mirror of
synced 2025-01-19 22:20:51 +00:00
i) Uses the more idiomatic Wrap and Wrapf methods for creating nested errors. ii) Fixes some incorrect usages of fmt.Errorf where the error messages don't have any formatting directives. iii) Does away with the use of fmt package for errors in favour of pkg/errors Signed-off-by: tariqibrahim <tariq181290@gmail.com>
1211 lines
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1211 lines
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// Copyright 2016 The Prometheus Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package v1
import (
jsoniter "github.com/json-iterator/go"
tsdbLabels "github.com/prometheus/tsdb/labels"
const (
namespace = "prometheus"
subsystem = "api"
type status string
const (
statusSuccess status = "success"
statusError status = "error"
type errorType string
const (
errorNone errorType = ""
errorTimeout errorType = "timeout"
errorCanceled errorType = "canceled"
errorExec errorType = "execution"
errorBadData errorType = "bad_data"
errorInternal errorType = "internal"
errorUnavailable errorType = "unavailable"
errorNotFound errorType = "not_found"
var remoteReadQueries = prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: subsystem,
Name: "remote_read_queries",
Help: "The current number of remote read queries being executed or waiting.",
type apiError struct {
typ errorType
err error
func (e *apiError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", e.typ, e.err)
type targetRetriever interface {
TargetsActive() map[string][]*scrape.Target
TargetsDropped() map[string][]*scrape.Target
type alertmanagerRetriever interface {
Alertmanagers() []*url.URL
DroppedAlertmanagers() []*url.URL
type rulesRetriever interface {
RuleGroups() []*rules.Group
AlertingRules() []*rules.AlertingRule
type response struct {
Status status `json:"status"`
Data interface{} `json:"data,omitempty"`
ErrorType errorType `json:"errorType,omitempty"`
Error string `json:"error,omitempty"`
Warnings []string `json:"warnings,omitempty"`
type apiFuncResult struct {
data interface{}
err *apiError
warnings storage.Warnings
finalizer func()
type apiFunc func(r *http.Request) apiFuncResult
// TSDBAdmin defines the tsdb interfaces used by the v1 API for admin operations.
type TSDBAdmin interface {
CleanTombstones() error
Delete(mint, maxt int64, ms ...tsdbLabels.Matcher) error
Dir() string
Snapshot(dir string, withHead bool) error
// API can register a set of endpoints in a router and handle
// them using the provided storage and query engine.
type API struct {
Queryable storage.Queryable
QueryEngine *promql.Engine
targetRetriever targetRetriever
alertmanagerRetriever alertmanagerRetriever
rulesRetriever rulesRetriever
now func() time.Time
config func() config.Config
flagsMap map[string]string
ready func(http.HandlerFunc) http.HandlerFunc
db func() TSDBAdmin
enableAdmin bool
logger log.Logger
remoteReadSampleLimit int
remoteReadGate *gate.Gate
CORSOrigin *regexp.Regexp
func init() {
jsoniter.RegisterTypeEncoderFunc("promql.Point", marshalPointJSON, marshalPointJSONIsEmpty)
// NewAPI returns an initialized API type.
func NewAPI(
qe *promql.Engine,
q storage.Queryable,
tr targetRetriever,
ar alertmanagerRetriever,
configFunc func() config.Config,
flagsMap map[string]string,
readyFunc func(http.HandlerFunc) http.HandlerFunc,
db func() TSDBAdmin,
enableAdmin bool,
logger log.Logger,
rr rulesRetriever,
remoteReadSampleLimit int,
remoteReadConcurrencyLimit int,
CORSOrigin *regexp.Regexp,
) *API {
return &API{
QueryEngine: qe,
Queryable: q,
targetRetriever: tr,
alertmanagerRetriever: ar,
now: time.Now,
config: configFunc,
flagsMap: flagsMap,
ready: readyFunc,
db: db,
enableAdmin: enableAdmin,
rulesRetriever: rr,
remoteReadSampleLimit: remoteReadSampleLimit,
remoteReadGate: gate.New(remoteReadConcurrencyLimit),
logger: logger,
CORSOrigin: CORSOrigin,
// Register the API's endpoints in the given router.
