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synced 2025-03-04 12:38:26 +00:00
/api/targets was undocumented and never used and also broken. Showing instance and job labels on the status page (next to targets) does not make sense as those labels are set in an obvious way. Also add a doc comment to TargetStateToClass.
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// Copyright 2013 The Prometheus Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package retrieval
import (
clientmodel "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/model"
const (
// InstanceLabel is the label value used for the instance label.
InstanceLabel clientmodel.LabelName = "instance"
// ScrapeHealthMetricName is the metric name for the synthetic health
// variable.
scrapeHealthMetricName clientmodel.LabelValue = "up"
// ScrapeTimeMetricName is the metric name for the synthetic scrape duration
// variable.
scrapeDurationMetricName clientmodel.LabelValue = "scrape_duration_seconds"
// Capacity of the channel to buffer samples during ingestion.
ingestedSamplesCap = 256
// Constants for instrumentation.
namespace = "prometheus"
interval = "interval"
var (
errIngestChannelFull = errors.New("ingestion channel full")
localhostRepresentations = []string{"", "http://localhost"}
targetIntervalLength = prometheus.NewSummaryVec(
Namespace: namespace,
Name: "target_interval_length_seconds",
Help: "Actual intervals between scrapes.",
Objectives: map[float64]float64{0.01: 0.001, 0.05: 0.005, 0.5: 0.05, 0.90: 0.01, 0.99: 0.001},
func init() {
// TargetState describes the state of a Target.
type TargetState int
func (t TargetState) String() string {
switch t {
case Unknown:
return "UNKNOWN"
case Healthy:
return "HEALTHY"
case Unhealthy:
return "UNHEALTHY"
panic("unknown state")
const (
// Unknown is the state of a Target before it is first scraped.
Unknown TargetState = iota
// Healthy is the state of a Target that has been successfully scraped.
// Unhealthy is the state of a Target that was scraped unsuccessfully.
// A Target represents an endpoint that should be interrogated for metrics.
// The protocol described by this type will likely change in future iterations,
// as it offers no good support for aggregated targets and fan out. Thusly,
// it is likely that the current Target and target uses will be
// wrapped with some resolver type.
// For the future, the Target protocol will abstract away the exact means that
// metrics are retrieved and deserialized from the given instance to which it
// refers.
// Target implements extraction.Ingester.
type Target interface {
// Return the last encountered scrape error, if any.
LastError() error
// Return the health of the target.
State() TargetState
// Return the last time a scrape was attempted.
LastScrape() time.Time
// The URL to which the Target corresponds. Out of all of the available
// points in this interface, this one is the best candidate to change given
// the ways to express the endpoint.
URL() string
// Used to populate the `instance` label in metrics.
InstanceIdentifier() string
// The URL as seen from other hosts. References to localhost are resolved
// to the address of the prometheus server.
GlobalURL() string
// Return the target's base labels.
BaseLabels() clientmodel.LabelSet
// Return the target's base labels without job and instance label. That's
// useful for display purposes.
BaseLabelsWithoutJobAndInstance() clientmodel.LabelSet
// SetBaseLabelsFrom queues a replacement of the current base labels by
// the labels of the given target. The method returns immediately after
// queuing. The actual replacement of the base labels happens
// asynchronously (but most likely before the next scrape for the target
// begins).
// Scrape target at the specified interval.
RunScraper(storage.SampleAppender, time.Duration)
// Stop scraping, synchronous.
// Ingest implements extraction.Ingester.
