// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using osu.Game.Beatmaps; using osu.Game.Beatmaps.Legacy; using osu.Game.IO.Legacy; using osu.Game.Replays; using osu.Game.Replays.Legacy; using osu.Game.Rulesets; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mods; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Replays; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Scoring; using osu.Game.Users; using SharpCompress.Compressors.LZMA; namespace osu.Game.Scoring.Legacy { public abstract class LegacyScoreParser { private IBeatmap currentBeatmap; private Ruleset currentRuleset; public Score Parse(Stream stream) { var score = new Score { ScoreInfo = new ScoreInfo(), Replay = new Replay() }; using (SerializationReader sr = new SerializationReader(stream)) { currentRuleset = GetRuleset(sr.ReadByte()); score.ScoreInfo = new ScoreInfo { Ruleset = currentRuleset.RulesetInfo }; var version = sr.ReadInt32(); var workingBeatmap = GetBeatmap(sr.ReadString()); if (workingBeatmap is DummyWorkingBeatmap) throw new BeatmapNotFoundException(); currentBeatmap = workingBeatmap.Beatmap; score.ScoreInfo.Beatmap = currentBeatmap.BeatmapInfo; score.ScoreInfo.User = new User { Username = sr.ReadString() }; // MD5Hash sr.ReadString(); var count300 = (int)sr.ReadUInt16(); var count100 = (int)sr.ReadUInt16(); var count50 = (int)sr.ReadUInt16(); var countGeki = (int)sr.ReadUInt16(); var countKatu = (int)sr.ReadUInt16(); var countMiss = (int)sr.ReadUInt16(); switch (currentRuleset.LegacyID) { case 0: score.ScoreInfo.Statistics[HitResult.Great] = count300; score.ScoreInfo.Statistics[HitResult.Good] = count100; score.ScoreInfo.Statistics[HitResult.Meh] = count50; score.ScoreInfo.Statistics[HitResult.Miss] = countMiss; break; case 1: score.ScoreInfo.Statistics[HitResult.Great] = count300; score.ScoreInfo.Statistics[HitResult.Good] = count100; score.ScoreInfo.Statistics[HitResult.Miss] = countMiss; break; case 2: score.ScoreInfo.Statistics[HitResult.Perfect] = count300; score.ScoreInfo.Statistics[HitResult.Miss] = countMiss; break; case 3: score.ScoreInfo.Statistics[HitResult.Perfect] = countGeki; score.ScoreInfo.Statistics[HitResult.Great] = count300; score.ScoreInfo.Statistics[HitResult.Good] = countKatu; score.ScoreInfo.Statistics[HitResult.Ok] = count100; score.ScoreInfo.Statistics[HitResult.Meh] = count50; score.ScoreInfo.Statistics[HitResult.Miss] = countMiss; break; } score.ScoreInfo.TotalScore = sr.ReadInt32(); score.ScoreInfo.MaxCombo = sr.ReadUInt16(); /* score.Perfect = */ sr.ReadBoolean(); score.ScoreInfo.Mods = currentRuleset.ConvertLegacyMods((LegacyMods)sr.ReadInt32()).ToArray(); /* score.HpGraphString = */ sr.ReadString(); score.ScoreInfo.Date = sr.ReadDateTime(); var compressedReplay = sr.ReadByteArray(); if (version >= 20140721) score.ScoreInfo.OnlineScoreID = sr.ReadInt64(); else if (version >= 20121008) score.ScoreInfo.OnlineScoreID = sr.ReadInt32(); if (compressedReplay?.Length > 0) { using (var replayInStream = new MemoryStream(compressedReplay)) { byte[] properties = new byte[5]; if (replayInStream.Read(properties, 0, 5) != 5) throw new IOException("input .lzma is too short"); long outSize = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { int v = replayInStream.ReadByte(); if (v < 0) throw new IOException("Can't Read 1"); outSize |= (long)(byte)v << (8 * i); } long compressedSize = replayInStream.Length - replayInStream.Position; using (var lzma = new LzmaStream(properties, replayInStream, compressedSize, outSize)) using (var reader = new StreamReader(lzma)) readLegacyReplay(score.Replay, reader); } } } CalculateAccuracy(score.ScoreInfo); return score; } protected void CalculateAccuracy(ScoreInfo score) { score.Statistics.TryGetValue(HitResult.Miss, out int countMiss); score.Statistics.TryGetValue(HitResult.Meh, out int count50); score.Statistics.TryGetValue(HitResult.Good, out int count100); score.Statistics.TryGetValue(HitResult.Great, out int count300); score.Statistics.TryGetValue(HitResult.Perfect, out int countGeki); score.Statistics.TryGetValue(HitResult.Ok, out int countKatu); switch (score.Ruleset.ID) { case 0: { int totalHits = count50 + count100 + count300 + countMiss; score.Accuracy = totalHits > 0 ? (double)(count50 * 50 + count100 * 100 + count300 * 300) / (totalHits * 300) : 1; float ratio300 = (float)count300 / totalHits; float ratio50 = (float)count50 / totalHits; if (ratio300 == 1) score.Rank = score.Mods.Any(m => m is ModHidden || m is ModFlashlight) ? ScoreRank.XH : ScoreRank.X; else if (ratio300 > 0.9 && ratio50 <= 0.01 && countMiss == 0) score.Rank = score.Mods.Any(m => m is ModHidden || m is ModFlashlight) ? ScoreRank.SH : ScoreRank.S; else if (ratio300 > 0.8 && countMiss == 0 || ratio300 > 0.9) score.Rank = ScoreRank.A; else if (ratio300 > 0.7 && countMiss == 0 || ratio300 > 0.8) score.Rank = ScoreRank.B; else if (ratio300 > 0.6) score.Rank = ScoreRank.C; else score.Rank = ScoreRank.D; break; } case 1: { int totalHits = count50 + count100 + count300 + countMiss; score.Accuracy = totalHits > 0 ? (double)(count100 * 150 + count300 * 300) / (totalHits * 300) : 1; float ratio300 = (float)count300 / totalHits; float ratio50 = (float)count50 / totalHits; if (ratio300 == 1) score.Rank = score.Mods.Any(m => m is ModHidden || m is ModFlashlight) ? ScoreRank.XH : ScoreRank.X; else if (ratio300 > 0.9 && ratio50 <= 0.01 && countMiss == 0) score.Rank = score.Mods.Any(m => m is ModHidden || m is ModFlashlight) ? ScoreRank.SH : ScoreRank.S; else if (ratio300 > 0.8 && countMiss == 0 || ratio300 > 0.9) score.Rank = ScoreRank.A; else if (ratio300 > 0.7 && countMiss == 0 || ratio300 > 0.8) score.Rank = ScoreRank.B; else if (ratio300 > 0.6) score.Rank = ScoreRank.C; else score.Rank = ScoreRank.D; break; } case 2: { int totalHits = count50 + count100 + count300 + countMiss + countKatu; score.Accuracy = totalHits > 0 ? (double)(count50 + count100 + count300) / totalHits : 1; if (score.Accuracy == 1) score.Rank = score.Mods.Any(m => m is ModHidden || m is ModFlashlight) ? ScoreRank.XH : ScoreRank.X; else if (score.Accuracy > 0.98) score.Rank = score.Mods.Any(m => m is ModHidden || m is ModFlashlight) ? ScoreRank.SH : ScoreRank.S; else if (score.Accuracy > 0.94) score.Rank = ScoreRank.A; else if (score.Accuracy > 0.9) score.Rank = ScoreRank.B; else if (score.Accuracy > 0.85) score.Rank = ScoreRank.C; else score.Rank = ScoreRank.D; break; } case 3: { int totalHits = count50 + count100 + count300 + countMiss + countGeki + countKatu; score.Accuracy = totalHits > 0 ? (double)(count50 * 50 + count100 * 100 + countKatu * 200 + (count300 + countGeki) * 300) / (totalHits * 300) : 1; if (score.Accuracy == 1) score.Rank = score.Mods.Any(m => m is ModHidden || m is ModFlashlight) ? ScoreRank.XH : ScoreRank.X; else if (score.Accuracy > 0.95) score.Rank = score.Mods.Any(m => m is ModHidden || m is ModFlashlight) ? ScoreRank.SH : ScoreRank.S; else if (score.Accuracy > 0.9) score.Rank = ScoreRank.A; else if (score.Accuracy > 0.8) score.Rank = ScoreRank.B; else if (score.Accuracy > 0.7) score.Rank = ScoreRank.C; else score.Rank = ScoreRank.D; break; } } } private void readLegacyReplay(Replay replay, StreamReader reader) { float lastTime = 0; foreach (var l in reader.ReadToEnd().Split(',')) { var split = l.Split('|'); if (split.Length < 4) continue; if (split[0] == "-12345") { // Todo: The seed is provided in split[3], which we'll need to use at some point continue; } var diff = float.Parse(split[0]); lastTime += diff; // Todo: At some point we probably want to rewind and play back the negative-time frames // but for now we'll achieve equal playback to stable by skipping negative frames if (diff < 0) continue; replay.Frames.Add(convertFrame(new LegacyReplayFrame(lastTime, float.Parse(split[1]), float.Parse(split[2]), (ReplayButtonState)int.Parse(split[3])))); } } private ReplayFrame convertFrame(LegacyReplayFrame legacyFrame) { var convertible = currentRuleset.CreateConvertibleReplayFrame(); if (convertible == null) throw new InvalidOperationException($"Legacy replay cannot be converted for the ruleset: {currentRuleset.Description}"); convertible.ConvertFrom(legacyFrame, currentBeatmap); var frame = (ReplayFrame)convertible; frame.Time = legacyFrame.Time; return frame; } /// /// Retrieves the for a specific id. /// /// The id. /// The . protected abstract Ruleset GetRuleset(int rulesetId); /// /// Retrieves the corresponding to an MD5 hash. /// /// The MD5 hash. /// The . protected abstract WorkingBeatmap GetBeatmap(string md5Hash); public class BeatmapNotFoundException : Exception { public BeatmapNotFoundException() : base("No corresponding beatmap for the score could be found.") { } } } }