func (api *API) Register(r *route.Router) {
wrap := func(f apiFunc) http.HandlerFunc {
hf := http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
httputil.SetCORS(w, api.CORSOrigin, r)
result := f(r)
if result.err != nil {
api.respondError(w, result.err, result.data)
} else if result.data != nil {
api.respond(w, result.data, result.warnings)
} else {
if result.finalizer != nil {
return api.ready(httputil.CompressionHandler{
Handler: hf,
r.Options("/*path", wrap(api.options))
r.Get("/query", wrap(api.query))
r.Post("/query", wrap(api.query))
r.Get("/query_range", wrap(api.queryRange))
r.Post("/query_range", wrap(api.queryRange))
r.Get("/labels", wrap(api.labelNames))
r.Post("/labels", wrap(api.labelNames))
r.Get("/label/:name/values", wrap(api.labelValues))
r.Get("/series", wrap(api.series))
r.Del("/series", wrap(api.dropSeries))
r.Get("/targets", wrap(api.targets))
r.Get("/targets/metadata", wrap(api.targetMetadata))
r.Get("/alertmanagers", wrap(api.alertmanagers))
r.Get("/status/config", wrap(api.serveConfig))
r.Get("/status/flags", wrap(api.serveFlags))
r.Post("/read", api.ready(http.HandlerFunc(api.remoteRead)))
r.Get("/alerts", wrap(api.alerts))
r.Get("/rules", wrap(api.rules))
// Admin APIs
r.Post("/admin/tsdb/delete_series", wrap(api.deleteSeries))
r.Post("/admin/tsdb/clean_tombstones", wrap(api.cleanTombstones))
r.Post("/admin/tsdb/snapshot", wrap(api.snapshot))
r.Put("/admin/tsdb/delete_series", wrap(api.deleteSeries))
r.Put("/admin/tsdb/clean_tombstones", wrap(api.cleanTombstones))
r.Put("/admin/tsdb/snapshot", wrap(api.snapshot))
type queryData struct {
ResultType promql.ValueType `json:"resultType"`
Result promql.Value `json:"result"`
Stats *stats.QueryStats `json:"stats,omitempty"`
func (api *API) options(r *http.Request) apiFuncResult {
return apiFuncResult{nil, nil, nil, nil}
func (api *API) query(r *http.Request) apiFuncResult {
var ts time.Time
if t := r.FormValue("time"); t != "" {
var err error
ts, err = parseTime(t)
if err != nil {
err = errors.Wrapf(err, "invalid parameter 'time'")
return apiFuncResult{nil, &apiError{errorBadData, err}, nil, nil}
} else {
ts = api.now()
ctx := r.Context()
if to := r.FormValue("timeout"); to != "" {
var cancel context.CancelFunc
timeout, err := parseDuration(to)
if err != nil {
err = errors.Wrapf(err, "invalid parameter 'timeout'")
return apiFuncResult{nil, &apiError{errorBadData, err}, nil, nil}
ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, timeout)
defer cancel()
qry, err := api.QueryEngine.NewInstantQuery(api.Queryable, r.FormValue("query"), ts)
if err != nil {
err = errors.Wrapf(err, "invalid parameter 'query'")
return apiFuncResult{nil, &apiError{errorBadData, err}, nil, nil}
res := qry.Exec(ctx)
if res.Err != nil {
return apiFuncResult{nil, returnAPIError(res.Err), res.Warnings, qry.Close}
// Optional stats field in response if parameter "stats" is not empty.
var qs *stats.QueryStats
if r.FormValue("stats") != "" {
qs = stats.NewQueryStats(qry.Stats())
return apiFuncResult{&queryData{
ResultType: res.Value.Type(),
Result: res.Value,
Stats: qs,
}, nil, res.Warnings, qry.Close}
func (api *API) queryRange(r *http.Request) apiFuncResult {
start, err := parseTime(r.FormValue("start"))
if err != nil {
err = errors.Wrapf(err, "invalid parameter 'start'")
return apiFuncResult{nil, &apiError{errorBadData, err}, nil, nil}
end, err := parseTime(r.FormValue("end"))
if err != nil {
err = errors.Wrapf(err, "invalid parameter 'end'")
return apiFuncResult{nil, &apiError{errorBadData, err}, nil, nil}
if end.Before(start) {
err := errors.New("end timestamp must not be before start time")
return apiFuncResult{nil, &apiError{errorBadData, err}, nil, nil}
step, err := parseDuration(r.FormValue("step"))
if err != nil {
err = errors.Wrapf(err, "invalid parameter 'step'")
return apiFuncResult{nil, &apiError{errorBadData, err}, nil, nil}
if step <= 0 {
err := errors.New("zero or negative query resolution step widths are not accepted. Try a positive integer")
return apiFuncResult{nil, &apiError{errorBadData, err}, nil, nil}
// For safety, limit the number of returned points per timeseries.
