// Copyright 2015 The Prometheus Authors // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package promql import ( "fmt" "strings" "unicode" "unicode/utf8" ) // item represents a token or text string returned from the scanner. type item struct { typ ItemType // The type of this item. pos Pos // The starting position, in bytes, of this item in the input string. val string // The value of this item. } // String returns a descriptive string for the item. func (i item) String() string { switch { case i.typ == ItemEOF: return "EOF" case i.typ == ItemError: return i.val case i.typ == ItemIdentifier || i.typ == ItemMetricIdentifier: return fmt.Sprintf("%q", i.val) case i.typ.isKeyword(): return fmt.Sprintf("<%s>", i.val) case i.typ.isOperator(): return fmt.Sprintf("", i.val) case i.typ.isAggregator(): return fmt.Sprintf("", i.val) case len(i.val) > 10: return fmt.Sprintf("%.10q...", i.val) } return fmt.Sprintf("%q", i.val) } // isOperator returns true if the item corresponds to a arithmetic or set operator. // Returns false otherwise. func (i ItemType) isOperator() bool { return i > operatorsStart && i < operatorsEnd } // isAggregator returns true if the item belongs to the aggregator functions. // Returns false otherwise func (i ItemType) isAggregator() bool { return i > aggregatorsStart && i < aggregatorsEnd } // isAggregator returns true if the item is an aggregator that takes a parameter. // Returns false otherwise func (i ItemType) isAggregatorWithParam() bool { return i == ItemTopK || i == ItemBottomK || i == ItemCountValues || i == ItemQuantile } // isKeyword returns true if the item corresponds to a keyword. // Returns false otherwise. func (i ItemType) isKeyword() bool { return i > keywordsStart && i < keywordsEnd } // isCompairsonOperator returns true if the item corresponds to a comparison operator. // Returns false otherwise. func (i ItemType) isComparisonOperator() bool { switch i { case ItemEQL, ItemNEQ, ItemLTE, ItemLSS, ItemGTE, ItemGTR: return true default: return false } } // isSetOperator returns whether the item corresponds to a set operator. func (i ItemType) isSetOperator() bool { switch i { case ItemLAND, ItemLOR, ItemLUnless: return true } return false } // LowestPrec is a constant for operator precedence in expressions. const LowestPrec = 0 // Non-operators. // Precedence returns the operator precedence of the binary // operator op. If op is not a binary operator, the result // is LowestPrec. func (i ItemType) precedence() int { switch i { case ItemLOR: return 1 case ItemLAND, ItemLUnless: return 2 case ItemEQL, ItemNEQ, ItemLTE, ItemLSS, ItemGTE, ItemGTR: return 3 case ItemADD, ItemSUB: return 4 case ItemMUL, ItemDIV, ItemMOD: return 5 case ItemPOW: return 6 default: return LowestPrec } } func (i ItemType) isRightAssociative() bool { switch i { case ItemPOW: return true default: return false } } type ItemType int const ( ItemError ItemType = iota // Error occurred, value is error message ItemEOF ItemComment ItemIdentifier ItemMetricIdentifier ItemLeftParen ItemRightParen ItemLeftBrace ItemRightBrace ItemLeftBracket ItemRightBracket ItemComma ItemAssign ItemColon ItemSemicolon ItemString ItemNumber ItemDuration ItemBlank ItemTimes ItemSpace operatorsStart // Operators. ItemSUB ItemADD ItemMUL ItemMOD ItemDIV ItemLAND ItemLOR ItemLUnless ItemEQL ItemNEQ ItemLTE ItemLSS ItemGTE ItemGTR ItemEQLRegex ItemNEQRegex ItemPOW operatorsEnd aggregatorsStart // Aggregators. ItemAvg ItemCount ItemSum ItemMin ItemMax ItemStddev ItemStdvar ItemTopK ItemBottomK ItemCountValues ItemQuantile aggregatorsEnd keywordsStart // Keywords. ItemOffset ItemBy ItemWithout ItemOn ItemIgnoring ItemGroupLeft ItemGroupRight ItemBool keywordsEnd ) var key = map[string]ItemType{ // Operators. "and": ItemLAND, "or": ItemLOR, "unless": ItemLUnless, // Aggregators. "sum": ItemSum, "avg": ItemAvg, "count": ItemCount, "min": ItemMin, "max": ItemMax, "stddev": ItemStddev, "stdvar": ItemStdvar, "topk": ItemTopK, "bottomk": ItemBottomK, "count_values": ItemCountValues, "quantile": ItemQuantile, // Keywords. "offset": ItemOffset, "by": ItemBy, "without": ItemWithout, "on": ItemOn, "ignoring": ItemIgnoring, "group_left": ItemGroupLeft, "group_right": ItemGroupRight, "bool": ItemBool, } // These are the default string representations for common items. It does not // imply that those are the only character sequences that can be lexed to such an item. var itemTypeStr = map[ItemType]string{ ItemLeftParen: "(", ItemRightParen: ")", ItemLeftBrace: "{", ItemRightBrace: "}", ItemLeftBracket: "[", ItemRightBracket: "]", ItemComma: ",", ItemAssign: "=", ItemColon: ":", ItemSemicolon: ";", ItemBlank: "_", ItemTimes: "x", ItemSpace: "", ItemSUB: "-", ItemADD: "+", ItemMUL: "*", ItemMOD: "%", ItemDIV: "/", ItemEQL: "==", ItemNEQ: "!=", ItemLTE: "<=", ItemLSS: "<", ItemGTE: ">=", ItemGTR: ">", ItemEQLRegex: "=~", ItemNEQRegex: "!~", ItemPOW: "^", } func init() { // Add keywords to item type strings. for s, ty := range key { itemTypeStr[ty] = s } // Special numbers. key["inf"] = ItemNumber key["nan"] = ItemNumber } func (i ItemType) String() string { if s, ok := itemTypeStr[i]; ok { return s } return fmt.Sprintf("", i) } func (i item) desc() string { if _, ok := itemTypeStr[i.typ]; ok { return i.String() } if i.typ == ItemEOF { return i.typ.desc() } return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", i.typ.desc(), i) } func (i ItemType) desc() string { switch i { case ItemError: return "error" case ItemEOF: return "end of input" case ItemComment: return "comment" case ItemIdentifier: return "identifier" case ItemMetricIdentifier: return "metric identifier" case ItemString: return "string" case ItemNumber: return "number" case ItemDuration: return "duration" } return fmt.Sprintf("%q", i) } const eof = -1 // stateFn represents the state of the scanner as a function that returns the next state. type stateFn func(*lexer) stateFn // Pos is the position in a string. type Pos int // lexer holds the state of the scanner. type lexer struct { input string // The string being scanned. state stateFn // The next lexing function to enter. pos Pos // Current position in the input. start Pos // Start position of this item. width Pos // Width of last rune read from input. lastPos Pos // Position of most recent item returned by nextItem. items chan item // Channel of scanned items. parenDepth int // Nesting depth of ( ) exprs. braceOpen bool // Whether a { is opened. bracketOpen bool // Whether a [ is opened. gotColon bool // Whether we got a ':' after [ was opened. stringOpen rune // Quote rune of the string currently being read. // seriesDesc is set when a series description for the testing // language is lexed. seriesDesc bool } // next returns the next rune in the input. func (l *lexer) next() rune { if int(l.pos) >= len(l.input) { l.width = 0 return eof } r, w := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(l.input[l.pos:]) l.width = Pos(w) l.pos += l.width return r } // peek returns but does not consume the next rune in the input. func (l *lexer) peek() rune { r := l.next() l.backup() return r } // backup steps back one rune. Can only be called once per call of next. func (l *lexer) backup() { l.pos -= l.width } // emit passes an item back to the client. func (l *lexer) emit(t ItemType) { l.items <- item{t, l.start, l.input[l.start:l.pos]} l.start = l.pos } // ignore skips over the pending input before this point. func (l *lexer) ignore() { l.start = l.pos } // accept consumes the next rune if it's from the valid set. func (l *lexer) accept(valid string) bool { if strings.ContainsRune(valid, l.next()) { return true } l.backup() return false } // acceptRun consumes a run of runes from the valid set. func (l *lexer) acceptRun(valid string) { for strings.ContainsRune(valid, l.next()) { // consume } l.backup() } // lineNumber reports which line we're on, based on the position of // the previous item returned by nextItem. Doing it this way // means