// Copyright 2016 The Prometheus Authors // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package file import ( "context" "encoding/json" "io" "io/ioutil" "os" "path/filepath" "sort" "sync" "testing" "time" "github.com/prometheus/common/model" "github.com/prometheus/prometheus/discovery/targetgroup" "github.com/prometheus/prometheus/util/testutil" ) const defaultWait = time.Second type testRunner struct { *testing.T dir string ch chan []*targetgroup.Group done, stopped chan struct{} cancelSD context.CancelFunc mtx sync.Mutex tgs map[string]*targetgroup.Group receivedAt time.Time } func newTestRunner(t *testing.T) *testRunner { t.Helper() tmpDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "prometheus-file-sd") testutil.Ok(t, err) return &testRunner{ T: t, dir: tmpDir, ch: make(chan []*targetgroup.Group), done: make(chan struct{}), stopped: make(chan struct{}), tgs: make(map[string]*targetgroup.Group), } } // copyFile atomically copies a file to the runner's directory. func (t *testRunner) copyFile(src string) string { t.Helper() return t.copyFileTo(src, filepath.Base(src)) } // copyFileTo atomically copies a file with a different name to the runner's directory. func (t *testRunner) copyFileTo(src string, name string) string { t.Helper() newf, err := ioutil.TempFile(t.dir, "") testutil.Ok(t, err) f, err := os.Open(src) testutil.Ok(t, err) _, err = io.Copy(newf, f) testutil.Ok(t, err) testutil.Ok(t, f.Close()) testutil.Ok(t, newf.Close()) dst := filepath.Join(t.dir, name) err = os.Rename(newf.Name(), dst) testutil.Ok(t, err) return dst } // writeString writes atomically a string to a file. func (t *testRunner) writeString(file string, data string) { t.Helper() newf, err := ioutil.TempFile(t.dir, "") testutil.Ok(t, err) _, err = newf.WriteString(data) testutil.Ok(t, err) testutil.Ok(t, newf.Close()) err = os.Rename(newf.Name(), file) testutil.Ok(t, err) } // appendString appends a string to a file. func (t *testRunner) appendString(file, data string) { t.Helper() f, err := os.OpenFile(file, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND, 0) testutil.Ok(t, err) defer f.Close() _, err = f.WriteString(data) testutil.Ok(t, err) } // run starts the file SD and the loop receiving target groups updates. func (t *testRunner) run(files ...string) { go func() { defer close(t.stopped) for { select { case <-t.done: os.RemoveAll(t.dir) return case tgs := <-t.ch: t.mtx.Lock() t.receivedAt = time.Now() for _, tg := range tgs { t.tgs[tg.Source] = tg } t.mtx.Unlock() } } }() for i := range files { files[i] = filepath.Join(t.dir, files[i]) } ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) t.cancelSD = cancel go func() { NewDiscovery( &SDConfig{ Files: files, // Setting a high refresh interval to make sure that the tests only // rely on file watches. RefreshInterval: model.Duration(1 * time.Hour), }, nil, ).Run(ctx, t.ch) }() } func (t *testRunner) stop() { t.cancelSD() close(t.done) <-t.stopped } func (t *testRunner) lastReceive() time.Time { t.mtx.Lock() defer t.mtx.Unlock() return t.receivedAt } func (t *testRunner) targets() []*targetgroup.Group { t.mtx.Lock() defer t.mtx.Unlock() var ( keys []string tgs []*targetgroup.Group ) for k := range t.tgs { keys = append(keys, k) } sort.Strings(keys) for _, k := range keys { tgs = append(tgs, t.tgs[k]) } return tgs } func (t *testRunner) requireUpdate(ref time.Time, expected []*targetgroup.Group) { t.Helper() for { select { case <-time.After(defaultWait): t.Fatalf("Expected update but got none") return case <-time.After(defaultWait / 10): if ref.Equal(t.lastReceive()) { // No update received. break } // We can receive partial updates so only check the result when the // expected number of groups is reached. tgs := t.targets() if len(tgs) != len(expected) { t.Logf("skipping update: expected %d targets, got %d", len(expected), len(tgs)) break } t.requireTargetGroups(expected, tgs) if ref.After(time.Time{}) { t.Logf("update received after %v", t.lastReceive().Sub(ref)) } return } } } func (t *testRunner) requireTargetGroups(expected, got []*targetgroup.Group) { t.Helper() b1, err := json.Marshal(expected) if err != nil { panic(err) } b2, err := json.Marshal(got) if err != nil { panic(err) } testutil.Equals(t, string(b1), string(b2)) } // validTg() maps to fixtures/valid.{json,yml}. func validTg(file string) []*targetgroup.Group { return []*targetgroup.Group{ &targetgroup.Group{ Targets: []model.LabelSet{ { model.AddressLabel: model.LabelValue("localhost:9090"), }, { model.AddressLabel: model.LabelValue("example.org:443"), }, }, Labels: model.LabelSet{ model.LabelName("foo"): model.LabelValue("bar"), fileSDFilepathLabel: model.LabelValue(file), }, Source: fileSource(file, 0), }, &targetgroup.Group{ Targets: []model.LabelSet{ { model.AddressLabel: model.LabelValue("my.domain"), }, }, Labels: model.LabelSet{ fileSDFilepathLabel: model.LabelValue(file), }, Source: fileSource(file, 1), }, } } // valid2Tg() maps to fixtures/valid2.