mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 13:36:48 +00:00
Merged upstream changes
This commit is contained in:
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ before_deploy:
- dmgbuild -s appdmg.py "Syncplay" dist_dmg/Syncplay_${VER}_macOS.dmg
skip_cleanup: true
on: master_local
provider: bintray
file: "bintray.json"
@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
Solution to synchronize video playback across multiple instances of mpv, VLC, MPC-HC, MPC-BE and mplayer2 over the Internet.
## Official website
## Download
## What does it do
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ cmdlist = {}
APP = ['syncplayClient.py']
('resources', glob('resources/*.png') + glob('resources/*.rtf')),
('resources', glob('resources/*.png') + glob('resources/*.rtf') + glob('resources/*.lua')),
@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ NSIS_SCRIPT_TEMPLATE = r"""
CreateShortCut "$$SMPROGRAMS\Syncplay\Syncplay.lnk" "$$INSTDIR\Syncplay.exe" ""
CreateShortCut "$$SMPROGRAMS\Syncplay\Syncplay Server.lnk" "$$INSTDIR\syncplayServer.exe" ""
CreateShortCut "$$SMPROGRAMS\Syncplay\Uninstall.lnk" "$$INSTDIR\Uninstall.exe" ""
WriteINIStr "$$SMPROGRAMS\Syncplay\SyncplayWebsite.url" "InternetShortcut" "URL" "http://syncplay.pl"
WriteINIStr "$$SMPROGRAMS\Syncplay\SyncplayWebsite.url" "InternetShortcut" "URL" "https://syncplay.pl"
$${If} $$CheckBox_DesktopShortcut_State == $${BST_CHECKED}
@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ NSIS_SCRIPT_TEMPLATE = r"""
WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Syncplay" "DisplayIcon" "$$INSTDIR\resources\icon.ico"
WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Syncplay" "Publisher" "Syncplay"
WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Syncplay" "DisplayVersion" "$version"
WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Syncplay" "URLInfoAbout" "http://syncplay.pl/"
WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Syncplay" "URLInfoAbout" "https://syncplay.pl/"
WriteRegDWORD HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Syncplay" "NoModify" 1
WriteRegDWORD HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Syncplay" "NoRepair" 1
WriteRegDWORD HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Syncplay" "EstimatedSize" "$$SizeHex"
@ -722,7 +722,7 @@ info = dict(
'dist_dir': OUT_DIR,
'packages': 'PySide.QtUiTools',
'includes': 'twisted, sys, encodings, datetime, os, time, math, PySide, liburl, ast, unicodedata',
'excludes': 'venv, _ssl, doctest, pdb, unittest, win32clipboard, win32file, win32pdh, win32security, win32trace, win32ui, winxpgui, win32pipe, win32process, Tkinter',
'excludes': 'venv, doctest, pdb, unittest, win32clipboard, win32file, win32pdh, win32security, win32trace, win32ui, winxpgui, win32pipe, win32process, Tkinter',
'dll_excludes': 'msvcr71.dll, MSVCP90.dll, POWRPROF.dll',
'optimize': 2,
'compressed': 1
@ -4,14 +4,14 @@
Principal author: Etoh
Other contributors: DerGenaue, jb, Pilotat
Project: http://syncplay.pl/
Project: https://syncplay.pl/
Version: 0.3.4
* This interface module is intended to be used in conjunction with Syncplay.
* Syncplay provides synchronized video playback across multiple media player instances over the net.
* Syncplay allows group of people who all have the same videos to watch them together wherever they are.
* Syncplay is available to download for free from http://syncplay.pl/
* Syncplay is available to download for free from https://syncplay.pl/
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
version = '1.5.2'
version = '1.5.3'
milestone = 'Yoitsu'
release_number = '57'
projectURL = 'http://syncplay.pl/'
release_number = '60'
projectURL = 'https://syncplay.pl/'
@ -1929,6 +1929,10 @@ class FileSwitchManager(object):
return False
def notifyUserIfFileNotInMediaDirectory(self, filenameToFind, path):
path = path.decode('utf-8')
except UnicodeEncodeError:
directoryToFind = os.path.dirname(path)
if directoryToFind in self.mediaDirectoriesNotFound:
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ UI_TIME_FORMAT = "[%X] "
CONFIG_NAMES = [".syncplay", "syncplay.ini"] #Syncplay searches first to last
RECENT_CLIENT_THRESHOLD = "1.5.2" #This and higher considered 'recent' clients (no warnings)
RECENT_CLIENT_THRESHOLD = "1.5.3" #This and higher considered 'recent' clients (no warnings)
WARN_OLD_CLIENTS = True #Use MOTD to inform old clients to upgrade
LIST_RELATIVE_CONFIGS = True # Print list of relative configs loaded
SHOW_CONTACT_INFO = True # Displays dev contact details below list in GUI
@ -256,9 +256,9 @@ OSD_CHAT = "chat"
CHATROOM_MODE = "Chatroom"
SCROLLING_MODE = "Scrolling"
SYNCPLAY_UPDATE_URL = u"http://syncplay.pl/checkforupdate?{}" # Params
SYNCPLAY_DOWNLOAD_URL = "http://syncplay.pl/download/"
SYNCPLAY_PUBLIC_SERVER_LIST_URL = u"http://syncplay.pl/listpublicservers?{}" # Params
SYNCPLAY_UPDATE_URL = u"https://syncplay.pl/checkforupdate?{}" # Params
SYNCPLAY_DOWNLOAD_URL = "https://syncplay.pl/download/"
SYNCPLAY_PUBLIC_SERVER_LIST_URL = u"https://syncplay.pl/listpublicservers?{}" # Params
DEFAULT_TRUSTED_DOMAINS = [u"youtube.com",u"youtu.be"]
TRUSTABLE_WEB_PROTOCOLS = [u"http://www.",u"https://www.",u"http://",u"https://"]