we don't have to worry about peek double counting. func (l *lexer) lineNumber() int { return 1 + strings.Count(l.input[:l.lastPos], "\n") } // linePosition reports at which character in the current line // we are on. func (l *lexer) linePosition() int { lb := strings.LastIndex(l.input[:l.lastPos], "\n") if lb == -1 { return 1 + int(l.lastPos) } return 1 + int(l.lastPos) - lb } // errorf returns an error token and terminates the scan by passing // back a nil pointer that will be the next state, terminating l.nextItem. func (l *lexer) errorf(format string, args ...interface{}) stateFn { l.items <- item{ItemError, l.start, fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)} return nil } // nextItem returns the next item from the input. func (l *lexer) nextItem() item { item := <-l.items l.lastPos = item.pos return item } // lex creates a new scanner for the input string. func lex(input string) *lexer { l := &lexer{ input: input, items: make(chan item), } go l.run() return l } // run runs the state machine for the lexer. func (l *lexer) run() { for l.state = lexStatements; l.state != nil; { l.state = l.state(l) } close(l.items) } // Release resources used by lexer. func (l *lexer) close() { for range l.items { // Consume. } } // lineComment is the character that starts a line comment. const lineComment = "#" // lexStatements is the top-level state for lexing. func lexStatements(l *lexer) stateFn { if l.braceOpen { return lexInsideBraces } if strings.HasPrefix(l.input[l.pos:], lineComment) { return lexLineComment } switch r := l.next(); { case r == eof: if l.parenDepth != 0 { return l.errorf("unclosed left parenthesis") } else if l.bracketOpen { return l.errorf("unclosed left bracket") } l.emit(ItemEOF) return nil case r == ',': l.emit(ItemComma) case isSpace(r): return lexSpace case r == '*': l.emit(ItemMUL) case r == '/': l.emit(ItemDIV) case r == '%': l.emit(ItemMOD) case r == '+': l.emit(ItemADD) case r == '-': l.emit(ItemSUB) case r == '^': l.emit(ItemPOW) case r == '=': if t := l.peek(); t == '=' { l.next() l.emit(ItemEQL) } else if t == '~' { return l.errorf("unexpected character after '=': %q", t) } else { l.emit(ItemAssign) } case r == '!': if t := l.next(); t == '=' { l.emit(ItemNEQ) } else { return l.errorf("unexpected character after '!': %q", t) } case r == '<': if t := l.peek(); t == '=' { l.next() l.emit(ItemLTE) } else { l.emit(ItemLSS) } case r == '>': if t := l.peek(); t == '=' { l.next() l.emit(ItemGTE) } else { l.emit(ItemGTR) } case isDigit(r) || (r == '.' && isDigit(l.peek())): l.backup() return lexNumberOrDuration case r == '"' || r == '\'': l.stringOpen = r return lexString case r == '`': l.stringOpen = r return lexRawString case isAlpha(r) || r == ':': if !l.bracketOpen { l.backup() return lexKeywordOrIdentifier } if l.gotColon { return l.errorf("unexpected colon %q", r) } l.emit(ItemColon) l.gotColon = true case r == '(': l.emit(ItemLeftParen) l.parenDepth++ return lexStatements case r == ')': l.emit(ItemRightParen) l.parenDepth-- if l.parenDepth < 0 { return l.errorf("unexpected right parenthesis %q", r) } return lexStatements case r == '{': l.emit(ItemLeftBrace) l.braceOpen = true return lexInsideBraces(l) case r == '[': if l.bracketOpen { return l.errorf("unexpected left bracket %q", r) } l.gotColon = false l.emit(ItemLeftBracket) l.bracketOpen = true return lexDuration case r == ']': if !l.bracketOpen { return l.errorf("unexpected right bracket %q", r) } l.emit(ItemRightBracket) l.bracketOpen = false default: return l.errorf("unexpected character: %q", r) } return lexStatements } // lexInsideBraces scans the inside of a vector selector. Keywords are ignored and // scanned as identifiers. func lexInsideBraces(l *lexer) stateFn { if strings.HasPrefix(l.input[l.pos:], lineComment) { return lexLineComment } switch r := l.next(); { case r == eof: return l.errorf("unexpected end of input inside braces") case isSpace(r): return lexSpace case isAlpha(r): l.backup() return lexIdentifier