// Copyright (c) 2007-2017 ppy Pty Ltd . // Licensed under the MIT Licence - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ppy/osu/master/LICENCE using OpenTK; using osu.Game.Beatmaps; using osu.Game.Beatmaps.Samples; using osu.Game.Beatmaps.Timing; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace osu.Game.Modes.Osu.Objects { public class Slider : OsuHitObject { public override double EndTime => StartTime + RepeatCount * Curve.Length / Velocity; public override Vector2 EndPosition => PositionAt(1); /// /// Computes the position on the slider at a given progress that ranges from 0 (beginning of the slider) /// to 1 (end of the slider). This includes repeat logic. /// /// Ranges from 0 (beginning of the slider) to 1 (end of the slider). /// public Vector2 PositionAt(double progress) => Curve.PositionAt(CurveProgressAt(progress)); /// /// Find the current progress along the curve, accounting for repeat logic. /// public double CurveProgressAt(double progress) { var p = progress * RepeatCount % 1; if (RepeatAt(progress) % 2 == 1) p = 1 - p; return p; } /// /// Determine which repeat of the slider we are on at a given progress. /// Range is 0..RepeatCount where 0 is the first run. /// public int RepeatAt(double progress) => (int)(progress * RepeatCount); private int stackHeight; public override int StackHeight { get { return stackHeight; } set { stackHeight = value; Curve.Offset = StackOffset; } } public List ControlPoints { get { return Curve.ControlPoints; } set { Curve.ControlPoints = value; } } public double Length { get { return Curve.Length; } set { Curve.Length = value; } } public CurveTypes CurveType { get { return Curve.CurveType; } set { Curve.CurveType = value; } } public double Velocity; public double TickDistance; public override void SetDefaultsFromBeatmap(Beatmap beatmap) { base.SetDefaultsFromBeatmap(beatmap); var baseDifficulty = beatmap.BeatmapInfo.BaseDifficulty; ControlPoint overridePoint; ControlPoint timingPoint = beatmap.TimingPointAt(StartTime, out overridePoint); var velocityAdjustment = overridePoint?.VelocityAdjustment ?? 1; var baseVelocity = 100 * baseDifficulty.SliderMultiplier / velocityAdjustment; Velocity = baseVelocity / timingPoint.BeatLength; TickDistance = baseVelocity / baseDifficulty.SliderTickRate; } public int RepeatCount = 1; internal readonly SliderCurve Curve = new SliderCurve(); public IEnumerable Ticks { get { if (TickDistance == 0) yield break; var length = Curve.Length; var tickDistance = Math.Min(TickDistance, length); var repeatDuration = length / Velocity; var minDistanceFromEnd = Velocity * 0.01; for (var repeat = 0; repeat < RepeatCount; repeat++) { var repeatStartTime = StartTime + repeat * repeatDuration; var reversed = repeat % 2 == 1; for (var d = tickDistance; d <= length; d += tickDistance) { if (d > length - minDistanceFromEnd) break; var distanceProgress = d / length; var timeProgress = reversed ? 1 - distanceProgress : distanceProgress; yield return new SliderTick { RepeatIndex = repeat, StartTime = repeatStartTime + timeProgress * repeatDuration, Position = Curve.PositionAt(distanceProgress), StackHeight = StackHeight, Scale = Scale, Colour = Colour, Sample = new HitSampleInfo { Type = SampleType.None, Set = SampleSet.Soft, }, }; } } } } public override HitObjectType Type => HitObjectType.Slider; } public enum CurveTypes { Catmull, Bezier, Linear, PerfectCurve } }