
327 lines
14 KiB

// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd <contact@ppy.sh>. Licensed under the MIT Licence.
// See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using osu.Framework.Allocation;
using osu.Framework.Graphics;
using osu.Framework.Graphics.Primitives;
using osu.Framework.Graphics.UserInterface;
using osu.Framework.Input.Events;
using osu.Framework.Utils;
using osu.Game.Extensions;
using osu.Game.Graphics.UserInterface;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Edit;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects.Types;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Beatmaps;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Objects;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.UI;
using osu.Game.Screens.Edit.Compose.Components;
using osu.Game.Utils;
using osuTK;
using osuTK.Input;
namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Edit
public partial class OsuSelectionHandler : EditorSelectionHandler
private OsuGridToolboxGroup gridToolbox { get; set; } = null!;
protected override void OnSelectionChanged()
Quad quad = selectedMovableObjects.Length > 0 ? GeometryUtils.GetSurroundingQuad(selectedMovableObjects) : new Quad();
SelectionBox.CanFlipX = quad.Width > 0;
SelectionBox.CanFlipY = quad.Height > 0;
SelectionBox.CanReverse = EditorBeatmap.SelectedHitObjects.Count > 1 || EditorBeatmap.SelectedHitObjects.Any(s => s is Slider);
protected override bool OnKeyDown(KeyDownEvent e)
if (e.Key == Key.M && e.ControlPressed && e.ShiftPressed)
return true;
return false;
public override bool HandleMovement(MoveSelectionEvent<HitObject> moveEvent)
var hitObjects = selectedMovableObjects;
var localDelta = this.ScreenSpaceDeltaToParentSpace(moveEvent.ScreenSpaceDelta);
// this conditional is a rather ugly special case for stacks.
// as it turns out, adding the `EditorBeatmap.Update()` call at the end of this would cause stacked objects to jitter when moved around
// (they would stack and then unstack every frame).
// the reason for that is that the selection handling abstractions are not aware of the distinction between "displayed" and "actual" position
// which is unique to osu! due to stacking being applied as a post-processing step.
// therefore, the following loop would occur:
// - on frame 1 the blueprint is snapped to the stack's baseline position. `EditorBeatmap.Update()` applies stacking successfully,
// the blueprint moves up the stack from its original drag position.
// - on frame 2 the blueprint's position is now the *stacked* position, which is interpreted higher up as *manually performing an unstack*
// to the blueprint's unstacked position (as the machinery higher up only cares about differences in screen space position).
if (hitObjects.Any(h => Precision.AlmostEquals(localDelta, -h.StackOffset)))
return true;
// this will potentially move the selection out of bounds...
foreach (var h in hitObjects)
h.Position += localDelta;
// but this will be corrected.
// manually update stacking.
// this intentionally bypasses the editor `UpdateState()` / beatmap processor flow for performance reasons,
// as the entire flow is too expensive to run on every movement.
Scheduler.AddOnce(OsuBeatmapProcessor.ApplyStacking, EditorBeatmap);
return true;
public override bool HandleReverse()
var hitObjects = EditorBeatmap.SelectedHitObjects
.OrderBy(obj => obj.StartTime)
double endTime = hitObjects.Max(h => h.GetEndTime());
double startTime = hitObjects.Min(h => h.StartTime);
bool moreThanOneObject = hitObjects.Count > 1;
// the expectation is that even if the objects themselves are reversed temporally,
// the position of new combos in the selection should remain the same.
// preserve it for later before doing the reversal.
var newComboOrder = hitObjects.Select(obj => obj.NewCombo).ToList();
foreach (var h in hitObjects)
if (moreThanOneObject)
h.StartTime = endTime - (h.GetEndTime() - startTime);
if (h is Slider slider)
slider.Path.Reverse(out Vector2 offset);
slider.Position += offset;
// re-order objects by start time again after reversing, and restore new combo flag positioning
hitObjects = hitObjects.OrderBy(obj => obj.StartTime).ToList();
for (int i = 0; i < hitObjects.Count; ++i)
hitObjects[i].NewCombo = newComboOrder[i];
return true;
public override bool HandleFlip(Direction direction, bool flipOverOrigin)
var hitObjects = selectedMovableObjects;
// If we're flipping over the origin, we take the grid origin position from the grid toolbox.
var flipQuad = flipOverOrigin ? new Quad(gridToolbox.StartPositionX.Value, gridToolbox.StartPositionY.Value, 0, 0) : GeometryUtils.GetSurroundingQuad(hitObjects);
Vector2 flipAxis = direction == Direction.Vertical ? Vector2.UnitY : Vector2.UnitX;
if (flipOverOrigin)
// If we're flipping over the origin, we take one of the axes of the grid.
// Take the axis closest to the direction we want to flip over.
switch (gridToolbox.GridType.Value)
case PositionSnapGridType.Square:
flipAxis = GeometryUtils.RotateVector(Vector2.UnitX, -((gridToolbox.GridLinesRotation.Value + 360 + 45) % 90 - 45));
flipAxis = direction == Direction.Vertical ? flipAxis.PerpendicularLeft : flipAxis;
case PositionSnapGridType.Triangle:
// Hex grid has 3 axes, so you can not directly flip over one of the axes,
// however it's still possible to achieve that flip by combining multiple flips over the other axes.
