using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using OpenTK.Graphics; using osu.Game.Beatmaps.Events; using osu.Game.Beatmaps.Objects; using osu.Game.Beatmaps.Samples; using osu.Game.Beatmaps.Timing; using osu.Game.GameModes.Play; namespace osu.Game.Beatmaps.Formats { public class OsuLegacyDecoder : BeatmapDecoder { public static void Register() { AddDecoder("osu file format v14"); AddDecoder("osu file format v13"); AddDecoder("osu file format v12"); AddDecoder("osu file format v11"); AddDecoder("osu file format v10"); // TODO: Not sure how far back to go, or differences between versions } private enum Section { None, General, Editor, Metadata, Difficulty, Events, TimingPoints, Colours, HitObjects, } private void handleGeneral(Beatmap beatmap, string key, string val) { switch (key) { case "AudioFilename": beatmap.Metadata.AudioFile = val; break; case "AudioLeadIn": beatmap.AudioLeadIn = int.Parse(val); break; case "PreviewTime": beatmap.Metadata.PreviewTime = int.Parse(val); break; case "Countdown": beatmap.Countdown = int.Parse(val) == 1; break; case "SampleSet": beatmap.SampleSet = (SampleSet)Enum.Parse(typeof(SampleSet), val); break; case "StackLeniency": beatmap.StackLeniency = float.Parse(val); break; case "Mode": beatmap.Mode = (PlayMode)int.Parse(val); break; case "LetterboxInBreaks": beatmap.LetterboxInBreaks = int.Parse(val) == 1; break; case "SpecialStyle": beatmap.SpecialStyle = int.Parse(val) == 1; break; case "WidescreenStoryboard": beatmap.WidescreenStoryboard = int.Parse(val) == 1; break; } } private void handleEditor(Beatmap beatmap, string key, string val) { switch (key) { case "Bookmarks": beatmap.StoredBookmarks = val; break; case "DistanceSpacing": beatmap.DistanceSpacing = double.Parse(val); break; case "BeatDivisor": beatmap.BeatDivisor = int.Parse(val); break; case "GridSize": beatmap.GridSize = int.Parse(val); break; case "TimelineZoom": beatmap.TimelineZoom = double.Parse(val); break; } } private void handleMetadata(Beatmap beatmap, string key, string val) { switch (key) { case "Title": beatmap.Metadata.Title = val; break; case "TitleUnicode": beatmap.Metadata.TitleUnicode = val; break; case "Artist": beatmap.Metadata.Artist = val; break; case "ArtistUnicode": beatmap.Metadata.ArtistUnicode = val; break; case "Creator": beatmap.Metadata.Author = val; break; case "Version": beatmap.Version = val; break; case "Source": beatmap.Metadata.Source = val; break; case "Tags": beatmap.Metadata.Tags = val; break; case "BeatmapID": beatmap.BeatmapID = int.Parse(val); break; case "BeatmapSetID": beatmap.BeatmapSetID = int.Parse(val); beatmap.Metadata.BeatmapSetID = int.Parse(val); break; } } private void handleDifficulty(Beatmap beatmap, string key, string val) { switch (key) { case "HPDrainRate": beatmap.BaseDifficulty.DrainRate = float.Parse(val); break; case "CircleSize": beatmap.BaseDifficulty.CircleSize = float.Parse(val); break; case "OverallDifficulty": beatmap.BaseDifficulty.OverallDifficulty = float.Parse(val); break; case "ApproachRate": beatmap.BaseDifficulty.ApproachRate = float.Parse(val); break; case "SliderMultiplier": beatmap.BaseDifficulty.SliderMultiplier = float.Parse(val); break; case "SliderTickRate": beatmap.BaseDifficulty.SliderTickRate = float.Parse(val); break; } } private void handleEvents(Beatmap beatmap, string val) { if (val.StartsWith("//")) return; string[] split = val.Split(','); EventType type; int _type; if (!int.TryParse(split[0], out _type)) { if (!Enum.TryParse(split[0], out type)) throw new InvalidDataException($@"Unknown event type {split[0]}"); } else type = (EventType)_type; // TODO: Parse and store the rest of the event if (type == EventType.Background) beatmap.Metadata.BackgroundFile = split[2].Trim('"'); } private void handleTimingPoints(Beatmap beatmap, string val) { // TODO } private void handleColours(Beatmap beatmap, string key, string val) { string[] split = val.Split(','); if (split.Length != 3) throw new InvalidOperationException($@"Color specified in incorrect format (should be R,G,B): {val}"); byte r, g, b; if (!byte.TryParse(split[0], out r) || !byte.TryParse(split[1], out g) || !byte.TryParse(split[2], out b)) throw new InvalidOperationException($@"Color must be specified with 8-bit integer components"); // Note: the combo index specified in the beatmap is discarded beatmap.ComboColors.Add(new Color4 { R = r / 255f, G = g / 255f, B = b / 255f, A = 1f, }); } public override Beatmap Decode(TextReader stream) { var beatmap = new Beatmap { Metadata = new BeatmapMetadata(), BaseDifficulty = new BaseDifficulty(), HitObjects = new List(), ControlPoints = new List(), ComboColors = new List(), }; var section = Section.None; string line; while (true) { line = stream.ReadLine(); if (line == null) break; line = line.Trim(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line)) continue; if (line.StartsWith("osu file format v")) continue; if (line.StartsWith("[") && line.EndsWith("]")) { if (!Enum.TryParse(line.Substring(1, line.Length - 2), out section)) throw new InvalidDataException($@"Unknown osu section {line}"); continue; } string val = line, key = null; if (section != Section.Events && section != Section.TimingPoints && section != Section.HitObjects) { key = val.Remove(val.IndexOf(':')).Trim(); val = val.Substring(val.IndexOf(':') + 1).Trim(); } switch (section) { case Section.General: handleGeneral(beatmap, key, val); break; case Section.Editor: handleEditor(beatmap, key, val); break; case Section.Metadata: handleMetadata(beatmap, key, val); break; case Section.Difficulty: handleDifficulty(beatmap, key, val); break; case Section.Events: handleEvents(beatmap, val); break; case Section.TimingPoints: handleTimingPoints(beatmap, val); break; case Section.Colours: handleColours(beatmap, key, val); break; case Section.HitObjects: beatmap.HitObjects.Add(HitObject.Parse(beatmap.Mode, val)); break; } } return beatmap; } } }