
192 lines
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// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd <contact@ppy.sh>. Licensed under the MIT Licence.
// See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text.
using System.Linq;
using NUnit.Framework;
using osu.Framework.Allocation;
using osu.Framework.Bindables;
using osu.Framework.Graphics;
using osu.Framework.Graphics.Containers;
using osu.Framework.Graphics.UserInterface;
using osu.Framework.Localisation;
using osu.Framework.Testing;
using osu.Game.Graphics.UserInterface;
using osu.Game.Online.API;
using osu.Game.Overlays;
using osu.Game.Overlays.Comments;
using osuTK;
using osuTK.Input;
namespace osu.Game.Tests.Visual.UserInterface
public partial class TestSceneCommentEditor : OsuManualInputManagerTestScene
private readonly OverlayColourProvider colourProvider = new OverlayColourProvider(OverlayColourScheme.Blue);
private TestCommentEditor commentEditor = null!;
private TestCancellableCommentEditor cancellableCommentEditor = null!;
private DummyAPIAccess dummyAPI => (DummyAPIAccess)API;
public void SetUp() => Schedule(() =>
Add(new FillFlowContainer
Anchor = Anchor.Centre,
Origin = Anchor.Centre,
AutoSizeAxes = Axes.Y,
Width = 800,
Direction = FillDirection.Vertical,
Spacing = new Vector2(0, 20),
Children = new Drawable[]
commentEditor = new TestCommentEditor(),
cancellableCommentEditor = new TestCancellableCommentEditor()
public void TestCommitViaKeyboard()
AddStep("click on text box", () =>
AddStep("enter text", () => commentEditor.Current.Value = "text");
AddStep("press Enter", () => InputManager.Key(Key.Enter));
AddUntilStep("button is loading", () => commentEditor.IsSpinnerShown);
AddAssert("text committed", () => commentEditor.CommittedText == "text");
AddUntilStep("button is not loading", () => !commentEditor.IsSpinnerShown);
public void TestCommitViaKeyboardWhenEmpty()
AddStep("click on text box", () =>
AddStep("press Enter", () => InputManager.Key(Key.Enter));
AddAssert("button is not loading", () => !commentEditor.IsSpinnerShown);
AddAssert("no text committed", () => commentEditor.CommittedText.Length == 0);
public void TestCommitViaButton()
AddStep("click on text box", () =>
AddStep("enter text", () => commentEditor.Current.Value = "some other text");
AddStep("click submit", () =>
AddUntilStep("button is loading", () => commentEditor.IsSpinnerShown);
AddAssert("text committed", () => commentEditor.CommittedText == "some other text");
AddUntilStep("button is not loading", () => !commentEditor.IsSpinnerShown);
public void TestLoggingInAndOut()
void assertLoggedInState()
AddAssert("commit button visible", () => commentEditor.ButtonsContainer[0].Alpha == 1);
AddAssert("login button hidden", () => commentEditor.ButtonsContainer[1].Alpha == 0);
AddAssert("text box editable", () => !commentEditor.TextBox.ReadOnly);
void assertLoggedOutState()
AddAssert("commit button hidden", () => commentEditor.ButtonsContainer[0].Alpha == 0);
AddAssert("login button visible", () => commentEditor.ButtonsContainer[1].Alpha == 1);
AddAssert("text box readonly", () => commentEditor.TextBox.ReadOnly);
// there's also the case of starting logged out, but more annoying to test.
// starting logged in
// moving from logged in -> logged out
AddStep("log out", () => dummyAPI.Logout());
// moving from logged out -> logged in
AddStep("log back in", () => dummyAPI.Login("username", "password"));
public void TestCancelAction()
AddStep("click cancel button", () =>
AddAssert("cancel action fired", () => cancellableCommentEditor.Cancelled);
private partial class TestCommentEditor : CommentEditor
public new Bindable<string> Current => base.Current;
public new FillFlowContainer ButtonsContainer => base.ButtonsContainer;
public new TextBox TextBox => base.TextBox;
public string CommittedText { get; private set; } = string.Empty;
public bool IsSpinnerShown => this.ChildrenOfType<LoadingSpinner>().Single().IsPresent;
protected override void OnCommit(string value)
ShowLoadingSpinner = true;
CommittedText = value;
Scheduler.AddDelayed(() => ShowLoadingSpinner = false, 1000);
protected override LocalisableString FooterText => @"Footer text. And it is pretty long. Cool.";
protected override LocalisableString GetButtonText(bool isLoggedIn) =>
isLoggedIn ? @"Commit" : "You're logged out!";
protected override LocalisableString GetPlaceholderText(bool isLoggedIn) =>
isLoggedIn ? @"This text box is empty" : "Still empty, but now you can't type in it.";
private partial class TestCancellableCommentEditor : CancellableCommentEditor
public new FillFlowContainer ButtonsContainer => base.ButtonsContainer;
protected override LocalisableString FooterText => @"Wow, another one. Sicc";
public bool Cancelled { get; private set; }
public TestCancellableCommentEditor()
OnCancel = () => Cancelled = true;
protected override void OnCommit(string text)
protected override LocalisableString GetButtonText(bool isLoggedIn) => @"Save";
protected override LocalisableString GetPlaceholderText(bool isLoggedIn) => @"Multiline textboxes soon";