// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using osu.Game.Beatmaps; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.Objects; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.UI; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects.Types; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.MathUtils; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mods; namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.Beatmaps { public class CatchBeatmapProcessor : BeatmapProcessor { public const int RNG_SEED = 1337; public CatchBeatmapProcessor(IBeatmap beatmap) : base(beatmap) { } public override void PostProcess() { base.PostProcess(); ApplyPositionOffsets(Beatmap); int index = 0; foreach (var obj in Beatmap.HitObjects.OfType()) { obj.IndexInBeatmap = index; foreach (var nested in obj.NestedHitObjects.OfType()) nested.IndexInBeatmap = index; if (obj.LastInCombo && obj.NestedHitObjects.LastOrDefault() is IHasComboInformation lastNested) lastNested.LastInCombo = true; index++; } } public static void ApplyPositionOffsets(IBeatmap beatmap, params Mod[] mods) { var rng = new FastRandom(RNG_SEED); bool shouldApplyHardRockOffset = mods.Any(m => m is ModHardRock); float? lastPosition = null; double lastStartTime = 0; foreach (var obj in beatmap.HitObjects.OfType()) { obj.XOffset = 0; switch (obj) { case Fruit fruit: if (shouldApplyHardRockOffset) applyHardRockOffset(fruit, ref lastPosition, ref lastStartTime, rng); break; case BananaShower bananaShower: foreach (var banana in bananaShower.NestedHitObjects.OfType()) { banana.XOffset = (float)(rng.NextDouble() * CatchPlayfield.WIDTH); rng.Next(); // osu!stable retrieved a random banana type rng.Next(); // osu!stable retrieved a random banana rotation rng.Next(); // osu!stable retrieved a random banana colour } break; case JuiceStream juiceStream: // Todo: BUG!! Stable used the last control point as the final position of the path, but it should use the computed path instead. lastPosition = juiceStream.X + juiceStream.Path.ControlPoints[^1].Position.Value.X; // Todo: BUG!! Stable attempted to use the end time of the stream, but referenced it too early in execution and used the start time instead. lastStartTime = juiceStream.StartTime; foreach (var nested in juiceStream.NestedHitObjects) { var catchObject = (CatchHitObject)nested; catchObject.XOffset = 0; if (catchObject is TinyDroplet) catchObject.XOffset = Math.Clamp(rng.Next(-20, 20), -catchObject.X, CatchPlayfield.WIDTH - catchObject.X); else if (catchObject is Droplet) rng.Next(); // osu!stable retrieved a random droplet rotation } break; } } initialiseHyperDash(beatmap); } private static void applyHardRockOffset(CatchHitObject hitObject, ref float? lastPosition, ref double lastStartTime, FastRandom rng) { float offsetPosition = hitObject.X; double startTime = hitObject.StartTime; if (lastPosition == null) { lastPosition = offsetPosition; lastStartTime = startTime; return; } float positionDiff = offsetPosition - lastPosition.Value; // Todo: BUG!! Stable calculated time deltas as ints, which affects randomisation. This should be changed to a double. int timeDiff = (int)(startTime - lastStartTime); if (timeDiff > 1000) { lastPosition = offsetPosition; lastStartTime = startTime; return; } if (positionDiff == 0) { applyRandomOffset(ref offsetPosition, timeDiff / 4d, rng); hitObject.XOffset = offsetPosition - hitObject.X; return; } // ReSharper disable once PossibleLossOfFraction if (Math.Abs(positionDiff) < timeDiff / 3) applyOffset(ref offsetPosition, positionDiff); hitObject.XOffset = offsetPosition - hitObject.X; lastPosition = offsetPosition; lastStartTime = startTime; } /// /// Applies a random offset in a random direction to a position, ensuring that the final position remains within the boundary of the playfield. /// /// The position which the offset should be applied to. /// The maximum offset, cannot exceed 20px. /// The random number generator. private static void applyRandomOffset(ref float position, double maxOffset, FastRandom rng) { bool right = rng.NextBool(); float rand = Math.Min(20, (float)rng.Next(0, Math.Max(0, maxOffset))); if (right) { // Clamp to the right bound if (position + rand <= CatchPlayfield.WIDTH) position += rand; else position -= rand; } else { // Clamp to the left bound if (position - rand >= 0) position -= rand; else position += rand; } } /// /// Applies an offset to a position, ensuring that the final position remains within the boundary of the playfield. /// /// The position which the offset should be applied to. /// The amount to offset by. private static void applyOffset(ref float position, float amount) { if (amount > 0) { // Clamp to the right bound if (position + amount < 1) position += amount; } else { // Clamp to the left bound if (position + amount > 0) position += amount; } } private static void initialiseHyperDash(IBeatmap beatmap) { List objectWithDroplets = new List(); foreach (var currentObject in beatmap.HitObjects) { if (currentObject is Fruit fruitObject) objectWithDroplets.Add(fruitObject); if (currentObject is JuiceStream) { foreach (var currentJuiceElement in currentObject.NestedHitObjects) { if (!(currentJuiceElement is TinyDroplet)) objectWithDroplets.Add((CatchHitObject)currentJuiceElement); } } } objectWithDroplets.Sort((h1, h2) => h1.StartTime.CompareTo(h2.StartTime)); double halfCatcherWidth = Catcher.CalculateCatchWidth(beatmap.BeatmapInfo.BaseDifficulty) / 2; int lastDirection = 0; double lastExcess = halfCatcherWidth; for (int i = 0; i < objectWithDroplets.Count - 1; i++) { CatchHitObject currentObject = objectWithDroplets[i]; CatchHitObject nextObject = objectWithDroplets[i + 1]; // Reset variables in-case values have changed (e.g. after applying HR) currentObject.HyperDashTarget = null; currentObject.DistanceToHyperDash = 0; int thisDirection = nextObject.X > currentObject.X ? 1 : -1; double timeToNext = nextObject.StartTime - currentObject.StartTime - 1000f / 60f / 4; // 1/4th of a frame of grace time, taken from osu-stable double distanceToNext = Math.Abs(nextObject.X - currentObject.X) - (lastDirection == thisDirection ? lastExcess : halfCatcherWidth); float distanceToHyper = (float)(timeToNext * Catcher.BASE_SPEED - distanceToNext); if (distanceToHyper < 0) { currentObject.HyperDashTarget = nextObject; lastExcess = halfCatcherWidth; } else { currentObject.DistanceToHyperDash = distanceToHyper; lastExcess = Math.Clamp(distanceToHyper, 0, halfCatcherWidth); } lastDirection = thisDirection; } } } }