// Copyright (c) 2007-2017 ppy Pty Ltd . // Licensed under the MIT Licence - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ppy/osu/master/LICENCE using System; using osu.Framework.Configuration; using osu.Framework.Screens; using osu.Game.Configuration; using osu.Framework.Graphics; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Containers; using osu.Game.Overlays; using osu.Framework.Logging; using osu.Game.Graphics.UserInterface.Volume; using osu.Framework.Allocation; using osu.Game.Overlays.Toolbar; using osu.Game.Screens; using osu.Game.Screens.Menu; using OpenTK; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using osu.Framework.Input.Bindings; using osu.Framework.Platform; using osu.Framework.Threading; using osu.Game.Graphics; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Scoring; using osu.Game.Overlays.Notifications; using osu.Game.Rulesets; using osu.Game.Screens.Play; using osu.Game.Input.Bindings; namespace osu.Game { public class OsuGame : OsuGameBase, IKeyBindingHandler { public Toolbar Toolbar; private ChatOverlay chat; private MusicController musicController; private NotificationOverlay notificationOverlay; private DialogOverlay dialogOverlay; private DirectOverlay direct; private SocialOverlay social; private UserProfileOverlay userProfile; private BeatmapSetOverlay beatmapSetOverlay; public virtual Storage GetStorageForStableInstall() => null; private Intro intro { get { Screen s = screenStack; while (s != null && !(s is Intro)) s = s.ChildScreen; return s as Intro; } } public float ToolbarOffset => Toolbar.Position.Y + Toolbar.DrawHeight; private OsuScreen screenStack; private VolumeControl volume; private Bindable configRuleset; public Bindable Ruleset = new Bindable(); private readonly string[] args; private SettingsOverlay settings; public OsuGame(string[] args = null) { this.args = args; } public void ToggleSettings() => settings.ToggleVisibility(); public void ToggleDirect() => direct.ToggleVisibility(); private DependencyContainer dependencies; protected override IReadOnlyDependencyContainer CreateLocalDependencies(IReadOnlyDependencyContainer parent) => dependencies = new DependencyContainer(base.CreateLocalDependencies(parent)); [BackgroundDependencyLoader] private void load(FrameworkConfigManager frameworkConfig) { this.frameworkConfig = frameworkConfig; if (!Host.IsPrimaryInstance) { Logger.Log(@"osu! does not support multiple running instances.", LoggingTarget.Runtime, LogLevel.Error); Environment.Exit(0); } if (args?.Length > 0) { var paths = args.Where(a => !a.StartsWith(@"-")); Task.Run(() => BeatmapManager.Import(paths.ToArray())); } dependencies.Cache(this); configRuleset = LocalConfig.GetBindable(OsuSetting.Ruleset); Ruleset.Value = RulesetStore.GetRuleset(configRuleset.Value); Ruleset.ValueChanged += r => configRuleset.Value = r.ID ?? 0; } private ScheduledDelegate scoreLoad; protected void LoadScore(Score s) { scoreLoad?.Cancel(); var menu = intro.ChildScreen; if (menu == null) { scoreLoad = Schedule(() => LoadScore(s)); return; } if (!menu.IsCurrentScreen) { menu.MakeCurrent(); this.Delay(500).Schedule(() => LoadScore(s), out scoreLoad); return; } if (s.Beatmap == null) { notificationOverlay.Post(new SimpleNotification { Text = @"Tried to load a score for a beatmap we don't have!", Icon = FontAwesome.fa_life_saver, }); return; } Beatmap.Value = BeatmapManager.GetWorkingBeatmap(s.Beatmap); menu.Push(new PlayerLoader(new ReplayPlayer(s.Replay))); } protected override void LoadComplete() { base.LoadComplete(); // hook up notifications to components. BeatmapManager.PostNotification = n => notificationOverlay?.Post(n); BeatmapManager.GetStableStorage = GetStorageForStableInstall; AddRange(new Drawable[] { new VolumeControlReceptor { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, ActionRequested = action => volume.Adjust(action) }, mainContent = new Container { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, }, volume = new VolumeControl(), overlayContent = new Container { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both }, new OnScreenDisplay(), }); LoadComponentAsync(screenStack = new Loader(), d => { screenStack.ModePushed += screenAdded; screenStack.Exited += screenRemoved; mainContent.Add(screenStack); }); //overlay elements LoadComponentAsync(direct = new DirectOverlay { Depth = -1 }, mainContent.Add); LoadComponentAsync(social = new SocialOverlay { Depth = -1 }, mainContent.Add); LoadComponentAsync(chat = new ChatOverlay { Depth = -1 }, mainContent.Add); LoadComponentAsync(settings = new MainSettings { GetToolbarHeight = () => ToolbarOffset, Depth = -1 }, overlayContent.Add); LoadComponentAsync(beatmapSetOverlay = new BeatmapSetOverlay { Depth = -2 }, mainContent.Add); LoadComponentAsync(userProfile = new