mirror of
synced 2025-01-31 18:41:30 +00:00
This reverts commit 6585e6672f
There's been some weird changes added to the upstream archiver library which
break the build. Since this is only used in the build process, I'm in no hurry
to update it.
758 lines
19 KiB
758 lines
19 KiB
// +build mage
// Self-contained go-project magefile.
// nolint: deadcode
package main
import (
var curDir = func() string {
name, _ := os.Getwd()
return name
const constCoverageDir = ".coverage"
const constToolDir = "tools"
const constBinDir = "bin"
const constReleaseDir = "release"
const constCmdDir = "cmd"
const constCoverFile = "cover.out"
const constAssets = "assets"
const constAssetsGenerated = "assets/generated"
var coverageDir = mustStr(filepath.Abs(path.Join(curDir, constCoverageDir)))
var toolDir = mustStr(filepath.Abs(path.Join(curDir, constToolDir)))
var binDir = mustStr(filepath.Abs(path.Join(curDir, constBinDir)))
var releaseDir = mustStr(filepath.Abs(path.Join(curDir, constReleaseDir)))
var cmdDir = mustStr(filepath.Abs(path.Join(curDir, constCmdDir)))
var assetsGenerated = mustStr(filepath.Abs(path.Join(curDir, constAssetsGenerated)))
// Calculate file paths
var toolsGoPath = toolDir
var toolsSrcDir = mustStr(filepath.Abs(path.Join(toolDir, "src")))
var toolsBinDir = mustStr(filepath.Abs(path.Join(toolDir, "bin")))
var toolsVendorDir = mustStr(filepath.Abs(path.Join(toolDir, "vendor")))
var outputDirs = []string{binDir, releaseDir, toolsGoPath, toolsBinDir,
toolsVendorDir, assetsGenerated, coverageDir}
var toolsEnv = map[string]string{"GOPATH": toolsGoPath}
var containerName = func() string {
if name := os.Getenv("CONTAINER_NAME"); name != "" {
return name
return "wrouesnel/postgres_exporter:latest"
type Platform struct {
OS string
Arch string
BinSuffix string
func (p *Platform) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", p.OS, p.Arch)
func (p *Platform) PlatformDir() string {
platformDir := path.Join(binDir, fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s_%s", productName, versionShort, p.String()))
return platformDir
func (p *Platform) PlatformBin(cmd string) string {
platformBin := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", cmd, p.BinSuffix)
return path.Join(p.PlatformDir(), platformBin)
func (p *Platform) ArchiveDir() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s_%s", productName, versionShort, p.String())
func (p *Platform) ReleaseBase() string {
return path.Join(releaseDir, fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s_%s", productName, versionShort, p.String()))
// Supported platforms
var platforms []Platform = []Platform{
{"linux", "amd64", ""},
{"linux", "386", ""},
{"darwin", "amd64", ""},
{"darwin", "386", ""},
{"windows", "amd64", ".exe"},
{"windows", "386", ".exe"},
{"freebsd", "amd64", ""},
// productName can be overridden by environ product name
var productName = func() string {
if name := os.Getenv("PRODUCT_NAME"); name != "" {
return name
name, _ := os.Getwd()
return path.Base(name)
// Source files
var goSrc []string
var goDirs []string
var goPkgs []string
var goCmds []string
var version = func() string {
if v := os.Getenv("VERSION"); v != "" {
return v
out, _ := sh.Output("git", "describe", "--dirty")
if out == "" {
return "v0.0.0"
return out
var versionShort = func() string {
if v := os.Getenv("VERSION_SHORT"); v != "" {
return v
out, _ := sh.Output("git", "describe", "--abbrev=0")
if out == "" {
return "v0.0.0"
return out
var concurrency = func() int {
if v := os.Getenv("CONCURRENCY"); v != "" {
pv, err := strconv.ParseUint(v, 10, bits.UintSize)
if err != nil {
return int(pv)
return runtime.NumCPU()
var linterDeadline = func() time.Duration {
if v := os.Getenv("LINTER_DEADLINE"); v != "" {
d, _ := time.ParseDuration(v)
if d != 0 {
return d
return time.Second * 60
func Log(args ...interface{}) {
if mg.Verbose() {
func init() {
// Set environment
os.Setenv("PATH", fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", toolsBinDir, os.Getenv("PATH")))
Log("Build PATH: ", os.Getenv("PATH"))
Log("Concurrency:", concurrency)
goSrc = func() []string {
results := new([]string)
filepath.Walk(".", func(relpath string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
// Ensure absolute path so globs work
path, err := filepath.Abs(relpath)
if err != nil {
// Look for files
if info.IsDir() {
return nil
// Exclusions
for _, exclusion := range []string{toolDir, binDir, releaseDir, coverageDir} {
if strings.HasPrefix(path, exclusion) {
if info.IsDir() {
return filepath.SkipDir
return nil
if strings.Contains(path, "/vendor/") {
if info.IsDir() {
return filepath.SkipDir
return nil
if strings.Contains(path, ".git") {
if info.IsDir() {
return filepath.SkipDir
return nil
if !strings.HasSuffix(path, ".go") {
return nil
*results = append(*results, path)
return nil
return *results
goDirs = func() []string {
resultMap := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, path := range goSrc {
absDir, err := filepath.Abs(filepath.Dir(path))
if err != nil {
resultMap[absDir] = struct{}{}
results := []string{}
for k := range resultMap {
results = append(results, k)
return results
goPkgs = func() []string {
results := []string{}
out, err := sh.Output("go", "list", "./...")
