/* * Author : Stephen Smalley, */ /* * Updated: Trusted Computer Solutions, Inc. * * Support for enhanced MLS infrastructure. * * Updated: David Caplan, * * Added conditional policy language extensions * * Updated: Joshua Brindle * Karl MacMillan * Jason Tang * * Added support for binary policy modules * * Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Trusted Computer Solutions, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2003 - 2008 Tresys Technology, LLC * Copyright (C) 2007 Red Hat Inc. * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 2. */ /* FLASK */ %{ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "queue.h" #include "checkpolicy.h" #include "module_compiler.h" #include "policy_define.h" extern policydb_t *policydbp; extern unsigned int pass; extern char yytext[]; extern int yylex(void); extern int yywarn(char *msg); extern int yyerror(char *msg); typedef int (* require_func_t)(); %} %union { unsigned int val; uintptr_t valptr; void *ptr; require_func_t require_func; } %type cond_expr cond_expr_prim cond_pol_list cond_else %type cond_allow_def cond_auditallow_def cond_auditdeny_def cond_dontaudit_def %type cond_transition_def cond_te_avtab_def cond_rule_def %type role_def roles %type cexpr cexpr_prim op role_mls_op %type ipv4_addr_def number %type require_decl_def %token PATH %token CLONE %token COMMON %token CLASS %token CONSTRAIN %token VALIDATETRANS %token INHERITS %token SID %token ROLE %token ROLES %token TYPEALIAS %token TYPEATTRIBUTE %token TYPEBOUNDS %token TYPE %token TYPES %token ALIAS %token ATTRIBUTE %token BOOL %token IF %token ELSE %token TYPE_TRANSITION %token TYPE_MEMBER %token TYPE_CHANGE %token ROLE_TRANSITION %token RANGE_TRANSITION %token SENSITIVITY %token DOMINANCE %token DOM DOMBY INCOMP %token CATEGORY %token LEVEL %token RANGE %token MLSCONSTRAIN %token MLSVALIDATETRANS %token USER %token NEVERALLOW %token ALLOW %token AUDITALLOW %token AUDITDENY %token DONTAUDIT %token SOURCE %token TARGET %token SAMEUSER %token FSCON PORTCON NETIFCON NODECON %token PIRQCON IOMEMCON IOPORTCON PCIDEVICECON %token FSUSEXATTR FSUSETASK FSUSETRANS %token GENFSCON %token U1 U2 U3 R1 R2 R3 T1 T2 T3 L1 L2 H1 H2 %token NOT AND OR XOR %token CTRUE CFALSE %token IDENTIFIER %token NUMBER %token EQUALS %token NOTEQUAL %token IPV4_ADDR %token IPV6_ADDR %token MODULE VERSION_IDENTIFIER REQUIRE OPTIONAL %token POLICYCAP %token PERMISSIVE %left OR %left XOR %left AND %right NOT %left EQUALS NOTEQUAL %% policy : base_policy | module_policy ; base_policy : { if (define_policy(pass, 0) == -1) return -1; } classes initial_sids access_vectors { if (pass == 1) { if (policydb_index_classes(policydbp)) return -1; } else if (pass == 2) { if (policydb_index_others(NULL, policydbp, 0)) return -1; }} opt_mls te_rbac users opt_constraints { if (pass == 1) { if (policydb_index_bools(policydbp)) return -1;} else if (pass == 2) { if (policydb_index_others(NULL, policydbp, 0)) return -1;}} initial_sid_contexts opt_fs_contexts opt_fs_uses opt_genfs_contexts net_contexts opt_dev_contexts ; classes : class_def | classes class_def ; class_def : CLASS identifier {if (define_class()) return -1;} ; initial_sids : initial_sid_def | initial_sids initial_sid_def ; initial_sid_def : SID identifier {if (define_initial_sid()) return -1;} ; access_vectors : opt_common_perms av_perms ; opt_common_perms : common_perms | ; common_perms : common_perms_def | common_perms common_perms_def ; common_perms_def : COMMON identifier '{' identifier_list '}' {if (define_common_perms()) return -1;} ; av_perms : av_perms_def | av_perms av_perms_def ; av_perms_def : CLASS identifier '{' identifier_list '}' {if (define_av_perms(FALSE)) return -1;} | CLASS identifier INHERITS identifier {if (define_av_perms(TRUE)) return -1;} | CLASS identifier INHERITS identifier '{' identifier_list '}' {if (define_av_perms(TRUE)) return -1;} ; opt_mls : mls | ; mls : sensitivities dominance opt_categories levels mlspolicy ; sensitivities : sensitivity_def | sensitivities sensitivity_def ; sensitivity_def : SENSITIVITY identifier alias_def ';' {if (define_sens()) return -1;} | SENSITIVITY identifier ';' {if (define_sens()) return -1;} ; alias_def : ALIAS names ; dominance : DOMINANCE identifier {if (define_dominance()) return -1;} | DOMINANCE '{' identifier_list '}' {if (define_dominance()) return -1;} ; opt_categories : categories | ; categories : category_def | categories category_def ; category_def : CATEGORY identifier alias_def ';' {if (define_category()) return -1;} | CATEGORY identifier ';' {if (define_category()) return -1;} ; levels : level_def | levels level_def ; level_def : LEVEL identifier ':' id_comma_list ';' {if (define_level()) return -1;} | LEVEL identifier ';' {if (define_level()) return -1;} ; mlspolicy : mlspolicy_decl | mlspolicy mlspolicy_decl ; mlspolicy_decl : mlsconstraint_def | mlsvalidatetrans_def ; mlsconstraint_def : MLSCONSTRAIN names names cexpr ';' { if (define_constraint((constraint_expr_t*)$4)) return -1; } ; mlsvalidatetrans_def : MLSVALIDATETRANS names cexpr ';' { if (define_validatetrans((constraint_expr_t*)$3)) return -1; } ; te_rbac : te_rbac_decl | te_rbac te_rbac_decl ; te_rbac_decl : te_decl | rbac_decl | cond_stmt_def | optional_block | policycap_def | ';' ; rbac_decl : role_type_def | role_dominance | role_trans_def | role_allow_def ; te_decl : attribute_def | type_def | typealias_def | typeattribute_def | typebounds_def | bool_def | transition_def | range_trans_def | te_avtab_def | permissive_def ; attribute_def : ATTRIBUTE identifier ';' { if (define_attrib()) return -1;} ; type_def : TYPE identifier alias_def opt_attr_list ';' {if (define_type(1)) return -1;} | TYPE identifier opt_attr_list ';' {if (define_type(0)) return -1;} ; typealias_def : TYPEALIAS identifier alias_def ';' {if (define_typealias()) return -1;} ; typeattribute_def : TYPEATTRIBUTE identifier id_comma_list ';' {if (define_typeattribute()) return -1;} ; typebounds_def : TYPEBOUNDS identifier id_comma_list ';' {if (define_typebounds()) return -1;} ; opt_attr_list : ',' id_comma_list | ; bool_def : BOOL identifier bool_val ';' {if (define_bool()) return -1;} ; bool_val : CTRUE { if (insert_id("T",0)) return -1; } | CFALSE { if (insert_id("F",0)) return -1; } ; cond_stmt_def : IF cond_expr '{' cond_pol_list '}' cond_else { if (pass == 2) { if (define_conditional((cond_expr_t*)$2, (avrule_t*)$4, (avrule_t*)$6) < 0) return -1; }} ; cond_else : ELSE '{' cond_pol_list '}' { $$ = $3; } | /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } cond_expr : '(' cond_expr ')' { $$ = $2;} | NOT cond_expr { $$ = define_cond_expr(COND_NOT, $2, 0); if ($$ == 0) return -1; } | cond_expr AND cond_expr { $$ = define_cond_expr(COND_AND, $1, $3); if ($$ == 0) return -1; } | cond_expr OR cond_expr { $$ = define_cond_expr(COND_OR, $1, $3); if ($$ == 0) return -1; } | cond_expr XOR cond_expr { $$ = define_cond_expr(COND_XOR, $1, $3); if ($$ == 0) return -1; } | cond_expr EQUALS cond_expr { $$ = define_cond_expr(COND_EQ, $1, $3); if ($$ == 0) return -1; } | cond_expr NOTEQUAL cond_expr { $$ = define_cond_expr(COND_NEQ, $1, $3); if ($$ == 0) return -1; } | cond_expr_prim { $$ = $1; } ; cond_expr_prim : identifier { $$ = define_cond_expr(COND_BOOL,0, 0); if ($$ == COND_ERR) return -1; } ; cond_pol_list : cond_pol_list cond_rule_def { $$ = define_cond_pol_list((avrule_t *)$1, (avrule_t *)$2); } | /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } ; cond_rule_def : cond_transition_def { $$ = $1; } | cond_te_avtab_def { $$ = $1; } | require_block { $$ = NULL; } ; cond_transition_def : TYPE_TRANSITION names names ':' names identifier ';' { $$ = define_cond_compute_type(AVRULE_TRANSITION) ; if ($$ == COND_ERR) return -1;} | TYPE_MEMBER names names ':' names identifier ';' { $$ = define_cond_compute_type(AVRULE_MEMBER) ; if ($$ == COND_ERR) return -1;} | TYPE_CHANGE names names ':' names identifier ';' { $$ = define_cond_compute_type(AVRULE_CHANGE) ; if ($$ == COND_ERR) return -1;} ; cond_te_avtab_def : cond_allow_def { $$ = $1; } | cond_auditallow_def { $$ = $1; } | cond_auditdeny_def { $$ = $1; } | cond_dontaudit_def { $$ = $1; } ; cond_allow_def : ALLOW names names ':' names names ';' { $$ = define_cond_te_avtab(AVRULE_ALLOWED) ; if ($$ == COND_ERR) return -1; } ; cond_auditallow_def : AUDITALLOW names names ':' names names ';' { $$ = define_cond_te_avtab(AVRULE_AUDITALLOW) ; if ($$ == COND_ERR) return -1; } ; cond_auditdeny_def : AUDITDENY names names ':' names names ';' { $$ = define_cond_te_avtab(AVRULE_AUDITDENY) ; if ($$ == COND_ERR) return -1; } ; cond_dontaudit_def : DONTAUDIT names names ':' names names ';' { $$ = define_cond_te_avtab(AVRULE_DONTAUDIT); if ($$ == COND_ERR) return -1; } ; transition_def : TYPE_TRANSITION names names ':' names identifier ';' {if (define_compute_type(AVRULE_TRANSITION)) return -1;} | TYPE_MEMBER names names ':' names identifier ';' {if (define_compute_type(AVRULE_MEMBER)) return -1;} | TYPE_CHANGE names names ':' names identifier ';' {if (define_compute_type(AVRULE_CHANGE)) return -1;} ; range_trans_def : RANGE_TRANSITION names names mls_range_def ';' { if (define_range_trans(0)) return -1; } | RANGE_TRANSITION names names ':' names mls_range_def ';' { if (define_range_trans(1)) return -1; } ; te_avtab_def : allow_def | auditallow_def | auditdeny_def | dontaudit_def | neverallow_def ; allow_def : ALLOW names names ':' names names ';' {if (define_te_avtab(AVRULE_ALLOWED)) return -1; } ; auditallow_def : AUDITALLOW names names ':' names names ';' {if (define_te_avtab(AVRULE_AUDITALLOW)) return -1; } ; auditdeny_def : AUDITDENY names names ':' names names ';' {if (define_te_avtab(AVRULE_AUDITDENY)) return -1; } ; dontaudit_def : DONTAUDIT names names ':' names names ';' {if (define_te_avtab(AVRULE_DONTAUDIT)) return -1; } ; neverallow_def : NEVERALLOW names names ':' names names ';' {if (define_te_avtab(AVRULE_NEVERALLOW)) return -1; } ; role_type_def : ROLE identifier TYPES names ';' {if (define_role_types()) return -1;} | ROLE identifier';' {if (define_role_types()) return -1;} ; role_dominance : DOMINANCE '{' roles '}' ; role_trans_def : ROLE_TRANSITION names names identifier ';' {if (define_role_trans()) return -1; } ; role_allow_def : ALLOW names names ';' {if (define_role_allow()) return -1; } ; roles : role_def { $$ = $1; } | roles role_def { $$ = merge_roles_dom((role_datum_t*)$1, (role_datum_t*)$2); if ($$ == 0) return -1;} ; role_def : ROLE identifier_push ';' {$$ = define_role_dom(NULL); if ($$ == 0) return -1;} | ROLE identifier_push '{' roles '}' {$$ = define_role_dom((role_datum_t*)$4); if ($$ == 0) return -1;} ; opt_constraints : constraints | ; constraints : constraint_decl | constraints constraint_decl ; constraint_decl : constraint_def | validatetrans_def ; constraint_def : CONSTRAIN