
1403 lines
64 KiB

// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd <contact@ppy.sh>. Licensed under the MIT Licence.
// See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using osu.Framework;
using osu.Framework.Allocation;
using osu.Framework.Development;
using osu.Framework.Extensions;
using osu.Framework.Input.Bindings;
using osu.Framework.Logging;
using osu.Framework.Platform;
using osu.Framework.Statistics;
using osu.Framework.Threading;
using osu.Game.Beatmaps;
using osu.Game.Beatmaps.Legacy;
using osu.Game.Configuration;
using osu.Game.Extensions;
using osu.Game.Input;
using osu.Game.Input.Bindings;
using osu.Game.Models;
using osu.Game.Online.API;
using osu.Game.Online.API.Requests.Responses;
using osu.Game.Rulesets;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mods;
using osu.Game.Scoring;
using osu.Game.Scoring.Legacy;
using osu.Game.Skinning;
using osu.Game.Utils;
using osuTK.Input;
using Realms;
using Realms.Exceptions;
namespace osu.Game.Database
/// <summary>
/// A factory which provides safe access to the realm storage backend.
/// </summary>
public class RealmAccess : IDisposable
private readonly Storage storage;
/// <summary>
/// The filename of this realm.
/// </summary>
public readonly string Filename;
private readonly SynchronizationContext? updateThreadSyncContext;
/// <summary>
/// Version history:
/// 6 ~2021-10-18 First tracked version.
/// 7 2021-10-18 Changed OnlineID fields to non-nullable to add indexing support.
/// 8 2021-10-29 Rebind scroll adjust keys to not have control modifier.
/// 9 2021-11-04 Converted BeatmapMetadata.Author from string to RealmUser.
/// 10 2021-11-22 Use ShortName instead of RulesetID for ruleset settings.
/// 11 2021-11-22 Use ShortName instead of RulesetID for ruleset key bindings.
/// 12 2021-11-24 Add Status to RealmBeatmapSet.
/// 13 2022-01-13 Final migration of beatmaps and scores to realm (multiple new storage fields).
/// 14 2022-03-01 Added BeatmapUserSettings to BeatmapInfo.
/// 15 2022-07-13 Added LastPlayed to BeatmapInfo.
/// 16 2022-07-15 Removed HasReplay from ScoreInfo.
/// 17 2022-07-16 Added CountryCode to RealmUser.
/// 18 2022-07-19 Added OnlineMD5Hash and LastOnlineUpdate to BeatmapInfo.
/// 19 2022-07-19 Added DateSubmitted and DateRanked to BeatmapSetInfo.
/// 20 2022-07-21 Added LastAppliedDifficultyVersion to RulesetInfo, changed default value of BeatmapInfo.StarRating to -1.
/// 21 2022-07-27 Migrate collections to realm (BeatmapCollection).
/// 22 2022-07-31 Added ModPreset.
/// 23 2022-08-01 Added LastLocalUpdate to BeatmapInfo.
/// 24 2022-08-22 Added MaximumStatistics to ScoreInfo.
/// 25 2022-09-18 Remove skins to add with new naming.
/// 26 2023-02-05 Added BeatmapHash to ScoreInfo.
/// 27 2023-06-06 Added EditorTimestamp to BeatmapInfo.
/// 28 2023-06-08 Added IsLegacyScore to ScoreInfo, parsed from replay files.
/// 29 2023-06-12 Run migration of old lazer scores to be best-effort in the new scoring number space. No actual realm changes.
/// 30 2023-06-16 Run migration of old lazer scores again. This time with more correct rounding considerations.
/// 31 2023-06-26 Add Version and LegacyTotalScore to ScoreInfo, set Version to 30000002 and copy TotalScore into LegacyTotalScore for legacy scores.
/// 32 2023-07-09 Populate legacy scores with the ScoreV2 mod (and restore TotalScore to the legacy total for such scores) using replay files.
/// 33 2023-08-16 Reset default chat toggle key binding to avoid conflict with newly added leaderboard toggle key binding.
/// 34 2023-08-21 Add BackgroundReprocessingFailed flag to ScoreInfo to track upgrade failures.
/// 35 2023-10-16 Clear key combinations of keybindings that are assigned to more than one action in a given settings section.
/// 36 2023-10-26 Add LegacyOnlineID to ScoreInfo. Move osu_scores_*_high IDs stored in OnlineID to LegacyOnlineID. Reset anomalous OnlineIDs.
/// 38 2023-12-10 Add EndTimeObjectCount and TotalObjectCount to BeatmapInfo.
/// 39 2023-12-19 Migrate any EndTimeObjectCount and TotalObjectCount values of 0 to -1 to better identify non-calculated values.
/// 40 2023-12-21 Add ScoreInfo.Version to keep track of which build scores were set on.
/// 41 2024-04-17 Add ScoreInfo.TotalScoreWithoutMods for future mod multiplier rebalances.
/// 42 2024-08-07 Update mania key bindings to reflect changes to ManiaAction
/// </summary>
private const int schema_version = 42;
/// <summary>
/// Lock object which is held during <see cref="BlockAllOperations"/> sections, blocking realm retrieval during blocking periods.
/// </summary>
private readonly SemaphoreSlim realmRetrievalLock = new SemaphoreSlim(1);
/// <summary>
/// <c>true</c> when the current thread has already entered the <see cref="realmRetrievalLock"/>.