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ de = {
"controller-userlist-userflag" : u"Raumleiter",
"ready-userlist-userflag" : u"Bereit",
"update-check-failed-notification" : u"Konnte nicht automatisch prüfen, ob Syncplay {} aktuell ist. Soll http://syncplay.pl/ geöffnet werden, um manuell nach Updates zu suchen?", #Syncplay version
"update-check-failed-notification" : u"Konnte nicht automatisch prüfen, ob Syncplay {} aktuell ist. Soll https://syncplay.pl/ geöffnet werden, um manuell nach Updates zu suchen?", #Syncplay version
"syncplay-uptodate-notification" : u"Syncplay ist aktuell",
"syncplay-updateavailable-notification" : u"Eine neuere Version von Syncplay ist verfügbar. Soll die Download-Seite geöffnet werden?",
@ -94,9 +94,9 @@ de = {
"promptforupdate-label" : u"Soll Syncplay regelmäßig nach Updates suchen?",
"vlc-version-mismatch": u"This version of VLC does not support Syncplay. VLC {}+ supports Syncplay but VLC 3 does not. Please use an alternative media player.", # VLC min version # TODO: Translate
"vlc-interface-version-mismatch": u"Du nutzt Version {} des VLC-Syncplay Interface-Moduls, Syncplay benötigt aber mindestens Version {}. In der Syncplay-Anleitung unter http://syncplay.pl/guide/ [Englisch] findest du Details zur Installation des syncplay.lua-Skripts.", # VLC interface version, VLC interface min version
"vlc-interface-oldversion-warning": u"Warnung: Es ist eine alte Version des Syncplay Interface-Moduls für VLC im VLC-Verzeichnis installiert. In der Syncplay-Anleitung unter http://syncplay.pl/guide/ [Englisch] findest du Details zur Installation des syncplay.lua-Skripts.",
"vlc-interface-not-installed": u"Warnung: Es wurde kein Syncplay Interface-Modul für VLC im VLC-Verzeichnis gefunden. Daher wird, wenn du VLC 2.0 nutzt, die syncplay.lua die mit Syncplay mitgeliefert wurde, verwendet. Dies bedeutet allerdings, dass keine anderen Interface-Skripts und Erweiterungen geladen werden. In der Syncplay-Anleitung unter http://syncplay.pl/guide/ [Englisch] findest du Details zur Installation des syncplay.lua-Skripts.",
"vlc-interface-version-mismatch": u"Du nutzt Version {} des VLC-Syncplay Interface-Moduls, Syncplay benötigt aber mindestens Version {}. In der Syncplay-Anleitung unter https://syncplay.pl/guide/ [Englisch] findest du Details zur Installation des syncplay.lua-Skripts.", # VLC interface version, VLC interface min version
"vlc-interface-oldversion-warning": u"Warnung: Es ist eine alte Version des Syncplay Interface-Moduls für VLC im VLC-Verzeichnis installiert. In der Syncplay-Anleitung unter https://syncplay.pl/guide/ [Englisch] findest du Details zur Installation des syncplay.lua-Skripts.",
"vlc-interface-not-installed": u"Warnung: Es wurde kein Syncplay Interface-Modul für VLC im VLC-Verzeichnis gefunden. Daher wird, wenn du VLC 2.0 nutzt, die syncplay.lua die mit Syncplay mitgeliefert wurde, verwendet. Dies bedeutet allerdings, dass keine anderen Interface-Skripts und Erweiterungen geladen werden. In der Syncplay-Anleitung unter https://syncplay.pl/guide/ [Englisch] findest du Details zur Installation des syncplay.lua-Skripts.",
"media-player-latency-warning": u"Warnung: Der Mediaplayer brauchte {} Sekunden zum Antworten. Wenn Probleme bei der Synchronisation auftreten, schließe bitte andere Anwendungen, um Ressourcen freizugeben. Sollte das nicht funktionieren, versuche es mit einem anderen Media-Player.", # Seconds to respond
"mpv-unresponsive-error": u"MPV hat für {} Sekunden nicht geantwortet und scheint abgestürzt zu sein. Bitte starte Syncplay neu.", # Seconds to respond
@ -130,8 +130,8 @@ de = {
"not-json-error" : u"Kein JSON-String\n",
"hello-arguments-error" : u"Zu wenige Hello-Argumente\n",
"version-mismatch-error" : u"Verschiedene Versionen auf Client und Server\n",
"vlc-failed-connection": u"Kann nicht zu VLC verbinden. Wenn du syncplay.lua nicht installiert hast, findest du auf http://syncplay.pl/LUA/ [Englisch] eine Anleitung.",
"vlc-failed-noscript": u"Laut VLC ist das syncplay.lua Interface-Skript nicht installiert. Auf http://syncplay.pl/LUA/ [Englisch] findest du eine Anleitung.",
"vlc-failed-connection": u"Kann nicht zu VLC verbinden. Wenn du syncplay.lua nicht installiert hast, findest du auf https://syncplay.pl/LUA/ [Englisch] eine Anleitung.",
"vlc-failed-noscript": u"Laut VLC ist das syncplay.lua Interface-Skript nicht installiert. Auf https://syncplay.pl/LUA/ [Englisch] findest du eine Anleitung.",
"vlc-failed-versioncheck": u"Diese VLC-Version wird von Syncplay nicht unterstützt. Bitte nutze VLC 2.0",
"vlc-failed-other" : u"Beim Laden des syncplay.lua Interface-Skripts durch VLC trat folgender Fehler auf: {}", # Syncplay Error
@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ de = {
"run-label" : u"Syncplay starten",
"storeandrun-label" : u"Konfiguration speichern und Syncplay starten",
