COVERDIR = .coverage TOOLDIR = tools GO_SRC := $(shell find . -name '*.go' ! -path '*/vendor/*' ! -path 'tools/*' ) GO_DIRS := $(shell find . -type d -name '*.go' ! -path '*/vendor/*' ! -path 'tools/*' ) GO_PKGS := $(shell go list ./... | grep -v '/vendor/') CONTAINER_NAME ?= wrouesnel/postgres_exporter:latest VERSION ?= $(shell git describe --dirty) CONCURRENT_LINTERS ?= $(shell cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc -l) LINTER_DEADLINE ?= 30s export PATH := $(TOOLDIR)/bin:$(PATH) SHELL := env PATH=$(PATH) /bin/bash all: style lint test postgres_exporter # Cross compilation (e.g. if you are on a Mac) cross: docker-build docker # Simple go build postgres_exporter: $(GO_SRC) CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -a -ldflags "-extldflags '-static' -X main.Version=$(VERSION)" -o postgres_exporter . postgres_exporter_integration_test: $(GO_SRC) CGO_ENABLED=0 go test -c -tags integration \ -a -ldflags "-extldflags '-static' -X main.Version=$(VERSION)" -o postgres_exporter_integration_test -cover -covermode count . # Take a go build and turn it into a minimal container docker: postgres_exporter docker build -t $(CONTAINER_NAME) . style: tools gometalinter --disable-all --enable=gofmt --vendor lint: tools @echo Using $(CONCURRENT_LINTERS) processes gometalinter -j $(CONCURRENT_LINTERS) --deadline=$(LINTER_DEADLINE) --disable=gotype --disable=gocyclo $(GO_DIRS) fmt: tools gofmt -s -w $(GO_SRC) test: tools @mkdir -p $(COVERDIR) @rm -f $(COVERDIR)/* for pkg in $(GO_PKGS) ; do \ go test -v -covermode count -coverprofile=$(COVERDIR)/$$(echo $$pkg | tr '/' '-').out $$pkg ; \ done gocovmerge $(shell find $(COVERDIR) -name '*.out') > cover.test.out test-integration: postgres_exporter postgres_exporter_integration_test tests/test-smoke "$(shell pwd)/postgres_exporter" "$(shell pwd)/postgres_exporter_integration_test_script $(shell pwd)/postgres_exporter_integration_test $(shell pwd)/cover.integration.out" cover.out: tools gocovmerge cover.*.out > cover.out # Do a self-contained docker build - we pull the official upstream container # and do a self-contained build. docker-build: docker run -v $(shell pwd):/go/src/ \ -v $(shell pwd):/real_src \ -e SHELL_UID=$(shell id -u) -e SHELL_GID=$(shell id -g) \ -w /go/src/ \ golang:1.8-wheezy \ /bin/bash -c "make >&2 && chown $$SHELL_UID:$$SHELL_GID ./postgres_exporter" docker build -t $(CONTAINER_NAME) . push: docker push $(CONTAINER_NAME) tools: $(MAKE) -C $(TOOLDIR) clean: rm -f postgres_exporter postgres_exporter_integration_test .PHONY: tools docker-build docker lint fmt test vet push cross clean