/// </summary>
private readonly ThreadLocal<bool> currentThreadHasRealmRetrievalLock = new ThreadLocal<bool>();
/// <summary>
/// Holds a map of functions registered via <see cref="RegisterCustomSubscription"/> and <see cref="RegisterForNotifications{T}"/> and a coinciding action which when triggered,
/// will unregister the subscription from realm.
/// Put another way, the key is an action which registers the subscription with realm. The returned <see cref="IDisposable"/> from the action is stored as the value and only
/// used internally.
/// Entries in this dictionary are only removed when a consumer signals that the subscription should be permanently ceased (via their own <see cref="IDisposable"/>).
/// </summary>
private readonly Dictionary<Func<Realm, IDisposable?>, IDisposable?> customSubscriptionsResetMap = new Dictionary<Func<Realm, IDisposable?>, IDisposable?>();
/// <summary>
/// Holds a map of functions registered via <see cref="RegisterForNotifications{T}"/> and a coinciding action which when triggered,
/// fires a change set event with an empty collection. This is used to inform subscribers when the main realm instance gets recycled, and ensure they don't use invalidated
/// managed realm objects from a previous firing.
/// </summary>
private readonly Dictionary<Func<Realm, IDisposable?>, Action> notificationsResetMap = new Dictionary<Func<Realm, IDisposable?>, Action>();
private static readonly GlobalStatistic<int> realm_instances_created = GlobalStatistics.Get<int>(@"Realm", @"Instances (Created)");
private static readonly GlobalStatistic<int> total_subscriptions = GlobalStatistics.Get<int>(@"Realm", @"Subscriptions");
private static readonly GlobalStatistic<int> total_reads_update = GlobalStatistics.Get<int>(@"Realm", @"Reads (Update)");
private static readonly GlobalStatistic<int> total_reads_async = GlobalStatistics.Get<int>(@"Realm", @"Reads (Async)");
private static readonly GlobalStatistic<int> total_writes_update = GlobalStatistics.Get<int>(@"Realm", @"Writes (Update)");
private static readonly GlobalStatistic<int> total_writes_async = GlobalStatistics.Get<int>(@"Realm", @"Writes (Async)");
private Realm? updateRealm;
/// <summary>
/// Tracks whether a realm was ever fetched from this instance.
/// After a fetch occurs, blocking operations will be guaranteed to restore any subscriptions.
/// </summary>
private bool hasInitialisedOnce;
private bool isSendingNotificationResetEvents;
public Realm Realm => ensureUpdateRealm();
private const string realm_extension = @".realm";
private Realm ensureUpdateRealm()
if (isSendingNotificationResetEvents)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot retrieve a realm context from a notification callback during a blocking operation.");
if (!ThreadSafety.IsUpdateThread)
throw new InvalidOperationException(@$"Use {nameof(getRealmInstance)} when performing realm operations from a non-update thread");
if (updateRealm == null)
updateRealm = getRealmInstance();
hasInitialisedOnce = true;
Logger.Log(@$"Opened realm ""{updateRealm.Config.DatabasePath}"" at version {updateRealm.Config.SchemaVersion}");
// Resubscribe any subscriptions
foreach (var action in customSubscriptionsResetMap.Keys.ToArray())
Debug.Assert(updateRealm != null);
return updateRealm;
internal static bool CurrentThreadSubscriptionsAllowed => current_thread_subscriptions_allowed.Value;
private static readonly ThreadLocal<bool> current_thread_subscriptions_allowed = new ThreadLocal<bool>();
/// <summary>
/// Construct a new instance.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="storage">The game storage which will be used to create the realm backing file.</param>
/// <param name="filename">The filename to use for the realm backing file. A ".realm" extension will be added automatically if not specified.</param>
/// <param name="updateThread">The game update thread, used to post realm operations into a thread-safe context.</param>
public RealmAccess(Storage storage, string filename, GameThread? updateThread = null)
this.storage = storage;
updateThreadSyncContext = updateThread?.SynchronizationContext ?? SynchronizationContext.Current;
Filename = filename;
if (!Filename.EndsWith(realm_extension, StringComparison.Ordinal))
Filename += realm_extension;
if (!DebugUtils.IsNUnitRunning)
applyFilenameSchemaSuffix(ref Filename);
// `prepareFirstRealmAccess()` triggers the first `getRealmInstance` call, which will implicitly run realm migrations and bring the schema up-to-date.
using (var realm = prepareFirstRealmAccess())
/// <summary>
/// Some developers may be annoyed if a newer version migration (ie. caused by testing a pull request)
/// cause their test database to be unusable with previous versions.
/// To get around this, store development databases against their realm version.
/// Note that this means changes made on newer realm versions will disappear.
/// </summary>
private void applyFilenameSchemaSuffix(ref string filename)
string originalFilename = filename;
filename = getVersionedFilename(schema_version);
// First check if the current realm version already exists...
if (storage.Exists(filename))
// Check for a previous version we can use as a base database to migrate from...
for (int i = schema_version - 1; i >= 0; i--)
string previousFilename = getVersionedFilename(i);
if (storage.Exists(previousFilename))
copyPreviousVersion(previousFilename, filename);
// Finally, check for a non-versioned file exists (aka before this method was added)...
if (storage.Exists(originalFilename))
copyPreviousVersion(originalFilename, filename);
void copyPreviousVersion(string previousFilename, string newFilename)
using (var previous = storage.GetStream(previousFilename))
using (var current = storage.CreateFileSafely(newFilename))
Logger.Log(@$"Copying previous realm database {previousFilename} to {newFilename} for migration to schema version {schema_version}");
string getVersionedFilename(int version) => originalFilename.Replace(realm_extension, $"_{version}{realm_extension}");
private void attemptRecoverFromFile(string recoveryFilename)
Logger.Log($@"Performing recovery from {recoveryFilename}", LoggingTarget.Database);
// First check the user hasn't started to use the database that is in place..
using (var realm = Realm.GetInstance(getConfiguration()))
if (realm.All<ScoreInfo>().Any())
Logger.Log(@"Recovery aborted as the existing database has scores set already.", LoggingTarget.Database);
Logger.Log($@"To perform recovery, delete {OsuGameBase.CLIENT_DATABASE_FILENAME} while osu! is not running.", LoggingTarget.Database);
// Even if reading the in place database fails, still attempt to recover.