if err != nil {
for _, line := range strings.Split(out, "\n") {
if !strings.Contains(line, "/vendor/") {
results = append(results, line)
return results
goCmds = func() []string {
results := []string{}
finfos, err := ioutil.ReadDir(cmdDir)
if err != nil {
for _, finfo := range finfos {
results = append(results, finfo.Name())
return results
// Ensure output dirs exist
for _, dir := range outputDirs {
os.MkdirAll(dir, os.FileMode(0777))
func mustStr(r string, err error) string {
if err != nil {
return r
func getCoreTools() []string {
staticTools := []string{
"github.com/GoASTScanner/gas/cmd/gas", // workaround for Ast scanner
return staticTools
func getMetalinters() []string {
// Gometalinter should now be on the command line
dynamicTools := []string{}
goMetalinterHelp, _ := sh.Output("gometalinter", "--help")
linterRx := regexp.MustCompile(`\s+\w+:\s*\((.+)\)`)
for _, l := range strings.Split(goMetalinterHelp, "\n") {
linter := linterRx.FindStringSubmatch(l)
if len(linter) > 1 {
dynamicTools = append(dynamicTools, linter[1])
return dynamicTools
func ensureVendorSrcLink() error {
Log("Symlink vendor to tools dir")
if err := sh.Rm(toolsSrcDir); err != nil {
return err
if err := os.Symlink(toolsVendorDir, toolsSrcDir); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// concurrencyLimitedBuild executes a certain number of commands limited by concurrency
func concurrencyLimitedBuild(buildCmds ...interface{}) error {
resultsCh := make(chan error, len(buildCmds))
concurrencyControl := make(chan struct{}, concurrency)
for _, buildCmd := range buildCmds {
go func(buildCmd interface{}) {
concurrencyControl <- struct{}{}
resultsCh <- buildCmd.(func() error)()
// Doesn't work at the moment
// mg.Deps(buildCmds...)
results := []error{}
var resultErr error = nil
for len(results) < len(buildCmds) {
err := <-resultsCh
results = append(results, err)
if err != nil {
resultErr = errors.New("parallel build failed")
fmt.Printf("Finished %v of %v\n", len(results), len(buildCmds))
return resultErr
// Tools builds build tools of the project and is depended on by all other build targets.
func Tools() (err error) {
// Catch panics and convert to errors
defer func() {
if perr := recover(); perr != nil {
err = perr.(error)
if err := ensureVendorSrcLink(); err != nil {
return err
toolBuild := func(toolType string, tools ...string) error {
toolTargets := []interface{}{}
for _, toolImport := range tools {
toolParts := strings.Split(toolImport, "/")
toolBin := path.Join(toolsBinDir, toolParts[len(toolParts)-1])
Log("Check for changes:", toolBin, toolsVendorDir)
changed, terr := target.Dir(toolBin, toolsVendorDir)
if terr != nil {
if !os.IsNotExist(terr) {
changed = true
if changed {
localToolImport := toolImport
f := func() error { return sh.RunWith(toolsEnv, "go", "install", "-v", localToolImport) }
toolTargets = append(toolTargets, f)
Log("Build", toolType, "tools")
if berr := concurrencyLimitedBuild(toolTargets...); berr != nil {
return berr
return nil
if berr := toolBuild("static", getCoreTools()...); berr != nil {
return berr
if berr := toolBuild("static", getMetalinters()...); berr != nil {
return berr
return nil
// UpdateTools automatically updates tool dependencies to the latest version.
