
617 lines
24 KiB

// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd <contact@ppy.sh>. Licensed under the MIT Licence.
// See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using osu.Framework.Allocation;
using osu.Framework.Bindables;
using osu.Framework.Graphics;
using osu.Framework.Logging;
using osu.Framework.Platform;
using osu.Game.Beatmaps;
using osu.Game.Extensions;
using osu.Game.Online.API;
using osu.Game.Overlays;
using osu.Game.Overlays.Notifications;
using osu.Game.Performance;
using osu.Game.Rulesets;
using osu.Game.Scoring;
using osu.Game.Scoring.Legacy;
using osu.Game.Screens.Play;
namespace osu.Game.Database
/// <summary>
/// Performs background updating of data stores at startup.
/// </summary>
public partial class BackgroundDataStoreProcessor : Component
protected Task ProcessingTask { get; private set; } = null!;
private RulesetStore rulesetStore { get; set; } = null!;
private BeatmapManager beatmapManager { get; set; } = null!;
private ScoreManager scoreManager { get; set; } = null!;
private RealmAccess realmAccess { get; set; } = null!;
private BeatmapUpdater beatmapUpdater { get; set; } = null!;
private IBindable<WorkingBeatmap> gameBeatmap { get; set; } = null!;
private ILocalUserPlayInfo? localUserPlayInfo { get; set; }
private IHighPerformanceSessionManager? highPerformanceSessionManager { get; set; }
private INotificationOverlay? notificationOverlay { get; set; }
private IAPIProvider api { get; set; } = null!;
private Storage storage { get; set; } = null!;
protected virtual int TimeToSleepDuringGameplay => 30000;
protected override void LoadComplete()
ProcessingTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
Logger.Log("Beginning background data store processing..");
// Note that the previous method will also update these on a fresh run.
}, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning).ContinueWith(t =>
if (t.Exception?.InnerException is ObjectDisposedException)
Logger.Log("Finished background aborted during shutdown");
Logger.Log("Finished background data store processing!");
/// <summary>
/// Check whether the databased difficulty calculation version matches the latest ruleset provided version.
/// If it doesn't, clear out any existing difficulties so they can be incrementally recalculated.
/// </summary>
private void checkForOutdatedStarRatings()
foreach (var ruleset in rulesetStore.AvailableRulesets)
// beatmap being passed in is arbitrary here. just needs to be non-null.
int currentVersion = ruleset.CreateInstance().CreateDifficultyCalculator(gameBeatmap.Value).Version;
if (ruleset.LastAppliedDifficultyVersion < currentVersion)
Logger.Log($"Resetting star ratings for {ruleset.Name} (difficulty calculation version updated from {ruleset.LastAppliedDifficultyVersion} to {currentVersion})");
int countReset = 0;
realmAccess.Write(r =>
foreach (var b in r.All<BeatmapInfo>())
if (b.Ruleset.ShortName == ruleset.ShortName)
b.StarRating = -1;
r.Find<RulesetInfo>(ruleset.ShortName)!.LastAppliedDifficultyVersion = currentVersion;
Logger.Log($"Finished resetting {countReset} beatmap sets for {ruleset.Name}");
private void processBeatmapSetsWithMissingMetrics()
HashSet<Guid> beatmapSetIds = new HashSet<Guid>();
Logger.Log("Querying for beatmap sets to reprocess...");
realmAccess.Run(r =>
// BeatmapProcessor is responsible for both online and local processing.
// In the case a user isn't logged in, it won't update LastOnlineUpdate and therefore re-queue,
// causing overhead from the non-online processing to redundantly run every startup.
// We may eventually consider making the Process call more specific (or avoid this in any number
// of other possible ways), but for now avoid queueing if the user isn't logged in at startup.
if (api.IsLoggedIn)
foreach (var b in r.All<BeatmapInfo>().Where(b => (b.StarRating < 0 || (b.OnlineID > 0 && b.LastOnlineUpdate == null)) && b.BeatmapSet != null))
foreach (var b in r.All<BeatmapInfo>().Where(b => b.StarRating < 0 && b.BeatmapSet != null))
if (beatmapSetIds.Count == 0)
Logger.Log($"Found {beatmapSetIds.Count} beatmap sets which require reprocessing.");
// Technically this is doing more than just star ratings, but easier for the end user to understand.
