
514 lines
20 KiB

// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd <contact@ppy.sh>. Licensed under the MIT Licence.
// See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using osu.Framework.Allocation;
using osu.Framework.Audio;
using osu.Framework.Bindables;
using osu.Framework.Development;
using osu.Framework.Extensions;
using osu.Framework.Graphics;
using osu.Framework.Graphics.Containers;
using osu.Framework.IO.Stores;
using osu.Framework.Platform;
using osu.Game.Beatmaps;
using osu.Game.Configuration;
using osu.Game.Graphics;
using osu.Game.Graphics.Cursor;
using osu.Game.Online.API;
using osu.Framework.Graphics.Performance;
using osu.Framework.Graphics.Textures;
using osu.Framework.Input;
using osu.Framework.Logging;
using osu.Game.Audio;
using osu.Game.Database;
using osu.Game.Input;
using osu.Game.Input.Bindings;
using osu.Game.IO;
using osu.Game.Online;
using osu.Game.Online.Chat;
using osu.Game.Online.Multiplayer;
using osu.Game.Online.Spectator;
using osu.Game.Overlays;
using osu.Game.Resources;
using osu.Game.Rulesets;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mods;
using osu.Game.Scoring;
using osu.Game.Skinning;
using osu.Game.Utils;
using osuTK.Input;
using RuntimeInfo = osu.Framework.RuntimeInfo;
namespace osu.Game
/// <summary>
/// The most basic <see cref="Game"/> that can be used to host osu! components and systems.
/// Unlike <see cref="OsuGame"/>, this class will not load any kind of UI, allowing it to be used
/// for provide dependencies to test cases without interfering with them.
/// </summary>
public class OsuGameBase : Framework.Game, ICanAcceptFiles
public const string CLIENT_STREAM_NAME = "lazer";
public const int SAMPLE_CONCURRENCY = 6;
public bool UseDevelopmentServer { get; }
protected OsuConfigManager LocalConfig;
protected SessionStatics SessionStatics { get; private set; }
protected BeatmapManager BeatmapManager;
protected ScoreManager ScoreManager;
protected BeatmapDifficultyCache DifficultyCache;
protected UserLookupCache UserCache;
protected SkinManager SkinManager;
protected RulesetStore RulesetStore;
protected FileStore FileStore;
protected KeyBindingStore KeyBindingStore;
protected SettingsStore SettingsStore;
protected RulesetConfigCache RulesetConfigCache;
protected IAPIProvider API;
private SpectatorStreamingClient spectatorStreaming;
private StatefulMultiplayerClient multiplayerClient;
protected MenuCursorContainer MenuCursorContainer;
protected MusicController MusicController;
private Container content;
protected override Container<Drawable> Content => content;
protected Storage Storage { get; set; }
protected readonly Bindable<RulesetInfo> Ruleset = new Bindable<RulesetInfo>();
/// <summary>
/// The current mod selection for the local user.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// If a mod select overlay is present, mod instances set to this value are not guaranteed to remain as the provided instance and will be overwritten by a copy.
/// In such a case, changes to settings of a mod will *not* propagate after a mod is added to this collection.
/// As such, all settings should be finalised before adding a mod to this collection.
/// </remarks>
protected readonly Bindable<IReadOnlyList<Mod>> SelectedMods = new Bindable<IReadOnlyList<Mod>>(Array.Empty<Mod>());
/// <summary>
/// Mods available for the current <see cref="Ruleset"/>.
/// </summary>
public readonly Bindable<Dictionary<ModType, IReadOnlyList<Mod>>> AvailableMods = new Bindable<Dictionary<ModType, IReadOnlyList<Mod>>>();
protected Bindable<WorkingBeatmap> Beatmap { get; private set; } // cached via load() method
private Bindable<bool> fpsDisplayVisible;
public virtual Version AssemblyVersion => Assembly.GetEntryAssembly()?.GetName().Version ?? new Version();
/// <summary>
/// MD5 representation of the game executable.
