Joshua Hesketh 665d1ba0cc
Ensure metric name is present on histogram_quantile annotations (#15828)
Ensure metric name is present on histogram_quantile annotations

Previously the series __name__ label was dropped before the annotation
was emitted causing the annotation message to have a blank value.

This fix also allows delayed name removal for classic histograms.

This also adds a test for malformed le label

This annotation could be split into two to be clearer for the user
(one for missing, and one for malformed). This is outside of the scope
of this change.

Fixes: #15411


Signed-off-by: Joshua Hesketh <>
Signed-off-by: Björn Rabenstein <>
Co-authored-by: Björn Rabenstein <>
2025-01-22 14:35:43 +01:00

1932 lines
65 KiB

// Copyright 2015 The Prometheus Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package promql
import (
// FunctionCall is the type of a PromQL function implementation
// vals is a list of the evaluated arguments for the function call.
// For range vectors it will be a Matrix with one series, instant vectors a
// Vector, scalars a Vector with one series whose value is the scalar
// value,and nil for strings.
// args are the original arguments to the function, where you can access
// matrixSelectors, vectorSelectors, and StringLiterals.
// enh.Out is a pre-allocated empty vector that you may use to accumulate
// output before returning it. The vectors in vals should not be returned.a
// Range vector functions need only return a vector with the right value,
// the metric and timestamp are not needed.
// Instant vector functions need only return a vector with the right values and
// metrics, the timestamp are not needed.
// Scalar results should be returned as the value of a sample in a Vector.
type FunctionCall func(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations)
// === time() float64 ===
func funcTime(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
return Vector{Sample{
F: float64(enh.Ts) / 1000,
}}, nil
// extrapolatedRate is a utility function for rate/increase/delta.
// It calculates the rate (allowing for counter resets if isCounter is true),
// extrapolates if the first/last sample is close to the boundary, and returns
// the result as either per-second (if isRate is true) or overall.
func extrapolatedRate(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper, isCounter, isRate bool) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
ms := args[0].(*parser.MatrixSelector)
vs := ms.VectorSelector.(*parser.VectorSelector)
var (
samples = vals[0].(Matrix)[0]
rangeStart = enh.Ts - durationMilliseconds(ms.Range+vs.Offset)
rangeEnd = enh.Ts - durationMilliseconds(vs.Offset)
resultFloat float64
resultHistogram *histogram.FloatHistogram
firstT, lastT int64
numSamplesMinusOne int
annos annotations.Annotations
// We need either at least two Histograms and no Floats, or at least two
// Floats and no Histograms to calculate a rate. Otherwise, drop this
// Vector element.
metricName := samples.Metric.Get(labels.MetricName)
if len(samples.Histograms) > 0 && len(samples.Floats) > 0 {
return enh.Out, annos.Add(annotations.NewMixedFloatsHistogramsWarning(metricName, args[0].PositionRange()))
switch {
case len(samples.Histograms) > 1:
numSamplesMinusOne = len(samples.Histograms) - 1
firstT = samples.Histograms[0].T
lastT = samples.Histograms[numSamplesMinusOne].T
var newAnnos annotations.Annotations
resultHistogram, newAnnos = histogramRate(samples.Histograms, isCounter, metricName, args[0].PositionRange())
if resultHistogram == nil {
// The histograms are not compatible with each other.
return enh.Out, annos
case len(samples.Floats) > 1:
numSamplesMinusOne = len(samples.Floats) - 1
firstT = samples.Floats[0].T
lastT = samples.Floats[numSamplesMinusOne].T
resultFloat = samples.Floats[numSamplesMinusOne].F - samples.Floats[0].F
if !isCounter {
// Handle counter resets:
prevValue := samples.Floats[0].F
for _, currPoint := range samples.Floats[1:] {
if currPoint.F < prevValue {
resultFloat += prevValue
prevValue = currPoint.F
// TODO: add RangeTooShortWarning
return enh.Out, annos
// Duration between first/last samples and boundary of range.
durationToStart := float64(firstT-rangeStart) / 1000
durationToEnd := float64(rangeEnd-lastT) / 1000
sampledInterval := float64(lastT-firstT) / 1000
averageDurationBetweenSamples := sampledInterval / float64(numSamplesMinusOne)
// If samples are close enough to the (lower or upper) boundary of the
// range, we extrapolate the rate all the way to the boundary in
// question. "Close enough" is defined as "up to 10% more than the
// average duration between samples within the range", see
// extrapolationThreshold below. Essentially, we are assuming a more or
// less regular spacing between samples, and if we don't see a sample
// where we would expect one, we assume the series does not cover the
// whole range, but starts and/or ends within the range. We still
// extrapolate the rate in this case, but not all the way to the
// boundary, but only by half of the average duration between samples
// (which is our guess for where the series actually starts or ends).
extrapolationThreshold := averageDurationBetweenSamples * 1.1
extrapolateToInterval := sampledInterval
if durationToStart >= extrapolationThreshold {
durationToStart = averageDurationBetweenSamples / 2
if isCounter && resultFloat > 0 && len(samples.Floats) > 0 && samples.Floats[0].F >= 0 {
// Counters cannot be negative. If we have any slope at all
// (i.e. resultFloat went up), we can extrapolate the zero point
// of the counter. If the duration to the zero point is shorter
// than the durationToStart, we take the zero point as the start
// of the series, thereby avoiding extrapolation to negative
// counter values.
// TODO(beorn7): Do this for histograms, too.
durationToZero := sampledInterval * (samples.Floats[0].F / resultFloat)
if durationToZero < durationToStart {
durationToStart = durationToZero
extrapolateToInterval += durationToStart
if durationToEnd >= extrapolationThreshold {
durationToEnd = averageDurationBetweenSamples / 2
extrapolateToInterval += durationToEnd
factor := extrapolateToInterval / sampledInterval
if isRate {
factor /= ms.Range.Seconds()
if resultHistogram == nil {
resultFloat *= factor
} else {
return append(enh.Out, Sample{F: resultFloat, H: resultHistogram}), annos
// histogramRate is a helper function for extrapolatedRate. It requires
// points[0] to be a histogram. It returns nil if any other Point in points is
// not a histogram, and a warning wrapped in an annotation in that case.
// Otherwise, it returns the calculated histogram and an empty annotation.
func histogramRate(points []HPoint, isCounter bool, metricName string, pos posrange.PositionRange) (*histogram.FloatHistogram, annotations.Annotations) {
prev := points[0].H
usingCustomBuckets := prev.UsesCustomBuckets()
last := points[len(points)-1].H
if last == nil {
return nil, annotations.New().Add(annotations.NewMixedFloatsHistogramsWarning(metricName, pos))
minSchema := prev.Schema
if last.Schema < minSchema {
minSchema = last.Schema
if last.UsesCustomBuckets() != usingCustomBuckets {
return nil, annotations.New().Add(annotations.NewMixedExponentialCustomHistogramsWarning(metricName, pos))
var annos annotations.Annotations
// We check for gauge type histograms in the loop below, but the loop below does not run on the first and last point,
// so check the first and last point now.
if isCounter && (prev.CounterResetHint == histogram.GaugeType || last.CounterResetHint == histogram.GaugeType) {
annos.Add(annotations.NewNativeHistogramNotCounterWarning(metricName, pos))
// First iteration to find out two things:
// - What's the smallest relevant schema?
// - Are all data points histograms?
