
483 lines
17 KiB

// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd <contact@ppy.sh>. Licensed under the MIT Licence.
// See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using osu.Framework.Allocation;
using osu.Framework.Audio;
using osu.Framework.Audio.Sample;
using osu.Framework.Bindables;
using osu.Framework.Graphics;
using osu.Framework.Graphics.Animations;
using osu.Framework.Graphics.Containers;
using osu.Framework.Graphics.Sprites;
using osu.Framework.Graphics.Textures;
using osu.Framework.IO.Stores;
using osu.Framework.Text;
using osu.Game.Database;
using osu.Game.Graphics;
using osu.Game.Graphics.Sprites;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects.Drawables;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects.Types;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.UI;
using osuTK;
using osuTK.Graphics;
namespace osu.Game.Skinning
public class LegacySkin : Skin
protected TextureStore Textures;
protected IResourceStore<SampleChannel> Samples;
/// <summary>
/// On osu-stable, hitcircles have 5 pixels of transparent padding on each side to allow for shadows etc.
/// Their hittable area is 128px, but the actual circle portion is 118px.
/// We must account for some gameplay elements such as slider bodies, where this padding is not present.
/// </summary>
private const float legacy_circle_radius = 64 - 5;
public LegacySkin(SkinInfo skin, IResourceStore<byte[]> storage, AudioManager audioManager)
: this(skin, new LegacySkinResourceStore<SkinFileInfo>(skin, storage), audioManager, "skin.ini")
// defaults should only be applied for non-beatmap skins (which are parsed via this constructor).
if (!Configuration.CustomColours.ContainsKey("SliderBall")) Configuration.CustomColours["SliderBall"] = new Color4(2, 170, 255, 255);
private readonly bool hasHitCircle;
protected LegacySkin(SkinInfo skin, IResourceStore<byte[]> storage, AudioManager audioManager, string filename)
: base(skin)
Stream stream = storage.GetStream(filename);
if (stream != null)
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream))
Configuration = new LegacySkinDecoder().Decode(reader);
Configuration = new SkinConfiguration();
Samples = audioManager.GetSampleStore(storage);
Textures = new TextureStore(new TextureLoaderStore(storage));
using (var testStream = storage.GetStream("hitcircle@2x") ?? storage.GetStream("hitcircle"))
hasHitCircle |= testStream != null;
if (hasHitCircle)
Configuration.SliderPathRadius = legacy_circle_radius;
protected override void Dispose(bool isDisposing)
private const double default_frame_time = 1000 / 60d;
public override Drawable GetDrawableComponent(string componentName)
bool animatable = false;
bool looping = true;
switch (componentName)
case "Play/osu/cursor":
if (GetTexture("cursor") != null)
return new LegacyCursor();
return null;
case "Play/osu/sliderball":
var sliderBallContent = getAnimation("sliderb", true, true, "");
if (sliderBallContent != null)
var size = sliderBallContent.Size;
sliderBallContent.RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both;
sliderBallContent.Size = Vector2.One;
return new LegacySliderBall(sliderBallContent)
Size = size
return null;
case "Play/osu/hitcircle":
if (hasHitCircle)
return new LegacyMainCirclePiece();
return null;
case "Play/osu/sliderfollowcircle":
animatable = true;
case "Play/Miss":
componentName = "hit0";
animatable = true;
looping = false;
case "Play/Meh":
componentName = "hit50";
animatable = true;
looping = false;
case "Play/Good":
componentName = "hit100";
animatable = true;
looping = false;
case "Play/Great":
componentName = "hit300";
animatable = true;
looping = false;
case "Play/osu/number-text":
return !hasFont(Configuration.HitCircleFont)
? null
: new LegacySpriteText(this, Configuration.HitCircleFont)
Scale = new Vector2(0.96f),
// Spacing value was reverse-engineered from the ratio of the rendered sprite size in the visual inspector vs the actual texture size
Spacing = new Vector2(-Configuration.HitCircleOverlap * 0.89f, 0)
return getAnimation(componentName, animatable, looping);
private Drawable getAnimation(string componentName, bool animatable, bool looping, string animationSeparator = "-")
Texture texture;
Texture getFrameTexture(int frame) => GetTexture($"{componentName}{animationSeparator}{frame}");
TextureAnimation animation = null;
if (animatable)
for (int i = 0;; i++)
if ((texture = getFrameTexture(i)) == null)
if (animation == null)
animation = new TextureAnimation
DefaultFrameLength = default_frame_time,
Repeat = looping
if (animation != null)
return animation;
if ((texture = GetTexture(componentName)) != null)
return new Sprite { Texture = texture };
return null;
public override Texture GetTexture(string componentName)
float ratio = 2;
var texture = Textures.Get($"{componentName}@2x");
if (texture == null)
ratio = 1;
texture = Textures.Get(componentName);
if (texture != null)
texture.ScaleAdjust = ratio;
return texture;
public override SampleChannel GetSample(string sampleName)
var sample = Samples.Get(sampleName);
if (sample == null)
// Try fallback to non-bank samples.