// Then check that the database we are about to attempt recovery can actually be recovered on this version..
using (Realm.GetInstance(getConfiguration(recoveryFilename)))
// Don't need to do anything, just check that opening the realm works correctly.
Logger.Log(@"Recovery aborted as the newer version could not be loaded by this osu! version.", LoggingTarget.Database);
// For extra safety, also store the temporarily-used database which we are about to replace.
createBackup($"{Filename.Replace(realm_extension, string.Empty)}_{DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeSeconds()}_newer_version_before_recovery{realm_extension}");
using (var inputStream = storage.GetStream(recoveryFilename))
using (var outputStream = storage.CreateFileSafely(Filename))
Logger.Log(@"Recovery complete!", LoggingTarget.Database);
private Realm prepareFirstRealmAccess()
string newerVersionFilename = $"{Filename.Replace(realm_extension, string.Empty)}_newer_version{realm_extension}";
// Attempt to recover a newer database version if available.
if (storage.Exists(newerVersionFilename))
Logger.Log(@"A newer realm database has been found, attempting recovery...", LoggingTarget.Database);
return getRealmInstance();
catch (Exception e)
// See https://github.com/realm/realm-core/blob/master/src%2Frealm%2Fobject-store%2Fobject_store.cpp#L1016-L1022
// This is the best way we can detect a schema version downgrade.
if (e.Message.StartsWith(@"Provided schema version", StringComparison.Ordinal))
Logger.Error(e, "Your local database is too new to work with this version of osu!. Please close osu! and install the latest release to recover your data.");
// If a newer version database already exists, don't create another backup. We can presume that the first backup is the one we care about.
if (!storage.Exists(newerVersionFilename))
// This error can occur due to file handles still being open by a previous instance.
// If this is the case, rather than assuming the realm file is corrupt, block game startup.
if (e.Message.StartsWith("SetEndOfFile() failed", StringComparison.Ordinal))
// This will throw if the realm file is not available for write access after 5 seconds.
FileUtils.AttemptOperation(() =>
if (storage.Exists(Filename))
using (var _ = storage.GetStream(Filename, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
}, 20);
// If the above eventually succeeds, try and continue startup as per normal.
// This may throw again but let's allow it to, and block startup.
return getRealmInstance();
Logger.Error(e, "Realm startup failed with unrecoverable error; starting with a fresh database. A backup of your database has been made.");
createBackup($"{Filename.Replace(realm_extension, string.Empty)}_{DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeSeconds()}_corrupt{realm_extension}");
return getRealmInstance();
private void cleanupPendingDeletions(Realm realm)
using (var transaction = realm.BeginWrite())
var pendingDeleteScores = realm.All<ScoreInfo>().Where(s => s.DeletePending);
foreach (var score in pendingDeleteScores)
var pendingDeleteSets = realm.All<BeatmapSetInfo>().Where(s => s.DeletePending);
foreach (var beatmapSet in pendingDeleteSets)
foreach (var beatmap in beatmapSet.Beatmaps)
// Cascade delete related scores, else they will have a null beatmap against the model's spec.
foreach (var score in beatmap.Scores)
var pendingDeleteSkins = realm.All<SkinInfo>().Where(s => s.DeletePending);
foreach (var s in pendingDeleteSkins)
var pendingDeletePresets = realm.All<ModPreset>().Where(s => s.DeletePending);
foreach (var s in pendingDeletePresets)
// clean up files after dropping any pending deletions.
// in the future we may want to only do this when the game is idle, rather than on every startup.
new RealmFileStore(this, storage).Cleanup();
catch (Exception e)
Logger.Error(e, "Failed to clean up unused files. This is not critical but please report if it happens regularly.");
/// <summary>
/// Compact this realm.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool Compact()
return Realm.Compact(getConfiguration());
// Catch can be removed along with entity framework. Is specifically to allow a failure message to arrive to the user (see similar catches in EFToRealmMigrator).
catch (AggregateException ae) when (RuntimeInfo.OS == RuntimeInfo.Platform.macOS && ae.Flatten().InnerException is TypeInitializationException)
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Run work on realm with a return value.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="action">The work to run.</param>
/// <typeparam name="T">The return type.</typeparam>
public T Run<T>(Func<Realm, T> action)
if (ThreadSafety.IsUpdateThread)
return action(Realm);
using (var realm = getRealmInstance())
return action(realm);
/// <summary>
/// Run work on realm.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="action">The work to run.</param>
public void Run(Action<Realm> action)
if (ThreadSafety.IsUpdateThread)
using (var realm = getRealmInstance())
/// <summary>
/// Write changes to realm.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="action">The work to run.</param>
public T Write<T>(Func<Realm, T> action)
if (ThreadSafety.IsUpdateThread)
return Realm.Write(action);
using (var realm = getRealmInstance())
return realm.Write(action);
/// <summary>
/// Write changes to realm.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="action">The work to run.</param>
public void Write(Action<Realm> action)
if (ThreadSafety.IsUpdateThread)
using (var realm = getRealmInstance())
private readonly CountdownEvent pendingAsyncWrites = new CountdownEvent(0);
/// <summary>
/// Write changes to realm asynchronously, guaranteeing order of execution.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="action">The work to run.</param>
public Task WriteAsync(Action<Realm> action)
ObjectDisposedException.ThrowIf(isDisposed, this);
// Required to ensure the write is tracked and accounted for before disposal.