"contact-label" : u"Du hast eine Idee, einen Bug gefunden oder möchtest Feedback geben? Sende eine E-Mail an <a href=\"mailto:dev@syncplay.pl\">dev@syncplay.pl</a>, chatte auf dem <a href=\"https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#syncplay\">#Syncplay IRC-Kanal</a> auf irc.freenode.net oder <a href=\"https://github.com/Uriziel/syncplay/issues\">öffne eine Fehlermeldung auf GitHub</a>. Außerdem findest du auf <a href=\"http://syncplay.pl/\">http://syncplay.pl/</a> weitere Informationen, Hilfestellungen und Updates. OTE: Chat messages are not encrypted so do not use Syncplay to send sensitive information.", # TODO: Translate last sentence
"contact-label" : u"Du hast eine Idee, einen Bug gefunden oder möchtest Feedback geben? Sende eine E-Mail an <a href=\"mailto:dev@syncplay.pl\">dev@syncplay.pl</a>, chatte auf dem <a href=\"https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#syncplay\">#Syncplay IRC-Kanal</a> auf irc.freenode.net oder <a href=\"https://github.com/Uriziel/syncplay/issues\">öffne eine Fehlermeldung auf GitHub</a>. Außerdem findest du auf <a href=\"https://syncplay.pl/\">https://syncplay.pl/</a> weitere Informationen, Hilfestellungen und Updates. OTE: Chat messages are not encrypted so do not use Syncplay to send sensitive information.", # TODO: Translate last sentence
"joinroom-label" : u"Raum beitreten",
"joinroom-menu-label" : u"Raum beitreten {}", #TODO: Might want to fix this
@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ de = {
"about-dialog-dependencies": u"Dependencies",
"setoffset-msgbox-label" : u"Offset einstellen",
"offsetinfo-msgbox-label" : u"Offset (siehe http://syncplay.pl/guide/ für eine Anleitung [Englisch]):",
"offsetinfo-msgbox-label" : u"Offset (siehe https://syncplay.pl/guide/ für eine Anleitung [Englisch]):",
"promptforstreamurl-msgbox-label" : u"Stream URL öffnen",
"promptforstreamurlinfo-msgbox-label" : u"Stream URL",
@ -328,10 +328,10 @@ de = {
"trusteddomains-msgbox-label" : u"Domains it is okay to automatically switch to (one per line)", # TODO: Translate
"createcontrolledroom-msgbox-label" : u"Zentral gesteuerten Raum erstellen",
"controlledroominfo-msgbox-label" : u"Namen des zentral gesteuerten Raums eingeben\r\n(siehe http://syncplay.pl/guide/ für eine Anleitung [Englisch]):",
"controlledroominfo-msgbox-label" : u"Namen des zentral gesteuerten Raums eingeben\r\n(siehe https://syncplay.pl/guide/ für eine Anleitung [Englisch]):",
"identifyascontroller-msgbox-label" : u"Als Raumleiter identifizieren",
"identifyinfo-msgbox-label" : u"Passwort des zentral gesteuerten Raums eingeben\r\n(siehe http://syncplay.pl/guide/ für eine Anleitung [Englisch]):",
"identifyinfo-msgbox-label" : u"Passwort des zentral gesteuerten Raums eingeben\r\n(siehe https://syncplay.pl/guide/ für eine Anleitung [Englisch]):",
"public-server-msgbox-label" : u"Einen öffentlichen Server für diese Sitzung auswählen",
@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ de = {
"nofile-note" : u"(keine Datei wird abgespielt)",
# Server messages to client
"new-syncplay-available-motd-message" : u"<NOTICE> Du nutzt Syncplay Version {}, aber es gibt eine neuere Version auf http://syncplay.pl</NOTICE>", # ClientVersion
"new-syncplay-available-motd-message" : u"<NOTICE> Du nutzt Syncplay Version {}, aber es gibt eine neuere Version auf https://syncplay.pl</NOTICE>", # ClientVersion
# Server notifications
"welcome-server-notification" : u"Willkommen zum Syncplay-Server, v. {0}", # version
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ en = {
"controller-userlist-userflag" : "Operator",
"ready-userlist-userflag" : "Ready",
"update-check-failed-notification" : u"Could not automatically check whether Syncplay {} is up to date. Want to visit http://syncplay.pl/ to manually check for updates?", #Syncplay version
"update-check-failed-notification" : u"Could not automatically check whether Syncplay {} is up to date. Want to visit https://syncplay.pl/ to manually check for updates?", #Syncplay version
"syncplay-uptodate-notification" : u"Syncplay is up to date",
"syncplay-updateavailable-notification" : u"A new version of Syncplay is available. Do you want to visit the release page?",
@ -93,9 +93,9 @@ en = {
"language-changed-msgbox-label" : "Language will be changed when you run Syncplay.",
"promptforupdate-label" : u"Is it okay for Syncplay to automatically check for updates from time to time?",
"vlc-interface-version-mismatch": "You are running version {} of the Syncplay interface module for VLC, but Syncplay is designed to run with version {} and above. Please refer to the Syncplay User Guide at http://syncplay.pl/guide/ for instructions on how to install syncplay.lua.", # VLC interface version, VLC interface min version
"vlc-interface-oldversion-warning": "Warning: Syncplay detected that an old version version of the Syncplay interface module for VLC was installed in the VLC directory. Please refer to the Syncplay User Guide at http://syncplay.pl/guide/ for instructions on how to install syncplay.lua.",
"vlc-interface-not-installed": "Warning: The Syncplay interface module for VLC was not found in the VLC directory. As such, if you are running VLC 2.0 then VLC will use the syncplay.lua module contained within the Syncplay directory, but this will mean that other custom interface scripts and extensions will not work. Please refer to the Syncplay User Guide at http://syncplay.pl/guide/ for instructions on how to install syncplay.lua.",
