--- title: HTTP API sort_rank: 7 --- # HTTP API The current stable HTTP API is reachable under `/api/v1` on a Prometheus server. Any non-breaking additions will be added under that endpoint. ## Format overview The API response format is JSON. Every successful API request returns a `2xx` status code. Invalid requests that reach the API handlers return a JSON error object and one of the following HTTP response codes: - `400 Bad Request` when parameters are missing or incorrect. - `422 Unprocessable Entity` when an expression can't be executed ([RFC4918](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4918#page-78)). - `503 Service Unavailable` when queries time out or abort. Other non-`2xx` codes may be returned for errors occurring before the API endpoint is reached. The JSON response envelope format is as follows: ``` { "status": "success" | "error", "data": , // Only set if status is "error". The data field may still hold // additional data. "errorType": "", "error": "" } ``` Input timestamps may be provided either in [RFC3339](https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3339.txt) format or as a Unix timestamp in seconds, with optional decimal places for sub-second precision. Output timestamps are always represented as Unix timestamps in seconds. Names of query parameters that may be repeated end with `[]`. `` placeholders refer to Prometheus [time series selectors](basics.md#time-series-selectors) like `http_requests_total` or `http_requests_total{method=~"(GET|POST)"}` and need to be URL-encoded. `` placeholders refer to Prometheus duration strings of the form `[0-9]+[smhdwy]`. For example, `5m` refers to a duration of 5 minutes. ## Expression queries Query language expressions may be evaluated at a single instant or over a range of time. The sections below describe the API endpoints for each type of expression query. ### Instant queries The following endpoint evaluates an instant query at a single point in time: ``` GET /api/v1/query ``` URL query parameters: - `query=`: Prometheus expression query string. - `time=`: Evaluation timestamp. Optional. - `timeout=`: Evaluation timeout. Optional. Defaults to and is capped by the value of the `-query.timeout` flag. The current server time is used if the `time` parameter is omitted. The `data` section of the query result has the following format: ``` { "resultType": "matrix" | "vector" | "scalar" | "string", "result": } ``` `` refers to the query result data, which has varying formats depending on the `resultType`. See the [expression query result formats](#expression-query-result-formats). The following example evaluates the expression `up` at the time `2015-07-01T20:10:51.781Z`: ```json $ curl 'http://localhost:9090/api/v1/query?query=up&time=2015-07-01T20:10:51.781Z' { "status" : "success", "data" : { "resultType" : "vector", "result" : [ { "metric" : { "__name__" : "up", "job" : "prometheus", "instance" : "localhost:9090" }, "value": [ 1435781451.781, "1" ] }, { "metric" : { "__name__" : "up", "job" : "node", "instance" : "localhost:9100" }, "value" : [ 1435781451.781, "0" ] } ] } } ``` ### Range queries The following endpoint evaluates an expression query over a range of time: ``` GET /api/v1/query_range ``` URL query parameters: - `query=`: Prometheus expression query string. - `start=`: Start timestamp. - `end=`: End timestamp. - `step=`: Query resolution step width. - `timeout=`: Evaluation timeout. Optional. Defaults to and is capped by the value of the `-query.timeout` flag. The `data` section of the query result has the following format: ``` { "resultType": "matrix", "result": } ``` For the format of the `` placeholder, see the [range-vector result format](#range-vectors). The following example evaluates the expression `up` over a 30-second range with a query resolution of 15 seconds. ```json $ curl 'http://localhost:9090/api/v1/query_range?query=up&start=2015-07-01T20:10:30.781Z&end=2015-07-01T20:11:00.781Z&step=15s' { "status" : "success", "data" : { "resultType" : "matrix", "result" : [ { "metric" : { "__name__" : "up", "job" : "prometheus", "instance" : "localhost:9090" }, "values" : [ [ 1435781430.781, "1" ], [ 1435781445.781, "1" ], [ 1435781460.781, "1" ] ] }, { "metric" : { "__name__" : "up", "job" : "node", "instance" : "localhost:9091" }, "values" : [ [ 1435781430.781, "0" ], [ 1435781445.781, "0" ], [ 1435781460.781, "1" ] ] } ] } } ``` ## Querying metadata ### Finding series by label matchers The following endpoint returns the list of time series that match a certain label set. ``` GET /api/v1/series ``` URL query parameters: - `match[]=`: Repeated series selector argument that selects the series to return. At least one `match[]` argument must be provided. - `start=`: Start timestamp. - `end=`: End timestamp. The `data` section of the query result consists of a list of objects that contain the label name/value pairs which identify each series. The following example returns all series that match either of the selectors `up` or `process_start_time_seconds{job="prometheus"}`: ```json $ curl -g 