// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Humanizer; using NUnit.Framework; using osu.Framework.Allocation; using osu.Framework.Bindables; using osu.Framework.Extensions.IEnumerableExtensions; using osu.Framework.Testing; using osu.Game.Beatmaps; using osu.Game.Beatmaps.ControlPoints; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Judgements; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Scoring; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Taiko.Judgements; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Taiko.Objects; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Taiko.Scoring; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Taiko.UI; using osu.Game.Rulesets.UI.Scrolling; using osu.Game.Tests.Visual; namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Taiko.Tests.Skinning { [TestFixture] public class TestSceneDrawableTaikoMascot : TaikoSkinnableTestScene { public override IReadOnlyList RequiredTypes => base.RequiredTypes.Concat(new[] { typeof(DrawableTaikoMascot), typeof(TaikoMascotAnimation) }).ToList(); [Cached(typeof(IScrollingInfo))] private ScrollingTestContainer.TestScrollingInfo info = new ScrollingTestContainer.TestScrollingInfo { Direction = { Value = ScrollingDirection.Left }, TimeRange = { Value = 5000 }, }; private TaikoScoreProcessor scoreProcessor; private IEnumerable mascots => this.ChildrenOfType(); private IEnumerable playfields => this.ChildrenOfType(); [SetUp] public void SetUp() { scoreProcessor = new TaikoScoreProcessor(); } [Test] public void TestStateAnimations() { AddStep("set beatmap", () => setBeatmap()); AddStep("clear state", () => SetContents(() => new TaikoMascotAnimation(TaikoMascotAnimationState.Clear))); AddStep("idle state", () => SetContents(() => new TaikoMascotAnimation(TaikoMascotAnimationState.Idle))); AddStep("kiai state", () => SetContents(() => new TaikoMascotAnimation(TaikoMascotAnimationState.Kiai))); AddStep("fail state", () => SetContents(() => new TaikoMascotAnimation(TaikoMascotAnimationState.Fail))); } [Test] public void TestClearStateTransition() { AddStep("set beatmap", () => setBeatmap()); // the bindables need to be independent for each content cell to prevent interference, // as if some of the skins don't implement the animation they'll immediately revert to the previous state from the clear state. var states = new List>(); AddStep("create mascot", () => SetContents(() => { var state = new Bindable(TaikoMascotAnimationState.Clear); states.Add(state); return new DrawableTaikoMascot { State = { BindTarget = state } }; })); AddStep("set clear state", () => states.ForEach(state => state.Value = TaikoMascotAnimationState.Clear)); AddStep("miss", () => mascots.ForEach(mascot => mascot.OnNewResult(new JudgementResult(new Hit(), new TaikoJudgement()) { Type = HitResult.Miss }))); AddAssert("skins with animations remain in clear state", () => mascots.Any(mascot => mascot.State.Value == TaikoMascotAnimationState.Clear)); AddUntilStep("state reverts to fail", () => someMascotsIn(TaikoMascotAnimationState.Fail)); AddStep("set clear state again", () => states.ForEach(state => state.Value = TaikoMascotAnimationState.Clear)); AddAssert("skins with animations change to clear", () => someMascotsIn(TaikoMascotAnimationState.Clear)); } [Test] public void TestIdleState() { AddStep("set beatmap", () => setBeatmap()); createDrawableRuleset(); assertStateAfterResult(new JudgementResult(new Hit(), new TaikoJudgement()) { Type = HitResult.Great }, TaikoMascotAnimationState.Idle); assertStateAfterResult(new JudgementResult(new StrongHitObject(), new TaikoStrongJudgement()) { Type = HitResult.Miss }, TaikoMascotAnimationState.Idle); } [Test] public void TestKiaiState() { AddStep("set