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Raw Normal View History

// Copyright 2022 The Prometheus Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package histogram
import (
// BucketCount is a type constraint for the count in a bucket, which can be
// float64 (for type FloatHistogram) or uint64 (for type Histogram).
type BucketCount interface {
float64 | uint64
// internalBucketCount is used internally by Histogram and FloatHistogram. The
// difference to the BucketCount above is that Histogram internally uses deltas
// between buckets rather than absolute counts (while FloatHistogram uses
// absolute counts directly). Go type parameters don't allow type
// specialization. Therefore, where special treatment of deltas between buckets
// vs. absolute counts is important, this information has to be provided as a
// separate boolean parameter "deltaBuckets"
type internalBucketCount interface {
float64 | int64
// Bucket represents a bucket with lower and upper limit and the absolute count
// of samples in the bucket. It also specifies if each limit is inclusive or
// not. (Mathematically, inclusive limits create a closed interval, and
// non-inclusive limits an open interval.)
// To represent cumulative buckets, Lower is set to -Inf, and the Count is then
// cumulative (including the counts of all buckets for smaller values).
type Bucket[BC BucketCount] struct {
Lower, Upper float64
LowerInclusive, UpperInclusive bool
Count BC
// Index within schema. To easily compare buckets that share the same
// schema and sign (positive or negative). Irrelevant for the zero bucket.
Index int32
// String returns a string representation of a Bucket, using the usual
// mathematical notation of '['/']' for inclusive bounds and '('/')' for
// non-inclusive bounds.
func (b Bucket[BC]) String() string {
var sb strings.Builder
if b.LowerInclusive {
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(&sb, "%g,%g", b.Lower, b.Upper)
if b.UpperInclusive {
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(&sb, ":%v", b.Count)
return sb.String()
// BucketIterator iterates over the buckets of a Histogram, returning decoded
// buckets.
type BucketIterator[BC BucketCount] interface {
// Next advances the iterator by one.
Next() bool
// At returns the current bucket.
At() Bucket[BC]
// baseBucketIterator provides a struct that is shared by most BucketIterator
// implementations, together with an implementation of the At method. This
// iterator can be embedded in full implementations of BucketIterator to save on
// code replication.
type baseBucketIterator[BC BucketCount, IBC internalBucketCount] struct {
schema int32
spans []Span
buckets []IBC
positive bool // Whether this is for positive buckets.
spansIdx int // Current span within spans slice.
idxInSpan uint32 // Index in the current span. 0 <= idxInSpan < span.Length.
bucketsIdx int // Current bucket within buckets slice.
currCount IBC // Count in the current bucket.
currIdx int32 // The actual bucket index.
func (b baseBucketIterator[BC, IBC]) At() Bucket[BC] {
bucket := Bucket[BC]{
Count: BC(b.currCount),
Index: b.currIdx,
if b.positive {
bucket.Upper = getBound(b.currIdx, b.schema)
bucket.Lower = getBound(b.currIdx-1, b.schema)
} else {
bucket.Lower = -getBound(b.currIdx, b.schema)
bucket.Upper = -getBound(b.currIdx-1, b.schema)
bucket.LowerInclusive = bucket.Lower < 0
bucket.UpperInclusive = bucket.Upper > 0
return bucket
// compactBuckets is a generic function used by both Histogram.Compact and
// FloatHistogram.Compact. Set deltaBuckets to true if the provided buckets are
// deltas. Set it to false if the buckets contain absolute counts.
func compactBuckets[IBC internalBucketCount](buckets []IBC, spans []Span, maxEmptyBuckets int, deltaBuckets bool) ([]IBC, []Span) {
// Fast path: If there are no empty buckets AND no offset in any span is
// <= maxEmptyBuckets AND no span has length 0, there is nothing to do and we can return
// immediately. We check that first because it's cheap and presumably
// common.
nothingToDo := true
var currentBucketAbsolute IBC
for _, bucket := range buckets {
if deltaBuckets {
currentBucketAbsolute += bucket
} else {
currentBucketAbsolute = bucket
if currentBucketAbsolute == 0 {
nothingToDo = false
if nothingToDo {
for _, span := range spans {
if int(span.Offset) <= maxEmptyBuckets || span.Length == 0 {
nothingToDo = false
if nothingToDo {
return buckets, spans
var iBucket, iSpan int
var posInSpan uint32
currentBucketAbsolute = 0
// Helper function.
emptyBucketsHere := func() int {
i := 0
abs := currentBucketAbsolute
for uint32(i)+posInSpan < spans[iSpan].Length && abs == 0 {
if i+iBucket >= len(buckets) {
abs = buckets[i+iBucket]
return i
// Merge spans with zero-offset to avoid special cases later.