// This is sufficient for 60s resolution for a week or 1h resolution for a year.
if end.Sub(start)/step > 11000 {
err := errors.New("exceeded maximum resolution of 11,000 points per timeseries. Try decreasing the query resolution (?step=XX)")
return apiFuncResult{nil, &apiError{errorBadData, err}, nil, nil}
ctx := r.Context()
if to := r.FormValue("timeout"); to != "" {
var cancel context.CancelFunc
timeout, err := parseDuration(to)
if err != nil {
err = errors.Wrap(err, "invalid parameter 'timeout'")
return apiFuncResult{nil, &apiError{errorBadData, err}, nil, nil}
ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, timeout)
defer cancel()
qry, err := api.QueryEngine.NewRangeQuery(api.Queryable, r.FormValue("query"), start, end, step)
if err != nil {
return apiFuncResult{nil, &apiError{errorBadData, err}, nil, nil}
res := qry.Exec(ctx)
if res.Err != nil {
return apiFuncResult{nil, returnAPIError(res.Err), res.Warnings, qry.Close}
// Optional stats field in response if parameter "stats" is not empty.
var qs *stats.QueryStats
if r.FormValue("stats") != "" {
qs = stats.NewQueryStats(qry.Stats())
return apiFuncResult{&queryData{
ResultType: res.Value.Type(),
Result: res.Value,
Stats: qs,
}, nil, res.Warnings, qry.Close}
func returnAPIError(err error) *apiError {
if err == nil {
return nil
switch err.(type) {
case promql.ErrQueryCanceled:
return &apiError{errorCanceled, err}
case promql.ErrQueryTimeout:
return &apiError{errorTimeout, err}
case promql.ErrStorage:
return &apiError{errorInternal, err}
return &apiError{errorExec, err}
func (api *API) labelNames(r *http.Request) apiFuncResult {
q, err := api.Queryable.Querier(r.Context(), math.MinInt64, math.MaxInt64)
if err != nil {
return apiFuncResult{nil, &apiError{errorExec, err}, nil, nil}
defer q.Close()
names, err := q.LabelNames()
if err != nil {
return apiFuncResult{nil, &apiError{errorExec, err}, nil, nil}
return apiFuncResult{names, nil, nil, nil}
func (api *API) labelValues(r *http.Request) apiFuncResult {
ctx := r.Context()
name := route.Param(ctx, "name")
if !model.LabelNameRE.MatchString(name) {
return apiFuncResult{nil, &apiError{errorBadData, errors.Errorf("invalid label name: %q", name)}, nil, nil}
q, err := api.Queryable.Querier(ctx, math.MinInt64, math.MaxInt64)
if err != nil {
return apiFuncResult{nil, &apiError{errorExec, err}, nil, nil}
defer q.Close()
vals, err := q.LabelValues(name)
if err != nil {
return apiFuncResult{nil, &apiError{errorExec, err}, nil, nil}
return apiFuncResult{vals, nil, nil, nil}
var (
minTime = time.Unix(math.MinInt64/1000+62135596801, 0)
maxTime = time.Unix(math.MaxInt64/1000-62135596801, 999999999)
func (api *API) series(r *http.Request) apiFuncResult {
if err := r.ParseForm(); err != nil {
return apiFuncResult{nil, &apiError{errorBadData, errors.Wrapf(err, "error parsing form values")}, nil, nil}
if len(r.Form["match[]"]) == 0 {
return apiFuncResult{nil, &apiError{errorBadData, errors.New("no match[] parameter provided")}, nil, nil}
var start time.Time
if t := r.FormValue("start"); t != "" {
var err error
start, err = parseTime(t)
if err != nil {
return apiFuncResult{nil, &apiError{errorBadData, err}, nil, nil}
} else {
start = minTime
var end time.Time
if t := r.FormValue("end"); t != "" {
var err error
end, err = parseTime(t)
if err != nil {
return apiFuncResult{nil, &apiError{errorBadData, err}, nil, nil}
} else {
end = maxTime
var matcherSets [][]*labels.Matcher
for _, s := range r.Form["match[]"] {
matchers, err := promql.ParseMetricSelector(s)
if err != nil {
return apiFuncResult{nil, &apiError{errorBadData, err}, nil, nil}
matcherSets = append(matcherSets, matchers)
q, err := api.Queryable.Querier(r.Context(), timestamp.FromTime(start), timestamp.FromTime(end))
if err != nil {
return apiFuncResult{nil, &apiError{errorExec, err}, nil, nil}
defer q.Close()
var sets []storage.SeriesSet
var warnings storage.Warnings
for _, mset := range matcherSets {
s, wrn, err := q.Select(nil, mset...) //TODO
warnings = append(warnings, wrn...)