// Can potentially be avoided if we have a need to do so in the future.
if (!ThreadSafety.IsUpdateThread)
throw new InvalidOperationException(@$"{nameof(WriteAsync)} must be called from the update thread.");
// CountdownEvent will fail if already at zero.
if (!pendingAsyncWrites.TryAddCount())
// Regardless of calling Realm.GetInstance or Realm.GetInstanceAsync, there is a blocking overhead on retrieval.
// Adding a forced Task.Run resolves this.
var writeTask = Task.Run(async () =>
// Not attempting to use Realm.GetInstanceAsync as there's seemingly no benefit to us (for now) and it adds complexity due to locking
// concerns in getRealmInstance(). On a quick check, it looks to be more suited to cases where realm is connecting to an online sync
// server, which we don't use. May want to report upstream or revisit in the future.
using (var realm = getRealmInstance())
// ReSharper disable once AccessToDisposedClosure (WriteAsync should be marked as [InstantHandle]).
await realm.WriteAsync(() => action(realm)).ConfigureAwait(false);
return writeTask;
/// <summary>
/// Subscribe to a realm collection and begin watching for asynchronous changes.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This adds osu! specific thread and managed state safety checks on top of <see cref="IRealmCollection{T}.SubscribeForNotifications"/>.
/// In addition to the documented realm behaviour, we have the additional requirement of handling subscriptions over potential realm instance recycle.
/// When this happens, callback events will be automatically fired:
/// - On recycle start, a callback with an empty collection and <c>null</c> <see cref="ChangeSet"/> will be invoked.
/// - On recycle end, a standard initial realm callback will arrive, with <c>null</c> <see cref="ChangeSet"/> and an up-to-date collection.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="query">The <see cref="IQueryable{T}"/> to observe for changes.</param>
/// <typeparam name="T">Type of the elements in the list.</typeparam>
/// <param name="callback">The callback to be invoked with the updated <see cref="IRealmCollection{T}"/>.</param>
/// <returns>
/// A subscription token. It must be kept alive for as long as you want to receive change notifications.
/// To stop receiving notifications, call <see cref="IDisposable.Dispose"/>.
/// </returns>
/// <seealso cref="IRealmCollection{T}.SubscribeForNotifications"/>
public IDisposable RegisterForNotifications<T>(Func<Realm, IQueryable<T>> query, NotificationCallbackDelegate<T> callback)
where T : RealmObjectBase
Func<Realm, IDisposable?> action = realm => query(realm).QueryAsyncWithNotifications(callback);
lock (notificationsResetMap)
// Store an action which is used when blocking to ensure consumers don't use results of a stale changeset firing.
notificationsResetMap.Add(action, () => callback(new RealmResetEmptySet<T>(), null));
return RegisterCustomSubscription(action);
/// <summary>
/// Subscribe to the property of a realm object to watch for changes.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// On subscribing, unless the <paramref name="modelAccessor"/> does not match an object, an initial invocation of <paramref name="onChanged"/> will occur immediately.
/// Further invocations will occur when the value changes, but may also fire on a realm recycle with no actual value change.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="modelAccessor">A function to retrieve the relevant model from realm.</param>
/// <param name="propertyLookup">A function to traverse to the relevant property from the model.</param>
/// <param name="onChanged">A function to be invoked when a change of value occurs.</param>
/// <typeparam name="TModel">The type of the model.</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TProperty">The type of the property to be watched.</typeparam>
/// <returns>
/// A subscription token. It must be kept alive for as long as you want to receive change notifications.
/// To stop receiving notifications, call <see cref="IDisposable.Dispose"/>.
/// </returns>
public IDisposable SubscribeToPropertyChanged<TModel, TProperty>(Func<Realm, TModel?> modelAccessor, Expression<Func<TModel, TProperty>> propertyLookup, Action<TProperty> onChanged)
where TModel : RealmObjectBase
return RegisterCustomSubscription(_ =>
string propertyName = getMemberName(propertyLookup);
var model = Run(modelAccessor);
var propLookupCompiled = propertyLookup.Compile();
if (model == null)
return null;
model.PropertyChanged += onPropertyChanged;
// Update initial value immediately.