"vlc-interface-version-mismatch": "You are running version {} of the Syncplay interface module for VLC, but Syncplay is designed to run with version {} and above. Please refer to the Syncplay User Guide at https://syncplay.pl/guide/ for instructions on how to install syncplay.lua.", # VLC interface version, VLC interface min version
"vlc-interface-oldversion-warning": "Warning: Syncplay detected that an old version version of the Syncplay interface module for VLC was installed in the VLC directory. Please refer to the Syncplay User Guide at https://syncplay.pl/guide/ for instructions on how to install syncplay.lua.",
"vlc-interface-not-installed": "Warning: The Syncplay interface module for VLC was not found in the VLC directory. As such, if you are running VLC 2.0 then VLC will use the syncplay.lua module contained within the Syncplay directory, but this will mean that other custom interface scripts and extensions will not work. Please refer to the Syncplay User Guide at https://syncplay.pl/guide/ for instructions on how to install syncplay.lua.",
"media-player-latency-warning": u"Warning: The media player took {} seconds to respond. If you experience syncing issues then close applications to free up system resources, and if that doesn't work then try a different media player.", # Seconds to respond
"mpv-unresponsive-error": u"mpv has not responded for {} seconds so appears to have malfunctioned. Please restart Syncplay.", # Seconds to respond
@ -129,8 +129,8 @@ en = {
"not-json-error" : "Not a json encoded string\n",
"hello-arguments-error" : "Not enough Hello arguments\n", # DO NOT TRANSLATE
"version-mismatch-error" : "Mismatch between versions of client and server\n",
"vlc-failed-connection": "Failed to connect to VLC. If you have not installed syncplay.lua and are using the latest verion of VLC then please refer to http://syncplay.pl/LUA/ for instructions.",
"vlc-failed-noscript": "VLC has reported that the syncplay.lua interface script has not been installed. Please refer to http://syncplay.pl/LUA/ for instructions.",
"vlc-failed-connection": "Failed to connect to VLC. If you have not installed syncplay.lua and are using the latest verion of VLC then please refer to https://syncplay.pl/LUA/ for instructions.",
"vlc-failed-noscript": "VLC has reported that the syncplay.lua interface script has not been installed. Please refer to https://syncplay.pl/LUA/ for instructions.",
"vlc-failed-versioncheck": "This version of VLC is not supported by Syncplay.",
"feature-sharedPlaylists" : u"shared playlists", # used for not-supported-by-server-error
@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ en = {
"run-label" : "Run Syncplay",
"storeandrun-label" : "Store configuration and run Syncplay",
"contact-label" : "Feel free to e-mail <a href=\"mailto:dev@syncplay.pl\"><nobr>dev@syncplay.pl</nobr></a>, chat via the <a href=\"https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#syncplay\"><nobr>#Syncplay IRC channel</nobr></a> on irc.freenode.net, <a href=\"https://github.com/Uriziel/syncplay/issues\"><nobr>raise an issue</nobr></a> via GitHub, <a href=\"https://www.facebook.com/SyncplaySoftware\"><nobr>like us on Facebook</nobr></a>, <a href=\"https://twitter.com/Syncplay/\"><nobr>follow us on Twitter</nobr></a>, or visit <a href=\"http://syncplay.pl/\"><nobr>http://syncplay.pl/</nobr></a>. NOTE: Chat messages are not encrypted so do not use Syncplay to send sensitive information.",
"contact-label" : "Feel free to e-mail <a href=\"mailto:dev@syncplay.pl\"><nobr>dev@syncplay.pl</nobr></a>, chat via the <a href=\"https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#syncplay\"><nobr>#Syncplay IRC channel</nobr></a> on irc.freenode.net, <a href=\"https://github.com/Uriziel/syncplay/issues\"><nobr>raise an issue</nobr></a> via GitHub, <a href=\"https://www.facebook.com/SyncplaySoftware\"><nobr>like us on Facebook</nobr></a>, <a href=\"https://twitter.com/Syncplay/\"><nobr>follow us on Twitter</nobr></a>, or visit <a href=\"https://syncplay.pl/\"><nobr>https://syncplay.pl/</nobr></a>. NOTE: Chat messages are not encrypted so do not use Syncplay to send sensitive information.",
"joinroom-label" : "Join room",
"joinroom-menu-label" : u"Join room {}",
@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ en = {
"about-dialog-dependencies": u"Dependencies",
"setoffset-msgbox-label" : "Set offset",
"offsetinfo-msgbox-label" : "Offset (see http://syncplay.pl/guide/ for usage instructions):",
"offsetinfo-msgbox-label" : "Offset (see https://syncplay.pl/guide/ for usage instructions):",
"promptforstreamurl-msgbox-label" : "Open media stream URL",
"promptforstreamurlinfo-msgbox-label" : "Stream URL",
@ -333,10 +333,10 @@ en = {
"trusteddomains-msgbox-label" : u"Domains it is okay to automatically switch to (one per line)",
"createcontrolledroom-msgbox-label" : "Create managed room",
"controlledroominfo-msgbox-label" : "Enter name of managed room\r\n(see http://syncplay.pl/guide/ for usage instructions):",
"controlledroominfo-msgbox-label" : "Enter name of managed room\r\n(see https://syncplay.pl/guide/ for usage instructions):",
"identifyascontroller-msgbox-label" : "Identify as room operator",
