [message] ? >> display-osd-error: no-input load-file: [filepath] * >> load-file-attempted close-vlc [Unknown command] * >> [Unknown command]-error: unknown-command --]==========================================================================] local modulepath = config["modulepath"] if(modulepath ~= nil) and (modulepath ~= "") then -- Workaround for when the script is not being run from the usual VLC intf folder. package.path = modulepath pcall(require,"common") else require "common" end local connectorversion = "0.2.2" local durationdelay = 500000 -- Pause for get_duration command etc for increased reliability (uses microseconds) local loopsleepduration = 5000 -- Pause for every event loop (uses microseconds) local quitcheckfrequency = 20 -- Check whether VLC has closed every X loops local host = "localhost" local port local titlemultiplier = 604800 -- One week local msgterminator = "\n" local msgseperator = ": " local argseperator = ", " local responsemarker = "-response" local errormarker = "-error" local notificationmarker = "-notification" local noinput = "no-input" local notimplemented = "not-implemented" local unknowncommand = "unknown-command" local unknownstream = "(Unknown Stream)" local oldfilepath local oldinputstate local newfilepath local newinputstate local oldtitle = 0 local newtitle = 0 local running = true -- Start hosting Syncplay interface. port = tonumber(config["port"]) if (port == nil or port < 1) then port = 4123 end function quit_vlc() running = false vlc.misc.quit() end function detectchanges() -- Detects changes in VLC to report to Syncplay. -- [Used by the poll / "." command] local notificationbuffer = "" if vlc.object.input() then newinputstate = "input" newfilepath = get_filepath() if newfilepath ~= oldfilepath and get_filepath() ~= unknownstream then oldfilepath = newfilepath notificationbuffer = notificationbuffer .. "filepath-change"..notificationmarker..msgterminator end local titleerror newtitle, titleerror = get_var("title", 0) if newtitle ~= oldtitle and get_var("time", 0) > 1 then vlc.misc.mwait(vlc.misc.mdate() + durationdelay) -- Don't give new title with old time end oldtitle = newtitle notificationbuffer = notificationbuffer .. "playstate"..msgseperator..tostring(get_play_state())..msgterminator notificationbuffer = notificationbuffer .. "position"..msgseperator..tostring(get_time())..msgterminator else notificationbuffer = notificationbuffer .. "playstate"..msgseperator..noinput..msgterminator notificationbuffer = notificationbuffer .. "position"..msgseperator..noinput..msgterminator newinputstate = noinput end if newinputstate ~= oldinputstate then oldinputstate = newinputstate notificationbuffer = notificationbuffer.."inputstate-change"..msgseperator..tostring(newinputstate)..msgterminator end return notificationbuffer end function get_args (argument, argcount) -- Converts comma-space-seperated values into array of a given size, with last item absorbing all remaining data if needed. -- [Used by the display-osd command] local argarray = {} local index local i local argbuffer argbuffer = argument for i = 1, argcount,1 do if i == argcount then if argbuffer == nil then argarray[i] = "" else argarray[i] = argbuffer end else if string.find(argbuffer, argseperator) then index = string.find(argbuffer, argseperator) argarray[i] = string.sub(argbuffer, 0, index - 1) argbuffer = string.sub(argbuffer, index + string.len(argseperator)) else argarray[i] = "" end end end return argarray end function get_var( vartoget, fallbackvar ) -- [Used by the poll / '.' command to get time] local response local errormsg local input = vlc.object.input() if input then response = vlc.var.get(input,tostring(vartoget)) else response = fallbackvar errormsg = noinput end return response, errormsg end function set_var(vartoset, varvalue) -- [Used by the set-time and set-rate commands] local errormsg local input = vlc.object.input() if input then vlc.var.set(input,tostring(vartoset),varvalue) else errormsg = noinput end return errormsg end function get_time() local realtime, errormsg, longtime, title, titletime realtime, errormsg = get_var("time", 0) -- Seconds if errormsg ~= nil and errormsg ~= "" then return errormsg end title = get_var("title", 0) if errormsg ~= nil and errormsg ~= "" then return realtime end titletime = title * titlemultiplier -- weeks longtime = titletime + realtime return longtime end function set_time ( timetoset) local input = vlc.object.input() if input then local response, errormsg, realtime, titletrack realtime = timetoset % titlemultiplier oldtitle = tonumber(get_var("title", 0)) newtitle = (timetoset - realtime) / titlemultiplier if oldtitle ~= newtitle and newtitle > -1 then set_var("title", tonumber(newtitle)) end errormsg = set_var("time", tonumber(realtime)) return errormsg else return noinput end end function get_play_state() -- [Used by the get-playstate command] local response local errormsg local input = vlc.object.input() if input then response = vlc.playlist.status() else errormsg = noinput end return response, errormsg end function get_filepath () -- [Used by get-filepath command] local response local errormsg local item local input = vlc.object.input() if input then local item = vlc.input.item() if item then if string.find(item:uri(),"file://") then response = vlc.strings.decode_uri(item:uri()) elseif string.find(item:uri(),"dvd://") or string.find(item:uri(),"simpledvd://") then response = ":::DVD:::" else local metas = item:metas() if metas and metas["title"] and string.len(metas["title"]) > 0 then response = ":::(Stream: "..metas["title"]..")" else response = unknownstream end end else errormsg = noinput end else errormsg = noinput end return response, errormsg end function get_filename () -- [Used by get-filename command] local response local index local filename filename = errormerge(get_filepath()) if filename == unknownstream then return unknownstream end if filename == "" then local input = vlc.object.input() if input then local item = vlc.input.item() if item then if item.name then response = ":::("..item.title..")" return response end end end end if(filename ~= nil) and (filename ~= "") and (filename ~= noinput) then index = string.len(tostring(string.match(filename, ".