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synced 2025-03-03 03:07:33 +00:00
Replaced Nuker's SELECTION mode with a block filter
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
package me.rigamortis.seppuku.impl.command;
import me.rigamortis.seppuku.Seppuku;
import me.rigamortis.seppuku.api.command.Command;
import me.rigamortis.seppuku.api.util.StringUtil;
import me.rigamortis.seppuku.impl.config.NukerFilterConfig;
import me.rigamortis.seppuku.impl.module.world.NukerModule;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;
import net.minecraft.util.text.Style;
import net.minecraft.util.text.TextComponentString;
import net.minecraft.util.text.event.HoverEvent;
* @author Old Chum
* @since 3/30/2023
public class NukerFilterCommand extends Command {
private final String[] addAlias = new String[]{"Add", "A"};
private final String[] removeAlias = new String[]{"Remove", "Rem", "R", "Delete", "Del", "D"};
private final String[] listAlias = new String[]{"List", "Lst"};
private final String[] clearAlias = new String[]{"Clear", "C"};
public NukerFilterCommand() {
super("NukerFilter", new String[]{"NukerF", "FilterN"}, "Allows you to change what blocks nuker mines",
"NukerFilter Add <Block_Name>\n" +
"NukerFilter Add <ID>\n" +
"NukerFilter Remove <Block_Name>\n" +
"NukerFilter Remove <ID>\n" +
"NukerFilter List\n" +
"NukerFilter Clear");
public void exec(String input) {
if (!this.clamp(input, 2, 3)) {
final String[] split = input.split(" ");
final NukerModule nuker = (NukerModule) Seppuku.INSTANCE.getModuleManager().find(NukerModule.class);
if (nuker != null) {
if (equals(addAlias, split[1])) {
if (!this.clamp(input, 3, 3)) {
if (StringUtil.isInt(split[2])) {
final int id = Integer.parseInt(split[2]);
if (id > 0) {
final Block block = Block.getBlockById(id);
if (nuker.contains(block)) {
Seppuku.INSTANCE.logChat("Nuker already contains " + block.getLocalizedName());
} else {
Seppuku.INSTANCE.logChat("Added " + block.getLocalizedName() + " to nuker");
} else {
Seppuku.INSTANCE.errorChat("Cannot add Air to nuker");
} else {
final Block block = Block.getBlockFromName(split[2].toLowerCase());
if (block != null) {
if (block == Blocks.AIR) {
Seppuku.INSTANCE.errorChat("Cannot add Air to nuker");
} else {
if (nuker.contains(block)) {
Seppuku.INSTANCE.logChat("Nuker already contains " + block.getLocalizedName());
} else {
Seppuku.INSTANCE.logChat("Added " + block.getLocalizedName() + " to nuker");
} else {
Seppuku.INSTANCE.logChat("\247c" + split[2] + "\247f is not a valid block");
} else if (equals(removeAlias, split[1])) {
if (!this.clamp(input, 3, 3)) {
if (StringUtil.isInt(split[2])) {
final int id = Integer.parseInt(split[2]);
if (id > 0) {
final Block block = Block.getBlockById(id);
if (nuker.contains(block)) {
Seppuku.INSTANCE.logChat("Removed " + block.getLocalizedName() + " from nuker");
} else {
Seppuku.INSTANCE.logChat("Nuker doesn't contain " + block.getLocalizedName());
} else {
Seppuku.INSTANCE.errorChat("Cannot remove Air from nuker");
} else {
final Block block = Block.getBlockFromName(split[2].toLowerCase());
if (block != null) {
if (block == Blocks.AIR) {
Seppuku.INSTANCE.errorChat("Cannot remove Air from nuker");
} else {
if (nuker.contains(block)) {
Seppuku.INSTANCE.logChat("Removed " + block.getLocalizedName() + " from nuker");
} else {
Seppuku.INSTANCE.logChat("Nuker doesn't contain " + block.getLocalizedName());
} else {
Seppuku.INSTANCE.logChat("\247c" + split[2] + "\247f is not a valid block");