"identifyinfo-msgbox-label" : "Enter operator password for this room\r\n(see http://syncplay.pl/guide/ for usage instructions):",
"identifyinfo-msgbox-label" : "Enter operator password for this room\r\n(see https://syncplay.pl/guide/ for usage instructions):",
"public-server-msgbox-label" : u"Select the public server for this viewing session",
@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ en = {
"nofile-note" : "(No file being played)",
# Server messages to client
"new-syncplay-available-motd-message" : "<NOTICE> You are using Syncplay {} but a newer version is available from http://syncplay.pl </NOTICE>", # ClientVersion
"new-syncplay-available-motd-message" : "<NOTICE> You are using Syncplay {} but a newer version is available from https://syncplay.pl </NOTICE>", # ClientVersion
# Server notifications
"welcome-server-notification" : "Welcome to Syncplay server, ver. {0}", # version
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ it = {
"file-different-notification" : u"Il file che stai riproducendo sembra essere diverso da quello di {}", # User
"file-differences-notification" : u"Il tuo file mostra le seguenti differenze: {}", # Differences
"room-file-differences" : u"Differenze: {} \n", # File differences (filename, size, and/or duration)
"room-file-differences" : u"Differenze: {}", # File differences (filename, size, and/or duration)
"file-difference-filename" : u"nome",
"file-difference-filesize" : u"dimensione",
"file-difference-duration" : u"durata",
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ it = {
"controller-userlist-userflag" : u"Gestore",
"ready-userlist-userflag" : u"Pronto",
"update-check-failed-notification" : u"Controllo automatico degli aggiornamenti di Syncplay {} fallito. Vuoi visitare http://syncplay.pl/ per verificare manualmente la presenza di aggiornamenti?", #Syncplay version
"update-check-failed-notification" : u"Controllo automatico degli aggiornamenti di Syncplay {} fallito. Vuoi visitare https://syncplay.pl/ per verificare manualmente la presenza di aggiornamenti?", #Syncplay version
"syncplay-uptodate-notification" : u"Syncplay è aggiornato",
"syncplay-updateavailable-notification" : u"Una nuova versione di Syncplay è disponibile. Vuoi visitare la pagina delle release?",
@ -93,10 +93,10 @@ it = {
"language-changed-msgbox-label" : u"La lingua sarà cambiata quando avvierai Syncplay.",
"promptforupdate-label" : u"Ti piacerebbe che, di tanto in tanto, Syncplay controllasse automaticamente la presenza di aggiornamenti?",
"vlc-interface-version-mismatch": u"Stai eseguendo la versione {} del modulo di interfaccia per VLC di Syncplay, ma Syncplay è progettato per essere utilizzato con la versione {} o superiore. Per favore, fai riferimento alla User Guide di Syncplay presso http://syncplay.pl/guide/ per istruzioni su come installare syncplay.lua.", # VLC interface version, VLC interface min version
"vlc-interface-oldversion-warning": u"Attenzione: Syncplay ha rilevato una vecchia versione del modulo di interfaccia per VLC di Syncplay installata nella cartella di VLC. Per favore, fai riferimento alla User Guide di Syncplay presso http://syncplay.pl/guide/ per istruzioni su come installare syncplay.lua.",
"vlc-interface-version-mismatch": u"Stai eseguendo la versione {} del modulo di interfaccia per VLC di Syncplay, ma Syncplay è progettato per essere utilizzato con la versione {} o superiore. Per favore, fai riferimento alla User Guide di Syncplay presso https://syncplay.pl/guide/ per istruzioni su come installare syncplay.lua.", # VLC interface version, VLC interface min version
"vlc-interface-oldversion-warning": u"Attenzione: Syncplay ha rilevato una vecchia versione del modulo di interfaccia per VLC di Syncplay installata nella cartella di VLC. Per favore, fai riferimento alla User Guide di Syncplay presso https://syncplay.pl/guide/ per istruzioni su come installare syncplay.lua.",
"media-player-latency-warning": u"Attenzione: il media player ha impiegato {} secondi per rispondere. Se stai avendo problemi di sincronizzazione, chiudi delle applicazioni per liberare le risorse di sistema e, se ciò non dovesse avere alcun effetto, prova un altro media player.", # Seconds to respond
"vlc-interface-not-installed": u"Attenzione: il modulo di interfaccia per VLC di Syncplay non è stato trovato nella cartella di VLC. Se stai utilizzando VLC 2.0, VLC userà il modulo syncplay.lua contenuto nella cartella di Syncplay, ma ciò significa che altri custom script di interfaccia ed estensioni non funzioneranno. Per favore, fai riferimento alla User Guide di Syncplay presso http://syncplay.pl/guide/ per istruzioni su come installare syncplay.lua.",
"vlc-interface-not-installed": u"Attenzione: il modulo di interfaccia per VLC di Syncplay non è stato trovato nella cartella di VLC. Se stai utilizzando VLC 2.0, VLC userà il modulo syncplay.lua contenuto nella cartella di Syncplay, ma ciò significa che altri custom script di interfaccia ed estensioni non funzioneranno. Per favore, fai riferimento alla User Guide di Syncplay presso https://syncplay.pl/guide/ per istruzioni su come installare syncplay.lua.",