var notification = showProgressNotification(beatmapSetIds.Count, "Reprocessing star rating for beatmaps", "beatmaps' star ratings have been updated");
int processedCount = 0;
int failedCount = 0;
foreach (var id in beatmapSetIds)
if (notification?.State == ProgressNotificationState.Cancelled)
updateNotificationProgress(notification, processedCount, beatmapSetIds.Count);
realmAccess.Run(r =>
var set = r.Find<BeatmapSetInfo>(id);
if (set != null)
catch (Exception e)
Logger.Log($"Background processing failed on {set}: {e}");
completeNotification(notification, processedCount, beatmapSetIds.Count, failedCount);
private void processBeatmapsWithMissingObjectCounts()
Logger.Log("Querying for beatmaps with missing hitobject counts to reprocess...");
HashSet<Guid> beatmapIds = new HashSet<Guid>();
realmAccess.Run(r =>
foreach (var b in r.All<BeatmapInfo>().Where(b => b.TotalObjectCount < 0 || b.EndTimeObjectCount < 0))
if (beatmapIds.Count == 0)
Logger.Log($"Found {beatmapIds.Count} beatmaps which require statistics population.");
var notification = showProgressNotification(beatmapIds.Count, "Populating missing statistics for beatmaps", "beatmaps have been populated with missing statistics");
int processedCount = 0;
int failedCount = 0;
foreach (var id in beatmapIds)
if (notification?.State == ProgressNotificationState.Cancelled)
updateNotificationProgress(notification, processedCount, beatmapIds.Count);
realmAccess.Run(r =>
var beatmap = r.Find<BeatmapInfo>(id);
if (beatmap != null)
catch (Exception e)
Logger.Log($"Background processing failed on {beatmap}: {e}");
completeNotification(notification, processedCount, beatmapIds.Count, failedCount);
private void processScoresWithMissingStatistics()
HashSet<Guid> scoreIds = new HashSet<Guid>();
Logger.Log("Querying for scores to reprocess...");
realmAccess.Run(r =>
foreach (var score in r.All<ScoreInfo>().Where(s => !s.BackgroundReprocessingFailed))
if (score.BeatmapInfo != null
&& score.Statistics.Sum(kvp => kvp.Value) > 0
&& score.MaximumStatistics.Sum(kvp => kvp.Value) == 0)
if (scoreIds.Count == 0)
Logger.Log($"Found {scoreIds.Count} scores which require statistics population.");
var notification = showProgressNotification(scoreIds.Count, "Populating missing statistics for scores", "scores have been populated with missing statistics");
int processedCount = 0;
int failedCount = 0;
foreach (var id in scoreIds)
if (notification?.State == ProgressNotificationState.Cancelled)
updateNotificationProgress(notification, processedCount, scoreIds.Count);
var score = scoreManager.Query(s => s.ID == id);
if (score != null)
// Can't use async overload because we're not on the update thread.
// ReSharper disable once MethodHasAsyncOverload
realmAccess.Write(r =>
r.Find<ScoreInfo>(id)!.MaximumStatisticsJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(score.MaximumStatistics);
catch (ObjectDisposedException)
catch (Exception e)
Logger.Log(@$"Failed to populate maximum statistics for {id}: {e}");
realmAccess.Write(r => r.Find<ScoreInfo>(id)!.BackgroundReprocessingFailed = true);
completeNotification(notification, processedCount, scoreIds.Count, failedCount);
private void convertLegacyTotalScoreToStandardised()
Logger.Log("Querying for scores that need total score conversion...");
HashSet<Guid> scoreIds = realmAccess.Run(r => new HashSet<Guid>(
.Where(s => !s.BackgroundReprocessingFailed
&& s.BeatmapInfo != null
&& s.IsLegacyScore
&& s.TotalScoreVersion < LegacyScoreEncoder.LATEST_VERSION)
// must be done after materialisation, as realm doesn't want to support
// nested property predicates
.Where(s => s.Ruleset.IsLegacyRuleset())
.Select(s => s.ID)));
Logger.Log($"Found {scoreIds.Count} scores which require total score conversion.");
if (scoreIds.Count == 0)
var notification = showProgressNotification(scoreIds.Count, "Upgrading scores to new scoring algorithm", "scores have been upgraded to the new scoring algorithm");
int processedCount = 0;
int failedCount = 0;
foreach (var id in scoreIds)
if (notification?.State == ProgressNotificationState.Cancelled)
updateNotificationProgress(notification, processedCount, scoreIds.Count);
// Can't use async overload because we're not on the update thread.
// ReSharper disable once MethodHasAsyncOverload
realmAccess.Write(r =>
ScoreInfo s = r.Find<ScoreInfo>(id)!;
StandardisedScoreMigrationTools.UpdateFromLegacy(s, beatmapManager.GetWorkingBeatmap(s.BeatmapInfo));
s.TotalScoreVersion = LegacyScoreEncoder.LATEST_VERSION;
catch (ObjectDisposedException)
catch (Exception e)
Logger.Log($"Failed to convert total score for {id}: {e}");
realmAccess.Write(r => r.Find<ScoreInfo>(id)!.BackgroundReprocessingFailed = true);
completeNotification(notification, processedCount, scoreIds.Count, failedCount);
private void upgradeScoreRanks()
Logger.Log("Querying for scores that need rank upgrades...");
HashSet<Guid> scoreIds = realmAccess.Run(r => new HashSet<Guid>(
.Where(s => s.TotalScoreVersion < 30000013 && !s.BackgroundReprocessingFailed) // last total score version with a significant change to ranks
// must be done after materialisation, as realm doesn't support
// filtering on nested property predicates or projection via `.Select()`
.Where(s => s.Ruleset.IsLegacyRuleset())
.Select(s => s.ID)));
Logger.Log($"Found {scoreIds.Count} scores which require rank upgrades.");
if (scoreIds.Count == 0)
var notification = showProgressNotification(scoreIds.Count, "Adjusting ranks of scores", "scores now have more correct ranks");
int processedCount = 0;
int failedCount = 0;
foreach (var id in scoreIds)
if (notification?.State == ProgressNotificationState.Cancelled)
updateNotificationProgress(notification, processedCount, scoreIds.Count);
// Can't use async overload because we're not on the update thread.