// Angle degree range for vertical = (-120, -60]
// Angle degree range for horizontal = [-30, 30)
flipAxis = direction == Direction.Vertical
? GeometryUtils.RotateVector(Vector2.UnitX, -((gridToolbox.GridLinesRotation.Value + 360 + 30) % 60 + 60))
: GeometryUtils.RotateVector(Vector2.UnitX, -((gridToolbox.GridLinesRotation.Value + 360) % 60 - 30));
var controlPointFlipQuad = new Quad();
bool didFlip = false;
foreach (var h in hitObjects)
var flippedPosition = GeometryUtils.GetFlippedPosition(flipAxis, flipQuad, h.Position);
// Clamp the flipped position inside the playfield bounds, because the flipped position might be outside the playfield bounds if the origin is not centered.
flippedPosition = Vector2.Clamp(flippedPosition, Vector2.Zero, OsuPlayfield.BASE_SIZE);
if (!Precision.AlmostEquals(flippedPosition, h.Position))
h.Position = flippedPosition;
didFlip = true;
if (h is Slider slider)
didFlip = true;
foreach (var cp in slider.Path.ControlPoints)
cp.Position = GeometryUtils.GetFlippedPosition(flipAxis, controlPointFlipQuad, cp.Position);
return didFlip;
public override SelectionRotationHandler CreateRotationHandler() => new OsuSelectionRotationHandler();
public override SelectionScaleHandler CreateScaleHandler() => new OsuSelectionScaleHandler();
private void moveSelectionInBounds()
var hitObjects = selectedMovableObjects;
Quad quad = GeometryUtils.GetSurroundingQuad(hitObjects);
Vector2 delta = Vector2.Zero;
if (quad.TopLeft.X < 0)
delta.X -= quad.TopLeft.X;
if (quad.TopLeft.Y < 0)
delta.Y -= quad.TopLeft.Y;
if (quad.BottomRight.X > DrawWidth)
delta.X -= quad.BottomRight.X - DrawWidth;
if (quad.BottomRight.Y > DrawHeight)
delta.Y -= quad.BottomRight.Y - DrawHeight;
foreach (var h in hitObjects)
h.Position += delta;
/// <summary>
/// All osu! hitobjects which can be moved/rotated/scaled.
/// </summary>
private OsuHitObject[] selectedMovableObjects => SelectedItems.OfType<OsuHitObject>()
.Where(h => h is not Spinner)
/// <summary>
/// All osu! hitobjects which can be merged.
/// </summary>
private OsuHitObject[] selectedMergeableObjects => SelectedItems.OfType<OsuHitObject>()
.Where(h => h is HitCircle or Slider)
.OrderBy(h => h.StartTime)
private void mergeSelection()
var mergeableObjects = selectedMergeableObjects;
if (!canMerge(mergeableObjects))
// Have an initial slider object.
var firstHitObject = mergeableObjects[0];
var mergedHitObject = firstHitObject as Slider ?? new Slider
StartTime = firstHitObject.StartTime,
Position = firstHitObject.Position,
NewCombo = firstHitObject.NewCombo,
Samples = firstHitObject.Samples,
if (mergedHitObject.Path.ControlPoints.Count == 0)
mergedHitObject.Path.ControlPoints.Add(new PathControlPoint(Vector2.Zero, PathType.LINEAR));
// Merge all the selected hit objects into one slider path.
bool lastCircle = firstHitObject is HitCircle;
foreach (var selectedMergeableObject in mergeableObjects.Skip(1))
if (selectedMergeableObject is IHasPath hasPath)
var offset = lastCircle ? selectedMergeableObject.Position - mergedHitObject.Position : mergedHitObject.Path.ControlPoints[^1].Position;
float distanceToLastControlPoint = Vector2.Distance(mergedHitObject.Path.ControlPoints[^1].Position, offset);
// Calculate the distance required to travel to the expected distance of the merging slider.
mergedHitObject.Path.ExpectedDistance.Value = mergedHitObject.Path.CalculatedDistance + distanceToLastControlPoint + hasPath.Path.Distance;
// Remove the last control point if it sits exactly on the start of the next control point.
if (Precision.AlmostEquals(distanceToLastControlPoint, 0))
mergedHitObject.Path.ControlPoints.RemoveAt(mergedHitObject.Path.ControlPoints.Count - 1);
mergedHitObject.Path.ControlPoints.AddRange(hasPath.Path.ControlPoints.Select(o => new PathControlPoint(o.Position + offset, o.Type)));
lastCircle = false;
// Turn the last control point into a linear type if this is the first merging circle in a sequence, so the subsequent control points can be inherited path type.
if (!lastCircle)
mergedHitObject.Path.ControlPoints.Last().Type = PathType.LINEAR;
mergedHitObject.Path.ControlPoints.Add(new PathControlPoint(selectedMergeableObject.Position - mergedHitObject.Position));
mergedHitObject.Path.ExpectedDistance.Value = null;
lastCircle = true;
// Make sure only the merged hit object is in the beatmap.
if (firstHitObject is Slider)
foreach (var selectedMergeableObject in mergeableObjects.Skip(1))
foreach (var selectedMergeableObject in mergeableObjects)
// Make sure the merged hitobject is selected.
protected override IEnumerable<MenuItem> GetContextMenuItemsForSelection(IEnumerable<SelectionBlueprint<HitObject>> selection)
foreach (var item in base.GetContextMenuItemsForSelection(selection))
yield return item;
if (canMerge(selectedMergeableObjects))
yield return new OsuMenuItem("Merge selection", MenuItemType.Destructive, mergeSelection);
private bool canMerge(IReadOnlyList<OsuHitObject> objects) =>
objects.Count > 1
&& (objects.Any(h => h is Slider)
|| objects.Zip(objects.Skip(1), (h1, h2) => Precision.DefinitelyBigger(Vector2.DistanceSquared(h1.Position, h2.Position), 1)).Any(x => x));