diff --git a/syncplay/messages.py b/syncplay/messages.py index d51190e..301bdbf 100644 --- a/syncplay/messages.py +++ b/syncplay/messages.py @@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ en = { "reconnection-attempt-notification" : "Connection with server lost, attempting to reconnect", "disconnection-notification" : "Disconnected from server", "connection-failed-notification" : "Connection with server failed", + "connected-successful-notification" : "Successfully connected to server", + "retrying-notification" : "%s, Retrying in %d seconds...", #Seconds "rewind-notification" : "Rewinded due to time difference with <{}>", #User "slowdown-notification" : "Slowing down due to time difference with <{}>", #User @@ -31,11 +33,85 @@ en = { "notplaying-notification" : "People who are not playing any file:", "userlist-room-notification" : "In room '{}':", #Room + "mplayer-file-required-notification" : "Syncplay using mplayer requires you to provide file when starting", + "mplayer-file-required-notification/example" : "Usage example: syncplay [options] [url|path/]filename", + + "unrecognized-command-notification" : "Unrecognized command", + "commandlist-notification" : "Available commands:", + "commandlist-notification/room" : "\tr [name] - change room", + "commandlist-notification/list" : "\tl - show user list", + "commandlist-notification/undo" : "\tu - undo last seek", + "commandlist-notification/pause" : "\tp - toggle pause", + "commandlist-notification/seek" : "\t[s][+-]time - seek to the given value of time, if + or - is not specified it's absolute time in seconds or min:sec", + "commandlist-notification/help" : "\th - this help", + "syncplay-version-notification" : "Syncplay version: {}", #syncplay.version + "more-info-notification" : "More info available at: {}", #projectURL + # Client prompts "enter-to-exit-prompt" : "Press enter to exit\n", # Client errors - "server-timeout-error" : "Connection with server timed out" + "server-timeout-error" : "Connection with server timed out", + "mpc-slave-error" : "Unable to start MPC in slave mode!", + "mpc-version-insufficient-error" : "MPC version not sufficient, please use `mpc-hc` >= `1.6.4`", + "player-file-open-error" : "Player failed opening file", + "player-path-error" : "Player path is not set properly", + "hostname-empty-error" : "Hostname can't be empty", + "empty-error" : "{} can't be empty", #Configuration + + "arguments-missing-error" : "Some necessary arguments are missing, refer to --help", + + "unable-to-start-client-error" : "Unable to start client", + + "not-json-error" : "Not a json encoded string\n", + "hello-arguments-error" : "Not enough Hello arguments\n", + "version-mismatch-error" : "Mismatch between versions of client and server\n", + + # Client arguments + "argument-description" : 'Solution to synchronize playback of multiple MPlayer and MPC-HC instances over the network.', + "argument-epilog" : 'If no options supplied _config values will be used', + "nogui-argument" : 'show no GUI', + "host-argument" : 'server\'s address', + "name-argument" : 'desired username', + "debug-argument" : 'debug mode', + "force-gui-prompt-argument" : 'make configuration prompt appear', + "no-store-argument" : 'don\'t store values in .syncplay', + "room-argument" : 'default room', + "password-argument" : 'server password', + "player-path-argument" : 'path to your player executable', + "file-argument" : 'file to play', + "args-argument" : 'player options, if you need to pass options starting with - prepend them with single \'--\' argument', + + # Client labels + "host-label" : 'Host: ', + "username-label" : 'Username: ', + "room-label" : 'Default room (optional): ', + "password-label" : 'Server password (optional): ', + "path-label" : 'Path to player executable: ', + + # Server notifications + "welcome-server-notification" : "Welcome to Syncplay server, ver. {0}", #version + "client-connected-room-server-notification" : "{0}({2}) connected to room '{1}'", #username, host, room + "client-left-server-notification" : "{0} left server", #name + + + #Server arguments + "server-argument-description" : 'Solution to synchronize playback of multiple MPlayer and MPC-HC instances over the network. Server instance', + "server-argument-epilog" : 'If no options supplied _config values will be used', + "server-port-argument" : 'server TCP port', + "server-password-argument" : 'server password', + "server-isolate-room-argument" : 'should rooms be isolated?', + + #Server errors + "not-known-server-error" : "You must be known to server before sending this command", + "client-drop-server-error" : "Client drop: %s -- %s", #host, error + "password-required-server-error" : "Password required", + "wrong-password-server-error" : "Wrong password supplied", + "hello-server-error" : "Not enough Hello arguments", + "version-mismatch-server-error" : "Mismatch between versions of client and server", + "wrong-password-server-error" : "Wrong password supplied" + + } pl = {