add another option for i686 users

This commit is contained in:
romkatv 2019-08-05 10:43:40 +02:00
parent f62d1d5ae3
commit d0fadfff97

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@ -4117,6 +4117,11 @@ _p9k_init() {
>&2 echo -E - "${(%):- * You %Bwill not%b see this error message again.}"
>&2 echo -E - "${(%):- * Git prompt will be %Bslow%b.}"
>&2 echo -E - ""
>&2 echo -E - "${(%):- - Upgrade to a 64-bit OS.}"
>&2 echo -E - ""
>&2 echo -E - "${(%):- * You %Bwill not%b see this error message again.}"
>&2 echo -E - "${(%):- * Git prompt will be %Bfast%b.}"
>&2 echo -E - ""
>&2 echo -E - "${(%):- - Compile %Bgitstatusd%b and set %BGITSTATUS_DAEMON=/path/to/gitstatusd%b at}"
>&2 echo -E - "${(%):- the bottom of %B$__p9k_zshrc_u%b. See instructions at}"
>&2 echo -E - "${(%):-}"