// Copyright (c) 2007-2017 ppy Pty Ltd . // Licensed under the MIT Licence - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ppy/osu/master/LICENCE using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using osu.Game.Audio; using osu.Game.Beatmaps; using osu.Game.Beatmaps.ControlPoints; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.UI; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects.Types; using OpenTK; namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.Objects { public class JuiceStream : CatchHitObject, IHasCurve { /// /// Positional distance that results in a duration of one second, before any speed adjustments. /// private const float base_scoring_distance = 100; public readonly SliderCurve Curve = new SliderCurve(); public int RepeatCount { get; set; } = 1; public double Velocity; public double TickDistance; protected override void ApplyDefaultsToSelf(ControlPointInfo controlPointInfo, BeatmapDifficulty difficulty) { base.ApplyDefaultsToSelf(controlPointInfo, difficulty); TimingControlPoint timingPoint = controlPointInfo.TimingPointAt(StartTime); DifficultyControlPoint difficultyPoint = controlPointInfo.DifficultyPointAt(StartTime); double scoringDistance = base_scoring_distance * difficulty.SliderMultiplier * difficultyPoint.SpeedMultiplier; Velocity = scoringDistance / timingPoint.BeatLength; TickDistance = scoringDistance / difficulty.SliderTickRate; } protected override void CreateNestedHitObjects() { base.CreateNestedHitObjects(); createTicks(); } private void createTicks() { if (TickDistance == 0) return; var length = Curve.Distance; var tickDistance = Math.Min(TickDistance, length); var repeatDuration = length / Velocity; var minDistanceFromEnd = Velocity * 0.01; AddNested(new Fruit { Samples = Samples, ComboColour = ComboColour, StartTime = StartTime, X = X }); for (var repeat = 0; repeat < RepeatCount; repeat++) { var repeatStartTime = StartTime + repeat * repeatDuration; var reversed = repeat % 2 == 1; for (var d = tickDistance; d <= length; d += tickDistance) { if (d > length - minDistanceFromEnd) break; var timeProgress = d / length; var distanceProgress = reversed ? 1 - timeProgress : timeProgress; var lastTickTime = repeatStartTime + timeProgress * repeatDuration; AddNested(new Droplet { StartTime = lastTickTime, ComboColour = ComboColour, X = Curve.PositionAt(distanceProgress).X / CatchPlayfield.BASE_WIDTH, Samples = new List(Samples.Select(s => new SampleInfo { Bank = s.Bank, Name = @"slidertick", Volume = s.Volume })) }); } double tinyTickInterval = tickDistance / length * repeatDuration; while (tinyTickInterval > 100) tinyTickInterval /= 2; for (double t = 0; t < repeatDuration; t += tinyTickInterval) { double progress = reversed ? 1 - t / repeatDuration : t / repeatDuration; AddNested(new TinyDroplet { StartTime = repeatStartTime + t, ComboColour = ComboColour, X = Curve.PositionAt(progress).X / CatchPlayfield.BASE_WIDTH, Samples = new List(Samples.Select(s => new SampleInfo { Bank = s.Bank, Name = @"slidertick", Volume = s.Volume })) }); } AddNested(new Fruit { Samples = Samples, ComboColour = ComboColour, StartTime = repeatStartTime + repeatDuration, X = Curve.PositionAt(reversed ? 0 : 1).X / CatchPlayfield.BASE_WIDTH }); } } public double EndTime => StartTime + RepeatCount * Curve.Distance / Velocity; public float EndX => Curve.PositionAt(ProgressAt(1)).X / CatchPlayfield.BASE_WIDTH; public double Duration => EndTime - StartTime; public double Distance { get { return Curve.Distance; } set { Curve.Distance = value; } } public List ControlPoints { get { return Curve.ControlPoints; } set { Curve.ControlPoints = value; } } public List> RepeatSamples { get; set; } = new List>(); public CurveType CurveType { get { return Curve.CurveType; } set { Curve.CurveType = value; } } public Vector2 PositionAt(double progress) => Curve.PositionAt(ProgressAt(progress)); public double ProgressAt(double progress) { double p = progress * RepeatCount % 1; if (RepeatAt(progress) % 2 == 1) p = 1 - p; return p; } public int RepeatAt(double progress) => (int)(progress * RepeatCount); } }