// Copyright (c) 2007-2017 ppy Pty Ltd . // Licensed under the MIT Licence - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ppy/osu/master/LICENCE using System; using System.Threading; using OpenTK; using OpenTK.Input; using osu.Framework.Allocation; using osu.Framework.Audio; using osu.Framework.Audio.Sample; using osu.Framework.Audio.Track; using osu.Framework.Graphics; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Containers; using osu.Framework.Input; using osu.Framework.Screens; using osu.Framework.Threading; using osu.Game.Beatmaps; using osu.Game.Graphics; using osu.Game.Graphics.Containers; using osu.Game.Overlays; using osu.Game.Screens.Backgrounds; using osu.Game.Screens.Select.Options; namespace osu.Game.Screens.Select { public abstract class SongSelect : OsuScreen { private BeatmapManager manager; protected override BackgroundScreen CreateBackground() => new BackgroundScreenBeatmap(); private readonly BeatmapCarousel carousel; private DialogOverlay dialogOverlay; private static readonly Vector2 wedged_container_size = new Vector2(0.5f, 245); private const float left_area_padding = 20; private readonly BeatmapInfoWedge beatmapInfoWedge; protected Container LeftContent; private static readonly Vector2 background_blur = new Vector2(20); private CancellationTokenSource initialAddSetsTask; private SampleChannel sampleChangeDifficulty; private SampleChannel sampleChangeBeatmap; protected virtual bool ShowFooter => true; /// /// Can be null if is false. /// protected readonly BeatmapOptionsOverlay BeatmapOptions; /// /// Can be null if is false. /// protected readonly Footer Footer; /// /// Contains any panel which is triggered by a footer button. /// Helps keep them located beneath the footer itself. /// protected readonly Container FooterPanels; public readonly FilterControl FilterControl; protected SongSelect() { const float carousel_width = 640; const float filter_height = 100; Add(new ParallaxContainer { Padding = new MarginPadding { Top = filter_height }, ParallaxAmount = 0.005f, RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Children = new[] { new WedgeBackground { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Padding = new MarginPadding { Right = carousel_width * 0.76f }, } } }); Add(LeftContent = new Container { Origin = Anchor.BottomLeft, Anchor = Anchor.BottomLeft, RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Size = new Vector2(wedged_container_size.X, 1), Padding = new MarginPadding { Bottom = 50, Top = wedged_container_size.Y + left_area_padding, Left = left_area_padding, Right = left_area_padding * 2, } }); Add(carousel = new BeatmapCarousel { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Y, Size = new Vector2(carousel_width, 1), Anchor = Anchor.CentreRight, Origin = Anchor.CentreRight, SelectionChanged = carouselSelectionChanged, BeatmapsChanged = carouselBeatmapsLoaded, StartRequested = () => carouselRaisedStart(), }); Add(FilterControl = new FilterControl { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, Height = filter_height, FilterChanged = criteria => filterChanged(criteria), Exit = Exit, }); Add(beatmapInfoWedge = new BeatmapInfoWedge { Alpha = 0, Size = wedged_container_size, RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, Margin = new MarginPadding { Top = left_area_padding, Right = left_area_padding, }, }); Add(new ResetScrollContainer(() => carousel.ScrollToSelected()) { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Y, Width = 250, }); if (ShowFooter) { Add(FooterPanels = new Container { Anchor = Anchor.BottomLeft, Origin = Anchor.BottomLeft, RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, AutoSizeAxes = Axes.Y, Margin = new MarginPadding { Bottom = Footer.HEIGHT, }, }); Add(Footer = new Footer { OnBack = Exit, OnStart = () => carouselRaisedStart(), }); FooterPanels.Add(BeatmapOptions = new BeatmapOptionsOverlay()); } } [BackgroundDependencyLoader(permitNulls: true)] private void load(BeatmapManager beatmaps, AudioManager audio, DialogOverlay dialog, OsuGame osu, OsuColour colours, UserInputManager input) { if (Footer != null) { Footer.AddButton(@"random", colours.Green, () => triggerRandom(input), Key.F2); Footer.AddButton(@"options", colours.Blue, BeatmapOptions.ToggleVisibility, Key.F3); BeatmapOptions.AddButton(@"Delete", @"Beatmap", FontAwesome.fa_trash, colours.Pink, promptDelete, Key.Number4, float.MaxValue); } if (manager == null) manager = beatmaps; if (osu != null) Ruleset.BindTo(osu.Ruleset); manager.BeatmapSetAdded += onBeatmapSetAdded; manager.BeatmapSetRemoved += onBeatmapSetRemoved; dialogOverlay = dialog; sampleChangeDifficulty = audio.Sample.Get(@"SongSelect/select-difficulty"); sampleChangeBeatmap = audio.Sample.Get(@"SongSelect/select-expand"); initialAddSetsTask = new CancellationTokenSource(); carousel.Beatmaps = manager.GetAllUsableBeatmapSets(); Beatmap.ValueChanged += beatmap_ValueChanged; Beatmap.DisabledChanged += disabled => carousel.AllowSelection = !disabled; carousel.AllowSelection = !Beatmap.Disabled; } private void carouselBeatmapsLoaded() { if (Beatmap.Value.BeatmapSetInfo?.DeletePending == false) carousel.SelectBeatmap(Beatmap.Value.BeatmapInfo, false); else carousel.SelectNext(); } private void carouselRaisedStart(InputState state = null) { // if we have a pending filter operation, we want to run it now. // it could change selection (ie. if the ruleset has been changed). carousel.FlushPendingFilters(); if (selectionChangedDebounce?.Completed == false) { selectionChangedDebounce.RunTask(); selectionChangedDebounce.Cancel(); // cancel the already scheduled task. selectionChangedDebounce = null; } OnSelected(state); } private ScheduledDelegate selectionChangedDebounce; // We need to keep track of the last selected beatmap ignoring debounce to play the correct selection sounds. private BeatmapInfo beatmapNoDebounce; /// /// selection has been changed as the result of interaction with the carousel. /// private void carouselSelectionChanged(BeatmapInfo beatmap) { Action performLoad = delegate { // We may be arriving here due to another component changing the bindable Beatmap. // In these cases, the other component has already loaded the beatmap, so we don't need to do so again. if (beatmap?.Equals(Beatmap.Value.BeatmapInfo) != true) { bool preview = beatmap?.BeatmapSetInfoID != Beatmap.Value.BeatmapInfo.BeatmapSetInfoID; Beatmap.Value = manager.GetWorkingBeatmap(beatmap, Beatmap); ensurePlayingSelected(preview); } changeBackground(Beatmap.Value); }; selectionChangedDebounce?.Cancel(); if (beatmap?.Equals(beatmapNoDebounce) == true) return; beatmapNoDebounce = beatmap; if (beatmap == null) { if (!Beatmap.IsDefault) performLoad(); } else { Ruleset.Value = beatmap.Ruleset; if (beatmap.BeatmapSetInfoID == beatmapNoDebounce?.BeatmapSetInfoID) sampleChangeDifficulty.Play(); else sampleChangeBeatmap.Play(); if (beatmap == Beatmap.Value.BeatmapInfo) performLoad(); else selectionChangedDebounce = Scheduler.AddDelayed(performLoad, 100); } } private void triggerRandom(UserInputManager input) { if (input.CurrentState.Keyboard.ShiftPressed) carousel.SelectPreviousRandom(); else carousel.SelectNextRandom(); } protected abstract void OnSelected(InputState state); private void filterChanged(FilterCriteria criteria, bool debounce = true) { carousel.Filter(criteria, debounce); } private void onBeatmapSetAdded(BeatmapSetInfo s) => Schedule(() => addBeatmapSet(s)); private void onBeatmapSetRemoved(BeatmapSetInfo s) => Schedule(() => removeBeatmapSet(s)); protected override void OnEntering(Screen last) { base.OnEntering(last); Content.FadeInFromZero(250); FilterControl.Activate(); } private void beatmap_ValueChanged(WorkingBeatmap beatmap) { if (!IsCurrentScreen) return; carousel.SelectBeatmap(beatmap?.BeatmapInfo); } protected override void OnResuming(Screen last) { if (Beatmap != null && !Beatmap.Value.BeatmapSetInfo.DeletePending) { changeBackground(Beatmap); ensurePlayingSelected(); } base.OnResuming(last); Content.FadeIn(250); Content.ScaleTo(1, 250, Easing.OutSine); FilterControl.Activate(); } protected override void OnSuspending(Screen next) { Content.ScaleTo(1.1f, 250, Easing.InSine); Content.FadeOut(250); FilterControl.Deactivate(); base.OnSuspending(next); } protected override bool OnExiting(Screen next) { beatmapInfoWedge.State = Visibility.Hidden; Content.FadeOut(100); FilterControl.Deactivate(); return base.OnExiting(next); } protected override void Dispose(bool isDisposing) { base.Dispose(isDisposing); if (manager != null) { manager.BeatmapSetAdded -= onBeatmapSetAdded; manager.BeatmapSetRemoved -= onBeatmapSetRemoved; } initialAddSetsTask?.Cancel(); } private void changeBackground(WorkingBeatmap beatmap) { var backgroundModeBeatmap = Background as BackgroundScreenBeatmap; if (backgroundModeBeatmap != null) { backgroundModeBeatmap.Beatmap = beatmap; backgroundModeBeatmap.BlurTo(background_blur, 1000); backgroundModeBeatmap.FadeTo(1, 250); } beatmapInfoWedge.State = Visibility.Visible; beatmapInfoWedge.UpdateBeatmap(beatmap); } private void ensurePlayingSelected(bool preview = false) { Track track = Beatmap.Value.Track; if (!track.IsRunning) { if (preview) track.Seek(Beatmap.Value.Metadata.PreviewTime); track.Start(); } } private void addBeatmapSet(BeatmapSetInfo beatmapSet) { carousel.AddBeatmap(beatmapSet); } private void removeBeatmapSet(BeatmapSetInfo beatmapSet) { carousel.RemoveBeatmap(beatmapSet); if (carousel.SelectedBeatmap == null) Beatmap.SetDefault(); } private void promptDelete() { if (Beatmap != null && !Beatmap.IsDefault) dialogOverlay?.Push(new BeatmapDeleteDialog(Beatmap)); } protected override bool OnKeyDown(InputState state, KeyDownEventArgs args) { if (args.Repeat) return false; switch (args.Key) { case Key.KeypadEnter: case Key.Enter: carouselRaisedStart(state); return true; case Key.Delete: if (state.Keyboard.ShiftPressed) { promptDelete(); return true; } break; } return base.OnKeyDown(state, args); } private class ResetScrollContainer : Container { private readonly Action onHoverAction; public ResetScrollContainer(Action onHoverAction) { this.onHoverAction = onHoverAction; } protected override bool OnHover(InputState state) { onHoverAction?.Invoke(); return base.OnHover(state); } } } }