} else if (equals(listAlias, split[1])) {
if (!this.clamp(input, 2, 2)) {
if (nuker.getFilter().getValue().size() > 0) {
final TextComponentString msg = new TextComponentString("\2477Nuker IDs: ");
for (Block block : nuker.getFilter().getValue()) {
msg.appendSibling(new TextComponentString("\2477[\247a" + Block.getIdFromBlock(block) + "\2477] ")
.setStyle(new Style()
.setHoverEvent(new HoverEvent(HoverEvent.Action.SHOW_TEXT, new TextComponentString(block.getLocalizedName())))));
} else {
Seppuku.INSTANCE.logChat("You don't have any nuker ids");
} else if (equals(clearAlias, split[1])) {
if (!this.clamp(input, 2, 2)) {
Seppuku.INSTANCE.logChat("Cleared all blocks from nuker");
} else {
Seppuku.INSTANCE.errorChat("Unknown input " + "\247f\"" + input + "\"");
} else {
Seppuku.INSTANCE.errorChat("Nuker not present");
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
package me.rigamortis.seppuku.impl.config;
import com.google.gson.JsonArray;
import com.google.gson.JsonElement;
import com.google.gson.JsonObject;
import me.rigamortis.seppuku.Seppuku;
import me.rigamortis.seppuku.api.config.Configurable;
import me.rigamortis.seppuku.api.util.FileUtil;
import me.rigamortis.seppuku.impl.module.world.NukerModule;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import java.io.File;
* @author Old Chum
* @since 3/30/2023
public class NukerFilterConfig extends Configurable {
private final NukerModule nukerModule;
public NukerFilterConfig(File dir) {
super(FileUtil.createJsonFile(dir, "NukerFilter"));
this.nukerModule = (NukerModule) Seppuku.INSTANCE.getModuleManager().find("Nuker");
public void onLoad() {
if (this.nukerModule == null)
JsonArray xrayIdsJsonArray = null;
final JsonElement blockIds = this.getJsonObject().get("NukerFilterIds");
if (blockIds != null)
xrayIdsJsonArray = blockIds.getAsJsonArray();
final NukerModule nukerModule = (NukerModule) Seppuku.INSTANCE.getModuleManager().find("Nuker");
if (nukerModule != null) {
if (xrayIdsJsonArray != null) {
for (JsonElement jsonElement : xrayIdsJsonArray) {
public void onSave() {
if (this.nukerModule == null)
JsonObject save = new JsonObject();
JsonArray xrayIdsJsonArray = new JsonArray();
for (Block block : this.nukerModule.getFilter().getValue())
save.add("NukerFilterIds", xrayIdsJsonArray);
@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ public final class CommandManager {
this.commandList.add(new LocateFeatureCommand());
this.commandList.add(new MainMenuCommand());
this.commandList.add(new ConfigCommand());
this.commandList.add(new NukerFilterCommand());
//create commands for every value within every module
@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ public final class ConfigManager {
this.configurableList.add(new IgnoreConfig(configDir));
this.configurableList.add(new AutoIgnoreConfig(configDir));
this.configurableList.add(new AltConfig(configDir));
this.configurableList.add(new NukerFilterConfig(configDir));
if (this.firstLaunch) {
@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
package me.rigamortis.seppuku.impl.module.world;
import me.rigamortis.seppuku.Seppuku;
import me.rigamortis.seppuku.api.event.player.EventRightClickBlock;
import me.rigamortis.seppuku.api.event.player.EventUpdateWalkingPlayer;
import me.rigamortis.seppuku.api.module.Module;
import me.rigamortis.seppuku.api.task.rotation.RotationTask;
import me.rigamortis.seppuku.api.util.BlockUtil;
import me.rigamortis.seppuku.api.util.EntityUtil;
import me.rigamortis.seppuku.api.util.MathUtil;