if err != nil {
return apiFuncResult{nil, &apiError{errorExec, err}, warnings, nil}
sets = append(sets, s)
set := storage.NewMergeSeriesSet(sets, nil)
metrics := []labels.Labels{}
for set.Next() {
metrics = append(metrics, set.At().Labels())
if set.Err() != nil {
return apiFuncResult{nil, &apiError{errorExec, set.Err()}, warnings, nil}
return apiFuncResult{metrics, nil, warnings, nil}
func (api *API) dropSeries(r *http.Request) apiFuncResult {
return apiFuncResult{nil, &apiError{errorInternal, errors.New("not implemented")}, nil, nil}
// Target has the information for one target.
type Target struct {
// Labels before any processing.
DiscoveredLabels map[string]string `json:"discoveredLabels"`
// Any labels that are added to this target and its metrics.
Labels map[string]string `json:"labels"`
ScrapeURL string `json:"scrapeUrl"`
LastError string `json:"lastError"`
LastScrape time.Time `json:"lastScrape"`
Health scrape.TargetHealth `json:"health"`
// DroppedTarget has the information for one target that was dropped during relabelling.
type DroppedTarget struct {
// Labels before any processing.
DiscoveredLabels map[string]string `json:"discoveredLabels"`
// TargetDiscovery has all the active targets.
type TargetDiscovery struct {
ActiveTargets []*Target `json:"activeTargets"`
DroppedTargets []*DroppedTarget `json:"droppedTargets"`
func (api *API) targets(r *http.Request) apiFuncResult {
flatten := func(targets map[string][]*scrape.Target) []*scrape.Target {
var n int
keys := make([]string, 0, len(targets))
for k := range targets {
keys = append(keys, k)
n += len(targets[k])
res := make([]*scrape.Target, 0, n)
for _, k := range keys {
res = append(res, targets[k]...)
return res
tActive := flatten(api.targetRetriever.TargetsActive())
tDropped := flatten(api.targetRetriever.TargetsDropped())
res := &TargetDiscovery{ActiveTargets: make([]*Target, 0, len(tActive)), DroppedTargets: make([]*DroppedTarget, 0, len(tDropped))}
for _, target := range tActive {
lastErrStr := ""
lastErr := target.LastError()
if lastErr != nil {
lastErrStr = lastErr.Error()
res.ActiveTargets = append(res.ActiveTargets, &Target{
DiscoveredLabels: target.DiscoveredLabels().Map(),
Labels: target.Labels().Map(),
ScrapeURL: target.URL().String(),
LastError: lastErrStr,
LastScrape: target.LastScrape(),
Health: target.Health(),
for _, t := range tDropped {
res.DroppedTargets = append(res.DroppedTargets, &DroppedTarget{
DiscoveredLabels: t.DiscoveredLabels().Map(),
return apiFuncResult{res, nil, nil, nil}
func matchLabels(lset labels.Labels, matchers []*labels.Matcher) bool {
for _, m := range matchers {
if !m.Matches(lset.Get(m.Name)) {
return false
return true
func (api *API) targetMetadata(r *http.Request) apiFuncResult {
limit := -1
if s := r.FormValue("limit"); s != "" {
var err error
if limit, err = strconv.Atoi(s); err != nil {
return apiFuncResult{nil, &apiError{errorBadData, errors.New("limit must be a number")}, nil, nil}
matchers, err := promql.ParseMetricSelector(r.FormValue("match_target"))
if err != nil {
return apiFuncResult{nil, &apiError{errorBadData, err}, nil, nil}
metric := r.FormValue("metric")
var res []metricMetadata
for _, tt := range api.targetRetriever.TargetsActive() {
for _, t := range tt {
if limit >= 0 && len(res) >= limit {
// Filter targets that don't satisfy the label matchers.