return new InvokeOnDisposal(() => model.PropertyChanged -= onPropertyChanged);
void onPropertyChanged(object? sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs args)
if (args.PropertyName == propertyName)
static string getMemberName(Expression<Func<TModel, TProperty>> expression)
if (!(expression is LambdaExpression lambda))
throw new ArgumentException("Outermost expression must be a lambda expression", nameof(expression));
if (!(lambda.Body is MemberExpression memberExpression))
throw new ArgumentException("Lambda body must be a member access expression", nameof(expression));
// TODO: nested access can be supported, with more iteration here
// (need to iteratively soft-cast `memberExpression.Expression` into `MemberExpression`s until `lambda.Parameters[0]` is hit)
if (memberExpression.Expression != lambda.Parameters[0])
throw new ArgumentException("Nested access expressions are not supported", nameof(expression));
return memberExpression.Member.Name;
/// <summary>
/// Run work on realm that will be run every time the update thread realm instance gets recycled.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="action">The work to run. Return value should be an <see cref="IDisposable"/> from QueryAsyncWithNotifications, or an <see cref="InvokeOnDisposal"/> to clean up any bindings.</param>
/// <returns>An <see cref="IDisposable"/> which should be disposed to unsubscribe any inner subscription.</returns>
public IDisposable RegisterCustomSubscription(Func<Realm, IDisposable?> action)
if (updateThreadSyncContext == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Attempted to register a realm subscription before update thread registration.");
if (ThreadSafety.IsUpdateThread)
updateThreadSyncContext.Send(_ => registerSubscription(action), null);
updateThreadSyncContext.Post(_ => registerSubscription(action), null);
// This token is returned to the consumer.
// When disposed, it will cause the registration to be permanently ceased (unsubscribed with realm and unregistered by this class).
return new InvokeOnDisposal(() =>
if (ThreadSafety.IsUpdateThread)
updateThreadSyncContext.Send(_ => unsubscribe(), null);
updateThreadSyncContext.Post(_ => unsubscribe(), null);
void unsubscribe()
if (customSubscriptionsResetMap.TryGetValue(action, out var unsubscriptionAction))
lock (notificationsResetMap)
private void registerSubscription(Func<Realm, IDisposable?> action)
// Retrieve realm instance outside of flag update to ensure that the instance is retrieved,
// as attempting to access it inside the subscription if it's not constructed would lead to
// cyclic invocations of the subscription callback.
var realm = Realm;
Debug.Assert(!customSubscriptionsResetMap.TryGetValue(action, out var found) || found == null);
current_thread_subscriptions_allowed.Value = true;
customSubscriptionsResetMap[action] = action(realm);
current_thread_subscriptions_allowed.Value = false;
private Realm getRealmInstance()
ObjectDisposedException.ThrowIf(isDisposed, this);
bool tookSemaphoreLock = false;
// Ensure that the thread that currently has the `realmRetrievalLock` can retrieve nested contexts and not deadlock on itself.
if (!currentThreadHasRealmRetrievalLock.Value)
currentThreadHasRealmRetrievalLock.Value = true;
tookSemaphoreLock = true;
// the semaphore is used to handle blocking of all realm retrieval during certain periods.
// once the semaphore has been taken by this code section, it is safe to retrieve further realm instances on the same thread.
// this can happen if a realm subscription is active and triggers a callback which has user code that calls `Run`.
return Realm.GetInstance(getConfiguration());
// Catch can be removed along with entity framework. Is specifically to allow a failure message to arrive to the user (see similar catches in EFToRealmMigrator).
catch (AggregateException ae) when (RuntimeInfo.OS == RuntimeInfo.Platform.macOS && ae.Flatten().InnerException is TypeInitializationException)
return Realm.GetInstance();
if (tookSemaphoreLock)
currentThreadHasRealmRetrievalLock.Value = false;
private RealmConfiguration getConfiguration(string? filename = null)
// This is currently the only usage of temporary files at the osu! side.
// If we use the temporary folder in more situations in the future, this should be moved to a higher level (helper method or OsuGameBase).
string tempPathLocation = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), @"lazer");
if (!Directory.Exists(tempPathLocation))
return new RealmConfiguration(storage.GetFullPath(filename ?? Filename, true))
SchemaVersion = schema_version,
MigrationCallback = onMigration,
FallbackPipePath = tempPathLocation,
private void onMigration(Migration migration, ulong lastSchemaVersion)
for (ulong i = lastSchemaVersion + 1; i <= schema_version; i++)
applyMigrationsForVersion(migration, i);
private void applyMigrationsForVersion(Migration migration, ulong targetVersion)
Logger.Log($"Running realm migration to version {targetVersion}...");
Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
var files = new RealmFileStore(this, storage);
switch (targetVersion)
case 7:
void convertOnlineIDs<T>() where T : RealmObject
string className = getMappedOrOriginalName(typeof(T));
// version was not bumped when the beatmap/ruleset models were added
// therefore we must manually check for their presence to avoid throwing on the `DynamicApi` calls.
if (!migration.OldRealm.Schema.TryFindObjectSchema(className, out _))
var oldItems = migration.OldRealm.DynamicApi.All(className);
var newItems = migration.NewRealm.DynamicApi.All(className);
int itemCount = newItems.Count();
for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++)
dynamic oldItem = oldItems.ElementAt(i);
dynamic newItem = newItems.ElementAt(i);
long? nullableOnlineID = oldItem.OnlineID;
newItem.OnlineID = (int)(nullableOnlineID ?? -1);
case 8:
// Ctrl -/+ now adjusts UI scale so let's clear any bindings which overlap these combinations.
