// Copyright (c) 2007-2018 ppy Pty Ltd . // Licensed under the MIT Licence - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ppy/osu/master/LICENCE using osu.Framework.Allocation; using osu.Framework.Graphics; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Containers; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Sprites; using osu.Framework.Screens; using osu.Game.Beatmaps; using osu.Game.Graphics; using osu.Game.Graphics.Sprites; using osu.Game.Screens.Backgrounds; using OpenTK; using osu.Framework.Localisation; using osu.Game.Screens.Menu; namespace osu.Game.Screens.Play { public class PlayerLoader : OsuScreen { private Player player; private BeatmapMetadataDisplay info; private bool showOverlays = true; public override bool ShowOverlaysOnEnter => showOverlays; public override bool AllowBeatmapRulesetChange => false; protected override BackgroundScreen CreateBackground() => new BackgroundScreenBeatmap(Beatmap); public PlayerLoader(Player player) { this.player = player; player.RestartRequested = () => { showOverlays = false; ValidForResume = true; }; } [BackgroundDependencyLoader] private void load() { Add(info = new BeatmapMetadataDisplay(Beatmap) { Alpha = 0, Anchor = Anchor.Centre, Origin = Anchor.Centre, }); LoadComponentAsync(player); } protected override void OnResuming(Screen last) { base.OnResuming(last); contentIn(); //we will only be resumed if the player has requested a re-run (see ValidForResume setting above) LoadComponentAsync(player = new Player { RestartCount = player.RestartCount + 1, RestartRequested = player.RestartRequested, }); this.Delay(400).Schedule(pushWhenLoaded); } private void contentIn() { Content.ScaleTo(1, 650, Easing.OutQuint); Content.FadeInFromZero(400); } private void contentOut() { Content.ScaleTo(0.7f, 300, Easing.InQuint); Content.FadeOut(250); } protected override void OnEntering(Screen last) { base.OnEntering(last); Background.FadeTo(0.4f, 250); Content.ScaleTo(0.7f); contentIn(); info.Delay(750).FadeIn(500); this.Delay(2150).Schedule(pushWhenLoaded); } protected override void LogoArriving(OsuLogo logo, bool resuming) { base.LogoArriving(logo, resuming); logo.RelativePositionAxes = Axes.Both; logo.ScaleTo(new Vector2(0.15f), 300, Easing.In); logo.MoveTo(new Vector2(0.5f), 300, Easing.In); logo.FadeIn(350); logo.Delay(resuming ? 0 : 500).MoveToOffset(new Vector2(0, -0.24f), 500, Easing.InOutExpo); } private void pushWhenLoaded() { if (player.LoadState != LoadState.Ready) { Schedule(pushWhenLoaded); return; } contentOut(); this.Delay(250).Schedule(() => { if (!IsCurrentScreen) return; if (!Push(player)) Exit(); else { //By default, we want to load the player and never be returned to. //Note that this may change if the player we load requested a re-run. ValidForResume = false; } }); } protected override bool OnExiting(Screen next) { Content.ScaleTo(0.7f, 150, Easing.InQuint); this.FadeOut(150); return base.OnExiting(next); } private class BeatmapMetadataDisplay : Container { private class MetadataLine : Container { public MetadataLine(string left, string right) { AutoSizeAxes = Axes.Both; Children = new Drawable[] { new OsuSpriteText { Anchor = Anchor.TopCentre, Origin = Anchor.TopRight, Margin = new MarginPadding { Right = 5 }, Colour = OsuColour.Gray(0.5f), Text = left, }, new OsuSpriteText { Anchor = Anchor.TopCentre, Origin = Anchor.TopLeft, Margin = new MarginPadding { Left = 5 }, Text = string.IsNullOrEmpty(right) ? @"-" : right, } }; } } private readonly WorkingBeatmap beatmap; public BeatmapMetadataDisplay(WorkingBeatmap beatmap) { this.beatmap = beatmap; } [BackgroundDependencyLoader] private void load(LocalisationEngine localisation) { var metadata = beatmap?.BeatmapInfo?.Metadata ?? new BeatmapMetadata(); AutoSizeAxes = Axes.Both; Children = new Drawable[] { new FillFlowContainer { AutoSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Origin = Anchor.TopCentre, Anchor = Anchor.TopCentre, Direction = FillDirection.Vertical, Children = new Drawable[] { new OsuSpriteText { Current = localisation.GetUnicodePreference(metadata.TitleUnicode, metadata.Title), TextSize = 36, Font = @"Exo2.0-MediumItalic", Origin = Anchor.TopCentre, Anchor = Anchor.TopCentre, }, new OsuSpriteText { Current = localisation.GetUnicodePreference(metadata.ArtistUnicode, metadata.Artist), TextSize = 26, Font = @"Exo2.0-MediumItalic", Origin = Anchor.TopCentre, Anchor = Anchor.TopCentre, }, new Container { Size = new Vector2(300, 60), Margin = new MarginPadding(10), Origin = Anchor.TopCentre, Anchor = Anchor.TopCentre, CornerRadius = 10, Masking = true, Children = new[] { new Sprite { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Texture = beatmap?.Background, Origin = Anchor.Centre, Anchor = Anchor.Centre, FillMode = FillMode.Fill, }, } }, new OsuSpriteText { Text = beatmap?.BeatmapInfo?.Version, TextSize = 26, Font = @"Exo2.0-MediumItalic", Origin = Anchor.TopCentre, Anchor = Anchor.TopCentre, Margin = new MarginPadding { Bottom = 40 }, }, new MetadataLine("Source", metadata.Source) { Origin = Anchor.TopCentre, Anchor = Anchor.TopCentre, }, new MetadataLine("Composer", string.Empty) { Origin = Anchor.TopCentre, Anchor = Anchor.TopCentre, }, new MetadataLine("Mapper", metadata.AuthorString) { Origin = Anchor.TopCentre, Anchor = Anchor.TopCentre, }, }, } }; } } } }