if len(spans) > 1 {
for i, span := range spans[1:] {
if span.Offset == 0 {
spans[iSpan].Length += span.Length
if i+1 != iSpan {
spans[iSpan] = span
spans = spans[:iSpan+1]
iSpan = 0
// Merge spans with zero-length to avoid special cases later.
for i, span := range spans {
if span.Length == 0 {
if i+1 < len(spans) {
spans[i+1].Offset += span.Offset
if i != iSpan {
spans[iSpan] = span
spans = spans[:iSpan]
iSpan = 0
// Cut out empty buckets from start and end of spans, no matter
// what. Also cut out empty buckets from the middle of a span but only
// if there are more than maxEmptyBuckets consecutive empty buckets.
for iBucket < len(buckets) {
if deltaBuckets {
currentBucketAbsolute += buckets[iBucket]
} else {
currentBucketAbsolute = buckets[iBucket]
if nEmpty := emptyBucketsHere(); nEmpty > 0 {
if posInSpan > 0 &&
nEmpty < int(spans[iSpan].Length-posInSpan) &&
nEmpty <= maxEmptyBuckets {
// The empty buckets are in the middle of a
// span, and there are few enough to not bother.
// Just fast-forward.
iBucket += nEmpty
if deltaBuckets {
currentBucketAbsolute = 0
posInSpan += uint32(nEmpty)
// In all other cases, we cut out the empty buckets.
if deltaBuckets && iBucket+nEmpty < len(buckets) {
currentBucketAbsolute = -buckets[iBucket]
buckets[iBucket+nEmpty] += buckets[iBucket]
buckets = append(buckets[:iBucket], buckets[iBucket+nEmpty:]...)
if posInSpan == 0 {
// Start of span.
if nEmpty == int(spans[iSpan].Length) {
// The whole span is empty.
offset := spans[iSpan].Offset
spans = append(spans[:iSpan], spans[iSpan+1:]...)
if len(spans) > iSpan {
spans[iSpan].Offset += offset + int32(nEmpty)
spans[iSpan].Length -= uint32(nEmpty)
spans[iSpan].Offset += int32(nEmpty)
// It's in the middle or in the end of the span.
// Split the current span.
newSpan := Span{
Offset: int32(nEmpty),
Length: spans[iSpan].Length - posInSpan - uint32(nEmpty),
spans[iSpan].Length = posInSpan
// In any case, we have to split to the next span.
posInSpan = 0
if newSpan.Length == 0 {
// The span is empty, so we were already at the end of a span.
// We don't have to insert the new span, just adjust the next
// span's offset, if there is one.
if iSpan < len(spans) {
spans[iSpan].Offset += int32(nEmpty)
// Insert the new span.
spans = append(spans, Span{})
if iSpan+1 < len(spans) {
copy(spans[iSpan+1:], spans[iSpan:])
spans[iSpan] = newSpan
if posInSpan >= spans[iSpan].Length {
posInSpan = 0
if maxEmptyBuckets == 0 || len(buckets) == 0 {
return buckets, spans
// Finally, check if any offsets between spans are small enough to merge
// the spans.
iBucket = int(spans[0].Length)
if deltaBuckets {
currentBucketAbsolute = 0
for _, bucket := range buckets[:iBucket] {
currentBucketAbsolute += bucket
iSpan = 1
for iSpan < len(spans) {
if int(spans[iSpan].Offset) > maxEmptyBuckets {
l := int(spans[iSpan].Length)
if deltaBuckets {
for _, bucket := range buckets[iBucket : iBucket+l] {
currentBucketAbsolute += bucket
iBucket += l
// Merge span with previous one and insert empty buckets.
offset := int(spans[iSpan].Offset)
spans[iSpan-1].Length += uint32(offset) + spans[iSpan].Length
spans = append(spans[:iSpan], spans[iSpan+1:]...)
newBuckets := make([]IBC, len(buckets)+offset)
copy(newBuckets, buckets[:iBucket])
copy(newBuckets[iBucket+offset:], buckets[iBucket:])
if deltaBuckets {
newBuckets[iBucket] = -currentBucketAbsolute
newBuckets[iBucket+offset] += currentBucketAbsolute
iBucket += offset
buckets = newBuckets
currentBucketAbsolute = buckets[iBucket]
// Note that with many merges, it would be more efficient to
// first record all the chunks of empty buckets to insert and
// then do it in one go through all the buckets.
return buckets, spans