#! /usr/bin/python -Es # Copyright (C) 2012 Red Hat # AUTHOR: Dan Walsh # see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information # # semanage is a tool for managing SELinux configuration files # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of # the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA # 02111-1307 USA # # import os import sys import selinux import sepolicy from sepolicy import get_os_version, get_conditionals, get_conditionals_format_text import argparse PROGNAME = "policycoreutils" try: import gettext kwargs = {} if sys.version_info < (3,): kwargs['unicode'] = True gettext.install(PROGNAME, localedir="/usr/share/locale", codeset='utf-8', **kwargs) except: try: import builtins builtins.__dict__['_'] = str except ImportError: import __builtin__ __builtin__.__dict__['_'] = unicode usage = "sepolicy generate [-h] [-n NAME] [-p PATH] [" usage_dict = {' --newtype': ('-t [TYPES [TYPES ...]]',), ' --customize': ('-d DOMAIN', '-a ADMIN_DOMAIN', "[ -w WRITEPATHS ]",), ' --admin_user': ('[-r TRANSITION_ROLE ]', "[ -w WRITEPATHS ]",), ' --application': ('COMMAND', "[ -w WRITEPATHS ]",), ' --cgi': ('COMMAND', "[ -w WRITEPATHS ]",), ' --confined_admin': ('-a ADMIN_DOMAIN', "[ -w WRITEPATHS ]",), ' --dbus': ('COMMAND', "[ -w WRITEPATHS ]",), ' --desktop_user': ('', "[ -w WRITEPATHS ]",), ' --inetd': ('COMMAND', "[ -w WRITEPATHS ]",), ' --init': ('COMMAND', "[ -w WRITEPATHS ]",), ' --sandbox': ("[ -w WRITEPATHS ]",), ' --term_user': ("[ -w WRITEPATHS ]",), ' --x_user': ("[ -w WRITEPATHS ]",)} class CheckPath(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): if not os.path.exists(values): raise ValueError("%s does not exist" % values) setattr(namespace, self.dest, values) class CheckType(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): domains = sepolicy.get_all_domains() if isinstance(values, str): setattr(namespace, self.dest, values) else: newval = getattr(namespace, self.dest) if not newval: newval = [] for v in values: newval.append(v) setattr(namespace, self.dest, newval) class CheckBoolean(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): booleans = sepolicy.get_all_booleans() newval = getattr(namespace, self.dest) if not newval: newval = [] if isinstance(values, str): v = selinux.selinux_boolean_sub(values) if v not in booleans: raise ValueError("%s must be an SELinux process domain:\nValid domains: %s" % (v, ", ".join(booleans))) newval.append(v) setattr(namespace, self.dest, newval) else: for value in values: v = selinux.selinux_boolean_sub(value) if v not in booleans: raise ValueError("%s must be an SELinux boolean:\nValid boolean: %s" % (v, ", ".join(booleans))) newval.append(v) setattr(namespace, self.dest, newval) class CheckDomain(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): domains = sepolicy.get_all_domains() if isinstance(values, str): if values not in domains: raise ValueError("%s must be an SELinux process domain:\nValid domains: %s" % (values, ", ".join(domains))) setattr(namespace, self.dest, values) else: newval = getattr(namespace, self.dest) if not newval: newval = [] for v in values: if v not in domains: raise ValueError("%s must be an SELinux process domain:\nValid domains: %s" % (v, ", ".join(domains))) newval.append(v) setattr(namespace, self.dest, newval) all_classes = None class CheckClass(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): global all_classes if not all_classes: all_classes = map(lambda x: x['name'], sepolicy.info(sepolicy.TCLASS)) if values not in all_classes: raise ValueError("%s must be an SELinux class:\nValid classes: %s" % (values, ", ".join(all_classes))) setattr(namespace, self.dest, values) class CheckAdmin(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): from sepolicy.interface import get_admin newval = getattr(namespace, self.dest) if not newval: newval = [] admins = get_admin() if values not in admins: raise ValueError("%s must be an SELinux admin domain:\nValid admin domains: %s" % (values, ", ".join(admins))) newval.append(values) setattr(namespace, self.dest, newval) class CheckPort(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): newval = getattr(namespace, self.dest) if not newval: newval = [] for v in values: if v < 1 or v > 65536: raise ValueError("%s must be an integer between 1 and 65536" % v) newval.append(v) setattr(namespace, self.dest, newval) class CheckPortType(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): port_types = sepolicy.get_all_port_types() newval = getattr(namespace, self.dest) if not newval: newval = [] for v in values: if v not in port_types: raise ValueError("%s