// TODO(beorn7): Find a way to check that earlier, e.g. by handing in a
// []FloatPoint and a []HistogramPoint separately.
for _, currPoint := range points[1 : len(points)-1] {
curr := currPoint.H
if curr == nil {
return nil, annotations.New().Add(annotations.NewMixedFloatsHistogramsWarning(metricName, pos))
if !isCounter {
if curr.CounterResetHint == histogram.GaugeType {
annos.Add(annotations.NewNativeHistogramNotCounterWarning(metricName, pos))
if curr.Schema < minSchema {
minSchema = curr.Schema
if curr.UsesCustomBuckets() != usingCustomBuckets {
return nil, annotations.New().Add(annotations.NewMixedExponentialCustomHistogramsWarning(metricName, pos))
h := last.CopyToSchema(minSchema)
_, err := h.Sub(prev)
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, histogram.ErrHistogramsIncompatibleSchema) {
return nil, annotations.New().Add(annotations.NewMixedExponentialCustomHistogramsWarning(metricName, pos))
} else if errors.Is(err, histogram.ErrHistogramsIncompatibleBounds) {
return nil, annotations.New().Add(annotations.NewIncompatibleCustomBucketsHistogramsWarning(metricName, pos))
if isCounter {
// Second iteration to deal with counter resets.
for _, currPoint := range points[1:] {
curr := currPoint.H
if curr.DetectReset(prev) {
_, err := h.Add(prev)
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, histogram.ErrHistogramsIncompatibleSchema) {
return nil, annotations.New().Add(annotations.NewMixedExponentialCustomHistogramsWarning(metricName, pos))
} else if errors.Is(err, histogram.ErrHistogramsIncompatibleBounds) {
return nil, annotations.New().Add(annotations.NewIncompatibleCustomBucketsHistogramsWarning(metricName, pos))
prev = curr
} else if points[0].H.CounterResetHint != histogram.GaugeType || points[len(points)-1].H.CounterResetHint != histogram.GaugeType {
annos.Add(annotations.NewNativeHistogramNotGaugeWarning(metricName, pos))
h.CounterResetHint = histogram.GaugeType
return h.Compact(0), annos
// === delta(Matrix parser.ValueTypeMatrix) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcDelta(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
return extrapolatedRate(vals, args, enh, false, false)
// === rate(node parser.ValueTypeMatrix) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcRate(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
return extrapolatedRate(vals, args, enh, true, true)
// === increase(node parser.ValueTypeMatrix) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcIncrease(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
return extrapolatedRate(vals, args, enh, true, false)
// === irate(node parser.ValueTypeMatrix) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcIrate(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
return instantValue(vals, enh.Out, true)
// === idelta(node model.ValMatrix) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcIdelta(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
return instantValue(vals, enh.Out, false)
func instantValue(vals []parser.Value, out Vector, isRate bool) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
samples := vals[0].(Matrix)[0]
// No sense in trying to compute a rate without at least two points. Drop
// this Vector element.
// TODO: add RangeTooShortWarning
if len(samples.Floats) < 2 {
return out, nil
lastSample := samples.Floats[len(samples.Floats)-1]
previousSample := samples.Floats[len(samples.Floats)-2]
var resultValue float64
if isRate && lastSample.F < previousSample.F {
// Counter reset.
resultValue = lastSample.F
} else {
resultValue = lastSample.F - previousSample.F
sampledInterval := lastSample.T - previousSample.T
if sampledInterval == 0 {
// Avoid dividing by 0.
return out, nil
if isRate {
// Convert to per-second.
resultValue /= float64(sampledInterval) / 1000
return append(out, Sample{F: resultValue}), nil
// Calculate the trend value at the given index i in raw data d.
// This is somewhat analogous to the slope of the trend at the given index.
// The argument "tf" is the trend factor.
// The argument "s0" is the computed smoothed value.
// The argument "s1" is the computed trend factor.
// The argument "b" is the raw input value.
func calcTrendValue(i int, tf, s0, s1, b float64) float64 {
if i == 0 {
return b
x := tf * (s1 - s0)
y := (1 - tf) * b
return x + y
// Double exponential smoothing is similar to a weighted moving average, where
// historical data has exponentially less influence on the current data. It also
// accounts for trends in data. The smoothing factor (0 < sf < 1) affects how
// historical data will affect the current data. A lower smoothing factor
// increases the influence of historical data. The trend factor (0 < tf < 1)
// affects how trends in historical data will affect the current data. A higher
// trend factor increases the influence. of trends. Algorithm taken from
// .
func funcDoubleExponentialSmoothing(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
samples := vals[0].(Matrix)[0]
metricName := samples.Metric.Get(labels.MetricName)
// The smoothing factor argument.
sf := vals[1].(Vector)[0].F
// The trend factor argument.
tf := vals[2].(Vector)[0].F
// Check that the input parameters are valid.
if sf <= 0 || sf >= 1 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid smoothing factor. Expected: 0 < sf < 1, got: %f", sf))
if tf <= 0 || tf >= 1 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid trend factor. Expected: 0 < tf < 1, got: %f", tf))
l := len(samples.Floats)
// Can't do the smoothing operation with less than two points.
if l < 2 {
// Annotate mix of float and histogram.
if l == 1 && len(samples.Histograms) > 0 {
return enh.Out, annotations.New().Add(annotations.NewHistogramIgnoredInMixedRangeInfo(metricName, args[0].PositionRange()))
return enh.Out, nil
var s0, s1, b float64
// Set initial values.
s1 = samples.Floats[0].F
b = samples.Floats[1].F - samples.Floats[0].F
// Run the smoothing operation.
var x, y float64
for i := 1; i < l; i++ {
// Scale the raw value against the smoothing factor.
x = sf * samples.Floats[i].F
// Scale the last smoothed value with the trend at this point.
b = calcTrendValue(i-1, tf, s0, s1, b)
y = (1 - sf) * (s1 + b)
s0, s1 = s1, x+y
if len(samples.Histograms) > 0 {
return append(enh.Out, Sample{F: s1}), annotations.New().Add(annotations.NewHistogramIgnoredInMixedRangeInfo(metricName, args[0].PositionRange()))
return append(enh.Out, Sample{F: s1}), nil
// === sort(node parser.ValueTypeVector) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcSort(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
// NaN should sort to the bottom, so take descending sort with NaN first and
// reverse it.
byValueSorter := vectorByReverseValueHeap(vals[0].(Vector))
return Vector(byValueSorter), nil
// === sortDesc(node parser.ValueTypeVector) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcSortDesc(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
// NaN should sort to the bottom, so take ascending sort with NaN first and
// reverse it.
byValueSorter := vectorByValueHeap(vals[0].(Vector))
return Vector(byValueSorter), nil
// === sort_by_label(vector parser.ValueTypeVector, label parser.ValueTypeString...) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcSortByLabel(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
lbls := stringSliceFromArgs(args[1:])
slices.SortFunc(vals[0].(Vector), func(a, b Sample) int {
for _, label := range lbls {
lv1 := a.Metric.Get(label)
lv2 := b.Metric.Get(label)
if lv1 == lv2 {
if natsort.Compare(lv1, lv2) {
return -1
return +1
// If all labels provided as arguments were equal, sort by the full label set. This ensures a consistent ordering.
