// Copyright (c) 2007-2018 ppy Pty Ltd . // Licensed under the MIT Licence - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ppy/osu/master/LICENCE using System; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using osu.Game.Beatmaps.Timing; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects.Legacy; using osu.Game.Beatmaps.ControlPoints; namespace osu.Game.Beatmaps.Formats { public class LegacyBeatmapDecoder : LegacyDecoder { public const int LATEST_VERSION = 14; private Beatmap beatmap; private ConvertHitObjectParser parser; private LegacySampleBank defaultSampleBank; private int defaultSampleVolume = 100; public static void Register() { AddDecoder(@"osu file format v", m => new LegacyBeatmapDecoder(int.Parse(m.Split('v').Last()))); } /// /// Whether or not beatmap or runtime offsets should be applied. Defaults on; only disable for testing purposes. /// public bool ApplyOffsets = true; private readonly int offset; public LegacyBeatmapDecoder(int version = LATEST_VERSION) : base(version) { // BeatmapVersion 4 and lower had an incorrect offset (stable has this set as 24ms off) offset = FormatVersion < 5 ? 24 : 0; } protected override void ParseStreamInto(StreamReader stream, Beatmap beatmap) { this.beatmap = beatmap; this.beatmap.BeatmapInfo.BeatmapVersion = FormatVersion; base.ParseStreamInto(stream, beatmap); // Objects may be out of order *only* if a user has manually edited an .osu file. // Unfortunately there are ranked maps in this state (example: https://osu.ppy.sh/s/594828). // OrderBy is used to guarantee that the parsing order of hitobjects with equal start times is maintained (stably-sorted) // The parsing order of hitobjects matters in mania difficulty calculation this.beatmap.HitObjects = this.beatmap.HitObjects.OrderBy(h => h.StartTime).ToList(); foreach (var hitObject in this.beatmap.HitObjects) hitObject.ApplyDefaults(this.beatmap.ControlPointInfo, this.beatmap.BeatmapInfo.BaseDifficulty); } protected override bool ShouldSkipLine(string line) => base.ShouldSkipLine(line) || line.StartsWith(" ") || line.StartsWith("_"); protected override void ParseLine(Beatmap beatmap, Section section, string line) { switch (section) { case Section.General: handleGeneral(line); return; case Section.Editor: handleEditor(line); return; case Section.Metadata: handleMetadata(line); return; case Section.Difficulty: handleDifficulty(line); return; case Section.Events: handleEvent(line); return; case Section.TimingPoints: handleTimingPoint(line); return; case Section.HitObjects: handleHitObject(line); return; } base.ParseLine(beatmap, section, line); } private void handleGeneral(string line) { var pair = SplitKeyVal(line); var metadata = beatmap.BeatmapInfo.Metadata; switch (pair.Key) { case @"AudioFilename": metadata.AudioFile = pair.Value; break; case @"AudioLeadIn": beatmap.BeatmapInfo.AudioLeadIn = int.Parse(pair.Value); break; case @"PreviewTime": metadata.PreviewTime = getOffsetTime(int.Parse(pair.Value)); break; case @"Countdown": beatmap.BeatmapInfo.Countdown = int.Parse(pair.Value) == 1; break; case @"SampleSet": defaultSampleBank = (LegacySampleBank)Enum.Parse(typeof(LegacySampleBank), pair.Value); break; case @"SampleVolume": defaultSampleVolume = int.Parse(pair.Value); break; case @"StackLeniency": beatmap.BeatmapInfo.StackLeniency = float.Parse(pair.Value, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); break; case @"Mode": beatmap.BeatmapInfo.RulesetID = int.Parse(pair.Value); switch (beatmap.BeatmapInfo.RulesetID) { case 0: parser = new Rulesets.Objects.Legacy.Osu.ConvertHitObjectParser(); break; case 1: parser = new Rulesets.Objects.Legacy.Taiko.ConvertHitObjectParser(); break; case 2: parser = new Rulesets.Objects.Legacy.Catch.ConvertHitObjectParser(); break; case 3: parser = new Rulesets.Objects.Legacy.Mania.ConvertHitObjectParser(); break; } break; case @"LetterboxInBreaks": beatmap.BeatmapInfo.LetterboxInBreaks = int.Parse(pair.Value) == 1; break; case @"SpecialStyle": beatmap.BeatmapInfo.SpecialStyle = int.Parse(pair.Value) == 1; break; case @"WidescreenStoryboard": beatmap.BeatmapInfo.WidescreenStoryboard = int.Parse(pair.Value) == 1; break; } } private void handleEditor(string line) { var pair = SplitKeyVal(line); switch (pair.Key) { case @"Bookmarks": beatmap.BeatmapInfo.StoredBookmarks = pair.Value; break; case @"DistanceSpacing": beatmap.BeatmapInfo.DistanceSpacing = double.Parse(pair.Value, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); break; case @"BeatDivisor": beatmap.BeatmapInfo.BeatDivisor = int.Parse(pair.Value); break; case @"GridSize": beatmap.BeatmapInfo.GridSize = int.Parse(pair.Value); break; case @"TimelineZoom": beatmap.BeatmapInfo.TimelineZoom = double.Parse(pair.Value, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); break; } } private void handleMetadata(string line) { var pair = SplitKeyVal(line); var metadata = beatmap.BeatmapInfo.Metadata; switch (pair.Key) { case @"Title": metadata.Title = pair.Value; break; case @"TitleUnicode": metadata.TitleUnicode = pair.Value; break; case @"Artist": metadata.Artist = pair.Value; break; case @"ArtistUnicode": metadata.ArtistUnicode = pair.Value; break; case @"Creator": metadata.AuthorString = pair.Value; break; case @"Version": beatmap.BeatmapInfo.Version = pair.Value; break; case @"Source": beatmap.BeatmapInfo.Metadata.Source = pair.Value; break; case @"Tags": beatmap.BeatmapInfo.Metadata.Tags = pair.Value; break; case @"BeatmapID": beatmap.BeatmapInfo.OnlineBeatmapID = int.Parse(pair.Value); break; case @"BeatmapSetID": beatmap.BeatmapInfo.BeatmapSet = new BeatmapSetInfo { OnlineBeatmapSetID = int.Parse(pair.Value) }; break; } } private void handleDifficulty(string line) { var pair = SplitKeyVal(line); var difficulty = beatmap.BeatmapInfo.BaseDifficulty; switch (pair.Key) { case @"HPDrainRate": difficulty.DrainRate = float.Parse(pair.Value, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); break; case @"CircleSize": difficulty.CircleSize = float.Parse(pair.Value, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); break; case @"OverallDifficulty": difficulty.OverallDifficulty = float.Parse(pair.Value, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); break; case @"ApproachRate": difficulty.ApproachRate = float.Parse(pair.Value, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); break; case @"SliderMultiplier": difficulty.SliderMultiplier = double.Parse(pair.Value, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); break; case @"SliderTickRate": difficulty.SliderTickRate = double.Parse(pair.Value, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); break; } } private void handleEvent(string line) { string[] split = line.Split(','); EventType type; if (!Enum.TryParse(split[0], out type)) throw new InvalidDataException($@"Unknown event type {split[0]}"); switch (type) { case EventType.Background: string filename = split[2].Trim('"'); beatmap.BeatmapInfo.Metadata.BackgroundFile = filename; break; case EventType.Break: var breakEvent = new BreakPeriod { StartTime = getOffsetTime(double.Parse(split[1], NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)), EndTime = getOffsetTime(double.Parse(split[2], NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)) }; if (!breakEvent.HasEffect) return; beatmap.Breaks.Add(breakEvent); break; } } private void handleTimingPoint(string line) { try { string[] split = line.Split(','); double time = getOffsetTime(double.Parse(split[0].Trim(), NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)); double beatLength = double.Parse(split[1].Trim(), NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); double speedMultiplier = beatLength < 0 ? 100.0 / -beatLength : 1; TimeSignatures timeSignature = TimeSignatures.SimpleQuadruple; if (split.Length >= 3) timeSignature = split[2][0] == '0' ? TimeSignatures.SimpleQuadruple : (TimeSignatures)int.Parse(split[2]); LegacySampleBank sampleSet = defaultSampleBank; if (split.Length >= 4) sampleSet = (LegacySampleBank)int.Parse(split[3]); //SampleBank sampleBank = SampleBank.Default; //if (split.Length >= 5) // sampleBank = (SampleBank)int.Parse(split[4]); int sampleVolume = defaultSampleVolume; if (split.Length >= 6) sampleVolume = int.Parse(split[5]); bool timingChange = true; if (split.Length >= 7) timingChange = split[6][0] == '1'; bool kiaiMode = false; bool omitFirstBarSignature = false; if (split.Length >= 8) { int effectFlags = int.Parse(split[7]); kiaiMode = (effectFlags & 1) > 0; omitFirstBarSignature = (effectFlags & 8) > 0; } string stringSampleSet = sampleSet.ToString().ToLower(); if (stringSampleSet == @"none") stringSampleSet = @"normal"; DifficultyControlPoint difficultyPoint = beatmap.ControlPointInfo.DifficultyPointAt(time); SampleControlPoint samplePoint = beatmap.ControlPointInfo.SamplePointAt(time); EffectControlPoint effectPoint = beatmap.ControlPointInfo.EffectPointAt(time); if (timingChange) { beatmap.ControlPointInfo.TimingPoints.Add(new TimingControlPoint { Time = time, BeatLength = beatLength, TimeSignature = timeSignature }); } if (speedMultiplier != difficultyPoint.SpeedMultiplier) { beatmap.ControlPointInfo.DifficultyPoints.RemoveAll(x => x.Time == time); beatmap.ControlPointInfo.DifficultyPoints.Add(new DifficultyControlPoint { Time = time, SpeedMultiplier = speedMultiplier }); } if (stringSampleSet != samplePoint.SampleBank || sampleVolume != samplePoint.SampleVolume) { beatmap.ControlPointInfo.SamplePoints.Add(new SampleControlPoint { Time = time, SampleBank = stringSampleSet, SampleVolume = sampleVolume }); } if (kiaiMode != effectPoint.KiaiMode || omitFirstBarSignature != effectPoint.OmitFirstBarLine) { beatmap.ControlPointInfo.EffectPoints.Add(new EffectControlPoint { Time = time, KiaiMode = kiaiMode, OmitFirstBarLine = omitFirstBarSignature }); } } catch (FormatException e) { } } private void handleHitObject(string line) { // If the ruleset wasn't specified, assume the osu!standard ruleset. if (parser == null) parser = new Rulesets.Objects.Legacy.Osu.ConvertHitObjectParser(); var obj = parser.Parse(line, getOffsetTime()); if (obj != null) { beatmap.HitObjects.Add(obj); } } private int getOffsetTime(int time) => time + (ApplyOffsets ? offset : 0); private double getOffsetTime() => ApplyOffsets ? offset : 0; private double getOffsetTime(double time) => time + (ApplyOffsets ? offset : 0); } }