*/"))) if string.sub(filename,1,3) == ":::" then return filename elseif index then response = string.sub(tostring(filename), index+1) end else response = noinput end return response end function get_duration () -- [Used by get-duration command] local response local errormsg local item local input = vlc.object.input() if input then local item = vlc.input.item() if (item and item:duration()) then -- Try to get duration, which might not be available straight away local i = 0 repeat vlc.misc.mwait(vlc.misc.mdate() + durationdelay) response = item:duration() i = i + 1 until response > 0 or i > 5 else errormsg = noinput end else errormsg = noinput end return response, errormsg end function display_osd ( argument ) -- [Used by display-osd command] local errormsg local osdarray local input = vlc.object.input() if input then osdarray = get_args(argument,3) --position, duration, message -> message, , position, duration (converted from seconds to microseconds) local osdduration = tonumber(osdarray[2]) * 1000 * 1000 vlc.osd.message(osdarray[3],channel1,osdarray[1],osdduration) else errormsg = noinput end return errormsg end function load_file (filepath) -- [Used by load-file command] local uri = vlc.strings.make_uri(filepath) vlc.playlist.add({{path=uri}}) return "load-file-attempted\n" end function do_command ( command, argument) -- Processes all commands sent by Syncplay (see protocol, above). if command == "." then do return detectchanges() end end local command = tostring(command) local argument = tostring(argument) local errormsg = "" local response = "" if command == "get-interface-version" then response = "interface-version"..msgseperator..connectorversion..msgterminator elseif command == "get-duration" then response = "duration"..msgseperator..errormerge(get_duration())..msgterminator elseif command == "get-filepath" then response = "filepath"..msgseperator..errormerge(get_filepath())..msgterminator elseif command == "get-filename" then response = "filename"..msgseperator..errormerge(get_filename())..msgterminator elseif command == "get-title" then response = "title"..msgseperator..errormerge(get_var("title", 0))..msgterminator elseif command == "set-position" then errormsg = set_time(tonumber(argument)) elseif command == "seek-within-title" then errormsg = set_var("time", tonumber(argument)) elseif command == "set-playstate" then errormsg = set_playstate(argument) elseif command == "set-rate" then errormsg = set_var("rate", tonumber(argument)) elseif command == "set-title" then errormsg = set_var("title", tonumber(argument)) elseif command == "display-osd" then errormsg = display_osd(argument) elseif command == "load-file" then response = load_file(argument) elseif command == "close-vlc" then quit_vlc() else errormsg = unknowncommand end if (errormsg ~= nil) and (errormsg ~= "") then response = command..errormarker..msgseperator..tostring(errormsg)..msgterminator end return response end function errormerge(argument, errormsg) -- Used to integrate 'no-input' error messages into command responses. if (errormsg ~= nil) and (errormsg ~= "") then do return errormsg end end return argument end function set_playstate(argument) -- [Used by the set-playstate command] local errormsg local input = vlc.object.input() local playstate playstate, errormsg = get_play_state() if playstate ~= "playing" then playstate = "paused" end if ((errormsg ~= noinput) and (playstate ~= argument)) then vlc.playlist.pause() end return errormsg end if string.sub(vlc.misc.version(),1,2) == "1." then vlc.msg.err("This version of VLC is not known to support version " .. connectorversion .. " of the Syncplay interface module on Windows. Please use VLC 2+.") quit_vlc() else l = vlc.net.listen_tcp(host, port) vlc.msg.info("Hosting Syncplay interface on port: "..port) end -- main loop, which alternates between writing and reading while running == true do --accept new connections and select active clients local quitcheckcounter = 0 local fd = l:accept() local buffer, inputbuffer, responsebuffer = "" while fd >= 0 and running == true do -- handle read mode local str = vlc.net.recv ( fd, 1000) local responsebuffer if str == nil then str = "" end local safestr = string.gsub(tostring(str), "\r", "") if inputbuffer == nil then inputbuffer = "" end inputbuffer = inputbuffer .. safestr while string.find(inputbuffer, msgterminator) and running == true do local index = string.find(inputbuffer, msgterminator) local request = string.sub(inputbuffer, 0, index - 1) local command local argument inputbuffer = string.sub(inputbuffer, index + string.len(msgterminator)) if (string.find(request, msgseperator)) then index = string.find(request, msgseperator) command = string.sub(request, 0, index - 1) argument = string.sub(request, index + string.len(msgseperator)) else command = request end if (responsebuffer) then responsebuffer = responsebuffer .. do_command(command,argument) else responsebuffer = do_command(command,argument) end end if (running == false) then net.close(fd) end -- handle write mode if (responsebuffer and running == true) then vlc.net.send( fd, responsebuffer ) responsebuffer = "" end vlc.misc.mwait(vlc.misc.mdate() + loopsleepduration) -- Don't waste processor time -- check if VLC has been closed quitcheckcounter = quitcheckcounter + 1 if quitcheckcounter > quitcheckfrequency then if vlc.volume.get() == -256 then running = false end quitcheckcounter = 0 end end end