return labels.Compare(a.Metric, b.Metric)
return vals[0].(Vector), nil
// === sort_by_label_desc(vector parser.ValueTypeVector, label parser.ValueTypeString...) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcSortByLabelDesc(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
lbls := stringSliceFromArgs(args[1:])
slices.SortFunc(vals[0].(Vector), func(a, b Sample) int {
for _, label := range lbls {
lv1 := a.Metric.Get(label)
lv2 := b.Metric.Get(label)
if lv1 == lv2 {
if natsort.Compare(lv1, lv2) {
return +1
return -1
// If all labels provided as arguments were equal, sort by the full label set. This ensures a consistent ordering.
return -labels.Compare(a.Metric, b.Metric)
return vals[0].(Vector), nil
func clamp(vec Vector, minVal, maxVal float64, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
if maxVal < minVal {
return enh.Out, nil
for _, el := range vec {
if el.H != nil {
// Process only float samples.
if !enh.enableDelayedNameRemoval {
el.Metric = el.Metric.DropMetricName()
enh.Out = append(enh.Out, Sample{
Metric: el.Metric,
F: math.Max(minVal, math.Min(maxVal, el.F)),
DropName: true,
return enh.Out, nil
// === clamp(Vector parser.ValueTypeVector, min, max Scalar) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcClamp(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
vec := vals[0].(Vector)
minVal := vals[1].(Vector)[0].F
maxVal := vals[2].(Vector)[0].F
return clamp(vec, minVal, maxVal, enh)
// === clamp_max(Vector parser.ValueTypeVector, max Scalar) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcClampMax(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
vec := vals[0].(Vector)
maxVal := vals[1].(Vector)[0].F
return clamp(vec, math.Inf(-1), maxVal, enh)
// === clamp_min(Vector parser.ValueTypeVector, min Scalar) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcClampMin(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
vec := vals[0].(Vector)
minVal := vals[1].(Vector)[0].F
return clamp(vec, minVal, math.Inf(+1), enh)
// === round(Vector parser.ValueTypeVector, toNearest=1 Scalar) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcRound(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
vec := vals[0].(Vector)
// round returns a number rounded to toNearest.
// Ties are solved by rounding up.
toNearest := float64(1)
if len(args) >= 2 {
toNearest = vals[1].(Vector)[0].F
// Invert as it seems to cause fewer floating point accuracy issues.
toNearestInverse := 1.0 / toNearest
for _, el := range vec {
if el.H != nil {
// Process only float samples.
f := math.Floor(el.F*toNearestInverse+0.5) / toNearestInverse
if !enh.enableDelayedNameRemoval {
el.Metric = el.Metric.DropMetricName()
enh.Out = append(enh.Out, Sample{
Metric: el.Metric,
F: f,
DropName: true,
return enh.Out, nil
// === Scalar(node parser.ValueTypeVector) Scalar ===
func funcScalar(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
v := vals[0].(Vector)
if len(v) != 1 {
return append(enh.Out, Sample{F: math.NaN()}), nil
return append(enh.Out, Sample{F: v[0].F}), nil
func aggrOverTime(vals []parser.Value, enh *EvalNodeHelper, aggrFn func(Series) float64) Vector {
el := vals[0].(Matrix)[0]
return append(enh.Out, Sample{F: aggrFn(el)})
func aggrHistOverTime(vals []parser.Value, enh *EvalNodeHelper, aggrFn func(Series) (*histogram.FloatHistogram, error)) (Vector, error) {
el := vals[0].(Matrix)[0]
res, err := aggrFn(el)
return append(enh.Out, Sample{H: res}), err
// === avg_over_time(Matrix parser.ValueTypeMatrix) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcAvgOverTime(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
firstSeries := vals[0].(Matrix)[0]
if len(firstSeries.Floats) > 0 && len(firstSeries.Histograms) > 0 {
metricName := firstSeries.Metric.Get(labels.MetricName)
return enh.Out, annotations.New().Add(annotations.NewMixedFloatsHistogramsWarning(metricName, args[0].PositionRange()))
if len(firstSeries.Floats) == 0 {
// The passed values only contain histograms.
vec, err := aggrHistOverTime(vals, enh, func(s Series) (*histogram.FloatHistogram, error) {
count := 1
mean := s.Histograms[0].H.Copy()
for _, h := range s.Histograms[1:] {
left := h.H.Copy().Div(float64(count))
right := mean.Copy().Div(float64(count))
toAdd, err := left.Sub(right)
if err != nil {
return mean, err
_, err = mean.Add(toAdd)
if err != nil {
return mean, err
return mean, nil
if err != nil {
metricName := firstSeries.Metric.Get(labels.MetricName)
if errors.Is(err, histogram.ErrHistogramsIncompatibleSchema) {
return enh.Out, annotations.New().Add(annotations.NewMixedExponentialCustomHistogramsWarning(metricName, args[0].PositionRange()))
} else if errors.Is(err, histogram.ErrHistogramsIncompatibleBounds) {
return enh.Out, annotations.New().Add(annotations.NewIncompatibleCustomBucketsHistogramsWarning(metricName, args[0].PositionRange()))
return vec, nil
return aggrOverTime(vals, enh, func(s Series) float64 {
var (
sum, mean, count, kahanC float64
incrementalMean bool
for _, f := range s.Floats {
if !incrementalMean {
newSum, newC := kahanSumInc(f.F, sum, kahanC)
// Perform regular mean calculation as long as
// the sum doesn't overflow and (in any case)
// for the first iteration (even if we start
// with ±Inf) to not run into division-by-zero
// problems below.
if count == 1 || !math.IsInf(newSum, 0) {
sum, kahanC = newSum, newC
// Handle overflow by reverting to incremental calculation of the mean value.
incrementalMean = true
mean = sum / (count - 1)
kahanC /= count - 1
if math.IsInf(mean, 0) {
if math.IsInf(f.F, 0) && (mean > 0) == (f.F > 0) {
// The `mean` and `f.F` values are `Inf` of the same sign. They
// can't be subtracted, but the value of `mean` is correct
// already.
if !math.IsInf(f.F, 0) && !math.IsNaN(f.F) {
// At this stage, the mean is an infinite. If the added
// value is neither an Inf or a Nan, we can keep that mean
// value.
// This is required because our calculation below removes
// the mean value, which would look like Inf += x - Inf and
// end up as a NaN.