case r == ',': l.emit(ItemComma) case r == '"' || r == '\'': l.stringOpen = r return lexString case r == '`': l.stringOpen = r return lexRawString case r == '=': if l.next() == '~' { l.emit(ItemEQLRegex) break } l.backup() l.emit(ItemEQL) case r == '!': switch nr := l.next(); { case nr == '~': l.emit(ItemNEQRegex) case nr == '=': l.emit(ItemNEQ) default: return l.errorf("unexpected character after '!' inside braces: %q", nr) } case r == '{': return l.errorf("unexpected left brace %q", r) case r == '}': l.emit(ItemRightBrace) l.braceOpen = false if l.seriesDesc { return lexValueSequence } return lexStatements default: return l.errorf("unexpected character inside braces: %q", r) } return lexInsideBraces } // lexValueSequence scans a value sequence of a series description. func lexValueSequence(l *lexer) stateFn { switch r := l.next(); { case r == eof: return lexStatements case isSpace(r): l.emit(ItemSpace) lexSpace(l) case r == '+': l.emit(ItemADD) case r == '-': l.emit(ItemSUB) case r == 'x': l.emit(ItemTimes) case r == '_': l.emit(ItemBlank) case isDigit(r) || (r == '.' && isDigit(l.peek())): l.backup() lexNumber(l) case isAlpha(r): l.backup() // We might lex invalid items here but this will be caught by the parser. return lexKeywordOrIdentifier default: return l.errorf("unexpected character in series sequence: %q", r) } return lexValueSequence } // lexEscape scans a string escape sequence. The initial escaping character (\) // has already been seen. // // NOTE: This function as well as the helper function digitVal() and associated // tests have been adapted from the corresponding functions in the "go/scanner" // package of the Go standard library to work for Prometheus-style strings. // None of the actual escaping/quoting logic was changed in this function - it // was only modified to integrate with our lexer. func lexEscape(l *lexer) { var n int var base, max uint32 ch := l.next() switch ch { case 'a', 'b', 'f', 'n', 'r', 't', 'v', '\\', l.stringOpen: return case '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7': n, base, max = 3, 8, 255 case 'x': ch = l.next() n, base, max = 2, 16, 255 case 'u': ch = l.next() n, base, max = 4, 16, unicode.MaxRune case 'U': ch = l.next() n, base, max = 8, 16, unicode.MaxRune case eof: l.errorf("escape sequence not terminated") default: l.errorf("unknown escape sequence %#U", ch) } var x uint32 for n > 0 { d := uint32(digitVal(ch)) if d >= base { if ch == eof { l.errorf("escape sequence not terminated") } l.errorf("illegal character %#U in escape sequence", ch) } x = x*base + d ch = l.next() n-- } if x > max || 0xD800 <= x && x < 0xE000 { l.errorf("escape sequence is an invalid Unicode code point") } } // digitVal returns the digit value of a rune or 16 in case the rune does not // represent a valid digit. func digitVal(ch rune) int { switch { case '0' <= ch && ch <= '9': return int(ch - '0') case 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'f': return int(ch - 'a' + 10) case 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'F': return int(ch - 'A' + 10) } return 16 // Larger than any legal digit val. } // lexString scans a quoted string. The initial quote has already been seen. func lexString(l *lexer) stateFn { Loop: for { switch l.next() { case '\\': lexEscape(l) case utf8.RuneError: return l.errorf("invalid UTF-8 rune") case eof, '\n': return l.errorf("unterminated quoted string") case l.stringOpen: break Loop } } l.emit(ItemString) return lexStatements } // lexRawString scans a raw quoted string. The initial quote has already been seen. func lexRawString(l *lexer) stateFn { Loop: for { switch l.next() { case utf8.RuneError: return l.errorf("invalid UTF-8 rune") case eof: return l.errorf("unterminated raw string") case l.stringOpen: break Loop } } l.emit(ItemString) return lexStatements } // lexSpace scans a run of space characters. One space has already been seen. func lexSpace(l *lexer) stateFn { for isSpace(l.peek()) { l.next() } l.ignore() return