// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using osu.Framework.Audio.Track; using osu.Framework.Configuration; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Textures; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mods; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using osu.Game.Storyboards; using osu.Framework.IO.File; using System.IO; using System.Threading; using osu.Game.IO.Serialization; using osu.Game.Rulesets; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects; using osu.Game.Rulesets.UI; using osu.Game.Skinning; namespace osu.Game.Beatmaps { public abstract partial class WorkingBeatmap : IDisposable { public readonly BeatmapInfo BeatmapInfo; public readonly BeatmapSetInfo BeatmapSetInfo; public readonly BeatmapMetadata Metadata; public readonly Bindable> Mods = new Bindable>(new Mod[] { }); protected WorkingBeatmap(BeatmapInfo beatmapInfo) { BeatmapInfo = beatmapInfo; BeatmapSetInfo = beatmapInfo.BeatmapSet; Metadata = beatmapInfo.Metadata ?? BeatmapSetInfo?.Metadata ?? new BeatmapMetadata(); Mods.ValueChanged += mods => applyRateAdjustments(); beatmap = new RecyclableLazy(() => { var b = GetBeatmap() ?? new Beatmap(); // The original beatmap version needs to be preserved as the database doesn't contain it BeatmapInfo.BeatmapVersion = b.BeatmapInfo.BeatmapVersion; // Use the database-backed info for more up-to-date values (beatmap id, ranked status, etc) b.BeatmapInfo = BeatmapInfo; return b; }); track = new RecyclableLazy(() => { // we want to ensure that we always have a track, even if it's a fake one. var t = GetTrack() ?? new VirtualBeatmapTrack(Beatmap); applyRateAdjustments(t); return t; }); background = new RecyclableLazy(GetBackground, BackgroundStillValid); waveform = new RecyclableLazy(GetWaveform); storyboard = new RecyclableLazy(GetStoryboard); skin = new RecyclableLazy(GetSkin); } /// /// Saves the . /// /// The absolute path of the output file. public string Save() { var path = FileSafety.GetTempPath(Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", string.Empty) + ".json"); using (var sw = new StreamWriter(path)) sw.WriteLine(Beatmap.Serialize()); return path; } /// /// Constructs a playable from using the applicable converters for a specific . /// /// The returned is in a playable state - all and s /// have been applied, and s have been fully constructed. /// /// /// The to create a playable for. /// The converted . /// If could not be converted to . public IBeatmap GetPlayableBeatmap(RulesetInfo ruleset) { var rulesetInstance = ruleset.CreateInstance(); IBeatmapConverter converter = rulesetInstance.CreateBeatmapConverter(Beatmap); // Check if the beatmap can be converted if (!converter.CanConvert) throw new BeatmapInvalidForRulesetException($"{nameof(Beatmaps.Beatmap)} can not be converted for the ruleset (ruleset: {ruleset.InstantiationInfo}, converter: {converter})."); // Apply conversion mods foreach (var mod in Mods.Value.OfType()) mod.ApplyToBeatmapConverter(converter); // Convert IBeatmap converted = converter.Convert(); // Apply difficulty mods if (Mods.Value.Any(m => m is IApplicableToDifficulty)) { converted.BeatmapInfo = converted.BeatmapInfo.Clone(); converted.BeatmapInfo.BaseDifficulty = converted.BeatmapInfo.BaseDifficulty.Clone(); foreach (var mod in Mods.Value.OfType()) mod.ApplyToDifficulty(converted.BeatmapInfo.BaseDifficulty); } IBeatmapProcessor processor = rulesetInstance.CreateBeatmapProcessor(converted); processor?.PreProcess(); // Compute default values for hitobjects, including creating nested hitobjects in-case they're needed foreach (var obj in converted.HitObjects) obj.ApplyDefaults(converted.ControlPointInfo, converted.BeatmapInfo.BaseDifficulty); foreach (var mod in Mods.Value.OfType()) foreach (var obj in converted.HitObjects) mod.ApplyToHitObject(obj); processor?.PostProcess(); return converted; } public override string ToString() => BeatmapInfo.ToString(); public bool BeatmapLoaded => beatmap.IsResultAvailable; public IBeatmap Beatmap => beatmap.Value; protected abstract IBeatmap GetBeatmap(); private readonly RecyclableLazy beatmap; public bool BackgroundLoaded => background.IsResultAvailable; public Texture Background => background.Value; protected virtual bool BackgroundStillValid(Texture b) => b == null || b.Available; protected abstract Texture GetBackground(); private readonly RecyclableLazy background; public bool TrackLoaded => track.IsResultAvailable; public Track Track => track.Value; protected abstract Track GetTrack(); private RecyclableLazy track; public bool WaveformLoaded => waveform.IsResultAvailable; public Waveform Waveform => waveform.Value; protected virtual Waveform GetWaveform() => new Waveform(null); private readonly RecyclableLazy waveform; public bool StoryboardLoaded => storyboard.IsResultAvailable; public Storyboard Storyboard => storyboard.Value; protected virtual Storyboard GetStoryboard() => new Storyboard { BeatmapInfo = BeatmapInfo }; private readonly RecyclableLazy storyboard; public bool SkinLoaded => skin.IsResultAvailable; public Skin Skin => skin.Value; protected virtual Skin GetSkin() => new DefaultSkin(); private readonly RecyclableLazy skin; /// /// Transfer pieces of a beatmap to a new one, where possible, to save on loading. /// /// The new beatmap which is being switched to. public virtual void TransferTo(WorkingBeatmap other) { if (track.IsResultAvailable && Track != null && BeatmapInfo.AudioEquals(other.BeatmapInfo)) other.track = track; } public virtual void Dispose() { background.Recycle(); waveform.Recycle(); storyboard.Recycle(); skin.Recycle(); } /// /// Eagerly dispose of the audio track associated with this (if any). /// Accessing track again will load a fresh instance. /// public void RecycleTrack() => track.Recycle(); private void applyRateAdjustments(Track t = null) { if (t == null && track.IsResultAvailable) t = Track; if (t == null) return; t.ResetSpeedAdjustments(); foreach (var mod in Mods.Value.OfType()) mod.ApplyToClock(t); } public class RecyclableLazy { private Lazy lazy; private readonly Func valueFactory; private readonly Func stillValidFunction; private readonly object fetchLock = new object(); public RecyclableLazy(Func valueFactory, Func stillValidFunction = null) { this.valueFactory = valueFactory; this.stillValidFunction = stillValidFunction; recreate(); } public void Recycle() { if (!IsResultAvailable) return; (lazy.Value as IDisposable)?.Dispose(); recreate(); } public bool IsResultAvailable => stillValid; public T Value { get { lock (fetchLock) { if (!stillValid) recreate(); return lazy.Value; } } } private bool stillValid => lazy.IsValueCreated && (stillValidFunction?.Invoke(lazy.Value) ?? true); private void recreate() => lazy = new Lazy(valueFactory, LazyThreadSafetyMode.ExecutionAndPublication); } } }