must be an SELinux port type:\nValid port types: %s" % (v, ", ".join(port_types))) newval.append(v) setattr(namespace, self.dest, values) class LoadPolicy(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): import sepolicy sepolicy.policy(values) setattr(namespace, self.dest, values) class CheckPolicyType(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): from sepolicy.generate import get_poltype_desc, poltype if values not in poltype.keys(): raise ValueError("%s invalid SELinux policy type\n%s" % (values, get_poltype_desc())) newval.append(v) setattr(namespace, self.dest, values) class CheckUser(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, value, option_string=None): newval = getattr(namespace, self.dest) if not newval: newval = [] users = sepolicy.get_all_users() if value not in users: raise ValueError("%s must be an SELinux user:\nValid users: %s" % (value, ", ".join(users))) newval.append(value) setattr(namespace, self.dest, newval) class CheckRole(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, value, option_string=None): newval = getattr(namespace, self.dest) if not newval: newval = [] roles = sepolicy.get_all_roles() if value not in roles: raise ValueError("%s must be an SELinux role:\nValid roles: %s" % (value, ", ".join(roles))) newval.append(value[:-2]) setattr(namespace, self.dest, newval) class InterfaceInfo(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): from sepolicy.interface import get_interface_dict interface_dict = get_interface_dict() for v in values: if v not in interface_dict.keys(): raise ValueError(_("Interface %s does not exist.") % v) setattr(namespace, self.dest, values) def generate_custom_usage(usage_text, usage_dict): sorted_keys = [] for i in usage_dict.keys(): sorted_keys.append(i) sorted_keys.sort() for k in sorted_keys: usage_text += "%s %s |" % (k, (" ".join(usage_dict[k]))) usage_text = usage_text[:-1] + "]" usage_text = _(usage_text) return usage_text # expects formats: # "22 (sshd_t)", "80, 8080 (httpd_t)", "all ports (port_type)" def port_string_to_num(val): try: return int(val.split(" ")[0].split(",")[0].split("-")[0]) except: return 99999999 def _print_net(src, protocol, perm): import sepolicy.network portdict = sepolicy.network.get_network_connect(src, protocol, perm) if len(portdict) > 0: bold_start = "\033[1m" bold_end = "\033[0;0m" print("\n" + bold_start + "%s: %s %s" % (src, protocol, perm) + bold_end) port_strings = [] boolean_text = "" for p in portdict: for t, recs in portdict[p]: cond = get_conditionals(src, t, "%s_socket" % protocol, [perm]) if cond: boolean_text = get_conditionals_format_text(cond) port_strings.append("%s (%s) %s" % (", ".join(recs), t, boolean_text)) else: port_strings.append("%s (%s)" % (", ".join(recs), t)) port_strings.sort(key=lambda param: port_string_to_num(param)) for p in port_strings: print("\t" + p) def network(args): portrecs, portrecsbynum = sepolicy.gen_port_dict() all_ports = [] if args.list_ports: for i in portrecs: if i[0] not in all_ports: all_ports.append(i[0]) all_ports.sort() print("\n".join(all_ports)) for port in args.port: found = False for i in portrecsbynum: if i[0] <= port and port <= i[1]: if i[0] == i[1]: range = i[0] else: range = "%s-%s" % (i[0], i[1]) found = True print("%d: %s %s %s" % (port, i[2], portrecsbynum[i][0], range)) if not found: if port < 500: print("Undefined reserved port type") else: print("Undefined port type") for t in args.type: if (t, 'tcp') in portrecs.keys(): print("%s: tcp: %s" % (t, ",".join(portrecs[t, 'tcp']))) if (t, 'udp') in portrecs.keys(): print( "%s: udp: %s" % (t, ",".join(portrecs[t, 'udp']))) for a in args.applications: d = sepolicy.get_init_transtype(a) if d: args.domain.append(d) for d in args.domain: _print_net(d, "tcp", "name_connect") for net in ("tcp", "udp"): _print_net(d, net, "name_bind") def gui_run(args): try: import sepolicy.gui sepolicy.gui.SELinuxGui(args.domain, args.test) pass except ImportError: raise ValueError(_("You need to install policycoreutils-gui package to use the gui option")) def gen_gui_args(parser): gui = parser.add_parser("gui", help=_('Graphical User Interface for SELinux Policy')) gui.add_argument("-d", "--domain", default=None, action=CheckDomain, help=_("Domain name(s) of man pages to be created")) gui.add_argument("-t", "--test", default=False, action="store_true", help=argparse.SUPPRESS) gui.set_defaults(func=gui_run) def manpage(args): from sepolicy.manpage import ManPage, HTMLManPages, manpage_domains, manpage_roles, gen_domains path = args.path if not args.policy and args.root != "/": sepolicy.policy(sepolicy.get_installed_policy(args.root)) if args.source_files and args.root == "/": raise ValueError(_("Alternative root needs to be setup")) if args.all: test_domains = gen_domains() else: test_domains = args.domain for domain in test_domains: m = ManPage(domain, path, args.root, args.source_files, args.web) print(m.get_man_page_path()) if args.web: HTMLManPages(manpage_roles, manpage_domains, path, args.os) def gen_manpage_args(parser): man = parser.add_parser("manpage", help=_('Generate SELinux man pages')) man.add_argument("-p", "--path", dest="path", default="/tmp", help=_("path in which the generated SELinux man pages will be stored")) man.add_argument("-o", "--os", dest="os", default=get_os_version(), help=_("name of the OS for man pages")) man.add_argument("-w", "--web", dest="web", default=False, action="store_true", help=_("Generate HTML man pages structure for selected SELinux man page")) man.add_argument("-r", "--root", dest="root", default="/", help=_("Alternate root directory, defaults to /")) man.add_argument("--source_files", dest="source_files", default=False, action="store_true", help=_("With this flag, alternative root path needs to include file context files and policy.xml file")) group = man.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) group.add_argument("-a", "--all", dest="all", default=False, action="store_true", help=_("All domains")) group.add_argument("-d", "--domain", nargs="+", action=CheckDomain, help=_("Domain name(s) of man pages to be created")) man.set_defaults(func=manpage) def gen_network_args(parser): net = parser.add_parser("network", help=_('Query SELinux policy network information')) group = net.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) group.add_argument("-l", "--list", dest="list_ports", action="store_true", help=_("list all SELinux port types")) group.add_argument("-p", "--port", dest="port", default=[], action=CheckPort, nargs="+", type=int, help=_("show SELinux type related to the port")) group.add_argument("-t", "--type", dest="type", default=[], action=CheckPortType, nargs="+", help=_("Show ports defined for this SELinux type")) group.add_argument("-d", "--domain", dest="domain", default=[], action=CheckDomain, nargs="+", help=_("show ports to which this domain can bind and/or connect")) group.add_argument("-a", "--application", dest="applications", default=[], nargs="+", help=_("show ports to which this application can bind and/or connect")) net.set_defaults(func=network) def communicate(args): from sepolicy.communicate import get_types writable = get_types(args.source, args.tclass, args.sourceaccess.split(",")) readable = get_types(args.target, args.tclass, args.targetaccess.split(",")) out = list(set(writable) & set(readable)) for t in out: print(t) def gen_communicate_args(parser): comm = parser.add_parser("communicate", help=_('query SELinux policy to see if domains can communicate with each other')) comm.add_argument("-s", "--source", dest="source", action=CheckDomain, required=True, help=_("Source Domain")) comm.add_argument("-t", "--target", dest="target", action=CheckDomain, required=True, help=_("Target Domain")) comm.add_argument("-c", "--class", required=False, dest="tclass", action=CheckClass, default="file", help="class to use for communications, Default 'file'") comm.add_argument("-S", "--sourceaccess", required=False, dest="sourceaccess", default="open,write", help="comma separate list of permissions for the source type to use, Default 'open,write'") comm.add_argument("-T", "--targetaccess", required=False, dest="targetaccess", default="open,read", help="comma separated list of permissions for the target type to use, Default 'open,read'") comm.set_defaults(func=communicate) def booleans(args): from sepolicy import boolean_desc if args.all: rc, args.booleans = selinux.security_get_boolean_names() args.booleans.sort() for b in args.booleans: print("%s=_(\"%s\")" % (b, boolean_desc(b))) def gen_booleans_args(parser): bools = parser.add_parser("booleans", help=_('query SELinux Policy to see description of booleans')) group = bools.