# On macOS
## Install
### From the official release
Download a static build of the [latest release]:
- [`scrcpy-macos-aarch64-v3.1.tar.gz`][direct-macos-aarch64] (aarch64)
SHA-256: `478618d940421e5f57942f5479d493ecbb38210682937a200f712aee5f235daf`
- [`scrcpy-macos-x86_64-v3.1.tar.gz`][direct-macos-x86_64] (x86_64)
SHA-256: `acde98e29c273710ffa469371dbca4a728a44c41c380381f8a54e5b5301b9e87`
[latest release]: https://github.com/Genymobile/scrcpy/releases/latest
[direct-macos-aarch64]: https://github.com/Genymobile/scrcpy/releases/download/v3.1/scrcpy-macos-aarch64-v3.1.tar.gz
[direct-macos-x86_64]: https://github.com/Genymobile/scrcpy/releases/download/v3.1/scrcpy-macos-x86_64-v3.1.tar.gz
and extract it.
_Static builds of scrcpy for macOS are still experimental._
### From a package manager
Scrcpy is available in [Homebrew]:
brew install scrcpy
[Homebrew]: https://brew.sh/
You need `adb`, accessible from your `PATH`. If you don't have it yet:
brew install --cask android-platform-tools
Alternatively, Scrcpy is also available in [MacPorts], which sets up `adb` for you:
sudo port install scrcpy
[MacPorts]: https://www.macports.org/
_See [build.md](build.md) to build and install the app manually._
## Run
_Make sure that your device meets the [prerequisites](/README.md#prerequisites)._
Once installed, run from a terminal:
or with arguments (here to disable audio and record to `file.mkv`):
scrcpy --no-audio --record=file.mkv
Documentation for command line arguments is available:
- `man scrcpy`
- `scrcpy --help`
- on [github](/README.md)