# Contributing Prometheus uses Gerrit to manage reviews of pull-requests, and then Gerrit replicates its master branch to GitHub. In order to contribute to Prometheus, you must use Gerrit. ## Setup 1. Sign in at http://review.prometheus.io/ 2. Set a username and upload an SSH pubkey for git ssh access. `cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | pbcopy` will copy your public key to your clipboard so you can paste it. 3. Clone the repo: `git clone http://review.prometheus.io/prometheus` 4. Add your user-specific remote that you will push your changes to: `git remote add ssh://@review.prometheus.io:29418/prometheus` 4. Add Change-Id commit hook: "curl -o .git/hooks/commit-msg http://review.prometheus.io/tools/hooks/commit-msg" 6. Make the file executable: `chmod u+x .git/hooks/commit-msg` 7. Commit any local changes to git, then: 8. `git push HEAD:refs/for/master` 9. Assign reviewer for change at http://review.prometheus.io/ That's all!