correctedMean := mean + kahanC
mean, kahanC = kahanSumInc(f.F/count-correctedMean/count, mean, kahanC)
if incrementalMean {
return mean + kahanC
return (sum + kahanC) / count
}), nil
// === count_over_time(Matrix parser.ValueTypeMatrix) (Vector, Notes) ===
func funcCountOverTime(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
return aggrOverTime(vals, enh, func(s Series) float64 {
return float64(len(s.Floats) + len(s.Histograms))
}), nil
// === last_over_time(Matrix parser.ValueTypeMatrix) (Vector, Notes) ===
func funcLastOverTime(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
el := vals[0].(Matrix)[0]
var f FPoint
if len(el.Floats) > 0 {
f = el.Floats[len(el.Floats)-1]
var h HPoint
if len(el.Histograms) > 0 {
h = el.Histograms[len(el.Histograms)-1]
if h.H == nil || h.T < f.T {
return append(enh.Out, Sample{
Metric: el.Metric,
F: f.F,
}), nil
return append(enh.Out, Sample{
Metric: el.Metric,
H: h.H.Copy(),
}), nil
// === mad_over_time(Matrix parser.ValueTypeMatrix) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcMadOverTime(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
samples := vals[0].(Matrix)[0]
var annos annotations.Annotations
if len(samples.Floats) == 0 {
return enh.Out, nil
if len(samples.Histograms) > 0 {
metricName := samples.Metric.Get(labels.MetricName)
annos.Add(annotations.NewHistogramIgnoredInMixedRangeInfo(metricName, args[0].PositionRange()))
return aggrOverTime(vals, enh, func(s Series) float64 {
values := make(vectorByValueHeap, 0, len(s.Floats))
for _, f := range s.Floats {
values = append(values, Sample{F: f.F})
median := quantile(0.5, values)
values = make(vectorByValueHeap, 0, len(s.Floats))
for _, f := range s.Floats {
values = append(values, Sample{F: math.Abs(f.F - median)})
return quantile(0.5, values)
}), annos
// === max_over_time(Matrix parser.ValueTypeMatrix) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcMaxOverTime(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
samples := vals[0].(Matrix)[0]
var annos annotations.Annotations
if len(samples.Floats) == 0 {
return enh.Out, nil
if len(samples.Histograms) > 0 {
metricName := samples.Metric.Get(labels.MetricName)
annos.Add(annotations.NewHistogramIgnoredInMixedRangeInfo(metricName, args[0].PositionRange()))
return aggrOverTime(vals, enh, func(s Series) float64 {
maxVal := s.Floats[0].F
for _, f := range s.Floats {
if f.F > maxVal || math.IsNaN(maxVal) {
maxVal = f.F
return maxVal
}), annos
// === min_over_time(Matrix parser.ValueTypeMatrix) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcMinOverTime(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
samples := vals[0].(Matrix)[0]
var annos annotations.Annotations
if len(samples.Floats) == 0 {
return enh.Out, nil
if len(samples.Histograms) > 0 {
metricName := samples.Metric.Get(labels.MetricName)
annos.Add(annotations.NewHistogramIgnoredInMixedRangeInfo(metricName, args[0].PositionRange()))
return aggrOverTime(vals, enh, func(s Series) float64 {
minVal := s.Floats[0].F
for _, f := range s.Floats {
if f.F < minVal || math.IsNaN(minVal) {
minVal = f.F
return minVal
}), annos
// === sum_over_time(Matrix parser.ValueTypeMatrix) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcSumOverTime(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
firstSeries := vals[0].(Matrix)[0]
if len(firstSeries.Floats) > 0 && len(firstSeries.Histograms) > 0 {
metricName := firstSeries.Metric.Get(labels.MetricName)
return enh.Out, annotations.New().Add(annotations.NewMixedFloatsHistogramsWarning(metricName, args[0].PositionRange()))
if len(firstSeries.Floats) == 0 {
// The passed values only contain histograms.
vec, err := aggrHistOverTime(vals, enh, func(s Series) (*histogram.FloatHistogram, error) {
sum := s.Histograms[0].H.Copy()
for _, h := range s.Histograms[1:] {
_, err := sum.Add(h.H)
if err != nil {
return sum, err
return sum, nil
if err != nil {
metricName := firstSeries.Metric.Get(labels.MetricName)
if errors.Is(err, histogram.ErrHistogramsIncompatibleSchema) {
return enh.Out, annotations.New().Add(annotations.NewMixedExponentialCustomHistogramsWarning(metricName, args[0].PositionRange()))
} else if errors.Is(err, histogram.ErrHistogramsIncompatibleBounds) {
return enh.Out, annotations.New().Add(annotations.NewIncompatibleCustomBucketsHistogramsWarning(metricName, args[0].PositionRange()))
return vec, nil
return aggrOverTime(vals, enh, func(s Series) float64 {
var sum, c float64
for _, f := range s.Floats {
sum, c = kahanSumInc(f.F, sum, c)
if math.IsInf(sum, 0) {
return sum
return sum + c
}), nil
// === quantile_over_time(Matrix parser.ValueTypeMatrix) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcQuantileOverTime(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
q := vals[0].(Vector)[0].F
el := vals[1].(Matrix)[0]
if len(el.Floats) == 0 {
return enh.Out, nil
var annos annotations.Annotations
if math.IsNaN(q) || q < 0 || q > 1 {
annos.Add(annotations.NewInvalidQuantileWarning(q, args[0].PositionRange()))
if len(el.Histograms) > 0 {
metricName := el.Metric.Get(labels.MetricName)
annos.Add(annotations.NewHistogramIgnoredInAggregationInfo(metricName, args[0].PositionRange()))
values := make(vectorByValueHeap, 0, len(el.Floats))
for _, f := range el.Floats {
values = append(values, Sample{F: f.F})
return append(enh.Out, Sample{F: quantile(q, values)}), annos
// === stddev_over_time(Matrix parser.ValueTypeMatrix) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcStddevOverTime(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
samples := vals[0].(Matrix)[0]
var annos annotations.Annotations
if len(samples.Floats) == 0 {
return enh.Out, nil
if len(samples.Histograms) > 0 {
metricName := samples.Metric.Get(labels.MetricName)
annos.Add(annotations.NewHistogramIgnoredInMixedRangeInfo(metricName, args[0].PositionRange()))
return aggrOverTime(vals, enh, func(s Series) float64 {
var count float64
var mean, cMean float64
var aux, cAux float64
for _, f := range s.Floats {
delta := f.F - (mean + cMean)
mean, cMean = kahanSumInc(delta/count, mean, cMean)
aux, cAux = kahanSumInc(delta*(f.F-(mean+cMean)), aux, cAux)
return math.Sqrt((aux + cAux) / count)
}), annos
// === stdvar_over_time(Matrix parser.ValueTypeMatrix) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcStdvarOverTime(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
samples := vals[0].(Matrix)[0]
var annos annotations.Annotations
if len(samples.Floats) == 0 {
return enh.Out, nil
if len(samples.Histograms) > 0 {
metricName := samples.Metric.Get(labels.MetricName)
annos.Add(annotations.NewHistogramIgnoredInMixedRangeInfo(metricName, args[0].PositionRange()))
return aggrOverTime(vals, enh, func(s Series) float64 {
var count float64
var mean, cMean float64
var aux, cAux float64
for _, f := range s.Floats {
delta := f.F - (mean + cMean)
mean, cMean = kahanSumInc(delta/count, mean, cMean)
aux, cAux = kahanSumInc(delta*(f.F-(mean+cMean)), aux, cAux)
return (aux + cAux) / count
}), annos
// === absent(Vector parser.ValueTypeVector) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcAbsent(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
if len(vals[0].(Vector)) > 0 {
return enh.Out, nil
return append(enh.Out,
Metric: createLabelsForAbsentFunction(args[0]),
F: 1,
}), nil
// === absent_over_time(Vector parser.ValueTypeMatrix) (Vector, Annotations) ===
// As this function has a matrix as argument, it does not get all the Series.
// This function will return 1 if the matrix has at least one element.
// Due to engine optimization, this function is only called when this condition is true.
