Stephen Shirley fbcbb6a635 Fix available memory calculation.
Also account for buffers, making the value match the output of free(1)
2015-02-18 11:26:29 +01:00

35 lines
1.4 KiB

{{ template "head" . }}
{{ template "prom_right_table_head" }}
<th>{{ template "prom_query_drilldown" (args "sum(up{job='node'})") }} / {{ template "prom_query_drilldown" (args "count(up{job='node'})") }}</th>
{{ template "prom_right_table_tail" }}
{{ template "prom_content_head" . }}
<table class="table table-condensed table-striped table-bordered" style="width: 0%">
<th>Memory<br/> Available</th>
{{ range query "up{job='node'}" | sortByLabel "instance" }}
<td><a href="node-overview.html?instance={{ .Labels.instance }}">{{ reReplaceAll "(.*?://)([^:/]+?)(:\\d+)?/.*" "$2" .Labels.instance }}</a></td>
<td{{ if eq (. | value) 1.0 }}>Yes{{ else }} class="alert-danger">No{{ end }}</td>
<td>{{ template "prom_query_drilldown" (args (printf "100 * (1 - avg by(instance)(rate(node_cpu{job='node',mode='idle',instance='%s'}[5m])))" .Labels.instance) "%" "printf.3g") }}</td>
<td>{{ template "prom_query_drilldown" (args (printf "node_memory_MemFree{job='node',instance='%s'} + node_memory_Cached{job='node',instance='%s'} + node_memory_Buffers{job='node',instance='%s'}" .Labels.instance .Labels.instance .Labels.instance) "B" "humanize1024") }}</td>
{{ else }}
<tr><td colspan=4>No nodes found.</td></tr>
{{ end }}
{{ template "prom_content_tail" . }}
{{ template "tail" }}