diff --git a/syncplay/messages_de.py b/syncplay/messages_de.py index 38b033b..b1609d6 100755 --- a/syncplay/messages_de.py +++ b/syncplay/messages_de.py @@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ de = { "commandlist-notification/undo": "\tu - Letzter Zeitsprung rückgängig", "commandlist-notification/pause": "\tp - Pausieren / weiter", "commandlist-notification/seek": "\t[s][+-]Zeit - zu einer bestimmten Zeit spulen, ohne + oder - wird als absolute Zeit gewertet; Angabe in Sekunden oder Minuten:Sekunden", + "commandlist-notification/offset": "\to[+-]duration - offset local playback by the given duration (in seconds or min:sec) from the server seek position", "commandlist-notification/help": "\th - Diese Hilfe", "commandlist-notification/toggle": "\tt - Bereitschaftsanzeige umschalten", "commandlist-notification/create": "\tc [name] - erstelle zentral gesteuerten Raum mit dem aktuellen Raumnamen", diff --git a/syncplay/messages_en.py b/syncplay/messages_en.py index a546a45..e8e5320 100755 --- a/syncplay/messages_en.py +++ b/syncplay/messages_en.py @@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ en = { "commandlist-notification/undo": "\tu - undo last seek", "commandlist-notification/pause": "\tp - toggle pause", "commandlist-notification/seek": "\t[s][+-]time - seek to the given value of time, if + or - is not specified it's absolute time in seconds or min:sec", + "commandlist-notification/offset": "\to[+-]duration - offset local playback by the given duration (in seconds or min:sec) from the server seek position", "commandlist-notification/help": "\th - this help", "commandlist-notification/toggle": "\tt - toggles whether you are ready to watch or not", "commandlist-notification/create": "\tc [name] - create managed room using name of current room", diff --git a/syncplay/messages_es.py b/syncplay/messages_es.py index 30e3b98..07de723 100644 --- a/syncplay/messages_es.py +++ b/syncplay/messages_es.py @@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ es = { "commandlist-notification/undo": "\tu - deshacer última búsqueda", "commandlist-notification/pause": "\tp - activar pausa", "commandlist-notification/seek": "\t[s][+-]tiempo - ir al tiempo definido, si no se especifica + o -, será el tiempo absoluto en segundos o min:sec", + "commandlist-notification/offset": "\to[+-]duration - offset local playback by the given duration (in seconds or min:sec) from the server seek position", "commandlist-notification/help": "\th - esta ayuda", "commandlist-notification/toggle": "\tt - activa/inactiva señal que estás listo para ver", "commandlist-notification/create": "\tc [nombre] - crear sala administrada usando el nombre de la sala actual", diff --git a/syncplay/messages_it.py b/syncplay/messages_it.py index d532355..fe43aa9 100755 --- a/syncplay/messages_it.py +++ b/syncplay/messages_it.py @@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ it = { "commandlist-notification/undo": "\tu - annulla l'ultima ricerca", "commandlist-notification/pause": "\tp - attiva o disattiva la pausa", "commandlist-notification/seek": "\t[s][+-]tempo - salta all'istante di tempo dato, se + o - non è specificato si considera il tempo assoluto in secondi o min:sec", + "commandlist-notification/offset": "\to[+-]duration - offset local playback by the given duration (in seconds or min:sec) from the server seek position", "commandlist-notification/help": "\th - mostra questo help", "commandlist-notification/toggle": "\tt - attiva o disattiva la funzionalità \"pronto\"", "commandlist-notification/create": "\tc [nome] - crea una stanza gestita usando il nome della stanza attuale", diff --git a/syncplay/messages_pt_BR.py b/syncplay/messages_pt_BR.py index 7acdfb1..362873c 100644 --- a/syncplay/messages_pt_BR.py +++ b/syncplay/messages_pt_BR.py @@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ pt_BR = { "commandlist-notification/undo": "\tu - desfaz último salto", "commandlist-notification/pause": "\tp - alterna pausa", "commandlist-notification/seek": "\t[s][+-]time - salta para o valor de tempo dado, se + ou - não forem especificados, será o tempo absoluto em segundos ou minutos:segundos", + "commandlist-notification/offset": "\to[+-]duration - offset local playback by the given duration (in seconds or min:sec) from the server seek position", "commandlist-notification/help": "\th - esta mensagem de ajuda", "commandlist-notification/toggle": "\tt - alterna o seu status de prontidão para assistir", "commandlist-notification/create": "\tc [nome] - cria sala gerenciado usando o nome da sala atual", diff --git a/syncplay/messages_pt_PT.py b/syncplay/messages_pt_PT.py index ddfd285..9e169fb 100644 --- a/syncplay/messages_pt_PT.py +++ b/syncplay/messages_pt_PT.py @@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ pt_PT = { "commandlist-notification/undo": "\tu - desfaz último salto", "commandlist-notification/pause": "\tp - alterna pausa", "commandlist-notification/seek": "\t[s][+-]time - salta para o valor de tempo dado, se + ou - não forem especificados, será o tempo absoluto em segundos ou minutos:segundos", + "commandlist-notification/offset": "\to[+-]duration - offset local playback by the given duration (in seconds or min:sec) from the server seek position", "commandlist-notification/help": "\th - esta mensagem de ajuda", "commandlist-notification/toggle": "\tt - alterna o seu status de prontidão para assistir", "commandlist-notification/create": "\tc [nome] - cria sala gerenciada usando o nome da sala atual", diff --git a/syncplay/messages_ru.py b/syncplay/messages_ru.py index ed4be81..0b4fa4e 100755 --- a/syncplay/messages_ru.py +++ b/syncplay/messages_ru.py @@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ ru = { "commandlist-notification/undo": "\tu - отменить последнюю перемотку", "commandlist-notification/pause": "\tp - вкл./выкл. паузу", "commandlist-notification/seek": "\t[s][+-]time - перемотать к заданному моменту времени, если не указан + или -, то время считается абсолютным (от начала файла) в секундах или мин:сек", + "commandlist-notification/offset": "\to[+-]duration - offset local playback by the given duration (in seconds or min:sec) from the server seek position", "commandlist-notification/help": "\th - помощь", "commandlist-notification/toggle": "\tt - переключить статус готов/не готов к просмотру", "commandlist-notification/create": "\tc [имя комнаты] - создать управляемую комнату с таким же именем, как у текущей", diff --git a/syncplay/messages_tr.py b/syncplay/messages_tr.py index 8d78fc0..cdc43ad 100644 --- a/syncplay/messages_tr.py +++ b/syncplay/messages_tr.py @@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ tr = { "commandlist-notification/undo": "\tu - son isteği geri alır", "commandlist-notification/pause": "\tp - duraklatmayı değiştirir", "commandlist-notification/seek": "\t[s][+-]time - verilen zaman değerine atlar, eğer + veya - belirtilmezse, saniye:dakika cinsinden mutlak zamandır.", + "commandlist-notification/offset": "\to[+-]duration - offset local playback by the given duration (in seconds or min:sec) from the server seek position", "commandlist-notification/help": "\th - yardım", "commandlist-notification/toggle": "\tt - izlemeye hazır olup olmadığınızı değiştirir", "commandlist-notification/create": "\tc [name] - mevcut odanın adını kullanarak yönetilen oda oluştur", diff --git a/syncplay/ui/consoleUI.py b/syncplay/ui/consoleUI.py index 1e96494..7363ae6 100755 --- a/syncplay/ui/consoleUI.py +++ b/syncplay/ui/consoleUI.py @@ -237,6 +237,7 @@ class ConsoleUI(threading.Thread): self.showMessage(getMessage("commandlist-notification/undo"), True) self.showMessage(getMessage("commandlist-notification/pause"), True) self.showMessage(getMessage("commandlist-notification/seek"), True) + self.showMessage(getMessage("commandlist-notification/offset"), True) self.showMessage(getMessage("commandlist-notification/help"), True) self.showMessage(getMessage("commandlist-notification/toggle"), True) self.showMessage(getMessage("commandlist-notification/create"), True)