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synced 2025-03-04 01:07:31 +00:00
git-subtree-dir: libsepol/cil git-subtree-split: c13ce01bafc9208ce8de322d47188bdc7e945e7d
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(class testing (read open close write exec))
(class fooclass (read open close write exec))
(category c0)
(category c1)
(category c2)
(category c3)
(category c4)
(categoryalias c0 cat)
(categoryorder (c0 c1 c2 c3 c4))
(categoryset catset (c0 c2 c3))
(sensitivity s0)
(sensitivity s1)
(sensitivity s2)
(sensitivity s3)
(sensitivityalias s3 sens)
(dominance (s0 s1 s2 s3))
(sensitivitycategory s0 (c0 c2 c3))
(sensitivitycategory s0 (cat))
; the following causes a segfault
;(sensitivitycategory sens (c2))
(type foo_t)
(type typea_t)
(type typeb_t)
(type typec_t)
(role foo_r)
(role rolea_r)
(role roleb_r)
(user foo_u)
(user user_u)
(userrole foo_u foo_r)
(level low (s0 catset))
(level high (s0 (c0)))
(level test_l (s0 (cat)))
(sid test_sid)
(sidcontext test_sid (foo_u foo_r foo_t (s0 (c0)) (s0 (c0))))
(sid test_sid_anon_l)
(sidcontext test_sid_anon_l (foo_u foo_r foo_t low high))
(context con (foo_u foo_r foo_t low high))
(context con_anon_l (foo_u foo_r foo_t (s0 (c0)) high))
(fsuse xattr ext3 con)
(fsuse xattr ext3 con_anon_l)
(netifcon eth0 con con_anon_l)
(ipaddr ip_v4
(ipaddr netmask
(ipaddr ip_v6 2001:0DB8:AC10:FE01::)
(ipaddr netmask_v6 2001:0DE0:DA88:2222::)
; will need anon levels
(nodecon ip_v4 netmask con)
(nodecon ip_v6 netmask_v6 con_anon_l)
;needs anon levels
(portcon type 25 con)
(filecon root path file con)
(genfscon type path con)
(netifcon eth0 con con_anon_l)
(typemember typea_t typeb_t testing typec_t)
(typechange typea_t typeb_t testing typec_t)
(typetransition typea_t typeb_t testing typec_t)
(permissionset permset (open close))
(allow typea_t typeb_t testing (write))
(allow typea_t typeb_t testing permset)
(roleallow rolea_r roleb_r)
(rolebounds rolea_r roleb_r)
(roletransition foo_r foo_t testing rolea_r)
(level l2 (s0 (c0)))
(level h2 (s0 (c0)))
(mlsconstrain (fooclass testing)(open close)(eq l2 h2))
(common fooclass (open))
(classcommon fooclass fooclass)
(rangetransition typea_t typeb_t fooclass low high)
(nametypetransition string typea_t typeb_t fooclass foo_t)
(typepermissive foo_t)
(typebounds typea_t typeb_t)
(block test_b
(typealias .test_b.test typea_t)
(type test))
(attribute attrs)
(attributetypes attrs (foo_t))
(roletype foo_r foo_t)
(userbounds user_u foo_u)
(userrole user_u foo_r)
(bool foo_b true)
(bool baz_b false)
(booleanif (&& foo_b baz_b)
(allow typea_t typeb_t fooclass(read)))
;(class baz (read))
;(booleanif (&& foo_b baz_b)
; (allow foo_b baz_b fooclass (read)))