// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using NUnit.Framework; using osu.Framework.Testing; using osu.Game.Beatmaps; using osu.Game.Input.Bindings; using osu.Game.Overlays; using osu.Game.Tests.Resources; using osu.Game.Tests.Visual.Navigation; namespace osu.Game.Tests.Visual.Menus { public class TestSceneMusicActionHandling : OsuGameTestScene { private GlobalActionContainer globalActionContainer => Game.ChildrenOfType().First(); [Test] public void TestMusicPlayAction() { AddStep("ensure playing something", () => Game.MusicController.EnsurePlayingSomething()); AddStep("toggle playback", () => globalActionContainer.TriggerPressed(GlobalAction.MusicPlay)); AddAssert("music paused", () => !Game.MusicController.IsPlaying && Game.MusicController.IsUserPaused); AddStep("toggle playback", () => globalActionContainer.TriggerPressed(GlobalAction.MusicPlay)); AddAssert("music resumed", () => Game.MusicController.IsPlaying && !Game.MusicController.IsUserPaused); } [Test] public void TestMusicNavigationActions() { int importId = 0; Queue<(WorkingBeatmap working, TrackChangeDirection changeDirection)> trackChangeQueue = null; // ensure we have at least two beatmaps available to identify the direction the music controller navigated to. AddRepeatStep("import beatmap", () => Game.BeatmapManager.Import(new BeatmapSetInfo { Beatmaps = new List { new BeatmapInfo { BaseDifficulty = new BeatmapDifficulty(), } }, Metadata = new BeatmapMetadata { Artist = $"a test map {importId++}", Title = "title", } }).Wait(), 5); AddStep("import beatmap with track", () => { var setWithTrack = Game.BeatmapManager.Import(TestResources.GetTestBeatmapForImport()).Result; Beatmap.Value = Game.BeatmapManager.GetWorkingBeatmap(setWithTrack.Beatmaps.First()); }); AddStep("bind to track change", () => { trackChangeQueue = new Queue<(WorkingBeatmap, TrackChangeDirection)>(); Game.MusicController.TrackChanged += (working, changeDirection) => trackChangeQueue.Enqueue((working, changeDirection)); }); AddStep("seek track to 6 second", () => Game.MusicController.SeekTo(6000)); AddUntilStep("wait for current time to update", () => Game.MusicController.CurrentTrack.CurrentTime > 5000); AddStep("press previous", () => globalActionContainer.TriggerPressed(GlobalAction.MusicPrev)); AddAssert("no track change", () => trackChangeQueue.Count == 0); AddUntilStep("track restarted", () => Game.MusicController.CurrentTrack.CurrentTime < 5000); AddStep("press previous", () => globalActionContainer.TriggerPressed(GlobalAction.MusicPrev)); AddAssert("track changed to previous", () => trackChangeQueue.Count == 1 && trackChangeQueue.Dequeue().changeDirection == TrackChangeDirection.Prev); AddStep("press next", () => globalActionContainer.TriggerPressed(GlobalAction.MusicNext)); AddAssert("track changed to next", () => trackChangeQueue.Count == 1 && trackChangeQueue.Dequeue().changeDirection == TrackChangeDirection.Next); } } }