if !matchLabels(t.Labels(), matchers) {
// If no metric is specified, get the full list for the target.
if metric == "" {
for _, md := range t.MetadataList() {
res = append(res, metricMetadata{
Target: t.Labels(),
Metric: md.Metric,
Type: md.Type,
Help: md.Help,
Unit: md.Unit,
// Get metadata for the specified metric.
if md, ok := t.Metadata(metric); ok {
res = append(res, metricMetadata{
Target: t.Labels(),
Type: md.Type,
Help: md.Help,
Unit: md.Unit,
if len(res) == 0 {
return apiFuncResult{nil, &apiError{errorNotFound, errors.New("specified metadata not found")}, nil, nil}
return apiFuncResult{res, nil, nil, nil}
type metricMetadata struct {
Target labels.Labels `json:"target"`
Metric string `json:"metric,omitempty"`
Type textparse.MetricType `json:"type"`
Help string `json:"help"`
Unit string `json:"unit"`
// AlertmanagerDiscovery has all the active Alertmanagers.
type AlertmanagerDiscovery struct {
ActiveAlertmanagers []*AlertmanagerTarget `json:"activeAlertmanagers"`
DroppedAlertmanagers []*AlertmanagerTarget `json:"droppedAlertmanagers"`
// AlertmanagerTarget has info on one AM.
type AlertmanagerTarget struct {
URL string `json:"url"`
func (api *API) alertmanagers(r *http.Request) apiFuncResult {
urls := api.alertmanagerRetriever.Alertmanagers()
droppedURLS := api.alertmanagerRetriever.DroppedAlertmanagers()
ams := &AlertmanagerDiscovery{ActiveAlertmanagers: make([]*AlertmanagerTarget, len(urls)), DroppedAlertmanagers: make([]*AlertmanagerTarget, len(droppedURLS))}
for i, url := range urls {
ams.ActiveAlertmanagers[i] = &AlertmanagerTarget{URL: url.String()}
for i, url := range droppedURLS {
ams.DroppedAlertmanagers[i] = &AlertmanagerTarget{URL: url.String()}
return apiFuncResult{ams, nil, nil, nil}
// AlertDiscovery has info for all active alerts.
type AlertDiscovery struct {
Alerts []*Alert `json:"alerts"`
// Alert has info for an alert.
type Alert struct {
Labels labels.Labels `json:"labels"`
Annotations labels.Labels `json:"annotations"`
State string `json:"state"`
ActiveAt *time.Time `json:"activeAt,omitempty"`
Value float64 `json:"value"`
func (api *API) alerts(r *http.Request) apiFuncResult {
alertingRules := api.rulesRetriever.AlertingRules()
alerts := []*Alert{}
for _, alertingRule := range alertingRules {
alerts = append(
res := &AlertDiscovery{Alerts: alerts}
return apiFuncResult{res, nil, nil, nil}
func rulesAlertsToAPIAlerts(rulesAlerts []*rules.Alert) []*Alert {
apiAlerts := make([]*Alert, len(rulesAlerts))
for i, ruleAlert := range rulesAlerts {
apiAlerts[i] = &Alert{
Labels: ruleAlert.Labels,
Annotations: ruleAlert.Annotations,
State: ruleAlert.State.String(),
ActiveAt: &ruleAlert.ActiveAt,
Value: ruleAlert.Value,
return apiAlerts
// RuleDiscovery has info for all rules
type RuleDiscovery struct {
RuleGroups []*RuleGroup `json:"groups"`
// RuleGroup has info for rules which are part of a group
type RuleGroup struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
File string `json:"file"`
// In order to preserve rule ordering, while exposing type (alerting or recording)
// specific properties, both alerting and recording rules are exposed in the
// same array.