// New defaults will be populated by the key store afterwards.
var keyBindings = migration.NewRealm.All<RealmKeyBinding>();
var increaseSpeedBinding = keyBindings.FirstOrDefault(k => k.ActionInt == (int)GlobalAction.IncreaseScrollSpeed);
if (increaseSpeedBinding != null && increaseSpeedBinding.KeyCombination.Keys.SequenceEqual(new[] { InputKey.Control, InputKey.Plus }))
var decreaseSpeedBinding = keyBindings.FirstOrDefault(k => k.ActionInt == (int)GlobalAction.DecreaseScrollSpeed);
if (decreaseSpeedBinding != null && decreaseSpeedBinding.KeyCombination.Keys.SequenceEqual(new[] { InputKey.Control, InputKey.Minus }))
case 9:
// Pretty pointless to do this as beatmaps aren't really loaded via realm yet, but oh well.
string metadataClassName = getMappedOrOriginalName(typeof(BeatmapMetadata));
// May be coming from a version before `RealmBeatmapMetadata` existed.
if (!migration.OldRealm.Schema.TryFindObjectSchema(metadataClassName, out _))
var oldMetadata = migration.OldRealm.DynamicApi.All(metadataClassName);
var newMetadata = migration.NewRealm.All<BeatmapMetadata>();
int metadataCount = newMetadata.Count();
for (int i = 0; i < metadataCount; i++)
dynamic oldItem = oldMetadata.ElementAt(i);
var newItem = newMetadata.ElementAt(i);
string username = oldItem.Author;
newItem.Author = new RealmUser
Username = username
case 10:
string rulesetSettingClassName = getMappedOrOriginalName(typeof(RealmRulesetSetting));
if (!migration.OldRealm.Schema.TryFindObjectSchema(rulesetSettingClassName, out _))
var oldSettings = migration.OldRealm.DynamicApi.All(rulesetSettingClassName);
var newSettings = migration.NewRealm.All<RealmRulesetSetting>().ToList();
for (int i = 0; i < newSettings.Count; i++)
dynamic oldItem = oldSettings.ElementAt(i);
var newItem = newSettings.ElementAt(i);
long rulesetId = oldItem.RulesetID;
string? rulesetName = getRulesetShortNameFromLegacyID(rulesetId);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rulesetName))
newItem.RulesetName = rulesetName;
case 11:
string keyBindingClassName = getMappedOrOriginalName(typeof(RealmKeyBinding));
if (!migration.OldRealm.Schema.TryFindObjectSchema(keyBindingClassName, out _))
var oldKeyBindings = migration.OldRealm.DynamicApi.All(keyBindingClassName);
var newKeyBindings = migration.NewRealm.All<RealmKeyBinding>().ToList();
for (int i = 0; i < newKeyBindings.Count; i++)
dynamic oldItem = oldKeyBindings.ElementAt(i);
var newItem = newKeyBindings.ElementAt(i);
if (oldItem.RulesetID == null)
long rulesetId = oldItem.RulesetID;
string? rulesetName = getRulesetShortNameFromLegacyID(rulesetId);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rulesetName))
newItem.RulesetName = rulesetName;
case 14:
foreach (var beatmap in migration.NewRealm.All<BeatmapInfo>())
beatmap.UserSettings = new BeatmapUserSettings();
case 20:
// As we now have versioned difficulty calculations, let's reset
// all star ratings and have `BackgroundBeatmapProcessor` recalculate them.
foreach (var beatmap in migration.NewRealm.All<BeatmapInfo>())
beatmap.StarRating = -1;
case 21:
// Migrate collections from external file to inside realm.
// We use the "legacy" importer because that is how things were actually being saved out until now.
var legacyCollectionImporter = new LegacyCollectionImporter(this);
if (legacyCollectionImporter.GetAvailableCount(storage).GetResultSafely() > 0)
legacyCollectionImporter.ImportFromStorage(storage).ContinueWith(_ => storage.Move("collection.db", "collection.db.migrated"));
case 25:
// Remove the default skins so they can be added back by SkinManager with updated naming.
migration.NewRealm.RemoveRange(migration.NewRealm.All<SkinInfo>().Where(s => s.Protected));
case 26:
// Add ScoreInfo.BeatmapHash property to ensure scores correspond to the correct version of beatmap.
var scores = migration.NewRealm.All<ScoreInfo>();
foreach (var score in scores)
score.BeatmapHash = score.BeatmapInfo?.Hash ?? string.Empty;
case 28:
var scores = migration.NewRealm.All<ScoreInfo>();
foreach (var score in scores)
score.PopulateFromReplay(files, sr =>
sr.ReadByte(); // Ruleset.
int version = sr.ReadInt32();
if (version < LegacyScoreEncoder.FIRST_LAZER_VERSION)
score.IsLegacyScore = true;
case 29:
case 30:
var scores = migration.NewRealm
.Where(s => !s.IsLegacyScore);
foreach (var score in scores)
if (StandardisedScoreMigrationTools.ShouldMigrateToNewStandardised(score))
long calculatedNew = StandardisedScoreMigrationTools.GetNewStandardised(score);
score.TotalScore = calculatedNew;
catch { }
case 31:
foreach (var score in migration.NewRealm.All<ScoreInfo>())
if (score.IsLegacyScore && score.Ruleset.IsLegacyRuleset())
// Scores with this version will trigger the score upgrade process in BackgroundBeatmapProcessor.
score.TotalScoreVersion = 30000002;
// Transfer known legacy scores to a permanent storage field for preservation.
score.LegacyTotalScore = score.TotalScore;
score.TotalScoreVersion = LegacyScoreEncoder.LATEST_VERSION;
case 32:
foreach (var score in migration.NewRealm.All<ScoreInfo>())
if (!score.IsLegacyScore || !score.Ruleset.IsLegacyRuleset())
score.PopulateFromReplay(files, sr =>
sr.ReadByte(); // Ruleset.
sr.ReadInt32(); // Version.
sr.ReadString(); // Beatmap hash.
sr.ReadString(); // Username.
sr.ReadString(); // MD5Hash.
sr.ReadUInt16(); // Count300.
sr.ReadUInt16(); // Count100.
sr.ReadUInt16(); // Count50.
sr.ReadUInt16(); // CountGeki.
sr.ReadUInt16(); // CountKatu.
sr.ReadUInt16(); // CountMiss.
