The tests currently just executed "audit2allow" which meant search in
$PATH. They should instead test the one in the pwd. The files in the
repo are not executable so prefix with "python" also.
Signed-off-by: Jason Zaman <>
When trying to get policycoreutils working in python3, I kept running
into TabErrors:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python-exec/python3.3/semanage", line 27, in <module>
import seobject
File "/usr/lib64/python3.3/site-packages/", line 154
context = "%s%s" % (filler, raw)
TabError: inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation
Python3 is a lot stricter than python2 regarding whitespace and looks like
previous commits mixed the two. When fixing this, I took the chance to fix
other PEP8 style issues at the same time.
This commit was made using:
$ file $(find . -type f) | grep -i python | sed 's/:.*$//' > pyfiles
$ autopep8 --in-place --ignore=E501,E265 $(cat pyfiles)
The ignore E501 is long lines since there are many that would be wrapped
otherwise, and E265 is block comments that start with ## instead of just #.
Signed-off-by: Jason Zaman <>
- replace print statement with print function
- use reserved word `as` in try-except
- replace deprecated assert_() method with assertTrue() in unit tests
Signed-off-by: Michal Srb <>