"mpv-unresponsive-error": u"mpv non ha risposto per {} secondi, quindi sembra non funzionare correttamente. Per favore, riavvia Syncplay.", # Seconds to respond
# Client prompts
@ -129,8 +129,8 @@ it = {
"not-json-error" : u"Non è una stringa con codifica JSON\n",
"hello-arguments-error" : "Not enough Hello arguments\n", # DO NOT TRANSLATE
"version-mismatch-error" : u"La versione del client è diversa da quella del server\n",
"vlc-failed-connection": u"Impossibile collegarsi a VLC. Se non hai installato syncplay.lua e stai usando l'ultima versione di VLC, fai riferimento a http://syncplay.pl/LUA/ per istruzioni.",
"vlc-failed-noscript": u"VLC ha segnalato che lo script di interfaccia syncplay.lua non è stato installato. Per favore, fai riferimento a http://syncplay.pl/LUA/ per istruzioni.",
"vlc-failed-connection": u"Impossibile collegarsi a VLC. Se non hai installato syncplay.lua e stai usando l'ultima versione di VLC, fai riferimento a https://syncplay.pl/LUA/ per istruzioni.",
"vlc-failed-noscript": u"VLC ha segnalato che lo script di interfaccia syncplay.lua non è stato installato. Per favore, fai riferimento a https://syncplay.pl/LUA/ per istruzioni.",
"vlc-failed-versioncheck": u"Questa versione di VLC non è supportata da Syncplay.",
"feature-sharedPlaylists" : u"playlist condivise", # used for not-supported-by-server-error
@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ it = {
"run-label" : u"Avvia Syncplay",
"storeandrun-label" : u"Salva la configurazione e avvia Syncplay",
"contact-label" : u"Sentiti libero di inviare un'e-mail a <a href=\"mailto:dev@syncplay.pl\"><nobr>dev@syncplay.pl</nobr></a>, chattare tramite il <a href=\"https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#syncplay\"><nobr>canale IRC #Syncplay</nobr></a> su irc.freenode.net, <a href=\"https://github.com/Uriziel/syncplay/issues\"><nobr>segnalare un problema</nobr></a> su GitHub, <a href=\"https://www.facebook.com/SyncplaySoftware\"><nobr>lasciare un like sulla nostra pagina Facebook</nobr></a>, <a href=\"https://twitter.com/Syncplay/\"><nobr>seguirci su Twitter</nobr></a>, o visitare <a href=\"http://syncplay.pl/\"><nobr>http://syncplay.pl/</nobr></a>. NOTA: i messaggi di chat non sono cifrati, quindi non usare Syncplay per inviare dati sensibili.",
"contact-label" : u"Sentiti libero di inviare un'e-mail a <a href=\"mailto:dev@syncplay.pl\"><nobr>dev@syncplay.pl</nobr></a>, chattare tramite il <a href=\"https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#syncplay\"><nobr>canale IRC #Syncplay</nobr></a> su irc.freenode.net, <a href=\"https://github.com/Uriziel/syncplay/issues\"><nobr>segnalare un problema</nobr></a> su GitHub, <a href=\"https://www.facebook.com/SyncplaySoftware\"><nobr>lasciare un like sulla nostra pagina Facebook</nobr></a>, <a href=\"https://twitter.com/Syncplay/\"><nobr>seguirci su Twitter</nobr></a>, o visitare <a href=\"https://syncplay.pl/\"><nobr>https://syncplay.pl/</nobr></a>. NOTA: i messaggi di chat non sono cifrati, quindi non usare Syncplay per inviare dati sensibili.",
"joinroom-label" : u"Entra nella stanza",
"joinroom-menu-label" : u"Entra nella stanza {}",
@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ it = {
"about-dialog-dependencies": u"Dipendenze",
"setoffset-msgbox-label" : u"Imposta offset",
"offsetinfo-msgbox-label" : u"Offset (vedi http://syncplay.pl/guide/ per istruzioni):",
"offsetinfo-msgbox-label" : u"Offset (vedi https://syncplay.pl/guide/ per istruzioni):",
"promptforstreamurl-msgbox-label" : u"Apri URL",
"promptforstreamurlinfo-msgbox-label" : u"Indirizzo di rete",
@ -334,10 +334,10 @@ it = {
"trusteddomains-msgbox-label" : u"Domini a cui è lecito passare automaticamente (uno per riga)",
"createcontrolledroom-msgbox-label" : u"Crea stanza gestita",
"controlledroominfo-msgbox-label" : u"Inserisci il nome della stanza gestita\r\n(vedi http://syncplay.pl/guide/ per istruzioni):",
"controlledroominfo-msgbox-label" : u"Inserisci il nome della stanza gestita\r\n(vedi https://syncplay.pl/guide/ per istruzioni):",
"identifyascontroller-msgbox-label" : u"Identificati come operatore della stanza",
"identifyinfo-msgbox-label" : u"Inserisci la password dell'operatore per questa stanza\r\n(vedi http://syncplay.pl/guide/ per istruzioni):",
"identifyinfo-msgbox-label" : u"Inserisci la password dell'operatore per questa stanza\r\n(vedi https://syncplay.pl/guide/ per istruzioni):",
"public-server-msgbox-label" : u"Seleziona il server pubblico per questa sessione",
@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ it = {
"nofile-note" : u"(Nessun file in riproduzione)",
# Server messages to client
"new-syncplay-available-motd-message" : u"<NOTICE> Stai usando Syncplay {} ma una nuova versione è disponibile presso http://syncplay.pl </NOTICE>", # ClientVersion
"new-syncplay-available-motd-message" : u"<NOTICE> Stai usando Syncplay {} ma una nuova versione è disponibile presso https://syncplay.pl </NOTICE>", # ClientVersion
# Server notifications
"welcome-server-notification" : u"Benvenuto nel server Syncplay, ver. {0}", # version
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ ru = {
"controller-userlist-userflag" : u"Оператор",