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) group.add_argument("-a", "--all", dest="all", default=False, action="store_true", help=_("get all booleans descriptions")) group.add_argument("-b", "--boolean", dest="booleans", nargs="+", action=CheckBoolean, required=False, help=_("boolean to get description")) bools.set_defaults(func=booleans) def transition(args): from sepolicy.transition import setrans mytrans = setrans(args.source, args.target) mytrans.output() def gen_transition_args(parser): trans = parser.add_parser("transition", help=_('query SELinux Policy to see how a source process domain can transition to the target process domain')) trans.add_argument("-s", "--source", dest="source", action=CheckDomain, required=True, help=_("source process domain")) trans.add_argument("-t", "--target", dest="target", action=CheckDomain, help=_("target process domain")) trans.set_defaults(func=transition) def print_interfaces(interfaces, args, append=""): from sepolicy.interface import get_interface_format_text, interface_compile_test for i in interfaces: if args.verbose: try: print(get_interface_format_text(i + append)) except KeyError: print(i) if args.compile: try: interface_compile_test(i) except KeyError: print(i) else: print(i) def interface(args): from sepolicy.interface import get_admin, get_user, get_interface_dict, get_all_interfaces if args.list_admin: print_interfaces(get_admin(args.file), args, "_admin") if args.list_user: print_interfaces(get_user(args.file), args, "_role") if args.list: print_interfaces(get_all_interfaces(args.file), args) if args.interfaces: print_interfaces(args.interfaces, args) def generate(args): from sepolicy.generate import policy, AUSER, RUSER, EUSER, USERS, SANDBOX, APPLICATIONS, NEWTYPE cmd = None # numbers present POLTYPE defined in sepolicy.generate conflict_args = {'TYPES': (NEWTYPE,), 'DOMAIN': (EUSER,), 'ADMIN_DOMAIN': (AUSER, RUSER, EUSER,)} error_text = "" if args.policytype is None: generate_usage = generate_custom_usage(usage, usage_dict) for k in usage_dict: error_text += "%s" % (k) print(generate_usage) print(_("sepolicy generate: error: one of the arguments %s is required") % error_text) sys.exit(1) if args.policytype in APPLICATIONS: if not args.command: raise ValueError(_("Command required for this type of policy")) cmd = os.path.realpath(args.command) if not args.name: args.name = os.path.basename(cmd).replace("-", "_") mypolicy = policy(args.name, args.policytype) if cmd: mypolicy.set_program(cmd) if args.types: if args.policytype not in conflict_args['TYPES']: raise ValueError(_("-t option can not be used with '%s' domains. Read usage for more details.") % sepolicy.generate.poltype[args.policytype]) mypolicy.set_types(args.types) if args.domain: if args.policytype not in conflict_args['DOMAIN']: raise ValueError(_("-d option can not be used with '%s' domains. Read usage for more details.") % sepolicy.generate.poltype[args.policytype]) if args.admin_domain: if args.policytype not in conflict_args['ADMIN_DOMAIN']: raise ValueError(_("-a option can not be used with '%s' domains. Read usage for more details.") % sepolicy.generate.poltype[args.policytype]) if len(args.writepaths) > 0 and args.policytype == NEWTYPE: raise ValueError(_("-w option can not be used with the --newtype option")) for p in args.writepaths: if os.path.isdir(p): mypolicy.add_dir(p) else: mypolicy.add_file(p) mypolicy.set_transition_users(args.user) mypolicy.set_admin_roles(args.role) mypolicy.set_admin_domains(args.admin_domain) mypolicy.set_existing_domains(args.domain) if args.policytype in APPLICATIONS: mypolicy.gen_writeable() mypolicy.gen_symbols() print(mypolicy.generate(args.path)) def gen_interface_args(parser): itf = parser.add_parser("interface", help=_('List SELinux Policy interfaces')) itf.add_argument("-c", "--compile", dest="compile", action="store_true", default=False, help="Run compile test for selected interface") itf.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true", default=False, help="Show verbose information") itf.add_argument("-f", "--file", dest="file", help="Interface file") group = itf.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) group.add_argument("-a", "--list_admin", dest="list_admin", action="store_true", default=False, help="List all domains with admin interface - DOMAIN_admin()") group.add_argument("-u", "--list_user", dest="list_user", action="store_true", default=False, help="List all domains with SELinux user role interface - DOMAIN_role()") group.add_argument("-l", "--list", dest="list", action="store_true", default=False, help="List all interfaces") group.add_argument("-i", "--interfaces", nargs="+", dest="interfaces", action=InterfaceInfo, help=_("Enter interface names, you wish to query")) itf.set_defaults(func=interface) def gen_generate_args(parser): from sepolicy.generate import DAEMON, get_poltype_desc, poltype, DAEMON, DBUS, INETD, CGI, SANDBOX, USER, EUSER, TUSER, XUSER, LUSER, AUSER, RUSER, NEWTYPE generate_usage = generate_custom_usage(usage, usage_dict) pol = parser.add_parser("generate", usage=generate_usage, help=_('Generate SELinux