names names cexpr ';' { if (define_constraint((constraint_expr_t*)$4)) return -1; } ; validatetrans_def : VALIDATETRANS names cexpr ';' { if (define_validatetrans((constraint_expr_t*)$3)) return -1; } ; cexpr : '(' cexpr ')' { $$ = $2; } | NOT cexpr { $$ = define_cexpr(CEXPR_NOT, $2, 0); if ($$ == 0) return -1; } | cexpr AND cexpr { $$ = define_cexpr(CEXPR_AND, $1, $3); if ($$ == 0) return -1; } | cexpr OR cexpr { $$ = define_cexpr(CEXPR_OR, $1, $3); if ($$ == 0) return -1; } | cexpr_prim { $$ = $1; } ; cexpr_prim : U1 op U2 { $$ = define_cexpr(CEXPR_ATTR, CEXPR_USER, $2); if ($$ == 0) return -1; } | R1 role_mls_op R2 { $$ = define_cexpr(CEXPR_ATTR, CEXPR_ROLE, $2); if ($$ == 0) return -1; } | T1 op T2 { $$ = define_cexpr(CEXPR_ATTR, CEXPR_TYPE, $2); if ($$ == 0) return -1; } | U1 op { if (insert_separator(1)) return -1; } names_push { $$ = define_cexpr(CEXPR_NAMES, CEXPR_USER, $2); if ($$ == 0) return -1; } | U2 op { if (insert_separator(1)) return -1; } names_push { $$ = define_cexpr(CEXPR_NAMES, (CEXPR_USER | CEXPR_TARGET), $2); if ($$ == 0) return -1; } | U3 op { if (insert_separator(1)) return -1; } names_push { $$ = define_cexpr(CEXPR_NAMES, (CEXPR_USER | CEXPR_XTARGET), $2); if ($$ == 0) return -1; } | R1 op { if (insert_separator(1)) return -1; } names_push { $$ = define_cexpr(CEXPR_NAMES, CEXPR_ROLE, $2); if ($$ == 0) return -1; } | R2 op { if (insert_separator(1)) return -1; } names_push { $$ = define_cexpr(CEXPR_NAMES, (CEXPR_ROLE | CEXPR_TARGET), $2); if ($$ == 0) return -1; } | R3 op { if (insert_separator(1)) return -1; } names_push { $$ = define_cexpr(CEXPR_NAMES, (CEXPR_ROLE | CEXPR_XTARGET), $2); if ($$ == 0) return -1; } | T1 op { if (insert_separator(1)) return -1; } names_push { $$ = define_cexpr(CEXPR_NAMES, CEXPR_TYPE, $2); if ($$ == 0) return -1; } | T2 op { if (insert_separator(1)) return -1; } names_push { $$ = define_cexpr(CEXPR_NAMES, (CEXPR_TYPE | CEXPR_TARGET), $2); if ($$ == 0) return -1; } | T3 op { if (insert_separator(1)) return -1; } names_push { $$ = define_cexpr(CEXPR_NAMES, (CEXPR_TYPE | CEXPR_XTARGET), $2); if ($$ == 0) return -1; } | SAMEUSER { $$ = define_cexpr(CEXPR_ATTR, CEXPR_USER, CEXPR_EQ); if ($$ == 0) return -1; } | SOURCE ROLE { if (insert_separator(1)) return -1; } names_push { $$ = define_cexpr(CEXPR_NAMES, CEXPR_ROLE, CEXPR_EQ); if ($$ == 0) return -1; } | TARGET ROLE { if (insert_separator(1)) return -1; } names_push { $$ = define_cexpr(CEXPR_NAMES, (CEXPR_ROLE | CEXPR_TARGET), CEXPR_EQ); if ($$ == 0) return -1; } | ROLE role_mls_op { $$ = define_cexpr(CEXPR_ATTR, CEXPR_ROLE, $2); if ($$ == 0) return -1; } | SOURCE TYPE { if (insert_separator(1)) return -1; } names_push { $$ = define_cexpr(CEXPR_NAMES, CEXPR_TYPE, CEXPR_EQ); if ($$ == 0) return -1; } | TARGET TYPE { if (insert_separator(1)) return -1; } names_push { $$ = define_cexpr(CEXPR_NAMES, (CEXPR_TYPE | CEXPR_TARGET), CEXPR_EQ); if ($$ == 0) return -1; } | L1 role_mls_op L2 { $$ = define_cexpr(CEXPR_ATTR, CEXPR_L1L2, $2); if ($$ == 0) return -1; } | L1 role_mls_op H2 { $$ = define_cexpr(CEXPR_ATTR, CEXPR_L1H2, $2); if ($$ == 0) return -1; } | H1 role_mls_op L2 { $$ = define_cexpr(CEXPR_ATTR, CEXPR_H1L2, $2); if ($$ == 0) return -1; } | H1 role_mls_op H2 { $$ = define_cexpr(CEXPR_ATTR, CEXPR_H1H2, $2); if ($$ == 0) return -1; } | L1 role_mls_op H1 { $$ = define_cexpr(CEXPR_ATTR, CEXPR_L1H1, $2); if ($$ == 0) return -1; } | L2 role_mls_op H2 { $$ = define_cexpr(CEXPR_ATTR, CEXPR_L2H2, $2); if ($$ == 0) return -1; } ; op : EQUALS { $$ = CEXPR_EQ; } | NOTEQUAL { $$ = CEXPR_NEQ; } ; role_mls_op : op { $$ = $1; } | DOM { $$ = CEXPR_DOM; } | DOMBY { $$ = CEXPR_DOMBY; } | INCOMP { $$ = CEXPR_INCOMP; } ; users : user_def | users user_def ; user_def : USER identifier ROLES names opt_mls_user ';' {if (define_user()) return -1;} ; opt_mls_user : LEVEL mls_level_def RANGE mls_range_def | ; initial_sid_contexts : initial_sid_context_def | initial_sid_contexts initial_sid_context_def ; initial_sid_context_def : SID identifier security_context_def {if (define_initial_sid_context()) return -1;} ; opt_dev_contexts : dev_contexts | ; dev_contexts : dev_context_def | dev_contexts dev_context_def ; dev_context_def : pirq_context_def | iomem_context_def | ioport_context_def | pci_context_def ; pirq_context_def : PIRQCON number security_context_def {if (define_pirq_context($2)) return -1;} ; iomem_context_def : IOMEMCON number security_context_def {if (define_iomem_context($2,$2)) return -1;} | IOMEMCON number '-' number security_context_def {if (define_iomem_context($2,$4)) return -1;} ; ioport_context_def : IOPORTCON number security_context_def {if (define_ioport_context($2,$2)) return -1;} | IOPORTCON number '-' number security_context_def {if (define_ioport_context($2,$4)) return -1;} ; pci_context_def : PCIDEVICECON number security_context_def {if (define_pcidevice_context($2)) return -1;} ; opt_fs_contexts : fs_contexts | ; fs_contexts : fs_context_def | fs_contexts fs_context_def ; fs_context_def : FSCON number number security_context_def security_context_def {if (define_fs_context($2,$3)) return -1;} ; net_contexts : opt_port_contexts opt_netif_contexts opt_node_contexts ; opt_port_contexts : port_contexts | ; port_contexts : port_context_def | port_contexts port_context_def ; port_context_def : PORTCON identifier number security_context_def {if (define_port_context($3,$3)) return -1;} | PORTCON identifier number '-' number security_context_def {if (define_port_context($3,$5)) return -1;} ; opt_netif_contexts : netif_contexts | ; netif_contexts : netif_context_def | netif_contexts netif_context_def ; netif_context_def : NETIFCON identifier security_context_def security_context_def {if (define_netif_context()) return -1;} ; opt_node_contexts : node_contexts | ; node_contexts : node_context_def | node_contexts node_context_def ; node_context_def : NODECON ipv4_addr_def ipv4_addr_def security_context_def {if (define_ipv4_node_context()) return -1;} | NODECON ipv6_addr ipv6_addr security_context_def {if (define_ipv6_node_context()) return -1;} ; opt_fs_uses : fs_uses | ; fs_uses : fs_use_def | fs_uses fs_use_def ; fs_use_def : FSUSEXATTR identifier security_context_def ';' {if (define_fs_use(SECURITY_FS_USE_XATTR)) return -1;} | FSUSETASK identifier security_context_def ';' {if (define_fs_use(SECURITY_FS_USE_TASK)) return -1;} | FSUSETRANS identifier security_context_def ';' {if (define_fs_use(SECURITY_FS_USE_TRANS)) return -1;} ; opt_genfs_contexts : genfs_contexts | ; genfs_contexts : genfs_context_def | genfs_contexts genfs_context_def ; genfs_context_def : GENFSCON identifier path '-' identifier security_context_def {if (define_genfs_context(1)) return -1;} | GENFSCON identifier path '-' '-' {insert_id("-", 0);} security_context_def {if (define_genfs_context(1)) return -1;} | GENFSCON identifier path security_context_def {if (define_genfs_context(0)) return -1;} ; ipv4_addr_def : IPV4_ADDR { if (insert_id(yytext,0)) return -1; } ; security_context_def : identifier ':' identifier ':' identifier opt_mls_range_def ; opt_mls_range_def : ':' mls_range_def | ; mls_range_def : mls_level_def '-' mls_level_def {if (insert_separator(0)) return -1;} | mls_level_def {if (insert_separator(0)) return -1;} ; mls_level_def : identifier ':' id_comma_list {if (insert_separator(0)) return -1;} | identifier {if (insert_separator(0)) return -1;} ; id_comma_list : identifier | id_comma_list ',' identifier ; tilde : '~' ; asterisk : '*' ; names : identifier { if (insert_separator(0)) return -1; } | nested_id_set { if (insert_separator(0)) return -1; } | asterisk { if (insert_id("*", 0)) return -1; if (insert_separator(0)) return -1; } | tilde identifier { if (insert_id("~", 0)) return -1; if (insert_separator(0)) return -1; } | tilde nested_id_set { if (insert_id("~", 0)) return -1; if (insert_separator(0)) return -1; } | identifier '-' { if (insert_id("-", 0)) return -1; } identifier { if (insert_separator(0)) return -1; } ; tilde_push : tilde { if (insert_id("~", 1)) return -1; } ; asterisk_push : asterisk { if (insert_id("*", 1)) return -1; } ; names_push : identifier_push | '{' identifier_list_push '}' | asterisk_push | tilde_push identifier_push | tilde_push '{' identifier_list_push '}' ; identifier_list_push : identifier_push | identifier_list_push identifier_push ; identifier_push : IDENTIFIER { if (insert_id(yytext, 1)) return -1; } ; identifier_list : identifier | identifier_list identifier ; nested_id_set : '{' nested_id_list '}' ; nested_id_list : nested_id_element | nested_id_list nested_id_element ; nested_id_element : identifier | '-' { if (insert_id("-", 0)) return -1; } identifier | nested_id_set ; identifier : IDENTIFIER { if (insert_id(yytext,0)) return -1; } ; path : PATH { if (insert_id(yytext,0)) return -1; } ; number : NUMBER { $$ = strtoul(yytext,NULL,0); } ; ipv6_addr : IPV6_ADDR { if (insert_id(yytext,0)) return -1; } ; policycap_def : POLICYCAP identifier ';' {if (define_polcap()) return -1;} ; permissive_def : PERMISSIVE identifier ';' {if (define_permissive()) return -1;} /*********** module grammar below ***********/ module_policy : module_def avrules_block { if (end_avrule_block(pass) == -1) return -1; if (policydb_index_others(NULL, policydbp, 0)) return -1; } ; module_def : MODULE identifier version_identifier ';' { if (define_policy(pass, 1) == -1) return -1; } ; version_identifier : VERSION_IDENTIFIER { if (insert_id(yytext,0)) return -1; } | ipv4_addr_def /* version can look like ipv4 address */ ; avrules_block : avrule_decls avrule_user_defs ; avrule_decls : avrule_decls avrule_decl | avrule_decl ; avrule_decl : rbac_decl | te_decl | cond_stmt_def | require_block | optional_block | ';' ; require_block : REQUIRE '{' require_list '}' ; require_list : require_list require_decl | require_decl ; require_decl : require_class ';' | require_decl_def require_id_list ';' ; require_class : CLASS identifier names { if (require_class(pass)) return -1; } ; require_decl_def : ROLE { $$ = require_role; } | TYPE { $$ = require_type; } | ATTRIBUTE { $$ = require_attribute; } | USER { $$ = require_user; } | BOOL { $$ = require_bool; } | SENSITIVITY { $$ = require_sens; } | CATEGORY { $$ = require_cat; } ; require_id_list : identifier { if ($0 (pass)) return -1; } | require_id_list ',' identifier { if ($0 (pass)) return -1; } ; optional_block : optional_decl '{' avrules_block '}' { if (end_avrule_block(pass) == -1) return -1; } optional_else { if (end_optional(pass) == -1) return -1; } ; optional_else : else_decl '{' avrules_block '}' { if (end_avrule_block(pass) == -1) return -1; } | /* empty */ ; optional_decl : OPTIONAL { if (begin_optional(pass) == -1) return -1; } ; else_decl : ELSE { if (begin_optional_else(pass) == -1) return -1; } ; avrule_user_defs : user_def avrule_user_defs | /* empty */ ;