"ready-userlist-userflag" : u"Готов",
"update-check-failed-notification" : u"Невозможно автоматически проверить, что версия Syncplay {} все еще актуальна. Хотите зайти на http://syncplay.pl/ и вручную проверить наличие обновлений?",
"update-check-failed-notification" : u"Невозможно автоматически проверить, что версия Syncplay {} все еще актуальна. Хотите зайти на https://syncplay.pl/ и вручную проверить наличие обновлений?",
"syncplay-uptodate-notification" : u"У вас последняя версия Syncplay",
"syncplay-updateavailable-notification" : u"Доступна новая версия Syncplay. Хотите открыть страницу релиза?",
@ -94,9 +94,9 @@ ru = {
"promptforupdate-label" : u"Вы не против, если Syncplay будет автоматически изредка проверять наличие обновлений?",
"vlc-version-mismatch": u"Syncplay не поддерживает данную версию VLC. Syncplay поддерживает VLC {}+, но не VLC 3. Используйте другой проигрыватель.", # VLC min version
"vlc-interface-version-mismatch" : u"Вы используете модуль интерфейса Syncplay устаревшей версии {} для VLC. К сожалению, Syncplay способен работать с версией {} и выше. Пожалуйста, обратитесь к Руководству Пользователя Syncplay (http://syncplay.pl/guide/) за инструкциями о том, как установить syncplay.lua.", # VLC interface version, VLC interface min version
"vlc-interface-oldversion-warning" : u"Внимание: Syncplay обнаружил, что старая версия модуля интерфейса Syncplay для VLC уже установлена в директорию VLC. Пожалуйста, обратитесь к Руководству Пользователя Syncplay (http://syncplay.pl/guide/) за инструкциями о том, как установить syncplay.lua.",
"vlc-interface-not-installed" : u"Внимание: Модуль интерфейса Syncplay для VLC не обнаружен в директории VLC. По существу, если Вы используете VLC 2.0, то VLC будет использовать модуль syncplay.lua из директории Syncplay, но в таком случае другие пользовательские скрипты и расширения интерфейса не будут работать. Пожалуйста, обратитесь к Руководству Пользователя Syncplay (http://syncplay.pl/guide/) за инструкциями о том, как установить syncplay.lua.",
"vlc-interface-version-mismatch" : u"Вы используете модуль интерфейса Syncplay устаревшей версии {} для VLC. К сожалению, Syncplay способен работать с версией {} и выше. Пожалуйста, обратитесь к Руководству Пользователя Syncplay (https://syncplay.pl/guide/) за инструкциями о том, как установить syncplay.lua.", # VLC interface version, VLC interface min version
"vlc-interface-oldversion-warning" : u"Внимание: Syncplay обнаружил, что старая версия модуля интерфейса Syncplay для VLC уже установлена в директорию VLC. Пожалуйста, обратитесь к Руководству Пользователя Syncplay (https://syncplay.pl/guide/) за инструкциями о том, как установить syncplay.lua.",
"vlc-interface-not-installed" : u"Внимание: Модуль интерфейса Syncplay для VLC не обнаружен в директории VLC. По существу, если Вы используете VLC 2.0, то VLC будет использовать модуль syncplay.lua из директории Syncplay, но в таком случае другие пользовательские скрипты и расширения интерфейса не будут работать. Пожалуйста, обратитесь к Руководству Пользователя Syncplay (https://syncplay.pl/guide/) за инструкциями о том, как установить syncplay.lua.",
"media-player-latency-warning": u"Внимание: У Вашего проигрывателя слишком большой отклик ({} секунд). Если Вы замечаете проблемы с синхронизацией, то закройте ресурсоемкие приложения. Если это не помогло - попробуйте другой проигрыватель.", # Seconds to respond
"mpv-unresponsive-error": u"mpv не отвечает {} секунд, по-видимому, произошел сбой. Пожалуйста, перезапустите Syncplay.", # Seconds to respond
@ -130,8 +130,8 @@ ru = {
"not-json-error" : u"Не является закодированной json-строкой\n",
"hello-arguments-error" : u"Не хватает аргументов Hello\n",
"version-mismatch-error" : u"Конфликт версий между клиентом и сервером\n",
"vlc-failed-connection" : u"Ошибка подключения к VLC. Если у Вас не установлен syncplay.lua, то обратитесь к http://syncplay.pl/LUA/ за инструкциями.",
"vlc-failed-noscript" : u"VLC сообщает, что скрипт интерфейса syncplay.lua не установлен. Пожалуйста, обратитесь к http://syncplay.pl/LUA/ за инструкциями.",
"vlc-failed-connection" : u"Ошибка подключения к VLC. Если у Вас не установлен syncplay.lua, то обратитесь к https://syncplay.pl/LUA/ за инструкциями.",
"vlc-failed-noscript" : u"VLC сообщает, что скрипт интерфейса syncplay.lua не установлен. Пожалуйста, обратитесь к https://syncplay.pl/LUA/ за инструкциями.",
"vlc-failed-versioncheck" : u"Данная версия VLC не поддерживается Syncplay. Пожалуйста, используйте VLC версии 2 или выше.",
"vlc-failed-other" : u"Во время загрузки скрипта интерфейса syncplay.lua в VLC произошла следующая ошибка: {}", # Syncplay Error
@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ ru = {
"run-label" : u"Запустить",
"storeandrun-label" : u"Сохранить и запустить",
"contact-label" : u"Есть идея, нашли ошибку или хотите оставить отзыв? Пишите на <a href=\"mailto:dev@syncplay.pl\">dev@syncplay.pl</a>, в <a href=\"https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#syncplay\">IRC канал #Syncplay</a> на irc.freenode.net или <a href=\"https://github.com/Uriziel/syncplay/issues\">задавайте вопросы через GitHub</a>. Кроме того, заходите на <a href=\"http://syncplay.pl/\">www.syncplay.pl</a> за инорфмацией, помощью и обновлениями! NOTE: Chat messages are not encrypted so do not use Syncplay to send sensitive information.", # TODO: Translate last sentence