Rules []rule `json:"rules"`
Interval float64 `json:"interval"`
type rule interface{}
type alertingRule struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Query string `json:"query"`
Duration float64 `json:"duration"`
Labels labels.Labels `json:"labels"`
Annotations labels.Labels `json:"annotations"`
Alerts []*Alert `json:"alerts"`
Health rules.RuleHealth `json:"health"`
LastError string `json:"lastError,omitempty"`
// Type of an alertingRule is always "alerting".
Type string `json:"type"`
type recordingRule struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Query string `json:"query"`
Labels labels.Labels `json:"labels,omitempty"`
Health rules.RuleHealth `json:"health"`
LastError string `json:"lastError,omitempty"`
// Type of a recordingRule is always "recording".
Type string `json:"type"`
func (api *API) rules(r *http.Request) apiFuncResult {
ruleGroups := api.rulesRetriever.RuleGroups()
res := &RuleDiscovery{RuleGroups: make([]*RuleGroup, len(ruleGroups))}
for i, grp := range ruleGroups {
apiRuleGroup := &RuleGroup{
Name: grp.Name(),
File: grp.File(),
Interval: grp.Interval().Seconds(),
Rules: []rule{},
for _, r := range grp.Rules() {
var enrichedRule rule
lastError := ""
if r.LastError() != nil {
lastError = r.LastError().Error()
switch rule := r.(type) {
case *rules.AlertingRule:
enrichedRule = alertingRule{
Name: rule.Name(),
Query: rule.Query().String(),
Duration: rule.Duration().Seconds(),
Labels: rule.Labels(),
Annotations: rule.Annotations(),
Alerts: rulesAlertsToAPIAlerts(rule.ActiveAlerts()),
Health: rule.Health(),
LastError: lastError,
Type: "alerting",
case *rules.RecordingRule:
enrichedRule = recordingRule{
Name: rule.Name(),
Query: rule.Query().String(),
Labels: rule.Labels(),
Health: rule.Health(),
LastError: lastError,
Type: "recording",
err := errors.Errorf("failed to assert type of rule '%v'", rule.Name())
return apiFuncResult{nil, &apiError{errorInternal, err}, nil, nil}
apiRuleGroup.Rules = append(apiRuleGroup.Rules, enrichedRule)
res.RuleGroups[i] = apiRuleGroup
return apiFuncResult{res, nil, nil, nil}
type prometheusConfig struct {
YAML string `json:"yaml"`
func (api *API) serveConfig(r *http.Request) apiFuncResult {
cfg := &prometheusConfig{
YAML: api.config().String(),
return apiFuncResult{cfg, nil, nil, nil}
func (api *API) serveFlags(r *http.Request) apiFuncResult {
return apiFuncResult{api.flagsMap, nil, nil, nil}
func (api *API) remoteRead(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
defer api.remoteReadGate.Done()
defer remoteReadQueries.Dec()
req, err := remote.DecodeReadRequest(r)
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)
resp := prompb.ReadResponse{
Results: make([]*prompb.QueryResult, len(req.Queries)),
for i, query := range req.Queries {
from, through, matchers, selectParams, err := remote.FromQuery(query)
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)
querier, err := api.Queryable.Querier(r.Context(), from, through)
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
defer querier.Close()
// Change equality matchers which match external labels
// to a matcher that looks for an empty label,
// as that label should not be present in the storage.
externalLabels := api.config().GlobalConfig.ExternalLabels.Map()
filteredMatchers := make([]*labels.Matcher, 0, len(matchers))
for _, m := range matchers {
value := externalLabels[m.Name]
if m.Type == labels.MatchEqual && value == m.Value {
matcher, err := labels.NewMatcher(labels.MatchEqual, m.Name, "")
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
filteredMatchers = append(filteredMatchers, matcher)
} else {
filteredMatchers = append(filteredMatchers, m)
set, _, err := querier.Select(selectParams, filteredMatchers...)