'http://localhost:9090/api/v1/series?match[]=up&match[]=process_start_time_seconds{job="prometheus"}' { "status" : "success", "data" : [ { "__name__" : "up", "job" : "prometheus", "instance" : "localhost:9090" }, { "__name__" : "up", "job" : "node", "instance" : "localhost:9091" }, { "__name__" : "process_start_time_seconds", "job" : "prometheus", "instance" : "localhost:9090" } ] } ``` ### Querying label values The following endpoint returns a list of label values for a provided label name: ``` GET /api/v1/label//values ``` The `data` section of the JSON response is a list of string label names. This example queries for all label values for the `job` label: ```json $ curl http://localhost:9090/api/v1/label/job/values { "status" : "success", "data" : [ "node", "prometheus" ] } ``` ## Expression query result formats Expression queries may return the following response values in the `result` property of the `data` section. `` placeholders are numeric sample values. JSON does not support special float values such as `NaN`, `Inf`, and `-Inf`, so sample values are transferred as quoted JSON strings rather than raw numbers. ### Range vectors Range vectors are returned as result type `matrix`. The corresponding `result` property has the following format: ``` [ { "metric": { "": "", ... }, "values": [ [ , "" ], ... ] }, ... ] ``` ### Instant vectors Instant vectors are returned as result type `vector`. The corresponding `result` property has the following format: ``` [ { "metric": { "": "", ... }, "value": [ , "" ] }, ... ] ``` ### Scalars Scalar results are returned as result type `scalar`. The corresponding `result` property has the following format: ``` [ , "" ] ``` ### Strings String results are returned as result type `string`. The corresponding `result` property has the following format: ``` [ , "" ] ``` ## Targets > This API is experimental as it is intended to be extended with targets > dropped due to relabelling in the future. The following endpoint returns an overview of the current state of the Prometheus target discovery: ``` GET /api/v1/targets ``` Currently only the active targets are part of the response. ```json $ curl http://localhost:9090/api/v1/targets { "status": "success", [3/11] "data": { "activeTargets": [ { "discoveredLabels": { "__address__": "", "__metrics_path__": "/metrics", "__scheme__": "http", "job": "prometheus" }, "labels": { "instance": "", "job": "prometheus" }, "scrapeUrl": "", "lastError": "", "lastScrape": "2017-01-17T15:07:44.723715405+01:00", "health": "up" } ] } } ``` ## Alertmanagers > This API is experimental as it is intended to be extended with Alertmanagers > dropped due to relabelling in the future. The following endpoint returns an overview of the current state of the Prometheus alertmanager discovery: ``` GET /api/v1/alertmanagers ``` Currently only the active Alertmanagers are part of the response. ```json $ curl http://localhost:9090/api/v1/alertmanagers { "status": "success", "data": { "activeAlertmanagers": [ { "url": "" } ] } } ``` ## TSDB Admin APIs These are APIs that expose database functionalities for the advanced user. These APIs are not enabled unless the `--web.enable-admin-api` is set. We also expose a gRPC API whose definition can be found [here](https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/blob/master/prompb/rpc.proto). This is experimental and might change in the future. ### Snapshot Snapshot creates a snapshot of all current data into `snapshots/-` under the TSDB's data directory and returns the directory as response. ``` POST /api/v1/admin/tsdb/snapshot ``` ```json $ curl -XPOST http://localhost:9090/api/v1/admin/tsdb/snapshot { "status": "success", "data": { "name": "20171210T211224Z-2be650b6d019eb54" } } ``` The snapshot now exists at `/snapshots/20171210T211224Z-2be650b6d019eb54` *New in v2.1* ### Delete Series DeleteSeries deletes data for a selection of series in a time range. The actual data still exists on disk and is cleaned up in future compactions or can be explicitly cleaned up by hitting the Clean Tombstones endpoint. If successful, a `204` is returned. ``` POST /api/v1/admin/tsdb/delete_series ``` URL query parameters: - `match[]=`: Repeated label matcher argument that selects the series to delete. At least one `match[]` argument must be provided. - `start=`: Start timestamp. Optional and defaults to minimum possible time. - `end=`: End timestamp. Optional and defaults to maximum possible time. Not mentioning both start and end times would clear all the data for the matched series in the database. Example: ```json $ curl -X DELETE \ -g 'http://localhost:9090/api/v1/series?match[]=up&match[]=process_start_time_seconds{job="prometheus"}' ``` *New in v2.1* ### Clean Tombstones CleanTombstones removes the deleted data from disk and cleans up the existing tombstones. This can be used after deleting series to free up space. If successful, a `204` is returned. ``` POST /api/v1/admin/tsdb/clean_tombstones ``` This takes no parameters or body. ```json $ curl -XPOST http://localhost:9090/api/v1/admin/tsdb/clean_tombstones ``` *New in v2.1*