#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2014-2015, Tresys Technology, LLC # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only # import sys import argparse import logging import signal import warnings import networkx as nx import setools signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_DFL) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="SELinux policy domain transition analysis tool.", epilog="If no analysis is selected, all forward transitions out of the source will be printed.") parser.add_argument("--version", action="version", version=setools.__version__) parser.add_argument("-p", "--policy", help="Path to SELinux policy to analyze.") parser.add_argument("-s", "--source", help="Source type of the analysis.", required=True) parser.add_argument("-t", "--target", help="Target type of the analysis.") parser.add_argument("--full", help="Print rule lists for transitions.", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--stats", action="store_true", help="Display statistics at the end of the analysis.") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="Print extra informational messages") parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true", dest="debug", help="Enable debugging.") alg = parser.add_argument_group("Analysis algorithm") alg.add_argument("-S", "--shortest_path", action="store_true", help="Calculate all shortest paths.") alg.add_argument("-A", "--all_paths", type=int, metavar="MAX_STEPS", help="Calculate all paths, with the specified maximum path length. (Expensive)") opts = parser.add_argument_group("Analysis options") opts.add_argument("-r", "--reverse", action="store_true", default=False, help="Perform a reverse DTA.") opts.add_argument("-l", "--limit_trans", default=0, type=int, help="Limit to the specified number of transitions. Default is unlimited.") opts.add_argument("-o", "--output_file", help="Output file for graphical results, PNG format.") opts.add_argument("exclude", help="List of excluded types in the analysis.", nargs="*") args = parser.parse_args() if not args.target and (args.shortest_path or args.all_paths): parser.error("The target type must be specified to determine a path.") if args.target and not (args.shortest_path or args.all_paths): parser.error("An algorithm must be specified to determine a path.") if args.debug: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s|%(levelname)s|%(name)s|%(message)s') if not sys.warnoptions: warnings.simplefilter("default") elif args.verbose: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(message)s') if not sys.warnoptions: warnings.simplefilter("default") else: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING, format='%(message)s') if not sys.warnoptions: warnings.simplefilter("ignore") try: p = setools.SELinuxPolicy(args.policy) g = setools.DomainTransitionAnalysis(p, exclude=args.exclude) pathnum: int = 0 path: setools.DTAPath stepnum: int = 0 step: setools.DomainTransition if args.shortest_path or args.all_paths: g.source = args.source g.target = args.target g.reverse = args.reverse if args.shortest_path: g.mode = setools.DomainTransitionAnalysis.Mode.ShortestPaths else: g.mode = setools.DomainTransitionAnalysis.Mode.AllPaths g.depth_limit = args.all_paths if args.output_file: pgv = nx.nx_agraph.to_agraph(g.graphical_results()) pgv.draw(path=args.output_file, prog="dot", format="png") else: for pathnum, path in enumerate(g.results(), start=1): # type: ignore print(f"Domain transition path {pathnum}:") for stepnum, step in enumerate(path, start=1): if args.full: print(f"Step {stepnum}: {step:full}\n") else: print(f"Step {stepnum}: {step}") if args.limit_trans and pathnum >= args.limit_trans: break print() print(f"\n{pathnum} domain transition path(s) found.") else: # single transition if args.reverse: g.mode = setools.DomainTransitionAnalysis.Mode.TransitionsIn g.target = args.source else: g.mode = setools.DomainTransitionAnalysis.Mode.TransitionsOut g.source = args.source if args.output_file: pgv = nx.nx_agraph.to_agraph(g.graphical_results()) pgv.draw(path=args.output_file, prog="dot", format="png") else: for pathnum, step in enumerate(g.results(), start=1): # type: ignore if args.full: print(f"Transition {pathnum}: {step:full}\n") else: print(f"Transition {pathnum}: {step}") if args.limit_trans and pathnum >= args.limit_trans: break print(f"\n{pathnum} domain transition(s) found.") if args.stats: print("\nGraph statistics:") print(g.get_stats()) except AssertionError: # Always provide a traceback for assertion errors raise except Exception as err: if args.debug: raise else: print(err) sys.exit(1)