// Copyright 2013 The Prometheus Authors // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package notifier import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "fmt" "net/http" "strings" "sync" "sync/atomic" "time" "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus" "github.com/prometheus/common/log" "github.com/prometheus/common/model" "golang.org/x/net/context" "golang.org/x/net/context/ctxhttp" "github.com/prometheus/prometheus/config" ) const ( alertPushEndpoint = "/api/v1/alerts" contentTypeJSON = "application/json" ) // String constants for instrumentation. const ( namespace = "prometheus" subsystem = "notifications" alertmanagerLabel = "alertmanager" ) // Notifier is responsible for dispatching alert notifications to an // alert manager service. type Notifier struct { queue model.Alerts opts *Options more chan struct{} mtx sync.RWMutex ctx context.Context cancel func() latency *prometheus.SummaryVec errors *prometheus.CounterVec sent *prometheus.CounterVec dropped prometheus.Counter queueLength prometheus.Gauge queueCapacity prometheus.Metric } // Options are the configurable parameters of a Handler. type Options struct { AlertmanagerURLs []string QueueCapacity int Timeout time.Duration ExternalLabels model.LabelSet } // New constructs a neww Notifier. func New(o *Options) *Notifier { ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) return &Notifier{ queue: make(model.Alerts, 0, o.QueueCapacity), ctx: ctx, cancel: cancel, more: make(chan struct{}, 1), opts: o, latency: prometheus.NewSummaryVec(prometheus.SummaryOpts{ Namespace: namespace, Subsystem: subsystem, Name: "latency_seconds", Help: "Latency quantiles for sending alert notifications (not including dropped notifications).", }, []string{alertmanagerLabel}, ), errors: prometheus.NewCounterVec(prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: namespace, Subsystem: subsystem, Name: "errors_total", Help: "Total number of errors sending alert notifications.", }, []string{alertmanagerLabel}, ), sent: prometheus.NewCounterVec(prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: namespace, Subsystem: subsystem, Name: "sent_total", Help: "Total number of alerts successfully sent.", }, []string{alertmanagerLabel}, ), dropped: prometheus.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: namespace, Subsystem: subsystem, Name: "dropped_total", Help: "Total number of alerts dropped due to alert manager missing in configuration.", }), queueLength: prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{ Namespace: namespace, Subsystem: subsystem, Name: "queue_length", Help: "The number of alert notifications in the queue.", }), queueCapacity: prometheus.MustNewConstMetric( prometheus.NewDesc( prometheus.BuildFQName(namespace, subsystem, "queue_capacity"), "The capacity of the alert notifications queue.", nil, nil, ), prometheus.GaugeValue, float64(o.QueueCapacity), ), } } // ApplyConfig updates the status state as the new config requires. // Returns true on success. func (n *Notifier) ApplyConfig(conf *config.Config) bool { n.mtx.Lock() defer n.mtx.Unlock() n.opts.ExternalLabels = conf.GlobalConfig.ExternalLabels return true } const maxBatchSize = 64 func (n *Notifier) queueLen() int { n.mtx.RLock() defer n.mtx.RUnlock() return len(n.queue) } func (n *Notifier) nextBatch() []*model.Alert { n.mtx.Lock() defer n.mtx.Unlock() var alerts model.Alerts if len(n.queue) > maxBatchSize { alerts = append(make(model.Alerts, 0, maxBatchSize), n.queue[:maxBatchSize]...) n.queue = n.queue[maxBatchSize:] } else { alerts = append(make(model.Alerts, 0, len(n.queue)), n.queue...) n.queue = n.queue[:0] } return alerts } // Run dispatches notifications continuously. func (n *Notifier) Run() { numAMs := len(n.opts.AlertmanagerURLs) // Just warn once in the beginning to prevent noisy