lexStatements } // lexLineComment scans a line comment. Left comment marker is known to be present. func lexLineComment(l *lexer) stateFn { l.pos += Pos(len(lineComment)) for r := l.next(); !isEndOfLine(r) && r != eof; { r = l.next() } l.backup() l.emit(ItemComment) return lexStatements } func lexDuration(l *lexer) stateFn { if l.scanNumber() { return l.errorf("missing unit character in duration") } // Next two chars must be a valid unit and a non-alphanumeric. if l.accept("smhdwy") { if isAlphaNumeric(l.next()) { return l.errorf("bad duration syntax: %q", l.input[l.start:l.pos]) } l.backup() l.emit(ItemDuration) return lexStatements } return l.errorf("bad duration syntax: %q", l.input[l.start:l.pos]) } // lexNumber scans a number: decimal, hex, oct or float. func lexNumber(l *lexer) stateFn { if !l.scanNumber() { return l.errorf("bad number syntax: %q", l.input[l.start:l.pos]) } l.emit(ItemNumber) return lexStatements } // lexNumberOrDuration scans a number or a duration item. func lexNumberOrDuration(l *lexer) stateFn { if l.scanNumber() { l.emit(ItemNumber) return lexStatements } // Next two chars must be a valid unit and a non-alphanumeric. if l.accept("smhdwy") { if isAlphaNumeric(l.next()) { return l.errorf("bad number or duration syntax: %q", l.input[l.start:l.pos]) } l.backup() l.emit(ItemDuration) return lexStatements } return l.errorf("bad number or duration syntax: %q", l.input[l.start:l.pos]) } // scanNumber scans numbers of different formats. The scanned item is // not necessarily a valid number. This case is caught by the parser. func (l *lexer) scanNumber() bool { digits := "0123456789" // Disallow hexadecimal in series descriptions as the syntax is ambiguous. if !l.seriesDesc && l.accept("0") && l.accept("xX") { digits = "0123456789abcdefABCDEF" } l.acceptRun(digits) if l.accept(".") { l.acceptRun(digits) } if l.accept("eE") { l.accept("+-") l.acceptRun("0123456789") } // Next thing must not be alphanumeric unless it's the times token // for series repetitions. if r := l.peek(); (l.seriesDesc && r == 'x') || !isAlphaNumeric(r) { return true } return false } // lexIdentifier scans an alphanumeric identifier. The next character // is known to be a letter. func lexIdentifier(l *lexer) stateFn { for isAlphaNumeric(l.next()) { // absorb } l.backup() l.emit(ItemIdentifier) return lexStatements } // lexKeywordOrIdentifier scans an alphanumeric identifier which may contain // a colon rune. If the identifier is a keyword the respective keyword item // is scanned. func lexKeywordOrIdentifier(l *lexer) stateFn { Loop: for { switch r := l.next(); { case isAlphaNumeric(r) || r == ':': // absorb. default: l.backup() word := l.input[l.start:l.pos] if kw, ok := key[strings.ToLower(word)]; ok { l.emit(kw) } else if !strings.Contains(word, ":") { l.emit(ItemIdentifier) } else { l.emit(ItemMetricIdentifier) } break Loop } } if l.seriesDesc && l.peek() != '{' { return lexValueSequence } return lexStatements } func isSpace(r rune) bool { return r == ' ' || r == '\t' || r == '\n' || r == '\r' } // isEndOfLine reports whether r is an end-of-line character. func isEndOfLine(r rune) bool { return r == '\r' || r == '\n' } // isAlphaNumeric reports whether r is an alphabetic, digit, or underscore. func isAlphaNumeric(r rune) bool { return isAlpha(r) || isDigit(r) } // isDigit reports whether r is a digit. Note: we cannot use unicode.IsDigit() // instead because that also classifies non-Latin digits as digits. See // https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/issues/939. func isDigit(r rune) bool { return '0' <= r && r <= '9' } // isAlpha reports whether r is an alphabetic or underscore. func isAlpha(r rune) bool { return r == '_' || ('a' <= r && r <= 'z') || ('A' <= r && r <= 'Z') } // isLabel reports whether the string can be used as label. func isLabel(s string) bool { if len(s) == 0 || !isAlpha(rune(s[0])) { return false } for _, c := range s[1:] { if !isAlphaNumeric(c) { return false } } return true }