diff --git a/syncplay/ui/consoleUI.py b/syncplay/ui/consoleUI.py index 60e9de7..e987b21 100644 --- a/syncplay/ui/consoleUI.py +++ b/syncplay/ui/consoleUI.py @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ class ConsoleUI(threading.Thread): self.showMessage("\tl - show user list", True) self.showMessage("\tu - undo last seek", True) self.showMessage("\tp - toggle pause", True) - self.showMessage("\t[s][+-][time] - seek to the given value of time, if + or - is not specified it's absolute time in seconds or min:sec", True) + self.showMessage("\t[s][+-]time - seek to the given value of time, if + or - is not specified it's absolute time in seconds or min:sec", True) self.showMessage("\th - this help", True) self.showMessage("Syncplay version: {}".format(syncplay.version), True) self.showMessage("More info available at: {}".format(syncplay.projectURL), True)