func UpdateTools() error {
if err := ensureVendorSrcLink(); err != nil {
return err
// Ensure govendor is up to date without doing anything
govendorPkg := "github.com/kardianos/govendor"
govendorParts := strings.Split(govendorPkg, "/")
govendorBin := path.Join(toolsBinDir, govendorParts[len(govendorParts)-1])
sh.RunWith(toolsEnv, "go", "get", "-v", "-u", govendorPkg)
if changed, cerr := target.Dir(govendorBin, toolsSrcDir); changed || os.IsNotExist(cerr) {
if err := sh.RunWith(toolsEnv, "go", "install", "-v", govendorPkg); err != nil {
return err
} else if cerr != nil {
// Set current directory so govendor has the right path
previousPwd, wderr := os.Getwd()
if wderr != nil {
return wderr
if err := os.Chdir(toolDir); err != nil {
return err
// govendor fetch core tools
for _, toolImport := range append(getCoreTools(), getMetalinters()...) {
sh.RunV("govendor", "fetch", "-v", toolImport)
// change back to original working directory
if err := os.Chdir(previousPwd); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Assets builds binary assets to be bundled into the binary.
func Assets() error {
if err := os.MkdirAll("assets/generated", os.FileMode(0777)); err != nil {
return err
return sh.RunV("go-bindata", "-pkg=assets", "-o", "assets/bindata.go", "-ignore=bindata.go",
"-ignore=.*.map$", "-prefix=assets/generated", "assets/generated/...")
// Lint runs gometalinter for code quality. CI will run this before accepting PRs.
func Lint() error {
args := []string{"-j", fmt.Sprintf("%v", concurrency), fmt.Sprintf("--deadline=%s",
linterDeadline.String()), "--enable-all", "--line-length=120",
"--disable=gocyclo", "--disable=testify", "--disable=test", "--disable=lll", "--exclude=assets/bindata.go"}
return sh.RunV("gometalinter", append(args, goDirs...)...)
// Style checks formatting of the file. CI will run this before acceptiing PRs.
func Style() error {
args := []string{"--disable-all", "--enable=gofmt", "--enable=goimports"}
return sh.RunV("gometalinter", append(args, goSrc...)...)
// Fmt automatically formats all source code files
func Fmt() error {
fmtErr := sh.RunV("gofmt", append([]string{"-s", "-w"}, goSrc...)...)
if fmtErr != nil {
return fmtErr
impErr := sh.RunV("goimports", append([]string{"-w"}, goSrc...)...)
if impErr != nil {
return fmtErr
return nil
func listCoverageFiles() ([]string, error) {
result := []string{}
finfos, derr := ioutil.ReadDir(coverageDir)
if derr != nil {
return result, derr
for _, finfo := range finfos {
result = append(result, path.Join(coverageDir, finfo.Name()))
return result, nil
// Test run test suite
func Test() error {
// Ensure coverage directory exists
if err := os.MkdirAll(coverageDir, os.FileMode(0777)); err != nil {
return err
// Clean up coverage directory
coverFiles, derr := listCoverageFiles()
if derr != nil {
return derr
for _, coverFile := range coverFiles {
if err := sh.Rm(coverFile); err != nil {
return err
// Run tests
coverProfiles := []string{}
for _, pkg := range goPkgs {
coverProfile := path.Join(coverageDir, fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", strings.Replace(pkg, "/", "-", -1), ".out"))
testErr := sh.Run("go", "test", "-v", "-covermode", "count", fmt.Sprintf("-coverprofile=%s", coverProfile),
if testErr != nil {
return testErr
coverProfiles = append(coverProfiles, coverProfile)
return nil
// Build the intgration test binary
func IntegrationTestBinary() error {
changed, err := target.Path("postgres_exporter_integration_test", goSrc...)
if (changed && (err == nil)) || os.IsNotExist(err) {
return sh.RunWith(map[string]string{"CGO_ENABLED": "0"}, "go", "test", "./cmd/postgres_exporter",
"-c", "-tags", "integration",
"-a", "-ldflags", "-extldflags '-static'", "-X", fmt.Sprintf("main.Version=%s", version),
"-o", "postgres_exporter_integration_test", "-cover", "-covermode", "count")
return err
// TestIntegration runs integration tests
func TestIntegration() error {
mg.Deps(Binary, IntegrationTestBinary)
exporterPath := mustStr(filepath.Abs("postgres_exporter"))
testBinaryPath := mustStr(filepath.Abs("postgres_exporter_integration_test"))
testScriptPath := mustStr(filepath.Abs("postgres_exporter_integration_test_script"))
integrationCoverageProfile := path.Join(coverageDir, "cover.integration.out")
return sh.RunV("cmd/postgres_exporter/tests/test-smoke", exporterPath,
fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %s", testScriptPath, testBinaryPath, integrationCoverageProfile))
// Coverage sums up the coverage profiles in .coverage. It does not clean up after itself or before.
func Coverage() error {
// Clean up coverage directory
coverFiles, derr := listCoverageFiles()
if derr != nil {
return derr
mergedCoverage, err := sh.Output("gocovmerge", coverFiles...)