/// </summary>
public string VersionHash { get; private set; }
public bool IsDeployedBuild => AssemblyVersion.Major > 0;
public virtual string Version
if (!IsDeployedBuild)
return @"local " + (DebugUtils.IsDebugBuild ? @"debug" : @"release");
var version = AssemblyVersion;
return $@"{version.Major}.{version.Minor}.{version.Build}";
public OsuGameBase()
UseDevelopmentServer = DebugUtils.IsDebugBuild;
Name = @"osu!lazer";
private DependencyContainer dependencies;
protected override IReadOnlyDependencyContainer CreateChildDependencies(IReadOnlyDependencyContainer parent) =>
dependencies = new DependencyContainer(base.CreateChildDependencies(parent));
private DatabaseContextFactory contextFactory;
protected override UserInputManager CreateUserInputManager() => new OsuUserInputManager();
protected virtual BatteryInfo CreateBatteryInfo() => null;
/// <summary>
/// The maximum volume at which audio tracks should playback. This can be set lower than 1 to create some head-room for sound effects.
/// </summary>
internal const double GLOBAL_TRACK_VOLUME_ADJUST = 0.5;
private readonly BindableNumber<double> globalTrackVolumeAdjust = new BindableNumber<double>(GLOBAL_TRACK_VOLUME_ADJUST);
private void load()
using (var str = File.OpenRead(typeof(OsuGameBase).Assembly.Location))
VersionHash = str.ComputeMD5Hash();
// special case for android builds, which can't read DLLs from a packed apk.
// should eventually be handled in a better way.
VersionHash = $"{Version}-{RuntimeInfo.OS}".ComputeMD5Hash();
Resources.AddStore(new DllResourceStore(OsuResources.ResourceAssembly));
dependencies.Cache(contextFactory = new DatabaseContextFactory(Storage));
var largeStore = new LargeTextureStore(Host.CreateTextureLoaderStore(new NamespacedResourceStore<byte[]>(Resources, @"Textures")));
largeStore.AddStore(Host.CreateTextureLoaderStore(new OnlineStore()));
AddFont(Resources, @"Fonts/osuFont");
AddFont(Resources, @"Fonts/Torus-Regular");
AddFont(Resources, @"Fonts/Torus-Light");
AddFont(Resources, @"Fonts/Torus-SemiBold");
AddFont(Resources, @"Fonts/Torus-Bold");
AddFont(Resources, @"Fonts/Noto-Basic");
AddFont(Resources, @"Fonts/Noto-Hangul");
AddFont(Resources, @"Fonts/Noto-CJK-Basic");
AddFont(Resources, @"Fonts/Noto-CJK-Compatibility");
AddFont(Resources, @"Fonts/Noto-Thai");
AddFont(Resources, @"Fonts/Venera-Light");
AddFont(Resources, @"Fonts/Venera-Bold");
AddFont(Resources, @"Fonts/Venera-Black");
Audio.Samples.PlaybackConcurrency = SAMPLE_CONCURRENCY;
dependencies.Cache(SkinManager = new SkinManager(Storage, contextFactory, Host, Audio, new NamespacedResourceStore<byte[]>(Resources, "Skins/Legacy")));
// needs to be done here rather than inside SkinManager to ensure thread safety of CurrentSkinInfo.
SkinManager.ItemRemoved.BindValueChanged(weakRemovedInfo =>
if (weakRemovedInfo.NewValue.TryGetTarget(out var removedInfo))
Schedule(() =>
// check the removed skin is not the current user choice. if it is, switch back to default.