// we should have this in LegacyTotalScore already, but if we're reading through this anyways...
int totalScore = sr.ReadInt32();
sr.ReadUInt16(); // Max combo.
sr.ReadBoolean(); // Perfect.
var legacyMods = (LegacyMods)sr.ReadInt32();
if (!legacyMods.HasFlag(LegacyMods.ScoreV2) || score.APIMods.Any(mod => mod.Acronym == @"SV2"))
score.APIMods = score.APIMods.Append(new APIMod(new ModScoreV2())).ToArray();
score.LegacyTotalScore = score.TotalScore = totalScore;
case 33:
// Clear default bindings for the chat focus toggle,
// as they would conflict with the newly-added leaderboard toggle.
var keyBindings = migration.NewRealm.All<RealmKeyBinding>();
var toggleChatBind = keyBindings.FirstOrDefault(bind => bind.ActionInt == (int)GlobalAction.ToggleChatFocus);
if (toggleChatBind != null && toggleChatBind.KeyCombination.Keys.SequenceEqual(new[] { InputKey.Tab }))
case 35:
// catch used `Shift` twice as a default key combination for dash, which generally was bothersome and causes issues elsewhere.
// the duplicate binding logic below had to account for it, it could also break keybinding conflict resolution on revert-to-default.
// as such, detect this situation and fix it before proceeding further.
var catchDashBindings = migration.NewRealm.All<RealmKeyBinding>()
.Where(kb => kb.RulesetName == @"fruits" && kb.ActionInt == 2)
if (catchDashBindings.All(kb => kb.KeyCombination.Equals(new KeyCombination(InputKey.Shift))))
Debug.Assert(catchDashBindings.Count == 2);
catchDashBindings.Last().KeyCombination = KeyCombination.FromMouseButton(MouseButton.Left);
// with the catch case dealt with, de-duplicate the remaining bindings.
int countCleared = 0;
var globalBindings = migration.NewRealm.All<RealmKeyBinding>().Where(kb => kb.RulesetName == null).ToList();
foreach (var category in Enum.GetValues<GlobalActionCategory>())
var categoryActions = GlobalActionContainer.GetGlobalActionsFor(category).Cast<int>().ToHashSet();
var categoryBindings = globalBindings.Where(kb => categoryActions.Contains(kb.ActionInt));
countCleared += RealmKeyBindingStore.ClearDuplicateBindings(categoryBindings);
var rulesetBindings = migration.NewRealm.All<RealmKeyBinding>().Where(kb => kb.RulesetName != null).ToList();
foreach (var variantGroup in rulesetBindings.GroupBy(kb => (kb.RulesetName, kb.Variant)))
countCleared += RealmKeyBindingStore.ClearDuplicateBindings(variantGroup);
if (countCleared > 0)
Logger.Log($"{countCleared} of your keybinding(s) have been cleared due to being bound to multiple actions. "
+ "Please choose new unique ones in the settings panel.", level: LogLevel.Important);
case 36:
foreach (var score in migration.NewRealm.All<ScoreInfo>())
if (score.OnlineID > 0)
score.LegacyOnlineID = score.OnlineID;
score.OnlineID = -1;
score.LegacyOnlineID = score.OnlineID = -1;
case 39:
foreach (var b in migration.NewRealm.All<BeatmapInfo>())
// Either actually no objects, or processing ran and failed.
// Reset to -1 so the next time they become zero we know that processing was attempted.
if (b.TotalObjectCount == 0 && b.EndTimeObjectCount == 0)
b.TotalObjectCount = -1;
b.EndTimeObjectCount = -1;
case 41:
foreach (var score in migration.NewRealm.All<ScoreInfo>())
// this can fail e.g. if a user has a score set on a ruleset that can no longer be loaded.
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.Log($@"Failed to populate total score without mods for score {score.ID}: {ex}", LoggingTarget.Database);
case 42:
for (int columns = 1; columns <= 10; columns++)
remapKeyBindingsForVariant(columns, false);
remapKeyBindingsForVariant(columns, true);
// Replace existing key bindings with new ones reflecting changes to ManiaAction:
// - "Special#" actions are removed and "Key#" actions are inserted in their place.
// - All actions are renumbered to remove the old offsets.
void remapKeyBindingsForVariant(int columns, bool dual)
// https://github.com/ppy/osu/blob/8773c2f7ebc226942d6124eb95c07a83934272ea/osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania/ManiaRuleset.cs#L327-L336
int variant = dual ? 1000 + (columns * 2) : columns;
var oldKeyBindingsQuery = migration.NewRealm
.Where(kb => kb.RulesetName == @"mania" && kb.Variant == variant);
var oldKeyBindings = oldKeyBindingsQuery.Detach();
// https://github.com/ppy/osu/blob/8773c2f7ebc226942d6124eb95c07a83934272ea/osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania/ManiaInputManager.cs#L22-L31
int oldNormalAction = 10; // Old Key1 offset
int oldSpecialAction = 1; // Old Special1 offset
for (int column = 0; column < columns * (dual ? 2 : 1); column++)
if (columns % 2 == 1 && column % columns == columns / 2)
remapKeyBinding(oldSpecialAction++, column);
remapKeyBinding(oldNormalAction++, column);
void remapKeyBinding(int oldAction, int newAction)
var oldKeyBinding = oldKeyBindings.Find(kb => kb.ActionInt == oldAction);
if (oldKeyBinding != null)
migration.NewRealm.Add(new RealmKeyBinding(newAction, oldKeyBinding.KeyCombination, @"mania", variant));
Logger.Log($"Migration completed in {stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms");
private string? getRulesetShortNameFromLegacyID(long rulesetId)
return new APIBeatmap.APIRuleset { OnlineID = (int)rulesetId }.ShortName;
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Create a full realm backup.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="backupFilename">The filename for the backup.</param>
public void CreateBackup(string backupFilename)
if (realmRetrievalLock.CurrentCount != 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Call {nameof(BlockAllOperations)} before creating a backup.");
private void createBackup(string backupFilename)
Logger.Log($"Creating full realm database backup at {backupFilename}", LoggingTarget.Database);
FileUtils.AttemptOperation(() =>
using (var source = storage.GetStream(Filename, mode: FileMode.Open))
// source may not exist.