{json,yml}. func valid2Tg(file string) []*targetgroup.Group { return []*targetgroup.Group{ &targetgroup.Group{ Targets: []model.LabelSet{ { model.AddressLabel: model.LabelValue("my.domain"), }, }, Labels: model.LabelSet{ fileSDFilepathLabel: model.LabelValue(file), }, Source: fileSource(file, 0), }, &targetgroup.Group{ Targets: []model.LabelSet{ { model.AddressLabel: model.LabelValue("localhost:9090"), }, }, Labels: model.LabelSet{ model.LabelName("foo"): model.LabelValue("bar"), model.LabelName("fred"): model.LabelValue("baz"), fileSDFilepathLabel: model.LabelValue(file), }, Source: fileSource(file, 1), }, &targetgroup.Group{ Targets: []model.LabelSet{ { model.AddressLabel: model.LabelValue("example.org:443"), }, }, Labels: model.LabelSet{ model.LabelName("scheme"): model.LabelValue("https"), fileSDFilepathLabel: model.LabelValue(file), }, Source: fileSource(file, 2), }, } } func TestInitialUpdate(t *testing.T) { for _, tc := range []string{ "fixtures/valid.yml", "fixtures/valid.json", } { t.Run(tc, func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() runner := newTestRunner(t) sdFile := runner.copyFile(tc) runner.run("*" + filepath.Ext(tc)) defer runner.stop() // Verify that we receive the initial target groups. runner.requireUpdate(time.Time{}, validTg(sdFile)) }) } } func TestInvalidFile(t *testing.T) { for _, tc := range []string{ "fixtures/invalid_nil.yml", "fixtures/invalid_nil.json", } { tc := tc t.Run(tc, func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() now := time.Now() runner := newTestRunner(t) runner.copyFile(tc) runner.run("*" + filepath.Ext(tc)) defer runner.stop() // Verify that we've received nothing. time.Sleep(defaultWait) if runner.lastReceive().After(now) { t.Fatalf("unexpected targets received: %v", runner.targets()) } }) } } func TestNoopFileUpdate(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() runner := newTestRunner(t) sdFile := runner.copyFile("fixtures/valid.yml") runner.run("*.yml") defer runner.stop() // Verify that we receive the initial target groups. runner.requireUpdate(time.Time{}, validTg(sdFile)) // Verify that we receive an update with the same target groups. ref := runner.lastReceive() runner.copyFileTo("fixtures/valid3.yml", "valid.yml") runner.requireUpdate(ref, validTg(sdFile)) } func TestFileUpdate(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() runner := newTestRunner(t) sdFile := runner.copyFile("fixtures/valid.yml") runner.run("*.yml") defer runner.stop() // Verify that we receive the initial target groups. runner.requireUpdate(time.Time{}, validTg(sdFile)) // Verify that we receive an update with the new target groups. ref := runner.lastReceive() runner.copyFileTo("fixtures/valid2.yml", "valid.yml") runner.requireUpdate(ref, valid2Tg(sdFile)) } func TestInvalidFileUpdate(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() runner := newTestRunner(t) sdFile := runner.copyFile("fixtures/valid.yml") runner.run("*.yml") defer runner.stop() // Verify that we receive the initial target groups. runner.requireUpdate(time.Time{}, validTg(sdFile)) ref := runner.lastReceive() runner.writeString(sdFile, "]gibberish\n][") // Verify that we receive nothing or the same targets as before. time.Sleep(defaultWait) if runner.lastReceive().After(ref) { runner.requireTargetGroups(validTg(sdFile), runner.targets()) } } func TestUpdateFileWithPartialWrites(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() runner := newTestRunner(t) sdFile := runner.copyFile("fixtures/valid.yml") runner.run("*.yml") defer runner.stop() // Verify that we receive the initial target groups. runner.requireUpdate(time.Time{}, validTg(sdFile)) // Do a partial write operation. ref := runner.lastReceive() runner.writeString(sdFile, "- targets") time.Sleep(defaultWait) // Verify that we receive nothing or the same target groups as before. if runner.lastReceive().After(ref) { runner.requireTargetGroups(validTg(sdFile), runner.targets()) } // Verify that we receive the update target groups once the file is a valid YAML payload. ref = runner.lastReceive() runner.appendString(sdFile, `: ["localhost:9091"]`) runner.requireUpdate(ref, []*targetgroup.Group{ &targetgroup.Group{ Targets: []model.LabelSet{ { model.AddressLabel: model.LabelValue("localhost:9091"), }, }, Labels: model.LabelSet{ fileSDFilepathLabel: model.LabelValue(sdFile), }, Source: fileSource(sdFile, 0), }, &targetgroup.Group{ Source: fileSource(sdFile, 1), }, }, ) } func TestRemoveFile(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() runner := newTestRunner(t) sdFile := runner.copyFile("fixtures/valid.yml") runner.run("*.yml") defer runner.stop() // Verify that we receive the initial target groups. runner.requireUpdate(time.Time{}, validTg(sdFile)) // Verify that we receive the update about the target groups being removed. ref := runner.lastReceive() testutil.Ok(t, os.Remove(sdFile)) runner.requireUpdate( ref, []*targetgroup.Group{ &targetgroup.Group{ Source: fileSource(sdFile, 0), }, &targetgroup.Group{ Source: fileSource(sdFile, 1), }}, ) }