# Prometheus example configuration to be used with PuppetDB. scrape_configs: - job_name: 'puppetdb-node-exporter' puppetdb_sd_configs: # This example discovers the nodes which have the class Prometheus::Node_exporter. - url: https://puppetdb.example.com query: 'resources { type = "Class" and title = "Prometheus::Node_exporter" }' port: 9100 tls_config: cert_file: prometheus-public.pem key_file: prometheus-private.pem ca_file: ca.pem - job_name: 'puppetdb-scrape-jobs' puppetdb_sd_configs: # This example uses Prometheus::Scrape_job exported resources. # It is compatible with the prometheus-puppetdb-sd # (https://github.com/camptocamp/prometheus-puppetdb-sd) if the # exported resources have exactly one target. - url: https://puppetdb.example.com query: 'resources { type = "Prometheus::Scrape_job" and exported = true }' include_parameters: true tls_config: cert_file: prometheus-public.pem key_file: prometheus-private.pem ca_file: ca.pem relabel_configs: - source_labels: [__meta_puppetdb_certname] target_label: certname - source_labels: [__meta_puppetdb_parameter_targets] regex: '(.+),?.*' replacement: $1 target_label: __address__ - source_labels: [__meta_puppetdb_parameter_job_name] target_label: job - regex: '__meta_puppetdb_parameter_labels_(.+)' replacement: '$1' action: labelmap