// Then, the engine post-processes the results to get the expected output.
func funcAbsentOverTime(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
return append(enh.Out, Sample{F: 1}), nil
// === present_over_time(Vector parser.ValueTypeMatrix) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcPresentOverTime(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
return aggrOverTime(vals, enh, func(s Series) float64 {
return 1
}), nil
func simpleFunc(vals []parser.Value, enh *EvalNodeHelper, f func(float64) float64) Vector {
for _, el := range vals[0].(Vector) {
if el.H == nil { // Process only float samples.
if !enh.enableDelayedNameRemoval {
el.Metric = el.Metric.DropMetricName()
enh.Out = append(enh.Out, Sample{
Metric: el.Metric,
F: f(el.F),
DropName: true,
return enh.Out
// === abs(Vector parser.ValueTypeVector) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcAbs(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
return simpleFunc(vals, enh, math.Abs), nil
// === ceil(Vector parser.ValueTypeVector) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcCeil(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
return simpleFunc(vals, enh, math.Ceil), nil
// === floor(Vector parser.ValueTypeVector) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcFloor(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
return simpleFunc(vals, enh, math.Floor), nil
// === exp(Vector parser.ValueTypeVector) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcExp(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
return simpleFunc(vals, enh, math.Exp), nil
// === sqrt(Vector VectorNode) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcSqrt(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
return simpleFunc(vals, enh, math.Sqrt), nil
// === ln(Vector parser.ValueTypeVector) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcLn(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
return simpleFunc(vals, enh, math.Log), nil
// === log2(Vector parser.ValueTypeVector) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcLog2(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
return simpleFunc(vals, enh, math.Log2), nil
// === log10(Vector parser.ValueTypeVector) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcLog10(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
return simpleFunc(vals, enh, math.Log10), nil
// === sin(Vector parser.ValueTypeVector) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcSin(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
return simpleFunc(vals, enh, math.Sin), nil
// === cos(Vector parser.ValueTypeVector) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcCos(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
return simpleFunc(vals, enh, math.Cos), nil
// === tan(Vector parser.ValueTypeVector) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcTan(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
return simpleFunc(vals, enh, math.Tan), nil
// === asin(Vector parser.ValueTypeVector) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcAsin(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
return simpleFunc(vals, enh, math.Asin), nil
// === acos(Vector parser.ValueTypeVector) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcAcos(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
return simpleFunc(vals, enh, math.Acos), nil
// === atan(Vector parser.ValueTypeVector) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcAtan(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
return simpleFunc(vals, enh, math.Atan), nil
// === sinh(Vector parser.ValueTypeVector) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcSinh(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
return simpleFunc(vals, enh, math.Sinh), nil
// === cosh(Vector parser.ValueTypeVector) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcCosh(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
return simpleFunc(vals, enh, math.Cosh), nil
// === tanh(Vector parser.ValueTypeVector) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcTanh(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
return simpleFunc(vals, enh, math.Tanh), nil
// === asinh(Vector parser.ValueTypeVector) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcAsinh(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
return simpleFunc(vals, enh, math.Asinh), nil
// === acosh(Vector parser.ValueTypeVector) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcAcosh(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
return simpleFunc(vals, enh, math.Acosh), nil
// === atanh(Vector parser.ValueTypeVector) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcAtanh(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
return simpleFunc(vals, enh, math.Atanh), nil
// === rad(Vector parser.ValueTypeVector) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcRad(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
return simpleFunc(vals, enh, func(v float64) float64 {
return v * math.Pi / 180
}), nil
// === deg(Vector parser.ValueTypeVector) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcDeg(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
return simpleFunc(vals, enh, func(v float64) float64 {
return v * 180 / math.Pi
}), nil
// === pi() Scalar ===
func funcPi(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
return Vector{Sample{F: math.Pi}}, nil
// === sgn(Vector parser.ValueTypeVector) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcSgn(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
return simpleFunc(vals, enh, func(v float64) float64 {
switch {
case v < 0:
return -1
case v > 0:
return 1
return v
}), nil
// === timestamp(Vector parser.ValueTypeVector) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcTimestamp(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
vec := vals[0].(Vector)
for _, el := range vec {
if !enh.enableDelayedNameRemoval {
el.Metric = el.Metric.DropMetricName()
enh.Out = append(enh.Out, Sample{
Metric: el.Metric,
F: float64(el.T) / 1000,
DropName: true,
return enh.Out, nil
func kahanSumInc(inc, sum, c float64) (newSum, newC float64) {
t := sum + inc
switch {
case math.IsInf(t, 0):
c = 0
// Using Neumaier improvement, swap if next term larger than sum.
case math.Abs(sum) >= math.Abs(inc):
c += (sum - t) + inc
c += (inc - t) + sum
return t, c
// linearRegression performs a least-square linear regression analysis on the
// provided SamplePairs. It returns the slope, and the intercept value at the
// provided time.
func linearRegression(samples []FPoint, interceptTime int64) (slope, intercept float64) {
var (
n float64
sumX, cX float64
sumY, cY float64
sumXY, cXY float64
sumX2, cX2 float64
initY float64
constY bool
initY = samples[0].F
constY = true
for i, sample := range samples {
// Set constY to false if any new y values are encountered.
if constY && i > 0 && sample.F != initY {
constY = false
n += 1.0
x := float64(sample.T-interceptTime) / 1e3
sumX, cX = kahanSumInc(x, sumX, cX)
sumY, cY = kahanSumInc(sample.F, sumY, cY)
sumXY, cXY = kahanSumInc(x*sample.F, sumXY, cXY)
sumX2, cX2 = kahanSumInc(x*x, sumX2, cX2)
if constY {
if math.IsInf(initY, 0) {
return math.NaN(), math.NaN()
return 0, initY
sumX += cX
sumY += cY
sumXY += cXY
sumX2 += cX2
covXY := sumXY - sumX*sumY/n
varX := sumX2 - sumX*sumX/n
slope = covXY / varX
intercept = sumY/n - slope*sumX/n
return slope, intercept
// === deriv(node parser.ValueTypeMatrix) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcDeriv(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
samples := vals[0].(Matrix)[0]
metricName := samples.Metric.Get(labels.MetricName)
// No sense in trying to compute a derivative without at least two float points.
// Drop this Vector element.
if len(samples.Floats) < 2 {
// Annotate mix of float and histogram.
if len(samples.Floats) == 1 && len(samples.Histograms) > 0 {
return enh.Out, annotations.New().Add(annotations.NewHistogramIgnoredInMixedRangeInfo(metricName, args[0].PositionRange()))
return enh.Out, nil
// We pass in an arbitrary timestamp that is near the values in use
// to avoid floating point accuracy issues, see
slope, _ := linearRegression(samples.Floats, samples.Floats[0].T)
if len(samples.Histograms) > 0 {
return append(enh.Out, Sample{F: slope}), annotations.New().Add(annotations.NewHistogramIgnoredInMixedRangeInfo(metricName, args[0].PositionRange()))
return append(enh.Out, Sample{F: slope}), nil
// === predict_linear(node parser.ValueTypeMatrix, k parser.ValueTypeScalar) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcPredictLinear(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
samples := vals[0].(Matrix)[0]
duration := vals[1].(Vector)[0].F
metricName := samples.Metric.Get(labels.MetricName)
// No sense in trying to predict anything without at least two float points.