Policy module template')) pol.add_argument("-d", "--domain", dest="domain", default=[], action=CheckDomain, nargs="*", help=_("Enter domain type which you will be extending")) pol.add_argument("-u", "--user", dest="user", default=[], action=CheckUser, help=_("Enter SELinux user(s) which will transition to this domain")) pol.add_argument("-r", "--role", dest="role", default=[], action=CheckRole, help=_("Enter SELinux role(s) to which the administror domain will transition")) pol.add_argument("-a", "--admin", dest="admin_domain", default=[], action=CheckAdmin, help=_("Enter domain(s) which this confined admin will administrate")) pol.add_argument("-n", "--name", dest="name", default=None, help=_("name of policy to generate")) pol.add_argument("-T", "--test", dest="test", default=False, action="store_true", help=argparse.SUPPRESS) pol.add_argument("-t", "--type", dest="types", default=[], nargs="*", action=CheckType, help="Enter type(s) for which you will generate new definition and rule(s)") pol.add_argument("-p", "--path", dest="path", default=os.getcwd(), help=_("path in which the generated policy files will be stored")) pol.add_argument("-w", "--writepath", dest="writepaths", nargs="*", default=[], help=_("path to which the confined processes will need to write")) cmdtype = pol.add_argument_group(_("Policy types which require a command")) cmdgroup = cmdtype.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=False) cmdgroup.add_argument("--application", dest="policytype", const=USER, action="store_const", help=_("Generate '%s' policy") % poltype[USER]) cmdgroup.add_argument("--cgi", dest="policytype", const=CGI, action="store_const", help=_("Generate '%s' policy") % poltype[CGI]) cmdgroup.add_argument("--dbus", dest="policytype", const=DBUS, action="store_const", help=_("Generate '%s' policy") % poltype[DBUS]) cmdgroup.add_argument("--inetd", dest="policytype", const=INETD, action="store_const", help=_("Generate '%s' policy") % poltype[INETD]) cmdgroup.add_argument("--init", dest="policytype", const=DAEMON, action="store_const", default=DAEMON, help=_("Generate '%s' policy") % poltype[DAEMON]) type = pol.add_argument_group("Policy types which do not require a command") group = type.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=False) group.add_argument("--admin_user", dest="policytype", const=AUSER, action="store_const", help=_("Generate '%s' policy") % poltype[AUSER]) group.add_argument("--confined_admin", dest="policytype", const=RUSER, action="store_const", help=_("Generate '%s' policy") % poltype[RUSER]) group.add_argument("--customize", dest="policytype", const=EUSER, action="store_const", help=_("Generate '%s' policy") % poltype[EUSER]) group.add_argument("--desktop_user", dest="policytype", const=LUSER, action="store_const", help=_("Generate '%s' policy ") % poltype[LUSER]) group.add_argument("--newtype", dest="policytype", const=NEWTYPE, action="store_const", help=_("Generate '%s' policy") % poltype[NEWTYPE]) group.add_argument("--sandbox", dest="policytype", const=SANDBOX, action="store_const", help=_("Generate '%s' policy") % poltype[SANDBOX]) group.add_argument("--term_user", dest="policytype", const=TUSER, action="store_const", help=_("Generate '%s' policy") % poltype[TUSER]) group.add_argument("--x_user", dest="policytype", const=XUSER, action="store_const", help=_("Generate '%s' policy") % poltype[XUSER]) pol.add_argument("command", nargs="?", default=None, help=_("executable to confine")) pol.set_defaults(func=generate) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='SELinux Policy Inspection Tool') subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help=_("commands")) parser.add_argument("-P", "--policy", dest="policy", action=LoadPolicy, default=None, help=_("Alternate SELinux policy, defaults to /sys/fs/selinux/policy")) gen_booleans_args(subparsers) gen_communicate_args(subparsers) gen_generate_args(subparsers) gen_gui_args(subparsers) gen_interface_args(subparsers) gen_manpage_args(subparsers) gen_network_args(subparsers) gen_transition_args(subparsers) try: if os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) == "sepolgen": parser_args = [ "generate" ] + sys.argv[1:] elif len(sys.argv) > 1: parser_args = sys.argv[1:] else: parser_args = ["-h"] args = parser.parse_args(args=parser_args) args.func(args) sys.exit(0) except ValueError as e: sys.stderr.write("%s: %s\n" % (e.__class__.__name__, str(e))) sys.exit(1) except IOError as e: sys.stderr.write("%s: %s\n" % (e.__class__.__name__, str(e))) sys.exit(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Out") sys.exit(0)