Ingest(clientmodel.Samples) error
// target is a Target that refers to a singular HTTP or HTTPS endpoint.
type target struct {
// The current health state of the target.
state TargetState
// The last encountered scrape error, if any.
lastError error
// The last time a scrape was attempted.
lastScrape time.Time
// Closing scraperStopping signals that scraping should stop.
scraperStopping chan struct{}
// Closing scraperStopped signals that scraping has been stopped.
scraperStopped chan struct{}
// Channel to queue base labels to be replaced.
newBaseLabels chan clientmodel.LabelSet
// Channel to buffer ingested samples.
ingestedSamples chan clientmodel.Samples
url string
// What is the deadline for the HTTP or HTTPS against this endpoint.
deadline time.Duration
// Any base labels that are added to this target and its metrics.
baseLabels clientmodel.LabelSet
// The HTTP client used to scrape the target's endpoint.
httpClient *http.Client
// Mutex protects lastError, lastScrape, state, and baseLabels. Writing
// the above must only happen in the goroutine running the RunScraper
// loop, and it must happen under the lock. In that way, no mutex lock
// is required for reading the above in the goroutine running the
// RunScraper loop, but only for reading in other goroutines.
// NewTarget creates a reasonably configured target for querying.
func NewTarget(url string, deadline time.Duration, baseLabels clientmodel.LabelSet) Target {
t := &target{
url: url,
deadline: deadline,
httpClient: utility.NewDeadlineClient(deadline),
scraperStopping: make(chan struct{}),
scraperStopped: make(chan struct{}),
newBaseLabels: make(chan clientmodel.LabelSet, 1),
t.baseLabels = clientmodel.LabelSet{InstanceLabel: clientmodel.LabelValue(t.InstanceIdentifier())}
for baseLabel, baseValue := range baseLabels {
t.baseLabels[baseLabel] = baseValue
return t
// Ingest implements Target and extraction.Ingester.
func (t *target) Ingest(s clientmodel.Samples) error {
// Since the regular case is that ingestedSamples is ready to receive,
// first try without setting a timeout so that we don't need to allocate
// a timer most of the time.
select {
case t.ingestedSamples <- s:
return nil
select {
case t.ingestedSamples <- s:
return nil
case <-time.After(t.deadline / 10):
return errIngestChannelFull
// RunScraper implements Target.
func (t *target) RunScraper(sampleAppender storage.SampleAppender, interval time.Duration) {
defer func() {
// Need to drain t.newBaseLabels to not make senders block during shutdown.
for {
select {
case <-t.newBaseLabels:
// Do nothing.
jitterTimer := time.NewTimer(time.Duration(float64(interval) * rand.Float64()))
select {
case <-jitterTimer.C:
case <-t.scraperStopping:
ticker := time.NewTicker(interval)
defer ticker.Stop()
t.Lock() // Writing t.lastScrape requires the lock.
t.lastScrape = time.Now()
// Explanation of the contraption below:
// In case t.newBaseLabels or t.scraperStopping have something to receive,
// we want to read from those channels rather than starting a new scrape
// (which might take very long). That's why the outer select has no
// ticker.C. Should neither t.newBaseLabels nor t.scraperStopping have
// anything to receive, we go into the inner select, where ticker.C is
// in the mix.
for {
select {
case newBaseLabels := <-t.newBaseLabels:
t.Lock() // Writing t.baseLabels requires the lock.
t.baseLabels = newBaseLabels
case <-t.scraperStopping:
select {
case newBaseLabels := <-t.newBaseLabels:
t.Lock() // Writing t.baseLabels requires the lock.
t.baseLabels = newBaseLabels
case <-t.scraperStopping:
case <-ticker.C:
took := time.Since(t.lastScrape)
t.Lock() // Write t.lastScrape requires locking.
t.lastScrape = time.Now()
float64(took) / float64(time.Second), // Sub-second precision.
// StopScraper implements Target.
func (t *target) StopScraper() {
const acceptHeader = `application/vnd.google.protobuf;proto=io.prometheus.client.MetricFamily;encoding=delimited;q=0.7,text/plain;version=0.0.4;q=0.3,application/json;schema="prometheus/telemetry";version=0.0.2;q=0.2,*/*;q=0.1`
func (t *target) scrape(sampleAppender storage.SampleAppender) (err error) {
timestamp := clientmodel.Now()
defer func(start time.Time) {
t.Lock() // Writing t.state and t.lastError requires the lock.