if (source == null)
using (var destination = storage.GetStream(backupFilename, FileAccess.Write, FileMode.CreateNew))
}, 20);
/// <summary>
/// Flush any active realm instances and block any further writes.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This should be used in places we need to ensure no ongoing reads/writes are occurring with realm.
/// ie. to move the realm backing file to a new location.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="reason">The reason for blocking. Used for logging purposes.</param>
/// <returns>An <see cref="IDisposable"/> which should be disposed to end the blocking section.</returns>
public IDisposable BlockAllOperations(string reason)
Logger.Log($@"Attempting to block all realm operations for {reason}.", LoggingTarget.Database);
if (!ThreadSafety.IsUpdateThread)
throw new InvalidOperationException(@$"{nameof(BlockAllOperations)} must be called from the update thread.");
ObjectDisposedException.ThrowIf(isDisposed, this);
SynchronizationContext? syncContext = null;
if (hasInitialisedOnce)
syncContext = SynchronizationContext.Current;
// Before disposing the update context, clean up all subscriptions.
// Note that in the case of realm notification subscriptions, this is not really required (they will be cleaned up by disposal).
// In the case of custom subscriptions, we want them to fire before the update realm is disposed in case they do any follow-up work.
foreach (var action in customSubscriptionsResetMap.ToArray())
customSubscriptionsResetMap[action.Key] = null;
updateRealm = null;
Logger.Log(@"Lock acquired for blocking operations", LoggingTarget.Database);
const int sleep_length = 200;
int timeSpent = 0;
// see https://github.com/realm/realm-dotnet/discussions/2657
while (!Compact())
timeSpent += sleep_length;
if (timeSpent > 5000)
throw new TimeoutException($@"Realm compact failed after {timeSpent / sleep_length} attempts over {timeSpent / 1000} seconds");
catch (RealmException e)
// Compact may fail if the realm is in a bad state.
// We still want to continue with the blocking operation, though.
Logger.Log($"Realm compact failed with error {e}", LoggingTarget.Database);
Logger.Log(@"Realm usage isolated via compact", LoggingTarget.Database);
// In order to ensure events arrive in the correct order, these *must* be fired post disposal of the update realm,
// and must be posted to the synchronization context.
// This is because realm may fire event callbacks between the `unregisterAllSubscriptions` and `updateRealm.Dispose`
// calls above.
syncContext?.Send(_ =>
// Flag ensures that we don't get in a deadlocked scenario due to a callback attempting to access `RealmAccess.Realm` or `RealmAccess.Run`
// and hitting `realmRetrievalLock` a second time. Generally such usages should not exist, and as such we throw when an attempt is made
// to use in this fashion.
isSendingNotificationResetEvents = true;
lock (notificationsResetMap)
foreach (var action in notificationsResetMap.Values)
isSendingNotificationResetEvents = false;
}, null);
return new InvokeOnDisposal(restoreOperation);
void restoreOperation()
// Release of lock needs to happen here rather than on the update thread, as there may be another
// operation already blocking the update thread waiting for the blocking operation to complete.
Logger.Log(@"Restoring realm operations.", LoggingTarget.Database);
if (syncContext == null) return;
ManualResetEventSlim updateRealmReestablished = new ManualResetEventSlim();
// Post back to the update thread to revive any subscriptions.
// In the case we are on the update thread, let's also require this to run synchronously.
// This requirement is mostly due to test coverage, but shouldn't cause any harm.
if (ThreadSafety.IsUpdateThread)
syncContext.Send(_ =>
}, null);
syncContext.Post(_ =>
}, null);
// Wait for the post to complete to ensure a second `Migrate` operation doesn't start in the mean time.
// This is important to ensure `ensureUpdateRealm` is run before another blocking migration operation starts.
if (!updateRealmReestablished.Wait(10000))
throw new TimeoutException(@"Reestablishing update realm after block took too long");
// https://github.com/realm/realm-dotnet/blob/32f4ebcc88b3e80a3b254412665340cd9f3bd6b5/Realm/Realm/Extensions/ReflectionExtensions.cs#L46
private static string getMappedOrOriginalName(MemberInfo member) => member.GetCustomAttribute<MapToAttribute>()?.Mapping ?? member.Name;
private bool isDisposed;
public void Dispose()
if (!pendingAsyncWrites.Wait(10000))
Logger.Log("Realm took too long waiting on pending async writes", level: LogLevel.Error);
if (!isDisposed)
// intentionally block realm retrieval indefinitely. this ensures that nothing can start consuming a new instance after disposal.
isDisposed = true;