// Copyright 2015 The Prometheus Authors // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package promql import ( "fmt" "reflect" "sort" "strings" clientmodel "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/model" "github.com/prometheus/prometheus/storage/metric" "github.com/prometheus/prometheus/util/strutil" ) func (matrix Matrix) String() string { metricStrings := make([]string, 0, len(matrix)) for _, sampleStream := range matrix { metricName, hasName := sampleStream.Metric.Metric[clientmodel.MetricNameLabel] numLabels := len(sampleStream.Metric.Metric) if hasName { numLabels-- } labelStrings := make([]string, 0, numLabels) for label, value := range sampleStream.Metric.Metric { if label != clientmodel.MetricNameLabel { labelStrings = append(labelStrings, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%q", label, value)) } } sort.Strings(labelStrings) valueStrings := make([]string, 0, len(sampleStream.Values)) for _, value := range sampleStream.Values { valueStrings = append(valueStrings, fmt.Sprintf("\n%v @[%v]", value.Value, value.Timestamp)) } metricStrings = append(metricStrings, fmt.Sprintf("%s{%s} => %s", metricName, strings.Join(labelStrings, ", "), strings.Join(valueStrings, ", "))) } sort.Strings(metricStrings) return strings.Join(metricStrings, "\n") } func (vector Vector) String() string { metricStrings := make([]string, 0, len(vector)) for _, sample := range vector { metricStrings = append(metricStrings, fmt.Sprintf("%s => %v @[%v]", sample.Metric, sample.Value, sample.Timestamp)) } return strings.Join(metricStrings, "\n") } // Tree returns a string of the tree structure of the given node. func Tree(node Node) string { return tree(node, "") } func tree(node Node, level string) string { if node == nil { return fmt.Sprintf("%s |---- %T\n", level, node) } typs := strings.Split(fmt.Sprintf("%T", node), ".")[1] var t string // Only print the number of statements for readability. if stmts, ok := node.(Statements); ok { t = fmt.Sprintf("%s |---- %s :: %d\n", level, typs, len(stmts)) } else { t = fmt.Sprintf("%s |---- %s :: %s\n", level, typs, node) } level += " · · ·" switch n := node.(type) { case Statements: for _, s := range n { t += tree(s, level) } case *AlertStmt: t += tree(n.Expr, level) case *EvalStmt: t += tree(n.Expr, level) case *RecordStmt: t += tree(n.Expr, level) case Expressions: for _, e := range n { t += tree(e, level) } case *AggregateExpr: t += tree(n.Expr, level) case *BinaryExpr: t += tree(n.LHS, level) t += tree(n.RHS, level) case *Call: t += tree(n.Args, level) case *ParenExpr: t += tree(n.Expr, level) case *UnaryExpr: t += tree(n.Expr, level) case *MatrixSelector, *NumberLiteral, *StringLiteral, *VectorSelector: // nothing to do default: panic("promql.Tree: not all node types covered") } return t } func (stmts Statements) String() (s string) { if len(stmts) == 0 { return "" } for _, stmt := range stmts { s += stmt.String() s += "\n\n" } return s[:len(s)-2] } func (node *AlertStmt) String() string { s := fmt.Sprintf("ALERT %s", node.Name) s += fmt.Sprintf("\n\tIF %s", node.Expr) if node.Duration > 0 { s += fmt.Sprintf("\n\tFOR %s", strutil.DurationToString(node.Duration)) } if len(node.Labels) > 0 { s += fmt.Sprintf("\n\tWITH %s", node.Labels) } s += fmt.Sprintf("\n\tSUMMARY %q", node.Summary) s += fmt.Sprintf("\n\tDESCRIPTION %q", node.Description) return s } func (node *EvalStmt) String() string { return "EVAL " + node.Expr.String() } func (node *RecordStmt) String() string { s := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s = %s", node.Name, node.Labels, node.Expr) return s } func (es Expressions) String() (s string) { if len(es) == 0 { return "" } for _, e := range es { s += e.String() s += ", " } return s[:len(s)-2] } func (node *AggregateExpr) String() string { aggrString := fmt.Sprintf("%s(%s)", node.Op, node.Expr) if len(node.Grouping) > 0 { format := "%s BY (%s)" if node.KeepExtraLabels { format += " KEEPING_EXTRA" } return fmt.Sprintf(format, aggrString, node.Grouping) } return aggrString } func (node *BinaryExpr) String() string { matching := "" vm := node.VectorMatching if vm != nil && len(vm.On) > 0 { matching = fmt.Sprintf(" ON(%s)", vm.On) if vm.Card == CardManyToOne { matching += fmt.Sprintf(" GROUP_LEFT(%s)", vm.Include) } if vm.Card == CardOneToMany { matching += fmt.Sprintf(" GROUP_RIGHT(%s)", vm.Include) } } return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s%s %s", node.LHS, node.Op, matching, node.RHS) } func (node *Call) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s(%s)", node.Func.Name, node.Args) } func (node *MatrixSelector) String() string { vecSelector := &VectorSelector{ Name: node.Name, LabelMatchers: node.LabelMatchers, } return fmt.Sprintf("%s[%s]", vecSelector.String(), strutil.DurationToString(node.Range)) } func (node *NumberLiteral) String() string { return