"contact-label" : u"Есть идея, нашли ошибку или хотите оставить отзыв? Пишите на <a href=\"mailto:dev@syncplay.pl\">dev@syncplay.pl</a>, в <a href=\"https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#syncplay\">IRC канал #Syncplay</a> на irc.freenode.net или <a href=\"https://github.com/Uriziel/syncplay/issues\">задавайте вопросы через GitHub</a>. Кроме того, заходите на <a href=\"https://syncplay.pl/\">www.syncplay.pl</a> за инорфмацией, помощью и обновлениями! NOTE: Chat messages are not encrypted so do not use Syncplay to send sensitive information.", # TODO: Translate last sentence
"joinroom-label" : u"Зайти в комнату",
"joinroom-menu-label" : u"Зайти в комнату {}",
@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ ru = {
"nofile-note" : u"(ничего)",
# Server messages to client
"new-syncplay-available-motd-message" : u"<NOTICE> Вы используете Syncplay версии {}. Доступна более новая версия на http://syncplay.pl/ . </NOTICE>", # ClientVersion
"new-syncplay-available-motd-message" : u"<NOTICE> Вы используете Syncplay версии {}. Доступна более новая версия на https://syncplay.pl/ . </NOTICE>", # ClientVersion
# Server notifications
"welcome-server-notification" : u"Добро пожаловать на сервер Syncplay версии {0}", # version
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ class ConfigDialog(QtWidgets.QDialog):
def openHelp(self):
def safenormcaseandpath(self, path):
if utils.isURL(path):
@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ class ConfigDialog(QtWidgets.QDialog):
self.config["lastCheckedForUpdates"] = self.lastCheckedForUpdates.toString("yyyy-MM-d HH:mm:ss.z")
self.lastCheckedForUpdates = None
self.config["lastCheckedForUpdates"] = None
def loadSavedPublicServerList(self):
settings = QSettings("Syncplay", "Interface")
@ -91,6 +91,10 @@ class ConsoleUI(threading.Thread):
def showMessage(self, message, noTimestamp=False):
message = message.encode(sys.stdout.encoding, 'replace')
message = message.decode('utf-8')
except UnicodeEncodeError:
if noTimestamp:
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ from twisted.internet import task
from syncplay.ui.consoleUI import ConsoleUI
if isMacOS() and IsPySide:
from Foundation import NSURL
from Cocoa import NSString, NSUTF8StringEncoding
lastCheckedForUpdates = None
class ConsoleInGUI(ConsoleUI):
@ -111,7 +112,7 @@ class AboutDialog(QtWidgets.QDialog):
self.setWindowFlags(self.windowFlags() & ~Qt.WindowContextHelpButtonHint)
nameLabel = QtWidgets.QLabel("<center><strong>Syncplay</strong></center>")
nameLabel.setFont(QtGui.QFont("Helvetica", 20))
linkLabel = QtWidgets.QLabel("<center><a href=\"http://syncplay.pl\">syncplay.pl</a></center>")
linkLabel = QtWidgets.QLabel("<center><a href=\"https://syncplay.pl\">syncplay.pl</a></center>")
versionLabel = QtWidgets.QLabel("<center>" + getMessage("about-dialog-release").format(version, release_number, __binding__) + "</center>")
licenseLabel = QtWidgets.QLabel("<center><p>Copyright © 2017 Syncplay</p><p>" + getMessage("about-dialog-license-text") + "</p></center>")
@ -222,7 +223,9 @@ class MainWindow(QtWidgets.QMainWindow):
for url in urls[::-1]:
if isMacOS() and IsPySide:
dropfilepath = os.path.abspath(NSURL.URLWithString_(str(url.toString())).filePathURL().path())
macURL = NSString.alloc().initWithString_(unicode(url.toString()))
pathString = macURL.stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding_(NSUTF8StringEncoding)
dropfilepath = os.path.abspath(NSURL.URLWithString_(pathString).filePathURL().path())
dropfilepath = os.path.abspath(unicode(url.toLocalFile()))
if os.path.isfile(dropfilepath):
@ -327,7 +330,9 @@ class MainWindow(QtWidgets.QMainWindow):
indexRow = window.playlist.count()
for url in urls[::-1]:
if isMacOS() and IsPySide:
dropfilepath = os.path.abspath(NSURL.URLWithString_(str(url.toString())).filePathURL().path())
macURL = NSString.alloc().initWithString_(unicode(url.toString()))
pathString = macURL.stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding_(NSUTF8StringEncoding)
dropfilepath = os.path.abspath(NSURL.URLWithString_(pathString).filePathURL().path())
dropfilepath = os.path.abspath(unicode(url.toLocalFile()))
if os.path.isfile(dropfilepath):
@ -1120,11 +1125,11 @@ class MainWindow(QtWidgets.QMainWindow):
def openUserGuide(self):
if isLinux():
elif isWindows():
def drop(self):
@ -1609,7 +1614,9 @@ class MainWindow(QtWidgets.QMainWindow):
if urls and urls[0].scheme() == 'file':
url = event.mimeData().urls()[0]
if isMacOS() and IsPySide:
dropfilepath = os.path.abspath(NSURL.URLWithString_(str(url.toString())).filePathURL().path())
macURL = NSString.alloc().initWithString_(unicode(url.toString()))
pathString = macURL.stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding_(NSUTF8StringEncoding)
dropfilepath = os.path.abspath(NSURL.URLWithString_(pathString).filePathURL().path())
dropfilepath = os.path.abspath(unicode(url.toLocalFile()))
if rewindFile == False:
Reference in New Issue
Block a user