// Drop this Vector element.
if len(samples.Floats) < 2 {
// Annotate mix of float and histogram.
if len(samples.Floats) == 1 && len(samples.Histograms) > 0 {
return enh.Out, annotations.New().Add(annotations.NewHistogramIgnoredInMixedRangeInfo(metricName, args[0].PositionRange()))
return enh.Out, nil
slope, intercept := linearRegression(samples.Floats, enh.Ts)
if len(samples.Histograms) > 0 {
return append(enh.Out, Sample{F: slope*duration + intercept}), annotations.New().Add(annotations.NewHistogramIgnoredInMixedRangeInfo(metricName, args[0].PositionRange()))
return append(enh.Out, Sample{F: slope*duration + intercept}), nil
// === histogram_count(Vector parser.ValueTypeVector) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcHistogramCount(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
inVec := vals[0].(Vector)
for _, sample := range inVec {
// Skip non-histogram samples.
if sample.H == nil {
if !enh.enableDelayedNameRemoval {
sample.Metric = sample.Metric.DropMetricName()
enh.Out = append(enh.Out, Sample{
Metric: sample.Metric,
F: sample.H.Count,
DropName: true,
return enh.Out, nil
// === histogram_sum(Vector parser.ValueTypeVector) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcHistogramSum(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
inVec := vals[0].(Vector)
for _, sample := range inVec {
// Skip non-histogram samples.
if sample.H == nil {
if !enh.enableDelayedNameRemoval {
sample.Metric = sample.Metric.DropMetricName()
enh.Out = append(enh.Out, Sample{
Metric: sample.Metric,
F: sample.H.Sum,
DropName: true,
return enh.Out, nil
// === histogram_avg(Vector parser.ValueTypeVector) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcHistogramAvg(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
inVec := vals[0].(Vector)
for _, sample := range inVec {
// Skip non-histogram samples.
if sample.H == nil {
if !enh.enableDelayedNameRemoval {
sample.Metric = sample.Metric.DropMetricName()
enh.Out = append(enh.Out, Sample{
Metric: sample.Metric,
F: sample.H.Sum / sample.H.Count,
DropName: true,
return enh.Out, nil
// === histogram_stddev(Vector parser.ValueTypeVector) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcHistogramStdDev(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
inVec := vals[0].(Vector)
for _, sample := range inVec {
// Skip non-histogram samples.
if sample.H == nil {
mean := sample.H.Sum / sample.H.Count
var variance, cVariance float64
it := sample.H.AllBucketIterator()
for it.Next() {
bucket := it.At()
if bucket.Count == 0 {
var val float64
if bucket.Lower <= 0 && 0 <= bucket.Upper {
val = 0
} else {
val = math.Sqrt(bucket.Upper * bucket.Lower)
if bucket.Upper < 0 {
val = -val
delta := val - mean
variance, cVariance = kahanSumInc(bucket.Count*delta*delta, variance, cVariance)
variance += cVariance
variance /= sample.H.Count
if !enh.enableDelayedNameRemoval {
sample.Metric = sample.Metric.DropMetricName()
enh.Out = append(enh.Out, Sample{
Metric: sample.Metric,
F: math.Sqrt(variance),
DropName: true,
return enh.Out, nil
// === histogram_stdvar(Vector parser.ValueTypeVector) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcHistogramStdVar(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
inVec := vals[0].(Vector)
for _, sample := range inVec {
// Skip non-histogram samples.
if sample.H == nil {
mean := sample.H.Sum / sample.H.Count
var variance, cVariance float64
it := sample.H.AllBucketIterator()
for it.Next() {
bucket := it.At()
if bucket.Count == 0 {
var val float64
if bucket.Lower <= 0 && 0 <= bucket.Upper {
val = 0
} else {
val = math.Sqrt(bucket.Upper * bucket.Lower)
if bucket.Upper < 0 {
val = -val
delta := val - mean
variance, cVariance = kahanSumInc(bucket.Count*delta*delta, variance, cVariance)
variance += cVariance
variance /= sample.H.Count
if !enh.enableDelayedNameRemoval {
sample.Metric = sample.Metric.DropMetricName()
enh.Out = append(enh.Out, Sample{
Metric: sample.Metric,
F: variance,
DropName: true,
return enh.Out, nil
// === histogram_fraction(lower, upper parser.ValueTypeScalar, Vector parser.ValueTypeVector) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcHistogramFraction(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
lower := vals[0].(Vector)[0].F
upper := vals[1].(Vector)[0].F
inVec := vals[2].(Vector)
for _, sample := range inVec {
// Skip non-histogram samples.
if sample.H == nil {
if !enh.enableDelayedNameRemoval {
sample.Metric = sample.Metric.DropMetricName()
enh.Out = append(enh.Out, Sample{
Metric: sample.Metric,
F: HistogramFraction(lower, upper, sample.H),
DropName: true,
return enh.Out, nil
// === histogram_quantile(k parser.ValueTypeScalar, Vector parser.ValueTypeVector) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcHistogramQuantile(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
q := vals[0].(Vector)[0].F
inVec := vals[1].(Vector)
var annos annotations.Annotations
if math.IsNaN(q) || q < 0 || q > 1 {
annos.Add(annotations.NewInvalidQuantileWarning(q, args[0].PositionRange()))
if enh.signatureToMetricWithBuckets == nil {
enh.signatureToMetricWithBuckets = map[string]*metricWithBuckets{}
} else {
for _, v := range enh.signatureToMetricWithBuckets {
v.buckets = v.buckets[:0]
var histogramSamples []Sample
for _, sample := range inVec {
// We are only looking for classic buckets here. Remember
// the histograms for later treatment.
if sample.H != nil {
histogramSamples = append(histogramSamples, sample)
upperBound, err := strconv.ParseFloat(
sample.Metric.Get(model.BucketLabel), 64,
if err != nil {
annos.Add(annotations.NewBadBucketLabelWarning(sample.Metric.Get(labels.MetricName), sample.Metric.Get(model.BucketLabel), args[1].PositionRange()))
enh.lblBuf = sample.Metric.BytesWithoutLabels(enh.lblBuf, labels.BucketLabel)
mb, ok := enh.signatureToMetricWithBuckets[string(enh.lblBuf)]
if !ok {
sample.Metric = labels.NewBuilder(sample.Metric).
mb = &metricWithBuckets{sample.Metric, nil}
enh.signatureToMetricWithBuckets[string(enh.lblBuf)] = mb
mb.buckets = append(mb.buckets, Bucket{upperBound, sample.F})
// Now deal with the native histograms.
for _, sample := range histogramSamples {
// We have to reconstruct the exact same signature as above for
// a classic histogram, just ignoring any le label.
enh.lblBuf = sample.Metric.Bytes(enh.lblBuf)
if mb, ok := enh.signatureToMetricWithBuckets[string(enh.lblBuf)]; ok && len(mb.buckets) > 0 {
// At this data point, we have classic histogram
// buckets and a native histogram with the same name and
// labels. Do not evaluate anything.
annos.Add(annotations.NewMixedClassicNativeHistogramsWarning(sample.Metric.Get(labels.MetricName), args[1].PositionRange()))
delete(enh.signatureToMetricWithBuckets, string(enh.lblBuf))
if !enh.enableDelayedNameRemoval {
sample.Metric = sample.Metric.DropMetricName()
enh.Out = append(enh.Out, Sample{
Metric: sample.Metric,
F: HistogramQuantile(q, sample.H),
DropName: true,
// Now do classic histograms that have already been filtered for conflicting native histograms.
for _, mb := range enh.signatureToMetricWithBuckets {
if len(mb.buckets) > 0 {
res, forcedMonotonicity, _ := BucketQuantile(q, mb.buckets)
if forcedMonotonicity {
annos.Add(annotations.NewHistogramQuantileForcedMonotonicityInfo(mb.metric.Get(labels.MetricName), args[1].PositionRange()))
if !enh.enableDelayedNameRemoval {
mb.metric = mb.metric.DropMetricName()
enh.Out = append(enh.Out, Sample{
Metric: mb.metric,
F: res,
DropName: true,
return enh.Out, annos
// === resets(Matrix parser.ValueTypeMatrix) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcResets(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
floats := vals[0].(Matrix)[0].Floats
histograms := vals[0].(Matrix)[0].Histograms
resets := 0
if len(floats) == 0 && len(histograms) == 0 {
return enh.Out, nil
var prevSample, curSample Sample
for iFloat, iHistogram := 0, 0; iFloat < len(floats) || iHistogram < len(histograms); {
switch {
// Process a float sample if no histogram sample remains or its timestamp is earlier.