fmt.Sprint(node.Val) } func (node *ParenExpr) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("(%s)", node.Expr) } func (node *StringLiteral) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%q", node.Val) } func (node *UnaryExpr) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", node.Op, node.Expr) } func (node *VectorSelector) String() string { labelStrings := make([]string, 0, len(node.LabelMatchers)-1) for _, matcher := range node.LabelMatchers { // Only include the __name__ label if its no equality matching. if matcher.Name == clientmodel.MetricNameLabel && matcher.Type == metric.Equal { continue } labelStrings = append(labelStrings, matcher.String()) } if len(labelStrings) == 0 { return node.Name } sort.Strings(labelStrings) return fmt.Sprintf("%s{%s}", node.Name, strings.Join(labelStrings, ",")) } // DotGraph returns a DOT representation of a statement list. func (ss Statements) DotGraph() string { graph := "" for _, stmt := range ss { graph += stmt.DotGraph() } return graph } // DotGraph returns a DOT representation of the alert statement. func (node *AlertStmt) DotGraph() string { graph := fmt.Sprintf( `digraph "Alert Statement" { %#p[shape="box",label="ALERT %s IF FOR %s"]; %#p -> %x; %s }`, node, node.Name, strutil.DurationToString(node.Duration), node, reflect.ValueOf(node.Expr).Pointer(), node.Expr.DotGraph(), ) return graph } // DotGraph returns a DOT representation of the eval statement. func (node *EvalStmt) DotGraph() string { graph := fmt.Sprintf( `%#p[shape="box",label="[%d:%s:%d]"; %#p -> %x; %s }`, node, node.Start, node.End, node.Interval, node, reflect.ValueOf(node.Expr).Pointer(), node.Expr.DotGraph(), ) return graph } // DotGraph returns a DOT representation of the record statement. func (node *RecordStmt) DotGraph() string { graph := fmt.Sprintf( `%#p[shape="box",label="%s = "]; %#p -> %x; %s }`, node, node.Name, node, reflect.ValueOf(node.Expr).Pointer(), node.Expr.DotGraph(), ) return graph } // DotGraph returns a DOT representation of // DotGraph returns a DOT representation of the record statement. // DotGraph returns a DOT representation of a statement list. func (es Expressions) DotGraph() string { graph := "" for _, expr := range es { graph += expr.DotGraph() } return graph } // DotGraph returns a DOT representation of the vector aggregation. func (node *AggregateExpr) DotGraph() string { groupByStrings := make([]string, 0, len(node.Grouping)) for _, label := range node.Grouping { groupByStrings = append(groupByStrings, string(label)) } graph := fmt.Sprintf("%#p[label=\"%s BY (%s)\"]\n", node, node.Op, strings.Join(groupByStrings, ", ")) graph += fmt.Sprintf("%#p -> %x;\n", node, reflect.ValueOf(node.Expr).Pointer()) graph += node.Expr.DotGraph() return graph } // DotGraph returns a DOT representation of the expression. func (node *BinaryExpr) DotGraph() string { nodeAddr := reflect.ValueOf(node).Pointer() graph := fmt.Sprintf( ` %x[label="%s"]; %x -> %x; %x -> %x; %s %s }`, nodeAddr, node.Op, nodeAddr, reflect.ValueOf(node.LHS).Pointer(), nodeAddr, reflect.ValueOf(node.RHS).Pointer(), node.LHS.DotGraph(), node.RHS.DotGraph(), ) return graph } // DotGraph returns a DOT representation of the function call. func (node *Call) DotGraph() string { graph := fmt.Sprintf("%#p[label=\"%s\"];\n", node, node.Func.Name) graph += functionArgsToDotGraph(node, node.Args) return graph } // DotGraph returns a DOT representation of the number literal. func (node *NumberLiteral) DotGraph() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%#p[label=\"%v\"];\n", node, node.Val) } // DotGraph returns a DOT representation of the encapsulated expression. func (node *ParenExpr) DotGraph() string { return node.Expr.DotGraph() } // DotGraph returns a DOT representation of the matrix selector. func (node *MatrixSelector) DotGraph() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%#p[label=\"%s\"];\n", node, node) } // DotGraph returns a DOT representation of the string literal. func (node *StringLiteral) DotGraph() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%#p[label=\"'%q'\"];\n", node, node.Val) } // DotGraph returns a DOT representation of the unary expression. func (node *UnaryExpr) DotGraph() string { nodeAddr := reflect.ValueOf(node).Pointer() graph := fmt.Sprintf( ` %x[label="%s"]; %x -> %x; %s %s }`, nodeAddr, node.Op, nodeAddr, reflect.ValueOf(node.Expr).Pointer(), node.Expr.DotGraph(), ) return graph } // DotGraph returns a DOT representation of the vector selector. func (node *VectorSelector) DotGraph() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%#p[label=\"%s\"];\n", node, node) } func functionArgsToDotGraph(node Node, args Expressions) string { graph := args.DotGraph() for _, arg := range args { graph += fmt.Sprintf("%x -> %x;\n", reflect.ValueOf(node).Pointer(), reflect.ValueOf(arg).Pointer()) } return graph }