var bank = sampleName.Split('/').Last().Split('-')[0] + '-';
sample = Samples.Get($"Gameplay/{sampleName.Replace(bank, "")}");
return sample;
private bool hasFont(string fontName) => GetTexture($"{fontName}-0") != null;
protected class LegacySkinResourceStore<T> : IResourceStore<byte[]>
where T : INamedFileInfo
private readonly IHasFiles<T> source;
private readonly IResourceStore<byte[]> underlyingStore;
private string getPathForFile(string filename)
bool hasExtension = filename.Contains('.');
string lastPiece = filename.Split('/').Last();
var legacyName = filename.StartsWith("Gameplay/taiko/") ? "taiko-" + lastPiece : lastPiece;
var file = source.Files.Find(f =>
string.Equals(hasExtension ? f.Filename : Path.ChangeExtension(f.Filename, null), legacyName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
return file?.FileInfo.StoragePath;
public LegacySkinResourceStore(IHasFiles<T> source, IResourceStore<byte[]> underlyingStore)
this.source = source;
this.underlyingStore = underlyingStore;
public Stream GetStream(string name)
string path = getPathForFile(name);
return path == null ? null : underlyingStore.GetStream(path);
public IEnumerable<string> GetAvailableResources() => source.Files.Select(f => f.Filename);
byte[] IResourceStore<byte[]>.Get(string name) => GetAsync(name).Result;
public Task<byte[]> GetAsync(string name)
string path = getPathForFile(name);
return path == null ? Task.FromResult<byte[]>(null) : underlyingStore.GetAsync(path);
#region IDisposable Support
private bool isDisposed;
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (!isDisposed)
isDisposed = true;
public void Dispose()
private class LegacySpriteText : OsuSpriteText
private readonly LegacyGlyphStore glyphStore;
public LegacySpriteText(ISkin skin, string font)
Shadow = false;
UseFullGlyphHeight = false;
Font = new FontUsage(font, OsuFont.DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE);
glyphStore = new LegacyGlyphStore(skin);
protected override TextBuilder CreateTextBuilder(ITexturedGlyphLookupStore store) => base.CreateTextBuilder(glyphStore);
private class LegacyGlyphStore : ITexturedGlyphLookupStore
private readonly ISkin skin;
public LegacyGlyphStore(ISkin skin)
this.skin = skin;
public ITexturedCharacterGlyph Get(string fontName, char character)
var texture = skin.GetTexture($"{fontName}-{character}");
if (texture != null)
// Approximate value that brings character sizing roughly in-line with stable
texture.ScaleAdjust *= 18;
if (texture == null)
return null;
return new TexturedCharacterGlyph(new CharacterGlyph(character, 0, 0, texture.Width, null), texture, 1f / texture.ScaleAdjust);
public Task<ITexturedCharacterGlyph> GetAsync(string fontName, char character) => Task.Run(() => Get(fontName, character));
public class LegacyCursor : CompositeDrawable
public LegacyCursor()
Size = new Vector2(50);
Anchor = Anchor.Centre;
Origin = Anchor.Centre;
private void load(ISkinSource skin)
InternalChildren = new Drawable[]
new NonPlayfieldSprite
Texture = skin.GetTexture("cursormiddle"),
Anchor = Anchor.Centre,
Origin = Anchor.Centre,
new NonPlayfieldSprite
Texture = skin.GetTexture("cursor"),
Anchor = Anchor.Centre,
Origin = Anchor.Centre,
public class LegacySliderBall : CompositeDrawable
private readonly Drawable animationContent;
public LegacySliderBall(Drawable animationContent)
this.animationContent = animationContent;
private void load(ISkinSource skin, DrawableHitObject drawableObject)
animationContent.Colour = skin.GetValue<SkinConfiguration, Color4?>(s => s.CustomColours.ContainsKey("SliderBall") ? s.CustomColours["SliderBall"] : (Color4?)null) ?? Color4.White;
InternalChildren = new[]
new Sprite
Texture = skin.GetTexture("sliderb-nd"),
Colour = new Color4(5, 5, 5, 255),
new Sprite
Texture = skin.GetTexture("sliderb-spec"),
Blending = BlendingParameters.Additive,
public class LegacyMainCirclePiece : CompositeDrawable
public LegacyMainCirclePiece()
Size = new Vector2(128);
private readonly IBindable<ArmedState> state = new Bindable<ArmedState>();
private readonly Bindable<Color4> accentColour = new Bindable<Color4>();
private void load(DrawableHitObject drawableObject, ISkinSource skin)
Sprite hitCircleSprite;
InternalChildren = new Drawable[]
hitCircleSprite = new Sprite
Texture = skin.GetTexture("hitcircle"),
Colour = drawableObject.AccentColour.Value,
Anchor = Anchor.Centre,
Origin = Anchor.Centre,
new SkinnableSpriteText("Play/osu/number-text", _ => new OsuSpriteText
Font = OsuFont.Numeric.With(size: 40),
UseFullGlyphHeight = false,
}, confineMode: ConfineMode.NoScaling)
Text = (((IHasComboInformation)drawableObject.HitObject).IndexInCurrentCombo + 1).ToString()
new Sprite
Texture = skin.GetTexture("hitcircleoverlay"),
Anchor = Anchor.Centre,
Origin = Anchor.Centre,
state.BindValueChanged(updateState, true);
accentColour.BindValueChanged(colour => hitCircleSprite.Colour = colour.NewValue, true);
private void updateState(ValueChangedEvent<ArmedState> state)
const double legacy_fade_duration = 240;
switch (state.NewValue)
case ArmedState.Hit:
this.FadeOut(legacy_fade_duration, Easing.Out);
this.ScaleTo(1.4f, legacy_fade_duration, Easing.Out);
/// <summary>
/// A sprite which is displayed within the playfield, but historically was not considered part of the playfield.
/// Performs scale adjustment to undo the scale applied by <see cref="PlayfieldAdjustmentContainer"/> (osu! ruleset specifically).
/// </summary>
private class NonPlayfieldSprite : Sprite
public override Texture Texture
get => base.Texture;
if (value != null)
// stable "magic ratio". see OsuPlayfieldAdjustmentContainer for full explanation.
value.ScaleAdjust *= 1.6f;
base.Texture = value;