logs. if numAMs == 0 { log.Warnf("No AlertManagers configured, not dispatching any alerts") return } for { select { case <-n.ctx.Done(): return case <-n.more: } alerts := n.nextBatch() if numAMs > 0 { if len(alerts) > 0 { numErrors := n.sendAll(alerts...) // Increment the dropped counter if we could not send // successfully to a single AlertManager. if numErrors == numAMs { n.dropped.Add(float64(len(alerts))) } } } else { n.dropped.Add(float64(len(alerts))) } // If the queue still has items left, kick off the next iteration. if n.queueLen() > 0 { n.setMore() } } } // Send queues the given notification requests for processing. // Panics if called on a handler that is not running. func (n *Notifier) Send(alerts ...*model.Alert) { n.mtx.Lock() defer n.mtx.Unlock() // Queue capacity should be significantly larger than a single alert // batch could be. if d := len(alerts) - n.opts.QueueCapacity; d > 0 { alerts = alerts[d:] log.Warnf("Alert batch larger than queue capacity, dropping %d alerts", d) n.dropped.Add(float64(d)) } // If the queue is full, remove the oldest alerts in favor // of newer ones. if d := (len(n.queue) + len(alerts)) - n.opts.QueueCapacity; d > 0 { n.queue = n.queue[d:] log.Warnf("Alert notification queue full, dropping %d alerts", d) n.dropped.Add(float64(d)) } n.queue = append(n.queue, alerts...) // Notify sending goroutine that there are alerts to be processed. n.setMore() } // setMore signals that the alert queue has items. func (n *Notifier) setMore() { // If we cannot send on the channel, it means the signal already exists // and has not been consumed yet. select { case n.more <- struct{}{}: default: } } func postURL(u string) string { return strings.TrimRight(u, "/") + alertPushEndpoint } // sendAll sends the alerts to all configured Alertmanagers at concurrently. // It returns the number of sends that have failed. func (n *Notifier) sendAll(alerts ...*model.Alert) int { begin := time.Now() // Attach external labels before sending alerts. for _, a := range alerts { for ln, lv := range n.opts.ExternalLabels { if _, ok := a.Labels[ln]; !ok { a.Labels[ln] = lv } } } b, err := json.Marshal(alerts) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Encoding alerts failed: %s", err) return len(n.opts.AlertmanagerURLs) } ctx, _ := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), n.opts.Timeout) send := func(u string) error { resp, err := ctxhttp.Post(ctx, http.DefaultClient, postURL(u), contentTypeJSON, bytes.NewReader(b)) if err != nil { return err } defer resp.Body.Close() if resp.StatusCode/100 != 2 { return fmt.Errorf("bad response status %v", resp.Status) } return err } var ( wg sync.WaitGroup numErrors uint64 ) for _, u := range n.opts.AlertmanagerURLs { wg.Add(1) go func(u string) { if err := send(u); err != nil { log.With("alertmanager", u).With("count", fmt.Sprintf("%d", len(alerts))).Errorf("Error sending alerts: %s", err) n.errors.WithLabelValues(u).Inc() atomic.AddUint64(&numErrors, 1) } n.latency.WithLabelValues(u).Observe(time.Since(begin).Seconds()) n.sent.WithLabelValues(u).Add(float64(len(alerts))) wg.Done() }(u) } wg.Wait() return int(numErrors) } // Stop shuts down the notification handler. func (n *Notifier) Stop() { log.Info("Stopping notification handler...") n.cancel() } // Describe implements prometheus.Collector. func (n *Notifier) Describe(ch chan<- *prometheus.Desc) { n.latency.Describe(ch) n.errors.Describe(ch) n.sent.Describe(ch) ch <- n.dropped.Desc() ch <- n.queueLength.Desc() ch <- n.queueCapacity.Desc() } // Collect implements prometheus.Collector. func (n *Notifier) Collect(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric) { n.queueLength.Set(float64(n.queueLen())) n.latency.Collect(ch) n.errors.Collect(ch) n.sent.Collect(ch) ch <- n.dropped ch <- n.queueLength ch <- n.queueCapacity }