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// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd <contact@ppy.sh>. Licensed under the MIT Licence.
// See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Difficulty.Preprocessing;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Difficulty.Preprocessing;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Objects;
namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Difficulty.Evaluators
public static class RhythmEvaluator
private const int history_time_max = 5 * 1000; // 5 seconds
private const int history_objects_max = 32;
private const double rhythm_overall_multiplier = 0.95;
private const double rhythm_ratio_multiplier = 12.0;
/// <summary>
/// Calculates a rhythm multiplier for the difficulty of the tap associated with historic data of the current <see cref="OsuDifficultyHitObject"/>.
/// </summary>
public static double EvaluateDifficultyOf(DifficultyHitObject current)
if (current.BaseObject is Spinner)
return 0;
double rhythmComplexitySum = 0;
double deltaDifferenceEpsilon = ((OsuDifficultyHitObject)current).HitWindowGreat * 0.3;
var island = new Island(deltaDifferenceEpsilon);
var previousIsland = new Island(deltaDifferenceEpsilon);
// we can't use dictionary here because we need to compare island with a tolerance
// which is impossible to pass into the hash comparer
var islandCounts = new List<(Island Island, int Count)>();
double startRatio = 0; // store the ratio of the current start of an island to buff for tighter rhythms
bool firstDeltaSwitch = false;
int historicalNoteCount = Math.Min(current.Index, history_objects_max);
int rhythmStart = 0;
while (rhythmStart < historicalNoteCount - 2 && current.StartTime - current.Previous(rhythmStart).StartTime < history_time_max)
OsuDifficultyHitObject prevObj = (OsuDifficultyHitObject)current.Previous(rhythmStart);
OsuDifficultyHitObject lastObj = (OsuDifficultyHitObject)current.Previous(rhythmStart + 1);
// we go from the furthest object back to the current one
for (int i = rhythmStart; i > 0; i--)
OsuDifficultyHitObject currObj = (OsuDifficultyHitObject)current.Previous(i - 1);
// scales note 0 to 1 from history to now
double timeDecay = (history_time_max - (current.StartTime - currObj.StartTime)) / history_time_max;
double noteDecay = (double)(historicalNoteCount - i) / historicalNoteCount;
double currHistoricalDecay = Math.Min(noteDecay, timeDecay); // either we're limited by time or limited by object count.
double currDelta = currObj.StrainTime;
double prevDelta = prevObj.StrainTime;
double lastDelta = lastObj.StrainTime;
// calculate how much current delta difference deserves a rhythm bonus
// this function is meant to reduce rhythm bonus for deltas that are multiples of each other (i.e 100 and 200)
double deltaDifferenceRatio = Math.Min(prevDelta, currDelta) / Math.Max(prevDelta, currDelta);
double currRatio = 1.0 + rhythm_ratio_multiplier * Math.Min(0.5, Math.Pow(Math.Sin(Math.PI / deltaDifferenceRatio), 2));
// reduce ratio bonus if delta difference is too big
double fraction = Math.Max(prevDelta / currDelta, currDelta / prevDelta);
double fractionMultiplier = Math.Clamp(2.0 - fraction / 8.0, 0.0, 1.0);
double windowPenalty = Math.Min(1, Math.Max(0, Math.Abs(prevDelta - currDelta) - deltaDifferenceEpsilon) / deltaDifferenceEpsilon);
double effectiveRatio = windowPenalty * currRatio * fractionMultiplier;
if (firstDeltaSwitch)
if (Math.Abs(prevDelta - currDelta) < deltaDifferenceEpsilon)
// island is still progressing
// bpm change is into slider, this is easy acc window
if (currObj.BaseObject is Slider)
effectiveRatio *= 0.125;
// bpm change was from a slider, this is easier typically than circle -> circle
// unintentional side effect is that bursts with kicksliders at the ends might have lower difficulty than bursts without sliders
if (prevObj.BaseObject is Slider)
effectiveRatio *= 0.3;
// repeated island polarity (2 -> 4, 3 -> 5)
if (island.IsSimilarPolarity(previousIsland))
effectiveRatio *= 0.5;
// previous increase happened a note ago, 1/1->1/2-1/4, dont want to buff this.