// Process a histogram sample if no float sample remains or its timestamp is earlier.
case iHistogram >= len(histograms) || iFloat < len(floats) && floats[iFloat].T < histograms[iHistogram].T:
curSample.F = floats[iFloat].F
curSample.H = nil
case iFloat >= len(floats) || iHistogram < len(histograms) && floats[iFloat].T > histograms[iHistogram].T:
curSample.H = histograms[iHistogram].H
// Skip the comparison for the first sample, just initialize prevSample.
if iFloat+iHistogram == 1 {
prevSample = curSample
switch {
case prevSample.H == nil && curSample.H == nil:
if curSample.F < prevSample.F {
case prevSample.H != nil && curSample.H == nil, prevSample.H == nil && curSample.H != nil:
case prevSample.H != nil && curSample.H != nil:
if curSample.H.DetectReset(prevSample.H) {
prevSample = curSample
return append(enh.Out, Sample{F: float64(resets)}), nil
// === changes(Matrix parser.ValueTypeMatrix) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcChanges(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
floats := vals[0].(Matrix)[0].Floats
histograms := vals[0].(Matrix)[0].Histograms
changes := 0
if len(floats) == 0 && len(histograms) == 0 {
return enh.Out, nil
var prevSample, curSample Sample
for iFloat, iHistogram := 0, 0; iFloat < len(floats) || iHistogram < len(histograms); {
switch {
// Process a float sample if no histogram sample remains or its timestamp is earlier.
// Process a histogram sample if no float sample remains or its timestamp is earlier.
case iHistogram >= len(histograms) || iFloat < len(floats) && floats[iFloat].T < histograms[iHistogram].T:
curSample.F = floats[iFloat].F
curSample.H = nil
case iFloat >= len(floats) || iHistogram < len(histograms) && floats[iFloat].T > histograms[iHistogram].T:
curSample.H = histograms[iHistogram].H
// Skip the comparison for the first sample, just initialize prevSample.
if iFloat+iHistogram == 1 {
prevSample = curSample
switch {
case prevSample.H == nil && curSample.H == nil:
if curSample.F != prevSample.F && !(math.IsNaN(curSample.F) && math.IsNaN(prevSample.F)) {
case prevSample.H != nil && curSample.H == nil, prevSample.H == nil && curSample.H != nil:
case prevSample.H != nil && curSample.H != nil:
if !curSample.H.Equals(prevSample.H) {
prevSample = curSample
return append(enh.Out, Sample{F: float64(changes)}), nil
// label_replace function operates only on series; does not look at timestamps or values.
func (ev *evaluator) evalLabelReplace(ctx context.Context, args parser.Expressions) (parser.Value, annotations.Annotations) {
var (
dst = stringFromArg(args[1])
repl = stringFromArg(args[2])
src = stringFromArg(args[3])
regexStr = stringFromArg(args[4])
regex, err := regexp.Compile("^(?s:" + regexStr + ")$")
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid regular expression in label_replace(): %s", regexStr))
if !model.LabelNameRE.MatchString(dst) {
panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid destination label name in label_replace(): %s", dst))
val, ws := ev.eval(ctx, args[0])
matrix := val.(Matrix)
lb := labels.NewBuilder(labels.EmptyLabels())
for i, el := range matrix {
srcVal := el.Metric.Get(src)
indexes := regex.FindStringSubmatchIndex(srcVal)
if indexes != nil { // Only replace when regexp matches.
res := regex.ExpandString([]byte{}, repl, srcVal, indexes)
lb.Set(dst, string(res))
matrix[i].Metric = lb.Labels()
if dst == model.MetricNameLabel {
matrix[i].DropName = false
} else {
matrix[i].DropName = el.DropName
if matrix.ContainsSameLabelset() {
ev.errorf("vector cannot contain metrics with the same labelset")
return matrix, ws
// === Vector(s Scalar) (Vector, Annotations) ===
func funcVector(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
return append(enh.Out,
Metric: labels.Labels{},
F: vals[0].(Vector)[0].F,
}), nil
// label_join function operates only on series; does not look at timestamps or values.
func (ev *evaluator) evalLabelJoin(ctx context.Context, args parser.Expressions) (parser.Value, annotations.Annotations) {
var (
dst = stringFromArg(args[1])
sep = stringFromArg(args[2])
srcLabels = make([]string, len(args)-3)
for i := 3; i < len(args); i++ {
src := stringFromArg(args[i])
if !model.LabelName(src).IsValid() {
panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid source label name in label_join(): %s", src))
srcLabels[i-3] = src
if !model.LabelName(dst).IsValid() {
panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid destination label name in label_join(): %s", dst))
val, ws := ev.eval(ctx, args[0])
matrix := val.(Matrix)
srcVals := make([]string, len(srcLabels))
lb := labels.NewBuilder(labels.EmptyLabels())
for i, el := range matrix {
for i, src := range srcLabels {
srcVals[i] = el.Metric.Get(src)
strval := strings.Join(srcVals, sep)
lb.Set(dst, strval)
matrix[i].Metric = lb.Labels()
if dst == model.MetricNameLabel {
matrix[i].DropName = false
} else {
matrix[i].DropName = el.DropName
return matrix, ws
// Common code for date related functions.
func dateWrapper(vals []parser.Value, enh *EvalNodeHelper, f func(time.Time) float64) Vector {
if len(vals) == 0 {
return append(enh.Out,
Metric: labels.Labels{},
F: f(time.Unix(enh.Ts/1000, 0).UTC()),
for _, el := range vals[0].(Vector) {
if el.H != nil {
// Ignore histogram sample.
t := time.Unix(int64(el.F), 0).UTC()
if !enh.enableDelayedNameRemoval {
el.Metric = el.Metric.DropMetricName()
enh.Out = append(enh.Out, Sample{
Metric: el.Metric,
F: f(t),
DropName: true,
return enh.Out
// === days_in_month(v Vector) Scalar ===
func funcDaysInMonth(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
return dateWrapper(vals, enh, func(t time.Time) float64 {
return float64(32 - time.Date(t.Year(), t.Month(), 32, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC).Day())
}), nil
// === day_of_month(v Vector) Scalar ===
func funcDayOfMonth(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
return dateWrapper(vals, enh, func(t time.Time) float64 {
return float64(t.Day())
}), nil
// === day_of_week(v Vector) Scalar ===
func funcDayOfWeek(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
return dateWrapper(vals, enh, func(t time.Time) float64 {
return float64(t.Weekday())
}), nil
// === day_of_year(v Vector) Scalar ===
func funcDayOfYear(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
return dateWrapper(vals, enh, func(t time.Time) float64 {
return float64(t.YearDay())
}), nil
// === hour(v Vector) Scalar ===
func funcHour(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
return dateWrapper(vals, enh, func(t time.Time) float64 {
return float64(t.Hour())
}), nil
// === minute(v Vector) Scalar ===
func funcMinute(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
return dateWrapper(vals, enh, func(t time.Time) float64 {
return float64(t.Minute())
}), nil
// === month(v Vector) Scalar ===
func funcMonth(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
return dateWrapper(vals, enh, func(t time.Time) float64 {
return float64(t.Month())
}), nil
// === year(v Vector) Scalar ===
func funcYear(vals []parser.Value, args parser.Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) (Vector, annotations.Annotations) {
return dateWrapper(vals, enh, func(t time.Time) float64 {
return float64(t.Year())
}), nil
// FunctionCalls is a list of all functions supported by PromQL, including their types.