UserProfileOverlay { Depth = -3 }, mainContent.Add); LoadComponentAsync(musicController = new MusicController { Depth = -4, Position = new Vector2(0, Toolbar.HEIGHT), Anchor = Anchor.TopRight, Origin = Anchor.TopRight, }, overlayContent.Add); LoadComponentAsync(notificationOverlay = new NotificationOverlay { Depth = -4, Anchor = Anchor.TopRight, Origin = Anchor.TopRight, }, overlayContent.Add); LoadComponentAsync(dialogOverlay = new DialogOverlay { Depth = -5, }, overlayContent.Add); Logger.NewEntry += entry => { if (entry.Level < LogLevel.Important) return; notificationOverlay.Post(new SimpleNotification { Text = $@"{entry.Level}: {entry.Message}" }); }; dependencies.Cache(settings); dependencies.Cache(social); dependencies.Cache(direct); dependencies.Cache(chat); dependencies.Cache(userProfile); dependencies.Cache(musicController); dependencies.Cache(beatmapSetOverlay); dependencies.Cache(notificationOverlay); dependencies.Cache(dialogOverlay); // ensure only one of these overlays are open at once. var singleDisplayOverlays = new OverlayContainer[] { chat, social, direct }; foreach (var overlay in singleDisplayOverlays) { overlay.StateChanged += state => { if (state == Visibility.Hidden) return; foreach (var c in singleDisplayOverlays) { if (c == overlay) continue; c.State = Visibility.Hidden; } }; } LoadComponentAsync(Toolbar = new Toolbar { Depth = -4, OnHome = delegate { hideAllOverlays(); intro?.ChildScreen?.MakeCurrent(); }, }, overlayContent.Add); settings.StateChanged += delegate { switch (settings.State) { case Visibility.Hidden: intro.MoveToX(0, SettingsOverlay.TRANSITION_LENGTH, Easing.OutQuint); break; case Visibility.Visible: intro.MoveToX(SettingsOverlay.SIDEBAR_WIDTH / 2, SettingsOverlay.TRANSITION_LENGTH, Easing.OutQuint); break; } }; Cursor.State = Visibility.Hidden; } public bool OnPressed(GlobalAction action) { if (intro == null) return false; switch (action) { case GlobalAction.ToggleChat: chat.ToggleVisibility(); return true; case GlobalAction.ToggleSocial: social.ToggleVisibility(); return true; case GlobalAction.ResetInputSettings: var sensitivity = frameworkConfig.GetBindable(FrameworkSetting.CursorSensitivity); sensitivity.Disabled = false; sensitivity.Value = 1; sensitivity.Disabled = true; frameworkConfig.Set(FrameworkSetting.ActiveInputHandlers, string.Empty); return true; case GlobalAction.ToggleToolbar: Toolbar.ToggleVisibility(); return true; case GlobalAction.ToggleSettings: settings.ToggleVisibility(); return true; case GlobalAction.ToggleDirect: direct.ToggleVisibility(); return true; } return false; } public bool OnReleased(GlobalAction action) => false; public event Action ScreenChanged; private Container mainContent; private Container overlayContent; private OsuScreen currentScreen; private FrameworkConfigManager frameworkConfig; private void hideAllOverlays() { settings.State = Visibility.Hidden; chat.State = Visibility.Hidden; direct.State = Visibility.Hidden; social.State = Visibility.Hidden; userProfile.State = Visibility.Hidden; notificationOverlay.State = Visibility.Hidden; } private void screenChanged(Screen newScreen) { currentScreen = newScreen as OsuScreen; if (currentScreen == null) { Exit(); return; } //central game screen change logic. if (!currentScreen.ShowOverlays) { hideAllOverlays(); musicController.State = Visibility.Hidden; Toolbar.State = Visibility.Hidden; } else Toolbar.State = Visibility.Visible; ScreenChanged?.Invoke(newScreen); } protected override bool OnExiting() { if (screenStack.ChildScreen == null) return false; if (intro == null) return true; if (!intro.DidLoadMenu || intro.ChildScreen != null) { Scheduler.Add(intro.MakeCurrent); return true; } return base.OnExiting(); } /// /// Use to programatically exit the game as if the user was triggering via alt-f4. /// Will keep persisting until an exit occurs (exit may be blocked multiple times). /// public void GracefullyExit() { if (!OnExiting()) Exit(); else Scheduler.AddDelayed(GracefullyExit, 2000); } protected override void UpdateAfterChildren() { base.UpdateAfterChildren(); // we only want to apply these restrictions when we are inside a screen stack. // the use case for not applying is in visual/unit tests. bool applyRestrictions = !currentScreen?.AllowBeatmapRulesetChange ?? false; Ruleset.Disabled = applyRestrictions; Beatmap.Disabled = applyRestrictions; mainContent.Padding = new MarginPadding { Top = ToolbarOffset }; Cursor.State = currentScreen?.HasLocalCursorDisplayed == false ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Hidden; } private void screenAdded(Screen newScreen) { newScreen.ModePushed += screenAdded; newScreen.Exited += screenRemoved; screenChanged(newScreen); } private void screenRemoved(Screen newScreen) { screenChanged(newScreen); } } }