COVERDIR = .coverage TOOLDIR = tools BINDIR = bin RELEASEDIR = release DIRS = $(BINDIR) $(RELEASEDIR) GO_SRC := $(shell find . -name '*.go' ! -path '*/vendor/*' ! -path 'tools/*' ! -path 'bin/*' ! -path 'release/*' ) GO_DIRS := $(shell find . -type d -name '*.go' ! -path '*/vendor/*' ! -path 'tools/*' ! -path 'bin/*' ! -path 'release/*' ) GO_PKGS := $(shell go list ./... | grep -v '/vendor/') CONTAINER_NAME ?= wrouesnel/postgres_exporter:latest BINARY := $(shell basename $(shell pwd)) VERSION ?= $(shell git describe --dirty 2>/dev/null) VERSION_SHORT ?= $(shell git describe --abbrev=0 2>/dev/null) ifeq ($(VERSION),) VERSION := v0.0.0 endif ifeq ($(VERSION_SHORT),) VERSION_SHORT := v0.0.0 endif # By default this list is filtered down to some common platforms. platforms := $(subst /,-,$(shell go tool dist list | grep -e linux -e windows -e darwin | grep -e 386 -e amd64)) PLATFORM_BINS_TMP := $(patsubst %,$(BINDIR)/$(BINARY)_$(VERSION_SHORT)_%/$(BINARY),$(platforms)) PLATFORM_BINS := $(patsubst $(BINDIR)/$(BINARY)_$(VERSION_SHORT)_windows-%/$(BINARY),$(BINDIR)/$(BINARY)_$(VERSION_SHORT)_windows-%/$(BINARY).exe,$(PLATFORM_BINS_TMP)) PLATFORM_DIRS := $(patsubst %,$(BINDIR)/$(BINARY)_$(VERSION_SHORT)_%,$(platforms)) PLATFORM_TARS := $(patsubst %,$(RELEASEDIR)/$(BINARY)_$(VERSION_SHORT)_%.tar.gz,$(platforms)) # These are evaluated on use, and so will have the correct values in the build # rule ( PLATFORMS_TEMP = $(subst /, ,$(subst -, ,$(patsubst $(BINDIR)/$(BINARY)_$(VERSION_SHORT)_%,%,$@))) GOOS = $(word 1, $(PLATFORMS_TEMP)) GOARCH = $(word 2, $(PLATFORMS_TEMP)) CURRENT_PLATFORM_TMP := $(BINDIR)/$(BINARY)_$(VERSION_SHORT)_$(shell go env GOOS)-$(shell go env GOARCH)/$(BINARY) CURRENT_PLATFORM := $(patsubst $(BINDIR)/$(BINARY)_$(VERSION_SHORT)_windows-%/$(BINARY),$(BINDIR)/$(BINARY)_$(VERSION_SHORT)_windows-%/$(BINARY).exe,$(CURRENT_PLATFORM_TMP)) CONCURRENT_LINTERS ?= ifeq ($(CONCURRENT_LINTERS),) CONCURRENT_LINTERS = $(shell gometalinter --help | grep -o 'concurrency=\w*' | cut -d= -f2 | cut -d' ' -f1) endif LINTER_DEADLINE ?= 30s $(shell mkdir -p $(DIRS)) export PATH := $(TOOLDIR)/bin:$(PATH) SHELL := env PATH=$(PATH) /bin/bash all: style lint test binary binary: $(BINARY) $(BINARY): $(CURRENT_PLATFORM) ln -sf $< $@ $(PLATFORM_BINS): $(GO_SRC) CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=$(GOOS) GOARCH=$(GOARCH) go build -a \ -ldflags "-extldflags '-static' -X main.Version=$(VERSION)" \ -o $@ . $(PLATFORM_DIRS): $(PLATFORM_BINS) $(PLATFORM_TARS): $(RELEASEDIR)/%.tar.gz : $(BINDIR)/% tar -czf $@ -C $(BINDIR) $$(basename $<) release-bin: $(PLATFORM_BINS) release: $(PLATFORM_TARS) # Take a go build and turn it into a minimal container docker: $(CURRENT_PLATFORM) docker build --build-arg=binary=$(CURRENT_PLATFORM) -t $(CONTAINER_NAME) . style: tools gometalinter --disable-all --enable=gofmt --vendor lint: tools @echo Using $(CONCURRENT_LINTERS) processes gometalinter -j $(CONCURRENT_LINTERS) --deadline=$(LINTER_DEADLINE) --disable=gotype --disable=gocyclo $(GO_DIRS) fmt: tools gofmt -s -w $(GO_SRC) postgres_exporter_integration_test: $(GO_SRC) CGO_ENABLED=0 go test -c -tags integration \ -a -ldflags "-extldflags '-static' -X main.Version=$(VERSION)" \ -o postgres_exporter_integration_test -cover -covermode count . test: tools @mkdir -p $(COVERDIR) @rm -f $(COVERDIR)/* for pkg in $(GO_PKGS) ; do \ go test -v -covermode count -coverprofile=$(COVERDIR)/$$(echo $$pkg | tr '/' '-').out $$pkg || exit 1 ; \ done gocovmerge $(shell find $(COVERDIR) -name '*.out') > cover.test.out test-integration: postgres_exporter postgres_exporter_integration_test tests/test-smoke "$(shell pwd)/postgres_exporter" "$(shell pwd)/postgres_exporter_integration_test_script $(shell pwd)/postgres_exporter_integration_test $(shell pwd)/cover.integration.out" cover.out: tools gocovmerge cover.*.out > cover.out clean: [ ! -z $(BINDIR) ] && [ -e $(BINDIR) ] && find $(BINDIR) -print -delete || /bin/true [ ! -z $(COVERDIR) ] && [ -e $(COVERDIR) ] && find $(COVERDIR) -print -delete || /bin/true [ ! -z $(RELEASEDIR) ] && [ -e $(RELEASEDIR) ] && find $(RELEASEDIR) -print -delete || /bin/true rm -f postgres_exporter postgres_exporter_integration_test tools: $(MAKE) -C $(TOOLDIR) .PHONY: tools style fmt test all release binary clean