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
resp.Results[i], err = remote.ToQueryResult(set, api.remoteReadSampleLimit)
if err != nil {
if httpErr, ok := err.(remote.HTTPError); ok {
http.Error(w, httpErr.Error(), httpErr.Status())
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
// Add external labels back in, in sorted order.
sortedExternalLabels := make([]prompb.Label, 0, len(externalLabels))
for name, value := range externalLabels {
sortedExternalLabels = append(sortedExternalLabels, prompb.Label{
Name: string(name),
Value: string(value),
sort.Slice(sortedExternalLabels, func(i, j int) bool {
return sortedExternalLabels[i].Name < sortedExternalLabels[j].Name
for _, ts := range resp.Results[i].Timeseries {
ts.Labels = mergeLabels(ts.Labels, sortedExternalLabels)
if err := remote.EncodeReadResponse(&resp, w); err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
func (api *API) deleteSeries(r *http.Request) apiFuncResult {
if !api.enableAdmin {
return apiFuncResult{nil, &apiError{errorUnavailable, errors.New("admin APIs disabled")}, nil, nil}
db := api.db()
if db == nil {
return apiFuncResult{nil, &apiError{errorUnavailable, errors.New("TSDB not ready")}, nil, nil}
if err := r.ParseForm(); err != nil {
return apiFuncResult{nil, &apiError{errorBadData, errors.Wrap(err, "error parsing form values")}, nil, nil}
if len(r.Form["match[]"]) == 0 {
return apiFuncResult{nil, &apiError{errorBadData, errors.New("no match[] parameter provided")}, nil, nil}
var start time.Time
if t := r.FormValue("start"); t != "" {
var err error
start, err = parseTime(t)
if err != nil {
return apiFuncResult{nil, &apiError{errorBadData, err}, nil, nil}
} else {
start = minTime
var end time.Time
if t := r.FormValue("end"); t != "" {
var err error
end, err = parseTime(t)
if err != nil {
return apiFuncResult{nil, &apiError{errorBadData, err}, nil, nil}
} else {
end = maxTime
for _, s := range r.Form["match[]"] {
matchers, err := promql.ParseMetricSelector(s)
if err != nil {
return apiFuncResult{nil, &apiError{errorBadData, err}, nil, nil}
var selector tsdbLabels.Selector
for _, m := range matchers {
selector = append(selector, convertMatcher(m))
if err := db.Delete(timestamp.FromTime(start), timestamp.FromTime(end), selector...); err != nil {
return apiFuncResult{nil, &apiError{errorInternal, err}, nil, nil}
return apiFuncResult{nil, nil, nil, nil}
func (api *API) snapshot(r *http.Request) apiFuncResult {
if !api.enableAdmin {
return apiFuncResult{nil, &apiError{errorUnavailable, errors.New("admin APIs disabled")}, nil, nil}
var (
skipHead bool
err error
if r.FormValue("skip_head") != "" {
skipHead, err = strconv.ParseBool(r.FormValue("skip_head"))
if err != nil {
return apiFuncResult{nil, &apiError{errorBadData, errors.Wrapf(err, "unable to parse boolean 'skip_head' argument")}, nil, nil}
db := api.db()
if db == nil {
return apiFuncResult{nil, &apiError{errorUnavailable, errors.New("TSDB not ready")}, nil, nil}
var (
snapdir = filepath.Join(db.Dir(), "snapshots")
name = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%x",
dir = filepath.Join(snapdir, name)
if err := os.MkdirAll(dir, 0777); err != nil {
return apiFuncResult{nil, &apiError{errorInternal, errors.Wrap(err, "create snapshot directory")}, nil, nil}
if err := db.Snapshot(dir, !skipHead); err != nil {
return apiFuncResult{nil, &apiError{errorInternal, errors.Wrap(err, "create snapshot")}, nil, nil}
return apiFuncResult{struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
}{name}, nil, nil, nil}
func (api *API) cleanTombstones(r *http.Request) apiFuncResult {
if !api.enableAdmin {
return apiFuncResult{nil, &apiError{errorUnavailable, errors.New("admin APIs disabled")}, nil, nil}
db := api.db()
if db == nil {
return apiFuncResult{nil, &apiError{errorUnavailable, errors.New("TSDB not ready")}, nil, nil}
if err := db.CleanTombstones(); err != nil {
return apiFuncResult{nil, &apiError{errorInternal, err}, nil, nil}
return apiFuncResult{nil, nil, nil, nil}
func convertMatcher(m *labels.Matcher) tsdbLabels.Matcher {
switch m.Type {
case labels.MatchEqual:
return tsdbLabels.NewEqualMatcher(m.Name, m.Value)
case labels.MatchNotEqual:
return tsdbLabels.Not(tsdbLabels.NewEqualMatcher(m.Name, m.Value))
case labels.MatchRegexp:
res, err := tsdbLabels.NewRegexpMatcher(m.Name, "^(?:"+m.Value+")$")
if err != nil {
return res
case labels.MatchNotRegexp:
res, err := tsdbLabels.NewRegexpMatcher(m.Name, "^(?:"+m.Value+")$")
if err != nil {
return tsdbLabels.Not(res)
panic("storage.convertMatcher: invalid matcher type")
// mergeLabels merges two sets of sorted proto labels, preferring those in
// primary to those in secondary when there is an overlap.