beatmap", () => setBeatmap(true)); createDrawableRuleset(); assertStateAfterResult(new JudgementResult(new Hit(), new TaikoJudgement()) { Type = HitResult.Good }, TaikoMascotAnimationState.Kiai); assertStateAfterResult(new JudgementResult(new Hit(), new TaikoStrongJudgement()) { Type = HitResult.Miss }, TaikoMascotAnimationState.Kiai); assertStateAfterResult(new JudgementResult(new Hit(), new TaikoJudgement()) { Type = HitResult.Miss }, TaikoMascotAnimationState.Fail); } [Test] public void TestMissState() { AddStep("set beatmap", () => setBeatmap()); createDrawableRuleset(); assertStateAfterResult(new JudgementResult(new Hit(), new TaikoJudgement()) { Type = HitResult.Great }, TaikoMascotAnimationState.Idle); assertStateAfterResult(new JudgementResult(new Hit(), new TaikoJudgement()) { Type = HitResult.Miss }, TaikoMascotAnimationState.Fail); assertStateAfterResult(new JudgementResult(new DrumRoll(), new TaikoDrumRollJudgement()) { Type = HitResult.Great }, TaikoMascotAnimationState.Fail); assertStateAfterResult(new JudgementResult(new Hit(), new TaikoJudgement()) { Type = HitResult.Good }, TaikoMascotAnimationState.Idle); } [TestCase(true)] [TestCase(false)] public void TestClearStateOnComboMilestone(bool kiai) { AddStep("set beatmap", () => setBeatmap(kiai)); createDrawableRuleset(); AddRepeatStep("reach 49 combo", () => applyNewResult(new JudgementResult(new Hit(), new TaikoJudgement()) { Type = HitResult.Great }), 49); assertStateAfterResult(new JudgementResult(new Hit(), new TaikoJudgement()) { Type = HitResult.Good }, TaikoMascotAnimationState.Clear); } [TestCase(true)] [TestCase(false)] public void TestClearStateOnClearedSwell(bool kiai) { AddStep("set beatmap", () => setBeatmap(kiai)); createDrawableRuleset(); assertStateAfterResult(new JudgementResult(new Swell(), new TaikoSwellJudgement()) { Type = HitResult.Great }, TaikoMascotAnimationState.Clear); } private void setBeatmap(bool kiai = false) { var controlPointInfo = new ControlPointInfo(); controlPointInfo.Add(0, new TimingControlPoint { BeatLength = 90 }); if (kiai) controlPointInfo.Add(0, new EffectControlPoint { KiaiMode = true }); Beatmap.Value = CreateWorkingBeatmap(new Beatmap { HitObjects = new List { new Hit { Type = HitType.Centre } }, BeatmapInfo = new BeatmapInfo { BaseDifficulty = new BeatmapDifficulty(), Metadata = new BeatmapMetadata { Artist = "Unknown", Title = "Sample Beatmap", AuthorString = "Craftplacer", }, Ruleset = new TaikoRuleset().RulesetInfo }, ControlPointInfo = controlPointInfo }); scoreProcessor.ApplyBeatmap(Beatmap.Value.Beatmap); } private void createDrawableRuleset() { AddUntilStep("wait for beatmap to be loaded", () => Beatmap.Value.Track.IsLoaded); AddStep("create drawable ruleset", () => { Beatmap.Value.Track.Start(); SetContents(() => { var ruleset = new TaikoRuleset(); return new DrawableTaikoRuleset(ruleset, Beatmap.Value.GetPlayableBeatmap(ruleset.RulesetInfo)); }); }); } private void assertStateAfterResult(JudgementResult judgementResult, TaikoMascotAnimationState expectedState) { AddStep($"{judgementResult.Type.ToString().ToLower()} result for {judgementResult.Judgement.GetType().Name.Humanize(LetterCasing.LowerCase)}", () => applyNewResult(judgementResult)); AddAssert($"state is {expectedState.ToString().ToLower()}", () => allMascotsIn(expectedState)); } private void applyNewResult(JudgementResult judgementResult) { foreach (var playfield in playfields) { var hit = new DrawableTestHit(new Hit(), judgementResult.Type); Add(hit); playfield.OnNewResult(hit, judgementResult); scoreProcessor.ApplyResult(judgementResult); } } private bool allMascotsIn(TaikoMascotAnimationState state) => mascots.All(d => d.State.Value == state); private bool someMascotsIn(TaikoMascotAnimationState state) => mascots.Any(d => d.State.Value == state); } }