// ReSharper disable once MethodHasAsyncOverload
realmAccess.Write(r =>
ScoreInfo s = r.Find<ScoreInfo>(id)!;
s.Rank = StandardisedScoreMigrationTools.ComputeRank(s);
s.TotalScoreVersion = LegacyScoreEncoder.LATEST_VERSION;
catch (ObjectDisposedException)
catch (Exception e)
Logger.Log($"Failed to update rank score {id}: {e}");
realmAccess.Write(r => r.Find<ScoreInfo>(id)!.BackgroundReprocessingFailed = true);
completeNotification(notification, processedCount, scoreIds.Count, failedCount);
private void backpopulateMissingSubmissionAndRankDates()
var localMetadataSource = new LocalCachedBeatmapMetadataSource(storage);
if (!localMetadataSource.Available)
Logger.Log("Cannot backpopulate missing submission/rank dates because the local metadata cache is missing.");
if (localMetadataSource.GetCacheVersion() < 2)
Logger.Log("Cannot backpopulate missing submission/rank dates because the local metadata cache is too old.");
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.Log($"Error when trying to query version of local metadata cache: {ex}");
Logger.Log("Querying for beatmap sets that contain missing submission/rank date...");
HashSet<Guid> beatmapSetIds = realmAccess.Run(r => new HashSet<Guid>(
.Where(b => b.StatusInt > 0 && (b.DateRanked == null || b.DateSubmitted == null))
.Select(b => b.ID)));
if (beatmapSetIds.Count == 0)
Logger.Log($"Found {beatmapSetIds.Count} beatmap sets with missing submission/rank date.");
var notification = showProgressNotification(beatmapSetIds.Count, "Populating missing submission and rank dates", "beatmap sets now have correct submission and rank dates.");
int processedCount = 0;
int failedCount = 0;
foreach (var id in beatmapSetIds)
if (notification?.State == ProgressNotificationState.Cancelled)
updateNotificationProgress(notification, processedCount, beatmapSetIds.Count);
// Can't use async overload because we're not on the update thread.
// ReSharper disable once MethodHasAsyncOverload
bool succeeded = realmAccess.Write(r =>
BeatmapSetInfo beatmapSet = r.Find<BeatmapSetInfo>(id)!;
// we want any ranked representative of the set.
// the reason for checking ranked status of the difficulty is that it can be locally modified,
// at which point the lookup will fail - but there might still be another unmodified difficulty on which it will work.
if (beatmapSet.Beatmaps.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Status >= BeatmapOnlineStatus.Ranked) is not BeatmapInfo beatmap)
return false;
bool lookupSucceeded = localMetadataSource.TryLookup(beatmap, out var result);
if (lookupSucceeded)
Debug.Assert(result != null);
beatmapSet.DateRanked = result.DateRanked;
beatmapSet.DateSubmitted = result.DateSubmitted;
return true;
Logger.Log($"Could not find {beatmapSet.GetDisplayString()} in local cache while backpopulating missing submission/rank date");
return false;
if (succeeded)
catch (ObjectDisposedException)
catch (Exception e)
Logger.Log($"Failed to update ranked/submitted dates for beatmap set {id}: {e}");
completeNotification(notification, processedCount, beatmapSetIds.Count, failedCount);
private void updateNotificationProgress(ProgressNotification? notification, int processedCount, int totalCount)
if (notification == null)
notification.Text = notification.Text.ToString().Split('(').First().TrimEnd() + $" ({processedCount} of {totalCount})";
notification.Progress = (float)processedCount / totalCount;
if (processedCount % 100 == 0)
private void completeNotification(ProgressNotification? notification, int processedCount, int totalCount, int? failedCount = null)
if (notification == null)
if (processedCount == totalCount)
notification.CompletionText = $"{processedCount} {notification.CompletionText}";
notification.Progress = 1;
notification.State = ProgressNotificationState.Completed;
notification.Text = $"{processedCount} of {totalCount} {notification.CompletionText}";
// We may have arrived here due to user cancellation or completion with failures.
if (failedCount > 0)
notification.Text += $" Check logs for issues with {failedCount} failed items.";
notification.State = ProgressNotificationState.Cancelled;
private ProgressNotification? showProgressNotification(int totalCount, string running, string completed)
if (notificationOverlay == null)
return null;
if (totalCount < 10)
return null;
ProgressNotification notification = new ProgressNotification
Text = running,
CompletionText = completed,
State = ProgressNotificationState.Active
return notification;
private void sleepIfRequired()
// Importantly, also sleep if high performance session is active.
// If we don't do this, memory usage can become runaway due to GC running in a more lenient mode.
while (localUserPlayInfo?.PlayingState.Value != LocalUserPlayingState.NotPlaying || highPerformanceSessionManager?.IsSessionActive == true)
Logger.Log("Background processing sleeping due to active gameplay...");