func mergeLabels(primary, secondary []prompb.Label) []prompb.Label {
result := make([]prompb.Label, 0, len(primary)+len(secondary))
i, j := 0, 0
for i < len(primary) && j < len(secondary) {
if primary[i].Name < secondary[j].Name {
result = append(result, primary[i])
} else if primary[i].Name > secondary[j].Name {
result = append(result, secondary[j])
} else {
result = append(result, primary[i])
for ; i < len(primary); i++ {
result = append(result, primary[i])
for ; j < len(secondary); j++ {
result = append(result, secondary[j])
return result
func (api *API) respond(w http.ResponseWriter, data interface{}, warnings storage.Warnings) {
statusMessage := statusSuccess
var warningStrings []string
for _, warning := range warnings {
warningStrings = append(warningStrings, warning.Error())
json := jsoniter.ConfigCompatibleWithStandardLibrary
b, err := json.Marshal(&response{
Status: statusMessage,
Data: data,
Warnings: warningStrings,
if err != nil {
level.Error(api.logger).Log("msg", "error marshaling json response", "err", err)
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
if n, err := w.Write(b); err != nil {
level.Error(api.logger).Log("msg", "error writing response", "bytesWritten", n, "err", err)
func (api *API) respondError(w http.ResponseWriter, apiErr *apiError, data interface{}) {
json := jsoniter.ConfigCompatibleWithStandardLibrary
b, err := json.Marshal(&response{
Status: statusError,
ErrorType: apiErr.typ,
Error: apiErr.err.Error(),
Data: data,
if err != nil {
level.Error(api.logger).Log("msg", "error marshaling json response", "err", err)
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
var code int
switch apiErr.typ {
case errorBadData:
code = http.StatusBadRequest
case errorExec:
code = 422
case errorCanceled, errorTimeout:
code = http.StatusServiceUnavailable
case errorInternal:
code = http.StatusInternalServerError
case errorNotFound:
code = http.StatusNotFound
code = http.StatusInternalServerError
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
if n, err := w.Write(b); err != nil {
level.Error(api.logger).Log("msg", "error writing response", "bytesWritten", n, "err", err)
func parseTime(s string) (time.Time, error) {
if t, err := strconv.ParseFloat(s, 64); err == nil {
s, ns := math.Modf(t)
ns = math.Round(ns*1000) / 1000
return time.Unix(int64(s), int64(ns*float64(time.Second))), nil
if t, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, s); err == nil {
return t, nil
return time.Time{}, errors.Errorf("cannot parse %q to a valid timestamp", s)
func parseDuration(s string) (time.Duration, error) {
if d, err := strconv.ParseFloat(s, 64); err == nil {
ts := d * float64(time.Second)
if ts > float64(math.MaxInt64) || ts < float64(math.MinInt64) {
return 0, errors.Errorf("cannot parse %q to a valid duration. It overflows int64", s)
return time.Duration(ts), nil
if d, err := model.ParseDuration(s); err == nil {
return time.Duration(d), nil
return 0, errors.Errorf("cannot parse %q to a valid duration", s)
func marshalPointJSON(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *jsoniter.Stream) {
p := *((*promql.Point)(ptr))
// Write out the timestamp as a float divided by 1000.
// This is ~3x faster than converting to a float.
t := p.T
if t < 0 {
t = -t
stream.WriteInt64(t / 1000)
fraction := t % 1000
if fraction != 0 {
if fraction < 100 {
if fraction < 10 {
func marshalPointJSONIsEmpty(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
return false