if err == nil {
t.state = Healthy
} else {
t.state = Unhealthy
t.lastError = err
t.recordScrapeHealth(sampleAppender, timestamp, err == nil, time.Since(start))
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", t.URL(), nil)
if err != nil {
req.Header.Add("Accept", acceptHeader)
resp, err := t.httpClient.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return err
defer resp.Body.Close()
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
return fmt.Errorf("server returned HTTP status %s", resp.Status)
processor, err := extraction.ProcessorForRequestHeader(resp.Header)
if err != nil {
return err
t.ingestedSamples = make(chan clientmodel.Samples, ingestedSamplesCap)
processOptions := &extraction.ProcessOptions{
Timestamp: timestamp,
go func() {
err = processor.ProcessSingle(resp.Body, t, processOptions)
for samples := range t.ingestedSamples {
for _, s := range samples {
s.Metric.MergeFromLabelSet(t.baseLabels, clientmodel.ExporterLabelPrefix)
return err
// LastError implements Target.
func (t *target) LastError() error {
defer t.Unlock()
return t.lastError
// State implements Target.
func (t *target) State() TargetState {
defer t.Unlock()
return t.state
// LastScrape implements Target.
func (t *target) LastScrape() time.Time {
defer t.Unlock()
return t.lastScrape
// URL implements Target.
func (t *target) URL() string {
return t.url
// InstanceIdentifier implements Target.
func (t *target) InstanceIdentifier() string {
u, err := url.Parse(t.url)
if err != nil {
glog.Warningf("Could not parse instance URL when generating identifier, using raw URL: %s", err)
return t.url
// If we are given a port in the host port, use that.
if strings.Contains(u.Host, ":") {
return u.Host
// Otherwise, deduce port based on protocol.
if u.Scheme == "http" {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:80", u.Host)
} else if u.Scheme == "https" {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:443", u.Host)
glog.Warningf("Unknown scheme %s when generating identifier, using raw URL.", u.Scheme)
return t.url
// GlobalURL implements Target.
func (t *target) GlobalURL() string {
url := t.url
hostname, err := os.Hostname()
if err != nil {
glog.Warningf("Couldn't get hostname: %s, returning target.URL()", err)
return url
for _, localhostRepresentation := range localhostRepresentations {
url = strings.Replace(url, localhostRepresentation, fmt.Sprintf("http://%s", hostname), -1)
return url
// BaseLabels implements Target.
func (t *target) BaseLabels() clientmodel.LabelSet {
defer t.Unlock()
return t.baseLabels
// BaseLabelsWithoutJobAndInstance implements Target.
func (t *target) BaseLabelsWithoutJobAndInstance() clientmodel.LabelSet {
ls := clientmodel.LabelSet{}
for ln, lv := range t.BaseLabels() {
if ln != clientmodel.JobLabel && ln != InstanceLabel {
ls[ln] = lv
return ls
// SetBaseLabelsFrom implements Target.
func (t *target) SetBaseLabelsFrom(newTarget Target) {
if t.URL() != newTarget.URL() {
panic("targets don't refer to the same endpoint")
t.newBaseLabels <- newTarget.BaseLabels()
func (t *target) recordScrapeHealth(sampleAppender storage.SampleAppender, timestamp clientmodel.Timestamp, healthy bool, scrapeDuration time.Duration) {
healthMetric := clientmodel.Metric{}
durationMetric := clientmodel.Metric{}
for label, value := range t.baseLabels {
healthMetric[label] = value
durationMetric[label] = value
healthMetric[clientmodel.MetricNameLabel] = clientmodel.LabelValue(scrapeHealthMetricName)
durationMetric[clientmodel.MetricNameLabel] = clientmodel.LabelValue(scrapeDurationMetricName)
healthValue := clientmodel.SampleValue(0)
if healthy {
healthValue = clientmodel.SampleValue(1)
healthSample := &clientmodel.Sample{
Metric: healthMetric,
Timestamp: timestamp,
Value: healthValue,
durationSample := &clientmodel.Sample{
Metric: durationMetric,
Timestamp: timestamp,
Value: clientmodel.SampleValue(float64(scrapeDuration) / float64(time.Second)),