if (removedInfo.ID == SkinManager.CurrentSkinInfo.Value.ID)
SkinManager.CurrentSkinInfo.Value = SkinInfo.Default;
EndpointConfiguration endpoints = UseDevelopmentServer ? (EndpointConfiguration)new DevelopmentEndpointConfiguration() : new ProductionEndpointConfiguration();
MessageFormatter.WebsiteRootUrl = endpoints.WebsiteRootUrl;
dependencies.CacheAs(API ??= new APIAccess(LocalConfig, endpoints, VersionHash));
dependencies.CacheAs(spectatorStreaming = new SpectatorStreamingClient(endpoints));
dependencies.CacheAs(multiplayerClient = new MultiplayerClient(endpoints));
var defaultBeatmap = new DummyWorkingBeatmap(Audio, Textures);
dependencies.Cache(RulesetStore = new RulesetStore(contextFactory, Storage));
dependencies.Cache(FileStore = new FileStore(contextFactory, Storage));
// ordering is important here to ensure foreign keys rules are not broken in ModelStore.Cleanup()
dependencies.Cache(ScoreManager = new ScoreManager(RulesetStore, () => BeatmapManager, Storage, API, contextFactory, Host, () => DifficultyCache, LocalConfig));
dependencies.Cache(BeatmapManager = new BeatmapManager(Storage, contextFactory, RulesetStore, API, Audio, Host, defaultBeatmap, true));
// this should likely be moved to ArchiveModelManager when another case appers where it is necessary
// to have inter-dependent model managers. this could be obtained with an IHasForeign<T> interface to
// allow lookups to be done on the child (ScoreManager in this case) to perform the cascading delete.
List<ScoreInfo> getBeatmapScores(BeatmapSetInfo set)
var beatmapIds = BeatmapManager.QueryBeatmaps(b => b.BeatmapSetInfoID == set.ID).Select(b => b.ID).ToList();
return ScoreManager.QueryScores(s => beatmapIds.Contains(s.Beatmap.ID)).ToList();
BeatmapManager.ItemRemoved.BindValueChanged(i =>
if (i.NewValue.TryGetTarget(out var item))
ScoreManager.Delete(getBeatmapScores(item), true);
BeatmapManager.ItemUpdated.BindValueChanged(i =>
if (i.NewValue.TryGetTarget(out var item))
ScoreManager.Undelete(getBeatmapScores(item), true);
dependencies.Cache(DifficultyCache = new BeatmapDifficultyCache());
dependencies.Cache(UserCache = new UserLookupCache());
var scorePerformanceManager = new ScorePerformanceCache();
dependencies.Cache(KeyBindingStore = new KeyBindingStore(contextFactory, RulesetStore));
dependencies.Cache(SettingsStore = new SettingsStore(contextFactory));
dependencies.Cache(RulesetConfigCache = new RulesetConfigCache(SettingsStore));
var powerStatus = CreateBatteryInfo();
if (powerStatus != null)
dependencies.Cache(SessionStatics = new SessionStatics());
dependencies.Cache(new OsuColour());
// drop track volume game-wide to leave some head-room for UI effects / samples.
// this means that for the time being, gameplay sample playback is louder relative to the audio track, compared to stable.
// we may want to revisit this if users notice or complain about the difference (consider this a bit of a trial).
Audio.Tracks.AddAdjustment(AdjustableProperty.Volume, globalTrackVolumeAdjust);
Beatmap = new NonNullableBindable<WorkingBeatmap>(defaultBeatmap);
// add api components to hierarchy.
if (API is APIAccess apiAccess)
GlobalActionContainer globalBindings;
var mainContent = new Drawable[]
MenuCursorContainer = new MenuCursorContainer { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both },
// to avoid positional input being blocked by children, ensure the GlobalActionContainer is above everything.
globalBindings = new GlobalActionContainer(this)
MenuCursorContainer.Child = content = new OsuTooltipContainer(MenuCursorContainer.Cursor) { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both };
PreviewTrackManager previewTrackManager;
dependencies.Cache(previewTrackManager = new PreviewTrackManager());
AddInternal(MusicController = new MusicController());
private void onRulesetChanged(ValueChangedEvent<RulesetInfo> r)
var dict = new Dictionary<ModType, IReadOnlyList<Mod>>();
if (r.NewValue?.Available == true)
foreach (ModType type in Enum.GetValues(typeof(ModType)))
dict[type] = r.NewValue.CreateInstance().GetModsFor(type).ToList();
if (!SelectedMods.Disabled)
SelectedMods.Value = Array.Empty<Mod>();
AvailableMods.Value = dict;
protected virtual Container CreateScalingContainer() => new DrawSizePreservingFillContainer();
protected override void LoadComplete()
// TODO: This is temporary until we reimplement the local FPS display.