import me.rigamortis.seppuku.api.value.Value;
@ -31,22 +29,23 @@ import java.util.*;
public final class NukerModule extends Module {
public final Value<Mode> mode = new Value<Mode>("Mode", new String[]{"M"}, "The nuker mode to use", Mode.SELECTION);
public final Value<MineMode> mineMode = new Value<MineMode>("MineMode", new String[]{"MM"}, "The way that nuker mines blocks", MineMode.NORMAL);
public final Value<Mode> mode = new Value<Mode>("Mode", new String[]{"M"}, "The way that nuker mines blocks", Mode.NORMAL);
public final Value<Float> distance = new Value<Float>("Distance", new String[]{"Dist", "D"}, "Maximum distance in blocks the nuker will reach", 4.5f, 0.0f, 5.0f, 0.1f);
public final Value<Boolean> fixed = new Value<Boolean>("FixedDistance", new String[]{"Fixed", "fdist", "F"}, "Use vertical and horizontal distances in blocks instead of distances relative to the camera", false);
public final Value<Boolean> flatten = new Value<Boolean>("Flatten", new String[]{"flat"}, "Ensures nuker does not mine blocks below your feet", false);
public final Value<Float> vDistance = new Value<Float>("VerticalDistance", new String[]{"Vertical", "vdist", "VD"}, "Maximum vertical distance in blocks the nuker will reach", 4.5f, 0.0f, 5.0f, 0.1f);
public final Value<Float> hDistance = new Value<Float>("HorizontalDistance", new String[]{"Horizontal", "hist", "HD"}, "Maximum horizontal distance in blocks the nuker will reach", 3f, 0.0f, 5.0f, 0.1f);
public final Value<Integer> timeout = new Value<Integer>("Timeout", new String[]{"TO, t"}, "How long to wait (in ms) until trying to break a specific block again (PACKET Mode)", 1000, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 1);
public final Value<Integer> timeout = new Value<Integer>("Timeout", new String[]{"TO, t"}, "How long to wait (in ms) until trying to break a specific block again (PACKET Mode)", 1000, 0, 5000, 10);
public final Value<Float> minMineSpeed = new Value<Float>("MinMineSpeed", new String[]{"Min", "Speed", "MineSpeed"}, "How fast you should be able to mine a block for nuker to attempt to mine it (0-1, 0 to allow all blocks, 1 to only allow instantly minable blocks)", 0.2f, 0f, 1.0f, 0.1f);
public final Value<FilterMode> filterMode = new Value<FilterMode>("FilterMode", new String[]{"fm", "fmode"}, "Controls how blocks should be checked against the filter", FilterMode.WHITE);
public final Value<List<Block>> filter = new Value<List<Block>>("Filter", new String[]{}, "Controls what block id's nuker will mine");
private final RotationTask rotationTask = new RotationTask("NukerTask", 2);
private Block selected = null;
private BlockPos currentPos = null;
private Map<BlockPos, Long> attemptedBreaks = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<BlockPos, Long> attemptedBreaks = new HashMap<>();
public NukerModule() {
super("Nuker", new String[]{"Nuke"}, "Automatically mines blocks within reach", "NONE", -1, ModuleType.WORLD);
@ -55,7 +54,7 @@ public final class NukerModule extends Module {
public void onToggle() {
this.selected = null;
this.filter.setValue(new ArrayList<>());
@ -77,15 +76,13 @@ public final class NukerModule extends Module {
switch (event.getStage()) {
case PRE:
if (this.mineMode.getValue() == MineMode.PACKET) {
if (this.mode.getValue() == Mode.PACKET) {
// PACKET mode does not need to rotate. The few servers it works on probably don't care about rotation.
// It also tries to break more than one block per event, and I am not sure how to handle that using the
// rotation task.