if (lastDelta > prevDelta + deltaDifferenceEpsilon && prevDelta > currDelta + deltaDifferenceEpsilon)
effectiveRatio *= 0.125;
// repeated island size (ex: triplet -> triplet)
// TODO: remove this nerf since its staying here only for balancing purposes because of the flawed ratio calculation
if (previousIsland.DeltaCount == island.DeltaCount)
effectiveRatio *= 0.5;
var islandCount = islandCounts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Island.Equals(island));
if (islandCount != default)
int countIndex = islandCounts.IndexOf(islandCount);
// only add island to island counts if they're going one after another
if (previousIsland.Equals(island))
// repeated island (ex: triplet -> triplet)
double power = logistic(island.Delta, 2.75, 0.24, 14);
effectiveRatio *= Math.Min(3.0 / islandCount.Count, Math.Pow(1.0 / islandCount.Count, power));
islandCounts[countIndex] = (islandCount.Island, islandCount.Count);
islandCounts.Add((island, 1));
// scale down the difficulty if the object is doubletappable
double doubletapness = prevObj.GetDoubletapness(currObj);
effectiveRatio *= 1 - doubletapness * 0.75;
rhythmComplexitySum += Math.Sqrt(effectiveRatio * startRatio) * currHistoricalDecay;
startRatio = effectiveRatio;
previousIsland = island;
if (prevDelta + deltaDifferenceEpsilon < currDelta) // we're slowing down, stop counting
firstDeltaSwitch = false; // if we're speeding up, this stays true and we keep counting island size.
island = new Island((int)currDelta, deltaDifferenceEpsilon);
else if (prevDelta > currDelta + deltaDifferenceEpsilon) // we're speeding up
// Begin counting island until we change speed again.
firstDeltaSwitch = true;
// bpm change is into slider, this is easy acc window
if (currObj.BaseObject is Slider)
effectiveRatio *= 0.6;
// bpm change was from a slider, this is easier typically than circle -> circle
// unintentional side effect is that bursts with kicksliders at the ends might have lower difficulty than bursts without sliders
if (prevObj.BaseObject is Slider)
effectiveRatio *= 0.6;
startRatio = effectiveRatio;
island = new Island((int)currDelta, deltaDifferenceEpsilon);
lastObj = prevObj;
prevObj = currObj;
return Math.Sqrt(4 + rhythmComplexitySum * rhythm_overall_multiplier) / 2.0; // produces multiplier that can be applied to strain. range [1, infinity) (not really though)
private static double logistic(double x, double maxValue, double multiplier, double offset) => (maxValue / (1 + Math.Pow(Math.E, offset - (multiplier * x))));
private class Island : IEquatable<Island>
private readonly double deltaDifferenceEpsilon;
public Island(double epsilon)
deltaDifferenceEpsilon = epsilon;
public Island(int delta, double epsilon)
deltaDifferenceEpsilon = epsilon;
Delta = Math.Max(delta, OsuDifficultyHitObject.MIN_DELTA_TIME);
public int Delta { get; private set; } = int.MaxValue;
public int DeltaCount { get; private set; }
public void AddDelta(int delta)
if (Delta == int.MaxValue)
Delta = Math.Max(delta, OsuDifficultyHitObject.MIN_DELTA_TIME);
public bool IsSimilarPolarity(Island other)
// TODO: consider islands to be of similar polarity only if they're having the same average delta (we don't want to consider 3 singletaps similar to a triple)
// naively adding delta check here breaks _a lot_ of maps because of the flawed ratio calculation
return DeltaCount % 2 == other.DeltaCount % 2;
public bool Equals(Island? other)
if (other == null)
return false;
return Math.Abs(Delta - other.Delta) < deltaDifferenceEpsilon &&
DeltaCount == other.DeltaCount;
public override string ToString()
return $"{Delta}x{DeltaCount}";