// It's just to allow end-users to access the framework FPS display without knowing the shortcut key.
fpsDisplayVisible = LocalConfig.GetBindable<bool>(OsuSetting.ShowFpsDisplay);
fpsDisplayVisible.ValueChanged += visible => { FrameStatistics.Value = visible.NewValue ? FrameStatisticsMode.Minimal : FrameStatisticsMode.None; };
FrameStatistics.ValueChanged += e => fpsDisplayVisible.Value = e.NewValue != FrameStatisticsMode.None;
private void runMigrations()
using (var db = contextFactory.GetForWrite(false))
catch (Exception e)
Logger.Error(e.InnerException ?? e, "Migration failed! We'll be starting with a fresh database.", LoggingTarget.Database);
// if we failed, let's delete the database and start fresh.
// todo: we probably want a better (non-destructive) migrations/recovery process at a later point than this.
Logger.Log("Database purged successfully.", LoggingTarget.Database);
// only run once more, then hard bail.
using (var db = contextFactory.GetForWrite(false))
public override void SetHost(GameHost host)
// may be non-null for certain tests
Storage ??= host.Storage;
LocalConfig ??= UseDevelopmentServer
? new DevelopmentOsuConfigManager(Storage)
: new OsuConfigManager(Storage);
/// <summary>
/// Use to programatically exit the game as if the user was triggering via alt-f4.
/// Will keep persisting until an exit occurs (exit may be blocked multiple times).
/// </summary>
public void GracefullyExit()
if (!OnExiting())
Scheduler.AddDelayed(GracefullyExit, 2000);
protected override Storage CreateStorage(GameHost host, Storage defaultStorage) => new OsuStorage(host, defaultStorage);
private readonly List<ICanAcceptFiles> fileImporters = new List<ICanAcceptFiles>();
/// <summary>
/// Register a global handler for file imports. Most recently registered will have precedence.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="handler">The handler to register.</param>
public void RegisterImportHandler(ICanAcceptFiles handler) => fileImporters.Insert(0, handler);
/// <summary>
/// Unregister a global handler for file imports.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="handler">The previously registered handler.</param>
public void UnregisterImportHandler(ICanAcceptFiles handler) => fileImporters.Remove(handler);
public async Task Import(params string[] paths)
if (paths.Length == 0)
var filesPerExtension = paths.GroupBy(p => Path.GetExtension(p).ToLowerInvariant());
foreach (var groups in filesPerExtension)
foreach (var importer in fileImporters)
if (importer.HandledExtensions.Contains(groups.Key))
await importer.Import(groups.ToArray()).ConfigureAwait(false);
public virtual async Task Import(params ImportTask[] tasks)
var tasksPerExtension = tasks.GroupBy(t => Path.GetExtension(t.Path).ToLowerInvariant());
await Task.WhenAll(tasksPerExtension.Select(taskGroup =>
var importer = fileImporters.FirstOrDefault(i => i.HandledExtensions.Contains(taskGroup.Key));
return importer?.Import(taskGroup.ToArray()) ?? Task.CompletedTask;
public IEnumerable<string> HandledExtensions => fileImporters.SelectMany(i => i.HandledExtensions);
protected override void Dispose(bool isDisposing)
private class OsuUserInputManager : UserInputManager
protected override MouseButtonEventManager CreateButtonEventManagerFor(MouseButton button)
switch (button)
case MouseButton.Right:
return new RightMouseManager(button);
return base.CreateButtonEventManagerFor(button);
private class RightMouseManager : MouseButtonEventManager
public RightMouseManager(MouseButton button)
: base(button)
public override bool EnableDrag => true; // allow right-mouse dragging for absolute scroll in scroll containers.
public override bool EnableClick => false;
public override bool ChangeFocusOnClick => false;
public void Migrate(string path)
(Storage as OsuStorage)?.Migrate(Host.GetStorage(path));