var FunctionCalls = map[string]FunctionCall{
"abs": funcAbs,
"absent": funcAbsent,
"absent_over_time": funcAbsentOverTime,
"acos": funcAcos,
"acosh": funcAcosh,
"asin": funcAsin,
"asinh": funcAsinh,
"atan": funcAtan,
"atanh": funcAtanh,
"avg_over_time": funcAvgOverTime,
"ceil": funcCeil,
"changes": funcChanges,
"clamp": funcClamp,
"clamp_max": funcClampMax,
"clamp_min": funcClampMin,
"cos": funcCos,
"cosh": funcCosh,
"count_over_time": funcCountOverTime,
"days_in_month": funcDaysInMonth,
"day_of_month": funcDayOfMonth,
"day_of_week": funcDayOfWeek,
"day_of_year": funcDayOfYear,
"deg": funcDeg,
"delta": funcDelta,
"deriv": funcDeriv,
"exp": funcExp,
"floor": funcFloor,
"histogram_avg": funcHistogramAvg,
"histogram_count": funcHistogramCount,
"histogram_fraction": funcHistogramFraction,
"histogram_quantile": funcHistogramQuantile,
"histogram_sum": funcHistogramSum,
"histogram_stddev": funcHistogramStdDev,
"histogram_stdvar": funcHistogramStdVar,
"double_exponential_smoothing": funcDoubleExponentialSmoothing,
"hour": funcHour,
"idelta": funcIdelta,
"increase": funcIncrease,
"info": nil,
"irate": funcIrate,
"label_replace": nil, // evalLabelReplace not called via this map.
"label_join": nil, // evalLabelJoin not called via this map.
"ln": funcLn,
"log10": funcLog10,
"log2": funcLog2,
"last_over_time": funcLastOverTime,
"mad_over_time": funcMadOverTime,
"max_over_time": funcMaxOverTime,
"min_over_time": funcMinOverTime,
"minute": funcMinute,
"month": funcMonth,
"pi": funcPi,
"predict_linear": funcPredictLinear,
"present_over_time": funcPresentOverTime,
"quantile_over_time": funcQuantileOverTime,
"rad": funcRad,
"rate": funcRate,
"resets": funcResets,
"round": funcRound,
"scalar": funcScalar,
"sgn": funcSgn,
"sin": funcSin,
"sinh": funcSinh,
"sort": funcSort,
"sort_desc": funcSortDesc,
"sort_by_label": funcSortByLabel,
"sort_by_label_desc": funcSortByLabelDesc,
"sqrt": funcSqrt,
"stddev_over_time": funcStddevOverTime,
"stdvar_over_time": funcStdvarOverTime,
"sum_over_time": funcSumOverTime,
"tan": funcTan,
"tanh": funcTanh,
"time": funcTime,
"timestamp": funcTimestamp,
"vector": funcVector,
"year": funcYear,
// AtModifierUnsafeFunctions are the functions whose result
// can vary if evaluation time is changed when the arguments are
// step invariant. It also includes functions that use the timestamps
// of the passed instant vector argument to calculate a result since
// that can also change with change in eval time.
var AtModifierUnsafeFunctions = map[string]struct{}{
// Step invariant functions.
"days_in_month": {}, "day_of_month": {}, "day_of_week": {}, "day_of_year": {},
"hour": {}, "minute": {}, "month": {}, "year": {},
"predict_linear": {}, "time": {},
// Uses timestamp of the argument for the result,
// hence unsafe to use with @ modifier.
"timestamp": {},
type vectorByValueHeap Vector
func (s vectorByValueHeap) Len() int {
return len(s)
func (s vectorByValueHeap) Less(i, j int) bool {
// We compare histograms based on their sum of observations.
// TODO(beorn7): Is that what we want?
vi, vj := s[i].F, s[j].F
if s[i].H != nil {
vi = s[i].H.Sum
if s[j].H != nil {
vj = s[j].H.Sum
if math.IsNaN(vi) {
return true
return vi < vj
func (s vectorByValueHeap) Swap(i, j int) {
s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i]
func (s *vectorByValueHeap) Push(x interface{}) {
*s = append(*s, *(x.(*Sample)))
func (s *vectorByValueHeap) Pop() interface{} {
old := *s
n := len(old)
el := old[n-1]
*s = old[0 : n-1]
return el
type vectorByReverseValueHeap Vector
func (s vectorByReverseValueHeap) Len() int {
return len(s)
func (s vectorByReverseValueHeap) Less(i, j int) bool {
// We compare histograms based on their sum of observations.
// TODO(beorn7): Is that what we want?
vi, vj := s[i].F, s[j].F
if s[i].H != nil {
vi = s[i].H.Sum
if s[j].H != nil {
vj = s[j].H.Sum
if math.IsNaN(vi) {
return true
return vi > vj
func (s vectorByReverseValueHeap) Swap(i, j int) {
s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i]
func (s *vectorByReverseValueHeap) Push(x interface{}) {
*s = append(*s, *(x.(*Sample)))
func (s *vectorByReverseValueHeap) Pop() interface{} {
old := *s
n := len(old)
el := old[n-1]
*s = old[0 : n-1]
return el
// createLabelsForAbsentFunction returns the labels that are uniquely and exactly matched
// in a given expression. It is used in the absent functions.
func createLabelsForAbsentFunction(expr parser.Expr) labels.Labels {
b := labels.NewBuilder(labels.EmptyLabels())
var lm []*labels.Matcher
switch n := expr.(type) {
case *parser.VectorSelector:
lm = n.LabelMatchers
case *parser.MatrixSelector:
lm = n.VectorSelector.(*parser.VectorSelector).LabelMatchers
return labels.EmptyLabels()
// The 'has' map implements backwards-compatibility for historic behaviour:
// e.g. in `absent(x{job="a",job="b",foo="bar"})` then `job` is removed from the output.
// Note this gives arguably wrong behaviour for `absent(x{job="a",job="a",foo="bar"})`.
has := make(map[string]bool, len(lm))
for _, ma := range lm {
if ma.Name == labels.MetricName {
if ma.Type == labels.MatchEqual && !has[ma.Name] {
b.Set(ma.Name, ma.Value)
has[ma.Name] = true
} else {
return b.Labels()
func stringFromArg(e parser.Expr) string {
tmp := unwrapStepInvariantExpr(e) // Unwrap StepInvariant
unwrapParenExpr(&tmp) // Optionally unwrap ParenExpr
return tmp.(*parser.StringLiteral).Val
func stringSliceFromArgs(args parser.Expressions) []string {
tmp := make([]string, len(args))
for i := 0; i < len(args); i++ {
tmp[i] = stringFromArg(args[i])
return tmp