List<BlockPos> blocks = getSortedBlocks();
for (BlockPos pos : blocks) {
IBlockState state = mc.world.getBlockState(pos);
if (shouldBreak(pos)) {
if (!this.attemptedBreaks.containsKey(pos)) {
mc.player.connection.sendPacket(new CPacketPlayerDigging(CPacketPlayerDigging.Action.START_DESTROY_BLOCK, pos, EnumFacing.NORTH));
@ -120,13 +117,11 @@ public final class NukerModule extends Module {
case POST:
if (this.mode.getValue().equals(Mode.CREATIVE)) {
if (this.mode.getValue() == Mode.CREATIVE) {
if (mc.player.capabilities.isCreativeMode) {
/* the amazing creative 'nuker' straight from the latch hacked client */
// TODO: Test moving to the iterable didn't break this
for (BlockPos blockPos : getBoxIterable()) {
final Block block = BlockUtil.getBlock(blockPos);
if (block == Blocks.AIR || !mc.world.getBlockState(blockPos).isFullBlock())
if (!shouldBreak(blockPos) || !mc.world.getBlockState(blockPos).isFullBlock())
final Vec3d eyesPos = new Vec3d(mc.player.posX, mc.player.posY + mc.player.getEyeHeight(), mc.player.posZ);
@ -156,7 +151,7 @@ public final class NukerModule extends Module {
} else if (this.mineMode.getValue() != MineMode.PACKET) {
} else if (this.mode.getValue() == Mode.NORMAL) {
if (this.currentPos != null) {
if (this.rotationTask.isOnline()) {
if (SpeedMineModule.autoPos != null) {
@ -178,18 +173,6 @@ public final class NukerModule extends Module {
public void clickBlock(EventRightClickBlock event) {
if (this.mode.getValue() == Mode.SELECTION) {
final Block block = Minecraft.getMinecraft().world.getBlockState(event.getPos()).getBlock();
if (block != this.selected) {
this.selected = block;
Seppuku.INSTANCE.logChat("Nuker block set to " + block.getLocalizedName());
private boolean canBreak(BlockPos pos) {
final IBlockState blockState = Minecraft.getMinecraft().world.getBlockState(pos);
final Block block = blockState.getBlock();
@ -199,19 +182,17 @@ public final class NukerModule extends Module {
private boolean shouldBreak(BlockPos pos) {
final Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getMinecraft();
// TODO: Might want to double check that the block is within the distance value (getAllInBox is generous)
// TODO: Replace SELECTION with a filter?
if (this.mode.getValue() == Mode.SELECTION) {
if (this.selected != null && !mc.world.getBlockState(pos).getBlock().equals(this.selected)) {
return false;
boolean isFiltered = false;
if (this.filterMode.getValue() != FilterMode.DISABLED) {
// Did a truth table for this and this just so happens to be a XOR
isFiltered = this.filter.getValue().contains(mc.world.getBlockState(pos).getBlock()) ^ this.filterMode.getValue() == FilterMode.WHITE;
return mc.world.getBlockState(pos).getBlock() != Blocks.AIR &&
!(mc.world.getBlockState(pos).getBlock() instanceof BlockLiquid) &&
this.canBreak(pos) &&
return mc.world.getBlockState(pos).getBlock() != Blocks.AIR
&& !(mc.world.getBlockState(pos).getBlock() instanceof BlockLiquid)
&& this.canBreak(pos)
&& !pos.equals(SpeedMineModule.autoPos)
&& !isFiltered;
private Iterable<BlockPos> getBoxIterable () {
@ -276,11 +257,60 @@ public final class NukerModule extends Module {
return ret;
private enum Mode {
public Value<List<Block>> getFilter() {
return filter;
private enum MineMode {
public boolean contains(Block block) {
return this.filter.getValue().contains(block);
public void add(int id) {
final Block blockFromID = Block.getBlockById(id);
if (!contains(blockFromID)) {
public void add(String name) {
final Block blockFromName = Block.getBlockFromName(name);
if (blockFromName != null) {
if (!contains(blockFromName)) {
public void remove(int id) {
for (Block block : this.filter.getValue()) {
final int blockID = Block.getIdFromBlock(block);
if (blockID == id) {
public void remove(String name) {
final Block blockFromName = Block.getBlockFromName(name);
if (blockFromName != null) {
if (contains(blockFromName)) {
public int clear() {
final int count = this.filter.getValue().size();
return count;
private enum Mode {
private enum FilterMode {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user