if err != nil {
return err
return ioutil.WriteFile(constCoverFile, []byte(mergedCoverage), os.FileMode(0777))
// All runs a full suite suitable for CI
func All() error {
mg.SerialDeps(Style, Lint, Test, TestIntegration, Coverage, Release)
return nil
// Release builds release archives under the release/ directory
func Release() error {
for _, platform := range platforms {
owd, wderr := os.Getwd()
if wderr != nil {
return wderr
if platform.OS == "windows" {
// build a zip binary as well
err := archiver.Zip.Make(fmt.Sprintf("%s.zip", platform.ReleaseBase()), []string{platform.ArchiveDir()})
if err != nil {
return err
// build tar gz
err := archiver.TarGz.Make(fmt.Sprintf("%s.tar.gz", platform.ReleaseBase()), []string{platform.ArchiveDir()})
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func makeBuilder(cmd string, platform Platform) func() error {
f := func() error {
// Depend on assets
cmdSrc := fmt.Sprintf("./%s/%s", mustStr(filepath.Rel(curDir, cmdDir)), cmd)
Log("Make platform binary directory:", platform.PlatformDir())
if err := os.MkdirAll(platform.PlatformDir(), os.FileMode(0777)); err != nil {
return err
Log("Checking for changes:", platform.PlatformBin(cmd))
if changed, err := target.Path(platform.PlatformBin(cmd), goSrc...); !changed {
if err != nil {
if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return err
} else {
return nil
fmt.Println("Building", platform.PlatformBin(cmd))
return sh.RunWith(map[string]string{"CGO_ENABLED": "0", "GOOS": platform.OS, "GOARCH": platform.Arch},
"go", "build", "-a", "-ldflags", fmt.Sprintf("-extldflags '-static' -X main.Version=%s", version),
"-o", platform.PlatformBin(cmd), cmdSrc)
return f
func getCurrentPlatform() *Platform {
var curPlatform *Platform
for _, p := range platforms {
if p.OS == runtime.GOOS && p.Arch == runtime.GOARCH {
storedP := p
curPlatform = &storedP
Log("Determined current platform:", curPlatform)
return curPlatform
// Binary build a binary for the current platform
func Binary() error {
curPlatform := getCurrentPlatform()
if curPlatform == nil {
return errors.New("current platform is not supported")
for _, cmd := range goCmds {
err := makeBuilder(cmd, *curPlatform)()
if err != nil {
return err
// Make a root symlink to the build
cmdPath := path.Join(curDir, cmd)
if err := os.Symlink(curPlatform.PlatformBin(cmd), cmdPath); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// ReleaseBin builds cross-platform release binaries under the bin/ directory
func ReleaseBin() error {
buildCmds := []interface{}{}
for _, cmd := range goCmds {
for _, platform := range platforms {
buildCmds = append(buildCmds, makeBuilder(cmd, platform))
resultsCh := make(chan error, len(buildCmds))
concurrencyControl := make(chan struct{}, concurrency)
for _, buildCmd := range buildCmds {
go func(buildCmd interface{}) {
concurrencyControl <- struct{}{}
resultsCh <- buildCmd.(func() error)()
// Doesn't work at the moment
// mg.Deps(buildCmds...)
results := []error{}
var resultErr error = nil
for len(results) < len(buildCmds) {
err := <-resultsCh
results = append(results, err)
if err != nil {
resultErr = errors.New("parallel build failed")
fmt.Printf("Finished %v of %v\n", len(results), len(buildCmds))
return resultErr
// Docker builds the docker image
func Docker() error {
p := getCurrentPlatform()
if p == nil {
return errors.New("current platform is not supported")
return sh.RunV("docker", "build",
mustStr(filepath.Rel(curDir, p.PlatformBin("postgres_exporter")))),
"-t", containerName, ".")
// Clean deletes build output and cleans up the working directory
func Clean() error {
for _, name := range goCmds {
if err := sh.Rm(path.Join(binDir, name)); err != nil {
return err
for _, name := range outputDirs {
if err := sh.Rm(name); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Debug prints the value of internal state variables
func Debug() error {
fmt.Println("Source Files:", goSrc)
fmt.Println("Packages:", goPkgs)
fmt.Println("Directories:", goDirs)
fmt.Println("Command Paths:", goCmds)
fmt.Println("Output Dirs:", outputDirs)
fmt.Println("Tool Src Dir:", toolsSrcDir)
fmt.Println("Tool Vendor Dir:", toolsVendorDir)
fmt.Println("Tool GOPATH:", toolsGoPath)
fmt.Println("PATH:", os.Getenv("PATH"))
return nil
// Autogen configure local git repository with commit hooks
func Autogen() error {
fmt.Println("Installing git hooks in local repository...")
return os.Link(path.Join(curDir, toolDir, "pre-commit"), ".git/hooks/pre-commit")