set the correct player executable path when an .app was selected on OS X (fixes #91)

This commit is contained in:
Georg G 2016-01-11 04:31:01 +01:00
parent c71d99d8aa
commit 9804ceb087

View File

@ -243,6 +243,39 @@ class ConfigDialog(QtGui.QDialog):
browserfilter, "", options)
if fileName:
if sys.platform.startswith('darwin') and fileName.endswith('.app'): # see GitHub issue #91
# Mac OS X application bundles contain a Info.plist in the Contents subdirectory of the .app.
# This plist file includes the 'CFBundleExecutable' key, which specifies the name of the
# executable. I would have used plistlib here, but since the version of this library in
# py < 3.4 can't read from binary plist files it's pretty much useless. Therefore, let's
# play a game of "Guess my executable!"
# Step 1: get all the executable files. In a Mac OS X Application bundle, executables are stored
# inside <bundle root>/Contents/MacOS.
execPath = os.path.join(os.path.normpath(fileName), 'Contents', 'MacOS')
execFiles = []
for fn in os.listdir(execPath):
fn = os.path.join(execPath, fn)
if os.path.isfile(fn) and os.access(fn, os.X_OK):
# Step 2: figure out which file name looks like the application name
baseAppName = os.path.basename(fileName).replace('.app', '').lower()
foundExe = False
for fn in execFiles:
baseExecName = os.path.basename(fn).lower()
if baseAppName == baseExecName:
fileName = fn
foundExe = True
# Step 3: use the first executable in the list if no executable was found
if not foundExe:
fileName = execFiles[0]
except IndexError: # whoops, looks like this .app doesn't contain a executable file at all
def loadLastUpdateCheckDate(self):